

1     We Shall Return

2     The Vanishing

3     The Search Begins

4     Buried Treasure

5     Blank Spots on the Map

6     The Disciple

7     Freeze-Dried Ice Cream and Adrenaline Socks

8     Into the Amazon

9     The Secret Papers

10     The Green Hell

11     Dead Horse Camp

12     In the Hands of the Gods

13     Ransom

14     The Case for Z

15     El Dorado

16     The Locked Box

17     The Whole World Is Mad

18     A Scientific Obsession

19     An Unexpected Clue

20     Have No Fear

21     The Last Eyewitness

22     Dead or Alive

23     The Colonel's Bones

24     The Other World

25     Z


A Note on the Sources


Selected Bibliography