Chapter Six


Our bodies are slick with sweat and our breath has been reduced to pants of desperation. Ian may claim he hasn’t had much practice, but goddamn, does he have stamina. It takes a rare man to wear a succubus out, and he has damn near achieved it. “This one has to be enough, I can feel the energy sparkling through my veins and Christ almighty, does it feel good.” My legs are wrapped around Ian’s waist, he has me pressed up against a wall and is working his hips frantically against mine.

“It isn’t enough,” Ian pants out between thrusts. Lowering my feet to the floor, Ian withdraws and turns me so I face the wall. He pushes me forward roughly, so I have to catch myself on the wall to keep from falling. He wraps the long strands of my hair around his fist and pulls hard enough to jerk my head back. His hand flies through the air and lands with a loud slap against my bare ass. In one hard thrust he is back inside me, his other hand digging bruises into my hips as he holds me steady to achieve maximum penetration.

Sweat is freely flowing down my body as tiny bursts of pleasure skitter over me, igniting a frantic need to move faster, to draw Ian in further. No man has ever pulled this amount of energy from me. My skin feels as if it is on fire and the ache in my chest has been replaced with a lovely desire to fuck Ian as often as possible, in as many ways as I can devise. “Harder, Ian, deeper,” I plead.

Ian responds with a growl that sounds more animal than human as he yanks my head back a notch harder and bites down upon my shoulder, teeth sinking into tender flesh.

His new level of desire and urgency causes my pussy to clamp down hard upon his cock, urging it to stay inside me. “I am so close,” I confess as I push my hips back against him, trying to take him deeper. Ian releases his grip on my hair and I can hear him fumbling around with something on the nightstand. “Are you seriously looking at the meter right now?” Ian is indeed a wonderful lover, and though he claimed not to have much experience, he sure could have fooled me, but he approaches sex from such an analytical angle it is almost comical.

“Remember, this is for science’s sake.” Ian digs his fingers harder into my hip. “It seems you like it rough, my dear. The needle jumps every time I dominate you a little.”

“Sorry not to be a fragile little flower,” I snatch the meter out of his hand and throw it to the floor. “Enough with the meter, pay attention.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Ian drawls as he grabs my hips and thrusts deep.

Heat floods my body and my heart is pounding against my ribs. A million sparks of energy flicker through my veins and the electric lights illuminating the room beam obscenely brightly as my body shudders a final time in of satisfaction. In the haze of lazy afterglow brought on by phenomenal sex, I realize Ian must also have found his happy ending since he gathers me in his arms and we both collapse into bed.


“So was that good enough for your meter?” I ask after my breathing evens out and I can form words again.

“Close enough. Given the volatile nature of the crystal, I don’t think we should waste any more time testing. Even though it is such a delightful pursuit in the name of science,” Ian says with a twinkle in his hazel eyes.

“Good, because, believe it or not, I think I am all tested out.”

“I didn’t think even a half-succubus would ever utter those words. Isn’t the energy you gather from sex like an addiction?” Ian looks genuinely interested and has the furrow in his brow that he gets when he is turning all man-of-science on me again.

“It is an odd need. Most of the time I enjoy it whether I want to or not, but sometimes it is a chore. I mean, these days you don’t always have the best of choices. When I start feeling drained, I need a boost and I can’t be choosey.” Feeling oddly sentimental I tuck my head into the crook of Ian’s shoulder and throw an arm over his nicely muscled chest.

“Well, didn’t you ever meet someone you wanted to settle down with? Someone who could sustain your need in a more intimate way?” Ian gently moves a piece of hair from in front of my eyes and tucks it behind my ear.

“No. It is probably because my soul mate was snatched from me at such a tender age. That and I have always had issues with authority.”

“I have a hard time believing that,” Ian says dryly. “I wonder why nobody tells us that we share a soul when supposedly we are betrothed at birth?”

“If you had been stuck with me for life since birth—despite the fact that you aren’t going to find anyone more beautiful than me—do you honestly think you would have been satisfied with me? Wouldn’t you have hated having the choice taken away from you?”

“Probably, but this relationship is something that could kill us, and now, once again, I don’t have a choice.”

“Nice to know you are so enthused about having to have to have sex with me on a daily basis to survive.” I smack Ian on the arm and raise myself a bit so my head is propped up on my shoulder. “At this point in our lives, we have had a chance to live and we can make the choice either to live with each other or to die.

“I hope you don’t think this means you can boss me around or that I am sleeping exclusively with you.”

“You’d better get used to the idea that you are sleeping exclusively with me. You’re the one who sought me out. I didn’t ask you to come here, but now that you are here, you’re going to stay. You were right. My chest doesn’t hurt as much any more. If you can make the pain go away, then you’re staying.” Ian’s hand wraps around my throat as he crushes his mouth to mine. His lips are urgent, bruising the tender skin. His intense eyes are snapping with a fire and possession I haven’t seen. He releases my throat suddenly and stalks from the room, not even bothering to pause for clothes.

“Men,” I roll my eyes at the absurdity of the male gender. Unfortunately, I need Ian too, so I slide from the comfort of the bed and pad off down the hallway in pursuit of the naked, pissed-off scientist.