Prepare to enter the dark passionate world of The Black Dagger Brotherhood and get up close and personal with each one of the Brothers…
You’ll find insider information on the Brotherhood, their dossiers, stats and special gifts. You’ll read interviews with your favorite characters, including a heartbreaking one with Tohrment and Wellsie, conducted three weeks before she was killed by lessers. You’ll encounter deleted scenes—accompanied by the whys behind the cuts—in addition to exciting material from the J.R. Ward message boards and the answers to questions posed by readers about the series. You’ll learn what it’s like for J.R. Ward to write each installment of the series, and in a fascinating twist, you’ll read an interview with the author—conducted by the Brothers. For the first time ever, you’ll get an original short story about Zsadist and Bella and see the miracle of their daughter Nalla’s birth and the depth of their love for each other. Also, you’ll get a sneak peek at the much anticipated next book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, Revenge’s story.
This is a compendium no Black Dagger Brotherhood fan should miss…and an insider’s guide that will seduce you as powerfully as the sexy band of Brothers and the “ferociously popular” world they live in…
J. R. Ward
The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider’s Guide
Lover Unbound
Winner of the Romantic Times 2007 Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best Vampire Romance
“The newest in Ward’s ferociously popular Black Dagger Brotherhood series bears all the marks of a polished storyteller at home in her world…This fix will give Brotherhood addicts a powerful rush.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Loss, sacrifice, and darkness continue to be major themes as one of Ward’s most damaged heroes gets his story. Sex and violence make this tale of emotional redemption unusually graphic and powerful. Ward pulls no punches and delivers an extraordinary paranormal drama.”
—Romantic Times (Top Pick, 4½ stars)
Lover Revealed
“[T]hese erotic paranormals are well worth it, and frighteningly addictive…It all works to great, page-turning effect…In just two years, the…series [has] earned Ward an Anne Rice-style following, deservedly so.”
—Publishers Weekly
“It’s tough to keep raising the bar in a series, but the phenomenal Ward manages to do just that!.. The world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood continues to grow and become more layered, ramping up the tension, risk and passion…Awesome stuff.”
—Romantic Times (Top Pick, 4½ stars)
Lover Awakened
Winner of the Romantic Times 2006 Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best Vampire Romance
“Best new series I’ve read in years! Tautly written, wickedly sexy, and just plain fun.”
—Lisa Gardner, New York Times bestselling author of Hide
“Lover Awakened is utterly absorbing and deliciously erotic. I found myself turning pages faster and faster—and then I wished I hadn’t, because there was no more to read! The Brotherhood is the hottest collection of studs in romance, and I can’t wait for the next one!”
—Angela Knight, USA Today bestselling author of Master of Dragons
“Ward pulls no punches in this dark, dangerous, and at times tragic series. Waiting for successive installments is getting harder and harder.”
—Romantic Times (Top Pick, 4½ stars)
Lover Eternal
“Ward wields a commanding voice perfect for the genre, and readers new to the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood should hold on tight for an intriguing, adrenaline-pumping ride featuring a race of warrior vampires who fill enemies with terror and women with desire. Like any good thrill ride, the pace changes with a tender story of survival and hope and leaves readers begging for more. Fans of L. A. Banks, Laurell K. Hamilton, and Sherrilyn Kenyon will add Ward to their must-read list.”
“[An] extremely intense and emotionally powerful tale…Ward’s paranormal world is, among other things, colorful, dangerous, and richly conceived…Intricate plots and believable characters.”
—Romantic Times (Top Pick, 4½ stars)
Dark Lover
“It’s not easy to find a new twist on the vampire myth, but Ward succeeds beautifully. This dark and compelling world is filled with enticing romance as well as perilous adventure. With myriad possibilities to choose from, the Black Dagger Brotherhood series promises tons of thrills and chills.”
—Romantic Times (Top Pick, 4½ stars)
“A dynamite new vampire series—delicious, erotic, and thrilling! J. R. Ward has created a wonderful cast of characters, with a sexy, tormented, to-die-for hero…A fabulous treat for romance readers!”
—Nicole Jordan, New York Times bestselling author of Touch Me with Fire
“J. R. Ward has a great style of writing, and she shines…You will lose yourself in this world; it is different, creative, dark, violent, and flat-out amazing.”
—All About Romance
“An awesome, instantly addictive debut novel. It’s a midnight whirlwind of dangerous characters and mesmerizing erotic romance. The Black Dagger Brotherhood owns me now. Dark fantasy lovers, you just got served.”
—Lynn Viehl, author of Twilight Fall
Dark Lover
Lover Eternal
Lover Awakened
Lover Revealed
Lover Unbound
Lover Enshrined
To the Brothers
Kara Cesare, without whom this whole BDB thing couldn’t possibly have gone as far as it has. You are the champion and the cheerleader and the chess master of everything I do—and I’ll stop the gushing there, otherwise this book will be longer than even Phury’s.
Everyone at New American Library, especially: Claire Zion, Kara Welsh, and Leslie Gelbman, Craig Burke and Jodi Rosoff, Lindsay Nouis, the great Anthony, and the wonderful Rachel Granfield, who deals so graciously with my twenty-pound manuscripts.
Steve Axelrod, who’s the captain of my ship.
Monstrous thanks to The Incomparable Suzanne Brockmann (I’m getting her a sash with that on it and a sparkly crown), Christine Feehan (whose obelisk I’m building as we speak) and her amazing family (Domini, Manda, Denise, and Brian), Sue Grafton, aka Mother Sue, Linda Francis Lee, Lisa Gardner, and all my other writer friends.
Once again a huge thank-you to the best dental teams in the world: Scott A. Norton, DMD, MSD, and Kelly Eichler, along with Kim and Rebecca and Crystal; and David B. Fox, DMD, and Vickie Stein.
D.L.B., who’s the best metal-studded, ass-kicking baby boy in the whole world. xxx mummy
N.T.M., whose idea this whole Insider’s Guide was and who did so much work on it—and whose kind nature is bested only by his patience and his sense of humor.
Dr. Jessica Andersen—my CP and confidante and sparring partner.
LeElla Scott—you have too many nicknames at this point to list.
So I’ll just go with the most important one: Bestie.
And Kaylie’s momma—who’s still my Idol.
As always to Mom, Boat, and the Boo.
Father Mine
“So, Bella looks good.”
At the counter of the Brotherhood’s kitchen, Zsadist picked up a knife, squeezed a head of romaine lettuce together, and started drawing the blade through at one-inch intervals. “Yeah, she does.”
He liked Doc Jane. Hell, he owed her. But he had to remind himself of his manners: It would be damn tacky to bite the head off a female who was not only your brother’s shellan, but who had saved the love of your life from bleeding out on the birth table.
“She’s recovered beautifully in the last two months.” Doc Jane watched him from the table across the way, her Marcus Welby, M.D., bag beside her ghostly hand. “And Nalla’s thriving. Man, vampire young progress so much faster than human babies. Cognitively, it’s like she’s nine months old.”
“They’re doing great.” He kept slicing, moving his hand down and through, down and through. On the far side of the blade, the leaves sprang free in curly green ribbons like they were clapping at having been liberated.
“And how are you doing with the whole dad thing—”
Dropping the knife, he cursed and brought up the hand that had been on the lettuce. The cut was deep, down to the bone, and his blood was red as it welled up and dripped off his skin.
Doc Jane came over to him. “Okay, let’s get you to the sink.”
To her credit, she didn’t touch him on the arm or try to lead him with a push on his shoulder blade; she just loomed and pointed the way to Kohlerland.
He still didn’t like anyone but Bella putting their hands on his body, although he had made some progress. Now, if the contact was unexpected, his first move wasn’t going for a concealed weapon and capping whoever had let their palms do the walking.
When they were in front of the sink, Doc Jane cranked the thing’s throttle over and fired it back so that there was a warm rush landing in the deep porcelain belly.
“Under,” she said.
He extended his arm and put his thumb into the hot water. The slice burned like a bitch, but he didn’t wince. “Let me guess. Bella asked you to come talk to me just now.”
“Nope.” When he shot her a look, the good doctor shook her head. “I examined her and the baby. That was it.”
“Well, good. Because I’m fine.”
“Had a feeling you’d say that.” Doc Jane crossed her arms over her chest and regarded him with a stare that made him want to build a brick wall between the two of them. Whether in a solid state or translucent as she was at the moment, it didn’t matter. When you got eyeballed by the female like this, it was as if you’d been sandblasted. No wonder she and V got along.
“She did mention you won’t feed from her.”
Z shrugged. “Nalla needs what her body can provide more than I do.”
“It’s not an either-or situation, though. Bella’s young and healthy and she has great eating habits. And you’ve let her feed.”
“Of course. Anything for her. Her and her baby.”
There was a long silence. Then, “Maybe you want to talk to Mary?”
“About what.” He shut the water off and shook his palm out over the sink. “Just because I’m respectful of the demands on my shellan, you think I need a shrink? What the hell?”
He snapped a paper towel free from the roll mounted under the cabinets and dried his hand.
“Who’s the salad for, Z?” the doctor asked.
“The salad. Who’s it for?”
He pulled out the trash bin and pitched the towel inside. “Bella. It’s for Bella. Look, no offense, but—”
“And when’s the last time you ate?”
He put his hands up, all “Stop! In the Name of Love.” “Enough. I know you mean well, but I’m a short fuse, and the last thing any of us needs is Vishous coming after me because I snapped at you. I get your point—”
“Look at your hand.”
He glanced down. Blood was running from the pad of his thumb onto his wrist and his forearm. If he hadn’t had a short-sleeved T-shirt on, the shit would have been pooling at his elbow. Instead, it was trickling onto the terra-cotta tile.
Doc Jane’s voice was annoyingly level, her logic offensively sound. “You are in a dangerous line of work where you rely on your body to do things that keep you from getting killed. You don’t want to talk to Mary? Fine. But you need to make some concessions physically. That cut should have closed by now. It hasn’t, and I’m willing to bet it bleeds for the next hour or so.” She shook her head. “Here’s my deal. Wrath’s appointed me as the Brotherhood’s personal physician. You screw around with eating and feeding and sleeping such that it impairs your performance, I will bench your ass.”
Z stared at the glossy red droplets seeping up from the wound. The river of them went straight over the inch-wide black slave band that had been tattooed on his wrist nearly two hundred years ago. He had one on his other arm and another around his neck.
Reaching forward, he peeled off another section of paper towel. The blood wiped off just fine, but there was no getting rid of what his sick bitch Mistress had marked him with. The ink was imbedded in his tissue, put there to show that he was property to be used, not an individual to live.
For no good reason, he thought of Nalla’s infant skin, so incredibly smooth and completely unmarred. Everyone remarked on how soft it was. Bella. All his brothers. All the shellans of the house. It was one of the first things they commented on when they held her. That and how she was like a down pillow, she was so huggable.
“Have you ever tried to get those removed?” Doc Jane said softly.
“They can’t be removed,” he said briskly, dropping his hand. “The ink has salt in it. It’s permanent.”
“But have you ever tried? There are lasers now that—”
“I’d better go take care of this cut so I can finish here.” He grabbed another paper towel. “I’ll need some gauze and tape—”
“I have that in my bag.” She turned to go over to the table. “I have everything—”
“No, thanks, I’ll take care of it myself.”
Doc Jane stared up at him, her eyes clear. “I don’t care if you’re independent. But stupidity I won’t stand for. We clear? That bench has your name on it.”
If she’d been one of his brothers, he would have bared his fangs and hissed at her. But he couldn’t do that to Doc Jane, and not just because she was a female. Thing was, there was nothing to push back at with her. She was just objective medical opinion.
“We clear?” she prompted, utterly unimpressed by how fierce he had to be looking.
“Yeah. I hear you.”
“He has these nightmares…God, the nightmares.”
Bella leaned down and stuffed the dirty diaper into the bin. On the way back up, she snagged another Huggies from under the dressing table and brought out the talc and the baby wipes. Palming Nalla’s ankles, she hipped up her daughter’s little butt, did a fast-and-dash sweep with the cloth, sprinkled some powder, then slid the fresh diaper into place.
From across the nursery, Phury’s voice was low. “Nightmares about being a blood slave?”
“Has to be it.” She put Nalla’s clean bottom down and taped up the sides of the Huggies. “Because he won’t talk to me about it.”
“Has he been eating? Feeding?”
Bella shook her head as she did up the snaps on Nalla’s onesie. The thing was pastel pink and had a white skull and crossbones appliquéd on it. “Not much on the food and no on feeding. It’s like…I don’t know, the day she was born, he seemed so amazed and engaged and happy. But then some kind of switch was triggered and he just closed up. It’s almost as bad as it was in the beginning.” She stared down at Nalla, who was patting at the pattern on her little chest. “I’m sorry I asked you to come down here…I just don’t know what else to do.”
“I’m glad you did. I’m always there for you both, you know that.”
Cradling Nalla on her shoulder, she turned around. Phury was leaning against the creamy wall of the nursery, his huge body breaking up the pattern of hand-painted bunnies and squirrels and fawns.
“I don’t want to put you in an awkward position. Or take you away from Cormia unnecessarily.”
“You haven’t.” He shook his head, his multicolored hair gleaming. “If I’m quiet, it’s because I’m trying to think of what the best thing to do is. Talking with him isn’t always the solution.”
“True. But I’m running out of both ideas and patience.” Bella went over and sat in the rocker, repositioning the young in her arms.
Nalla’s brilliant yellow eyes stared up out of her angelic little face, and recognition was in her stare. She knew exactly who was with her…and who wasn’t. The awareness had come in the last week or so. And changed everything.
“He won’t hold her, Phury. He won’t even pick her up.”
“Are you serious?”
Bella’s tears made her daughter’s face wavy. “Damn it, when is this post-partum depression going to lift? I well up at almost nothing.”
“Wait, not even once? He hasn’t gotten her out of the crib or—”
“He won’t touch her. Crap, will you hand me a frickin’ tissue.” When the Kleenex box got in range, she snapped one free and pressed it to her eyes. “I’m such a mess. All I can think about is Nalla going through her whole life wondering why her father doesn’t love her.” She cursed softly as more tears came. “Okay, this is ridiculous.”
“It’s not ridiculous,” he said. “It’s really not.”
Phury knelt down, keeping the tissues front and center. Absurdly, Bella noticed that the box had the picture of an alley of leafy trees with a lovely dirt road stretching off into the distance. On either side, flowering bushes with magenta blooms made the maples look like they were wearing tulle ballet skirts.
She imagined walking down the dirt road…to a place that was far better than where she was now.
She took another tissue. “The thing is, I grew up without a father, but at least I had Rehvenge. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have a dad who was alive but dead to you.” With a little cooing sound, Nalla yawned wide and snuffled, rubbing her face with the back of her fist. “Look at her. She’s so innocent. And she responds to love so well…I mean…Oh, for God’s sake, I’m going to buy stock in Kleenex.”
With a disgusted noise she flipped another tissue free. To avoid looking at Phury as she blotted, she let her eyes wander around the cheery room that had been a walk-in closet before the birth. Now it was all about the young, all about family, with the pine rocker Fritz had hand-made, and the matching dressing table, and the crib that was still festooned with multicolored bows.
When her stare landed on the low-slung bookcase with all its big, flat books, she felt even worse. She and the other Brothers were the ones who read to Nalla, who settled the young on a lap and unfolded shiny covers and spoke rhyming words.
It was never her father, even though Z had learned to read almost a year ago.
“He doesn’t refer to her as his daughter. It’s my daughter. To him, she’s mine, not ours.”
Phury made a disgusted sound. “FYI, I’m trying to resist the urge to pound him out right now.”
“It’s not his fault. I mean, after all he went through…I should have expected this, I guess.” She cleared her throat. “I mean, this whole pregnancy thing wasn’t planned, and I wonder…maybe he resents me and regrets her?”
“You’re his miracle. You know you are.”
She took more tissues and shook her head. “But it’s not just me anymore. And I won’t raise her here if he can’t come to terms with the two of us…I will leave him.”
“Whoa, I think that’s a little premature—”
“She’s beginning to recognize folks, Phury. She’s starting to understand she’s being shut out. And he’s had three months to get used to the idea. Over time, he’s gotten worse, not better.”
As Phury cursed, she lifted her eyes to the brilliant yellow stare of her hellren’s twin. God, that citrine color was what shone out of her daughter’s face as well, so there was no looking at Nalla without thinking of her father. And yet…
“Seriously,” she said, “what’s this all going to be like a year from now? There is nothing more lonely than sleeping next to someone you’re missing as if they were gone. Or having that as a father.”
Nalla reached up with her fat hand and grabbed onto one of the tissues.
“I didn’t know you were here.”
Bella’s eyes shot to the doorway. Zsadist was standing in it, a tray in his hands bearing salad and a pitcher of lemonade. There was a white bandage on his left hand and a whole lot of don’t-ask on his face.
Looming there, on the verge of the nursery, he was exactly as she had fallen in love and mated him: a gigantic male with a skull trim and a scar down his face and slave bands at his wrists and neck and nipple rings that showed through his tight black T-shirt.
She thought of him the first time she’d seen him, punching a bag down in the training center’s gym. He’d been viciously fast on his feet, his fists flying faster than her eye could track, the bag being driven back from the beating. And then, without even a pause, he’d unsheathed a black dagger from his chest holster and stabbed the thing he’d been pounding, ripping the blade through the bag’s leather flesh, the stuffing falling free like the internal organs of a lesser.
She’d come to learn that the fierce fighter wasn’t all there was to him. Those hands of his had great kindness in them as well. And that ruined face with its distorted upper lip had smiled and looked at her with love.
“I came down to see Wrath,” Phury said, getting to his feet.
Z’s eyes flicked to the Kleenex box his twin held, then went to the wad of tissues in Bella’s hand. “Did you.”
As he came in and put the tray down on the bureau where Nalla’s clothes were kept, he didn’t look at his daughter. She, however, knew he was in the room. The young turned her face in his direction, her unfocused eyes pleading, her chubby little arms reaching for him.
Z stepped back out into the hall. “Have a good meeting. I’m going out hunting.”
“I’ll walk you to the door,” Phury said.
“No time. Later.” Z’s eyes met Bella’s for a moment. “I love you.”
Bella hugged Nalla closer to her heart. “I love you, too. Be safe.”
He nodded once and then he was gone.
As Zsadist came awake in a panic, he tried to calm his breathing and figure out where he was, but his eyes weren’t much help. Everything was dark…he was enveloped in a dense, cold blackness that, no matter how hard he strained his vision, he couldn’t see through. He could have been in a bedroom, out in a field…in a cell.
He’d come out of sleep like this many, many times. For a hundred years as a blood slave, he’d woken up in a panicked blindness and wondered what was going to be done to him and by whom. After he was free? Nightmares caused him to do the same thing.
In both cases it was such bullshit. When he’d been the Mistress’s property, worrying about the who and the what and the when hadn’t helped him. The abuse was inevitable whether he was faceup or facedown on the bedding platform: He was used until she and her studs were sated; then he was left to lie degraded and leaking, alone in his prison.
And now, with the bad dreams? Waking up in the same terror he’d been in as a slave just validated the past horrors his subconscious insisted on burping up.
At least…he thought he was dreaming.
True panic hit him as he wondered which dark owned him. Was it the dark of the cell? Or the dark of his bedroom with Bella? He didn’t know. Both looked the same when there were no visual clues to decipher and only the sound of his pounding heart in his ears.
Solution? He’d try to move his arms and legs. If they were unchained, if they were not shackled, it was just a case of being caught in his mind’s choke hold once again, the past reaching out through the graveyard dirt of his memories and grabbing him with bony hands. As long as he could shift his arms and legs through clean sheets, he was okay.
Right. Move his arms and legs.
His arms. His legs. Needed to move.
Oh, God…damn you, move.
His limbs didn’t budge, and in the paralysis of his body the clawed truth ripped through him. He was in the damp darkness of the Mistress’s cell, chained on his back, thick iron cuffs keeping him on the bedding platform. She and her lovers would be coming for him again, and they would do to him whatever they wanted, staining his skin, soiling the inside of him.
He moaned, the pathetic sound vibrating up from his chest and breaching his mouth like it was relieved to be free of him. Bella was the dream. He lived in the nightmare.
Bella was the dream…
The footsteps approached from the hidden stairwell that ran down from the Mistress’s bedroom, the sound echoing, getting louder. And there were more than one set on the stone steps.
With an animal’s horror, his muscles grabbed and pulled against his skeleton, fighting desperately to get loose from the dirty binding of flesh that was about to be fondled and invaded and used. Sweat broke out on his face, and his stomach seized, bile marshaling an assault up his esophagus to the base of his tongue—
Someone was crying.
A young’s cry sounded out from the far corner of the cell.
His fight stalled while he wondered what an infant was doing in this place. The Mistress had no offspring, nor had she been pregnant during the years he had been owned by her—
No…wait…he had brought the young here. It was his young who cried—and the Mistress was going to find the infant. She was going to find the infant and…Oh, God.
This was his fault. He had brought the young here.
Get the young out. Get the young—
Z curled his fists and punched his elbows into the bedding platform, heaving with every ounce of strength he had. The power came from more than his body; it was born of his will. With a massive surge, he…
…got absolutely nowhere. The shackles cut through his wrists and his ankles down to his bones, slicing through his skin so that blood mixed with his cold sweat.
As the door opened, the young was crying and he couldn’t save her. The Mistress was going to—
Light poured over him, rocketing him into true consciousness.
He was off his mated bed like he’d been bootlicked by a Chevy, landing in a fighting stance with fists up at his chest, shoulders drawn in steel knots, thighs ready to spring.
Bella slowly eased back from the lamp she’d turned on, as if she didn’t want to spook him.
He looked around the bedroom. There was, as usual, no one to fight, but he’d woken everyone up. In the corner, Nalla was in her crib crying, and he’d scared the ever-loving shit out of his shellan. Again.
There was no Mistress. None of her consorts. No cell or chains stretching him out on a bedding platform.
No young in his cell with him.
Bella slipped out of bed and went over to the crib, scooping up a red-faced and screaming Nalla. The daughter, however, would have nothing of the comfort offered. The young held its little chubby arms straight out for Zsadist, wailing for its father, tears streaming.
Bella waited for a moment, as if she were hoping this time would be different and he would go over and take the child into his arms and comfort the infant who so clearly wanted him.
Z backed away until his shoulder blades hit the far wall, tucking his arms around his chest.
Bella turned and whispered to her darling one as she went into the adjoining nursery. The door muffled the daughter’s whimpering as it slid shut.
Z let himself slide down until his ass hit the floor. “Fuck.”
He rubbed his skull trim back and forth, then let both hands hang off his knees. After a moment, he realized he was sitting as he had back in the cell, his back against the corner facing the door, his knees up, his naked body shivering.
He looked at the slave bands around his wrists. The black was so dense in his skin, so solid, it was like the iron cuffs he’d once worn.
After God only knew how long, the door to the nursery slid open and Bella came back with the young. Nalla was asleep again, but as Bella laid her out in the crib, it was with care, as if a bomb were about to go off at any moment.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, rubbing his wrists.
Bella put on a dressing gown and went to the door that led out into the hall. With her hand on the knob, she looked back at him, her eyes remote. “I can’t say this is okay anymore.”
“I’m really sorry about the dreams—”
“I’m talking about Nalla. I can’t say that your shunning her is all right…that I understand, that it’s going to get better and I’ll be patient. The fact is, she is your child as well as mine, and it kills me to see you pulling away from her. I know what you went through, and I don’t want to be callous, but…everything’s different for me now. I need to think in terms of what’s good for her, and having a father who won’t even touch her? That’s not it.”
Z flexed open both his hands and stared at his palms, trying to imagine picking the young up.
The slave bands seemed huge to him. Huge…and contagious.
The word wasn’t won’t, he thought. It was can’t.
The thing was if he did comfort Nalla and play with her and read to her, it would mean she had him for a father, and his legacy was nothing you wanted to saddle a young with. Bella’s born daughter deserved better than that.
“I need you to decide what you want to do,” Bella said. “If you can’t be her father, I’m leaving you. I know that sounds harsh, but…I have to think of what’s best for her. I love you and I will always love you, but it’s not about me anymore.”
For a moment, he didn’t think he’d heard right. Leaving him?
Bella stepped out into the hall of statues. “I’m going to go grab something to eat. Don’t worry about her—I’ll be right back.”
She closed the door behind her without a sound.
When night fell about two hours later, the way that door had shut so quietly was still banging around Z’s head.
Standing in front of his closet full of black shirts and leathers and shitkickers, he sought his inner intentions, chasing them around the maze of his emotions.
Sure, he wanted to overcome the head fuck with his daughter. Of course he did.
It was just insurmountable: What had been done to him might have been in the past, but all he had to do was look at his wrists to see that he was still dirtied by it all—and he didn’t want that kind of shit anywhere near Nalla. He’d had the same problem with Bella in the beginning of their relationship, and had managed to get over it with his shellan, but the implications were more grave with the young: Z was the corporeal embodiment of the kind of cruelty that existed in the world. He didn’t want his daughter to know that such depths of depravity existed, much less expose her to their aftereffects.
What the hell was he going to do when she got to be old enough to look up into his face and ask him why he was scarred and how he’d gotten that way? What would he do when she wanted to know why he had black bands on his skin? What was her uncle Phury going to reply when she asked him why he was missing a leg?
Z dragged on a shirt and a pair of leathers, then pulled on his chest holster of daggers and opened the gun closet. As he took out a pair of SIG Sauer forties, he checked them quickly. He used to palm nines—shit, he used to fight with nothing but his bare hands. Ever since Bella had come into his life, however, he’d been more careful.
And this, of course, was the other part of his brain twist. He killed for a living. That was his job. Nalla was going to have to grow up worrying about him every night. How could she not? Bella did.
He shut the gun closet and relocked it, then tucked the muzzles into his hip holster, checked his daggers, and pulled on his leather jacket.
He glanced over to the crib where Nalla was still sleeping.
Guns. Blades. Throwing stars. Christ, the infant needed to be surrounded by rattles and plush teddy bears.
Bottom line was, he wasn’t cut out to be a father. Never had been. Biology, however, had jacked him into the role, and now they were all chained to his past: As much as he couldn’t imagine living without Bella, there was no fathoming how he could be the dad Nalla deserved.
With a frown, he pictured Nalla’s coming-out party, something all females of the glymera had one year after their transitions. The daughter always had the first dance with her father, and he saw Nalla dressed in a flowing red gown, her multicolored hair up, rubies at her throat…and himself with his fucked-up face and his slave bands peeking out of the cuffs of his tuxedo.
Great. Helluva picture.
Cursing, Z went to the bathroom, where Bella was getting ready for the evening. He was going to tell her that he was heading out on a follow-up from the night before and that as soon as he was finished, he’d come home and they would talk. As he looked around the corner, though, he stopped dead.
In the mist that lingered from her shower, Bella was drying off her body. Her hair was wrapped in a towel, her long neck exposed, her creamy shoulders working this way and that as she made quick work with the terry cloth across her back. Her breasts swayed, catching his eyes, hardening him.
Fuck him, but as he watched her, all he could think about was sex. God, she was beautiful. He’d liked her rounded by the pregnancy, and he liked her as she was now, too. She’d thinned out quickly after Nalla’s birth, her stomach as tight as it had been before, her hips regaining their lean contours. Her breasts were bigger, though, the nipples a deeper pink, the swells heavier.
His cock punched into his leathers, a criminal wanting out of jail.
As he rearranged himself, he realized he and Bella hadn’t been together since well before the birth. The pregnancy had been difficult, and afterward Bella had needed time to heal and had been rightfully consumed with taking care of her infant.
He missed her. Wanted her. Thought she was still the most spectacularly erotic female on the face of the planet.
Bella dropped her robe on the counter, faced the mirror, and stared at herself. With a grimace, she leaned forward and prodded at her cheekbones, her jawline, under her chin. Straightening, she frowned and turned to the side, sucking in her stomach.
He cleared his throat to get her attention. “I’m about to go out now.”
At the sound of his voice, Bella scrambled to get her robe. Pulling it on quickly, she tied the sash and dragged the lapels in close to her throat. “I didn’t know you were there.”
“Well…” His erection deflated. “I am.”
“Are you leaving?” she said as she unwrapped her hair.
She hadn’t even heard his words, he thought. “Yeah, I’m about to go out now. I’m going to be reachable, though, as always—”
“We’ll be fine.” She bent over and started rubbing her hair dry, the towel’s flapping loud to his ear.
Even though she was only ten feet away, he couldn’t reach her. Couldn’t ask her why she hid herself from him. Was too afraid of what the answer might be.
“Have a good evening,” he said roughly. He waited a moment, praying that she would look up at him, smile at him a little, give him a kiss on his way out into the war.
“You, too.” She flipped her hair up and reached for the hair dryer. “Be safe.”
“I will.”
Bella flicked on the hair dryer and picked up her brush to look busy as Z turned and walked out. When she was sure he had to be gone, she stopped the pretense, turning off the dryer and letting it fall to the marble counter.
Her heart ached so badly, she was sick to her stomach, and as she stared at her reflection, she wanted to throw something at the glass.
The two of them hadn’t been together, as in been together, since…God, it must have been four or five months ago, before she’d started spotting.
He didn’t think of her sexually anymore. Not since Nalla had come. It was as if the birth had turned off that part of their relationship for him. When he touched her now, it was as a brother would—gently, with compassion.
Never with passion.
At first, she’d thought it was maybe because she wasn’t as thin as she’d been, but in the last four weeks her body had bounced back.
At least, she thought it had. Maybe she was fooling herself?
Loosening the robe, she parted the two halves, turned to the side, and measured her stomach. Back when her father had been around, back when she’d been growing up, the importance of females in the glymera being thin had been drilled into her, and even after his death all those years ago, those stern warnings about being fat stuck with her.
Bella wound herself back up, tying the sash tight.
Yes, she wanted Nalla to have her father, and that was the primary concern. But she missed her hellren. The pregnancy had happened so quickly that they hadn’t had the chance to enjoy a lovebird period where they just reveled in each other’s company.
As she picked up the dryer and flicked on the switch again, she tried not to count the number of days since he’d last reached for her as a male would. It had been so long since he’d fished through the sheets with his big, warm hands and woken her up with lips on the back of her neck and a hard arousal pressing into her hip.
She hadn’t reached for him, either, true. But she wasn’t taking for granted the kind of reception she’d receive. The last thing she needed now was to be turned down because he wasn’t attracted to her anymore. She was already an emotional wreck as a mother, thank you very much. Failure on the female front was too much to handle.
When her hair was dry, she gave it a quick brush and then went out to check on Nalla. Standing over the crib, looking at their daughter, she couldn’t believe things had come down to ultimatums. She’d always known that Z would have continuing issues after what he’d been put through, but it had never dawned on her that they couldn’t bridge his past.
Their love had seemed like it would be enough to get them through everything.
Maybe it wasn’t.
The house was set back from the dirt road and crowded by overgrown bushes and shaggy trees with brown leaves. The design of the thing was a hodgepodge of various architectural styles, with the only unifying element being that they’d all been repro’d badly: It had a roof like a Cape Cod, but was on one story like a ranch; it had pillars on the front porch like a colonial, but was sided in plastic like a trailer; it was set up on its lot like a castle and yet had the nobility of a busted trash bin.
Oh, and it was painted green. Like, Jolly Green Giant green.
Twenty years ago the place had probably been built by a city guy with bad taste looking to start life over as a gentleman farmer. Now everything about it was run down, except for one thing: The door was made out of shiny, fresh-as-a-daisy stainless steel and reinforced like something you’d find in a psych hospital or a jail.
And the windows were boarded up with rows of two-by-sixes.
Z crouched behind the rotted shell of what had been a ’92 Trans Am and waited for the clouds above to pull together and cover the moon so he could move in. Across the weedy lawn and gravel driveway, Rhage was behind an oak.
Which was really the only tree big enough to hide the mofo.
The Brotherhood had found the site the night before by stroke of luck. Z had been downtown patrolling the needle park under Caldwell’s bridges when he’d caught a pair of thugs dumping a body into the Hudson River. The disposal had been quick and professional: Nondescript sedan drove up, two guys in black hoodies got out and went to the trunk, body was head-and-footed, remains were tossed into the current.
Splish-splash, taking a bath.
Z had been downstream by about ten yards, so when the dead guy floated by, he saw from its grimacing mouth that it was a human male. Normally this would have been cause for doing absolutely nothing at all. If some man had been God-father’d, that was not his biz.
But the wind changed directions and brought him a whiff of something cotton-candy sweet.
There were only two things Z knew of that smelled like that and walked upright: old ladies and his race’s enemy. Considering it was unlikely that Betty White and Bea Arthur were under those hoods channeling their inner Tony Soprano, that meant there were two lessers up ahead. So the sitch was very much on Z’s list of things to do.
With perfect timing, the pair of slayers got into an argument. While they went nose-to-nose and did a couple punch-shoves, Z dematerialized to the pylon nearest the sedan. The license plate on the Impala junker read 818 NPA, and there didn’t appear to be any other passenger of either the stiff or the quick variety.
In the blink of an eye, he dematerialized again, this time to the roof of the warehouse that flanked the bridge. From his crow’s-eye view, he waited with his phone to his ear and a line open to Qhuinn, bracing himself against the rush of wind coming up the building’s ass.
Lessers didn’t ordinarily kill humans. It was a waste of time, for one thing, because it didn’t gain you points with the Omega, and a lot of hassle if you got caught, for another. That being said, if some guy saw something he shouldn’t have, the slayers wouldn’t hesitate to cash-and-carry him to his royal reward.
When the Impala finally came out from under the bridge, it took a right and headed away from downtown. Z spoke into his phone, and a moment later a black Hummer emerged right where the Impala had come out.
Qhuinn and John Matthew had been taking the night off with Blay at ZeroSum, but those boys were always ready for action. As soon as Z had called, the three raced for Qhuinn’s brand-new wheels, which had been parked a block and a half away.
At Z’s direction, the boys floored it to catch up with the sedan. While they closed in, Z kept an eye on the lessers, dematerializing from building top to building top as their POS made its way down the river’s edge. Thank fuck the slayers didn’t highway it or they might have gotten away.
Qhuinn had skills behind the wheel and once his Hummer was tailing the SUV reliably, Z stopped his Spidey shit and let the boys do the work. About ten miles later, Rhage took over from them in his GTO just to mix it up and reduce the chance the lessers would catch on that they were being tracked.
Just before dawn, Rhage had followed them to this place, but it had been too close to daylight to do any kind of infiltration.
Tonight was follow-up. Big time.
And what do you know, the Impala was sitting pretty in the driveway.
As the clouds finally got their act together, Z gave the nod to Hollywood, and the two of them dematerialized to either side of the front door. A quick listen revealed arguing, the voices the same ones Z had heard by the Hudson the night before. Evidently the pair of slayers were still oil-and-watering it.
Three, two…one—
Rhage kicked the door to the house open, bootlicking the bitch so hard his shitkicker left a dent in the metal panel.
The two lessers in the hall swung around, and Z didn’t give them a chance to respond. Leading with his SIG’s muzzle, he popped both right in the chest, the bullets sending the pair pinwheeling backward.
Rhage went on dagger duty, leaping forward, stabbing first one and then the other. As the flashes of white light and the sharp sounds faded, the brother leaped to his feet and froze like a boulder.
Neither Z nor Rhage moved. Using their senses, they sifted through the house’s silence, searching for anything that suggested further inhabitation.
The moan that bubbled up into all the quiet came from the back, and Z walked swiftly toward the sound, muzzle first. In the kitchen the cellar door was open, and he dematerialized to the left of it. A quick head jab and he took a look-see down the stairs. A bald lightbulb hung from a red-and-black wire at the bottom, but the pool of light showed nothing but stained floorboards.
Z willed the light off down below and Rhage provided cover from upstairs as Z bypassed the rickety steps and dematerialized into the darkness.
On the lower level he smelled fresh blood and heard the staccato click of rattling teeth from the left.
He willed the cellar light back on…and lost his breath.
A male civilian vampire was tied by the arms and legs to a table. He was naked and covered with bruises, and instead of looking at Z, he squeezed his eyes shut, as if he couldn’t bear to know what was coming at him.
For a moment Z couldn’t move. It was his own nightmare in living color, and reality blurred such that he wasn’t sure whether he was the one tied down or the guy who was coming to the rescue.
“Z?” Rhage said from above. “Anything there?”
Z snapped to attention and cleared his throat. “I’m on it.”
As he approached the civilian, he said softly in the Old Language, “Be of ease.”
The vampire’s eyes flipped open and his head jerked up on his spine. There was a look of disbelief, then astonishment.
“Be of ease.” Z double-checked the corners of the basement, his eyesight penetrating the shadows, seeking signs of a security system. All he saw was a lot of concrete walls and wooden flooring, along with old piping and wiring snaking around the ceiling. No electric eyes or sparkling new power supplies.
They were alone and unsupervised, but God only knew for how long. “Rhage, still clear?” he shouted up the stairwell.
“One civilian.” Z assessed the male’s body. He’d been beaten, and though he didn’t seem to have any open wounds, there was no telling whether he could dematerialize. “Call the boys in case we need transport.”
“Already have.”
Z took a step forward—
The floor broke apart beneath his feet, splintering right out from under him.
As gravity grabbed him hard with greedy hands and he went into a free fall, all he could think about was Bella. Depending on what lay at the bottom, this could be—
He landed on something that shattered on impact, shards of whatever it was slicing at his leathers and his hands before bouncing up to cut into his face and neck. He kept hold of his gun because he’d been trained to, and because the jolt of pain tightened him up from head to foot.
It took some deep breathing before he could reboot his brain and try to assess any damage.
As he sat up slowly, the chiming sound of bits of glass falling to a stone floor echoed around him. In the circle of light that fell from the cellar above, he saw that he was sitting in the midst of a brilliant shimmer of crystals…
He’d fallen on a chandelier the size of a bed.
And his left boot was facing backward.
“Fuck. Me.”
His broken lower leg started to pound with pain, making him think that if only he hadn’t looked at the damn thing, maybe he would have kept on not feeling it.
Rhage’s face popped over the rim of the ragged hole above. “You okay?”
“Free the civilian.”
“Are you all right?”
“Leg’s shot.”
“How shot?”
“Well, I’m looking at the heel of my shitkicker and the front of my knee at the same time. And there’s a high probability I’m going to throw up.” He swallowed hard, trying to convince his gag reflex to pipe down. “Get the civilian loose and then we’ll see about getting me out of here. Oh, and stick to the rows of nails on the floor. Clearly the boards are weak.”
Rhage nodded, then disappeared. As massive footsteps above caused drifts of dust to powder down, Z went into his jacket and took out a Maglite. The thing was about the size of a finger but could throw a beam as strong as the headlight on a car.
As he panned the thing around, his leg problem bothered him a little less. “What…the hell?”
It was like being in an Egyptian tomb. The forty-by-forty-foot room was stocked with objects that gleamed, from oil paintings in gilt frames to silver candelabra to bejeweled statuary to whole mounds of sterling flatware. And across the way there were stacked boxes that probably contained jewelry, as well as a lineup of fifteen or so metal briefcases that must have had money in them.
This was a looting repository, filled with what had been taken during the raids this past summer. All of this shit had belonged to the glymera—he even recognized the faces in some of the portraits.
Lot of value down here. And what do you know. Over to the right, close to the packed dirt floor, a red light started blinking. His fall had triggered the alarm system.
Rhage’s head popped back into view. “Civilian is free, but unable to dematerialize. Qhuinn’s less than a half mile away. What the fuck are you on?”
“A chandelier, and that’s not the half of it. Listen, we’re going to have company. This place is wired and I tripped it.”
“There a staircase to you?”
Z wiped the pain sweat off his brow, the shit cold and greasy on the back of his bleeding hand. As he moved the flashlight around, he shook his head. “Can’t see one, but they had to have gotten the loot in here somehow, and sure as hell it wasn’t through that floor.”
Rhage’s head flipped up and the brother frowned. The sound of him unsheathing his dagger was a metal-on-metal gasp of anticipation. “That’s either Qhuinn or a slayer. Drag yourself out of the light while I sort this.”
Hollywood disappeared from the hole in the floor, his footsteps now whisper quiet.
Z holstered his gun because he had to, and cleared some of the crystal fragments out of the way. Palming his ass off the ground, he braced his good foot and spidered away into the darkness, heading for the security beacon. After backing his ass right up to the damn thing, as it was the only break he could find in the piles of art and silver, he settled against the wall.
When upstairs stayed way too quiet, he knew it wasn’t Qhuinn and the boys. And yet there wasn’t any fighting.
And then shit went from bad to worse.
The “wall” he was leaning against slid away and he fell flat on his back…at the feet of a pair of white-haired, pissed-off lessers.
There were many great things about being a mom.
Holding your young in your arms and rocking them to sleep was definitely one of them. So was folding their little clothes. And feeding them. And watching them look up at you in happiness and wonder when they first came awake.
Bella repositioned herself in the nursery’s rocker, tucked the blanket under her daughter’s chin, and gave Nalla’s cheek a little stroke.
A not-so-hot corollary to momdom, however, was that the whole female-intuition thing was totally heightened.
Sitting in the safety of the Brotherhood’s mansion, Bella knew there was something wrong. Even though she was safe and sound, and in a nursery that was right out of an article entitled “The Perfect Family Lives Here,” it was as if there were a draft going through the room that smelled like dead skunk. And Nalla had picked up on the vibe as well. The young was preternaturally quiet and tense, her yellow eyes focused on some middle ground as if she were waiting for a big noise to go off.
Of course, the problem with intuition, whether tied to the mother thing or not, was that it was a story with no words and no time line. Although it got you prepared for bad news, there were no nouns or verbs to go with the anxiety, no time/date stamp, either. So as you sat with the ambient dread clamped on the back of your neck like a cold, wet cloth, your mind got to rationalizing because that was the best anyone could do. Maybe it was just First Meal not sitting well. Maybe it was just free floating anxiety.
Hell, maybe what was churning in her gut wasn’t intuition at all. Maybe it was because she’d reached a decision that didn’t sit well.
Yeah, that was more likely the case. After having stewed and hoped and worried and tried to think her way out of the problems with Z, she had to be realistic. She’d confronted him…and there had been no real response from him.
Not I want you two to stay. Not even I’ll work on it.
All she’d gotten from him was that he was going out to fight.
Which was a reply of sorts, wasn’t it.
Looking around the nursery, she cataloged what she would have to pack up…not much, just an overnight bag for Nalla and a duffle for herself. She could get another diaper pail and crib and changing table set up easily enough—
Where would she go?
The easiest solution was one of her brother’s houses. Rehvenge had a number of them, and all she’d have to do was ask. Man, how ironic was that? After having fought to get away from him, now she was contemplating going back.
Not contemplating. Deciding.
Bella leaned to the side, took her cell phone out of the pocket of her jeans, and hit Rehv’s number.
After two rings a deep, familiar voice answered, “Bella?”
There was a roar of music and people talking in the background, the various sounds like a crowd competing for space.
“Hello? Bella? Hold on, let me get into my office.” After a long, noisy pause, the din was cut off sharply. “Hey, how are you and your little miracle doing?”
“I need a place to stay.”
Total silence. Then her brother said, “Would that be for three or for two?”
Another long pause. “Do I need to kill that fool bastard?”
The cold, vicious tone scared her a little, reminding her that her beloved brother was not a male you wanted to screw with. “God, no.”
“Talk, sister mine. Tell me what’s going on.”
Death was a black parcel that came in a lot of different shapes and weights and sizes. Still, it was the kind of thing that when it hit your front doorstep, you knew the sender without checking the return address or even opening the thing up.
You just knew.
As Z back-flatted into the path of those two lessers, he knew that his FedEx-tinction package had arrived, and the only thing that went through his mind was that he wasn’t ready to take delivery.
Course, it wasn’t the kind of thing you could refuse to sign for.
Above him, cast in a dim glow from some kind of light, the lessers froze as if he were the last thing they expected to see. Then they took out their guns.
Z didn’t have a last word; he had a last image, one that totally eclipsed the double-barreled action that was at point-blank range of his head. In his mind he saw Bella and Nalla together in that rocker back in the nursery. It was not a picture from the night before when there had been Kleenexes and red-rimmed eyes and his twin looking grave. It was from a couple of weeks ago, when Bella had been staring down at the young in her arms with such tenderness and love. As if she’d sensed him in the doorway, she’d lifted her eyes, and for a moment the love that was in her face had wrapped around him as well.
The two gunshots rang out, and the weirdest thing was that the only pain he felt was the sting of the sound in his ears.
Two flopping thunchs followed, echoing around the stolen riches.
Z lifted his head. Qhuinn and Rhage were standing right behind where the lessers had been, their guns just lowering. Blay and John Matthew were with them, their guns drawn as well.
“You okay?” Rhage asked.
No. That would be one big fat hairy fuck-no. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m tight.”
“Blay, back into the tunnel with me,” Rhage said. “John and Qhuinn, you stay with him.”
Z let his head fall back and listened as two sets of shitkickers headed off in the distance. In the eerie silence that followed, a wave of nausea rolled over him and every inch of him started to shake, his hands flapping like flags in a brisk wind as he brought them up to feel his face.
John’s hand touched his arm and he jumped. “I’m okay…I’m okay…”
John signed, We’re going to get you out of here.
“How—” He cleared his throat. “How do I know this is happening?”
I’m sorry? How do you know…?
Zsadist’s fingers skipped along his forehead as he tried to prod where the slayers had aimed their guns. “How do I know this is real? And not a…How do I know I didn’t just die?”
John glanced over his shoulder at Qhuinn like he had no idea how to respond and was looking for backup. Then he pounded on his own chest with a solid thumping. I know I’m here.
Qhuinn leaned down and did the same, a heavy bass sound rising from his chest. “Me, too.”
Zsadist let his head fall back again, his body scrambling in its own skin so badly his feet tap-danced on the hard-packed floor. “I don’t know…if this is real…oh, shit…”
John stared at him as if measuring his increasing agitation and trying to figure out what the hell to do.
Abruptly the guy reached down to Z’s broken leg and gave his turned-around shitkicker a quick tug.
Z shot upright and barked, “Motherfucker!”
But it was good. The pain acted like a great broom sweep of his brain, clearing out the web of delusions and replacing them with a focused, pounding clarity. He was very much alive. He really was.
Right on the heels of that realization he thought of Bella. And Nalla.
He had to reach them.
Z shifted to the side to get his phone, but his vision went furry from what was doing with his leg. “Shit. Can you get me my cell? In my back pocket?”
John carefully rolled him over, took out the RAZR, and handed it to him.
“So you don’t think there’s any working this out?” Rehv said.
Bella shook her head in answer to her brother’s question, then remembered he couldn’t see her. “No, I don’t think so. At least not in the short term.”
“Shit. Well, I’m always here for you, you know that. You want to stay with mahmen?”
“No. I mean, I’m happy to have her come visit during the night, but I need my own space.”
“Because you’re hoping he comes after you.”
“He’s not going to. This time is different. Nalla…has made everything different.”
The young snuffled and burrowed in closer to her favorite nook between upper arm and breast. Bella propped the cell phone against her shoulder and stroked the downy-soft hair that was growing in. The waves, when they grew out, were going to be multicolored, with blondes and reds and browns mixed together, just as her father’s would be if he didn’t trim it so tightly.
As Rehv laughed awkwardly, she said, “What?”
“After all these years fighting to keep you on my property, now I don’t want you leaving the Brotherhood mansion. For real, nothing is safer than that compound…but I do have a house on the Hudson River that’s tight. It’s next to a friend of mine’s, and it’s nothing fancy, but there’s a tunnel linkup between them. She’ll keep you safe.”
After he gave her the address, Bella murmured, “Thank you. I’m going to pack a few things up and have Fritz take me there in an hour.”
“I’ll get the fridge stocked for you right now.”
The phone made a beeping noise as a text came through. “Thank you.”
“Have you told him?”
“Z knows it’s coming. And no, I’m not going to keep him from seeing Nalla if he wants, but he’s going to have to choose to come and see her.”
“What about you?”
“I love him…but this has been really hard on me.”
They ended the call shortly thereafter, and as Bella took the phone away from her ear, she saw that a text had come through from Zsadist:
She bit her lip and blinked hard. And texted back.
Z stared at the screen of his phone, praying for a response from Bella. He would have called, but his voice was so shaky he didn’t want to alarm her. Plus getting into a huge emotional thing wasn’t a great idea, considering he had a broken leg on lesser real estate.
Rhage and Blay came back through the tunnel.
“…is why they didn’t come into the house,” Rhage was saying. “The entrance to this storage unit is through the shed out back. They were checking on the security system first, clearly less concerned that the house had been infiltrated.”
Z cleared his throat and warbled, “The alarm is still blinking. If it doesn’t get shut off, more will—”
Rhage leveled his gun at the red light, pulled the trigger, and dusted the thing. “Maybe that’ll work.”
“You are such a techie, Hollywood,” Z muttered. “Right up there with Bill Gates.”
“Whatever. We need to get you and the civilian out—”
Z’s phone vibrated and he opened the text from Bella, holding his breath. After he read it twice, he shut his eyes hard and clipped the phone shut. Oh, God…no.
Propping his upper body off the dirt floor, he made a lurch to get on his feet. The shot of agony that ran up his leg helped to distract him from the sight of all the blood that had pooled underneath him.
“What the…”
“…fuck are…”
“…you doing…”
John signed what the other three were saying: What are you doing?
“I need to get home.” Dematerializing wasn’t an option because of his leg—which was making him want to throw up as it flopped around. “I need to—”
Hollywood shoved his perfectly beautiful face right in Z’s grille. “Will you just relax? You’re in shock—”
Z grabbed the male’s upper arm and squeezed to shut the brother up. He spoke softly, and when he was done, Rhage could only blink.
After a moment Hollywood said quietly, “Here’s the issue, though. You have a compound fracture, my brother. I promise we’ll get you back, but we need to take you to a doctor. Dead is not where you want to be, feel me?”
As a wave of light-headedness came swooping in from out of nowhere, Z had a feeling his brother had a point. But fuck it. “Home. I want—.”
His body collapsed. Just folded on him like a house of cards.
Rhage caught his weight and turned to the boys. “You two, carry him out of the tunnel. Move it. I’ll cover.”
Zsadist grunted as he changed hands and was hauled off like a deer carcass found in the middle of a road. The pain was a stunner, making his heart palpitate and his skin shiver, but it was good. He need the physical manifestation of the emotion trapped in the center of his chest.
The tunnel was about fifty yards in length and tall enough so that only a hob-bit could have any headroom—so the trip out was about as much fun as being born. Qhuinn and John were cranked over, scrambling to hold on to him while hauling ass, two grown-ups in a kid-scaled model. As Z’s body jangled and his fucked-up foot rang like a bell, the only thing that kept him conscious was the text from Bella:
Outside the air was cool, and Z dragged the shit into his lungs in hopes of calming his stomach. He was taken directly to the Hummer and settled in the back, along with the civilian who had passed out cold. John, Blay, and Qhuinn piled in, and then there was a stretch of hurry-up-and-wait.
Finally Rhage bolted from the house, flashed three fingers and a fist, and dove into the shotgun seat. While the brother started texting on his phone, Qhuinn hit the gas and once again proved he had half a brain: The guy had been smart enough to back in so he had a straight shot down the driveway, and he took the way out with a vengeance.
Rhage looked at his watch as they bumped along. “Four…three…two…”
The house behind them exploded into a fireball, the aftershocks sending waves of buffering energy through the air—
Just as a minivan full of the enemy pulled into the end of the driveway, blocking the way onto Route 9.
Bella double-checked the two L.L. Bean bags and was pretty sure she had everything she needed for the short term. In the one with the green handles she had some clothes for herself, along with her cell phone charger, her toothbrush, and two thousand dollars in cash. The blue-handled one had Nalla’s clothes, bottles and diapers, along with wet wipes, rash cream, blankies, a teddy bear, and Oh, the Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss.
The title of Nalla’s favorite book was a shitkicker on a night like tonight. It really was.
When there was a knock on the nursery door, Bella called out, “Come in.”
Mary, Rhage’s shellan, popped her head in. Her face was tight, her gray eyes grim even before she looked down at the bags.
“Rhage texted me. Z’s been injured. I know you’re going to leave, and the why is none of my business, but you might consider waiting. From what Rhage said, Z is desperately going to need to feed.”
Bella slowly straightened. “How…how badly injured? What—”
“I don’t have any more details other than that they’ll be home as soon as they can.”
Oh…God. It was the news she had always dreaded. Z injured out in the field.
“What’s their ETA?”
“Rhage didn’t say. I know they have to drop off an injured civilian at Havers’s new clinic, but that’s on the way. I’m not sure whether Z’s getting treated here or there.”
Bella shut her eyes. Zsadist had sent her that text while injured. He’d been reaching out to her when he was in pain…and she’d slapped him back with the fact that she was abandoning him to his demons.
“What have I done,” she said softly.
“I’m sorry?” Mary asked.
Bella shook her head as much at herself as in response to the female.
Going over to the crib, she looked at their daughter. Nalla was sleeping with the hard, dense exhaustion of the young, her little chest pumping up and down with purpose, her pink hands curled into fists, her brows bunched together as if she were concentrating on growing.
“Will you stay with her?” Bella asked.
“There’s milk in the fridge over there.”
“I’ll be right here. I won’t go anywhere.”
Back in the driveway of the Jolly Green Giant house in the sticks, Z felt the heavy-duty lurch of Qhuinn slamming on the Hummer’s brakes. The SUV held steady as the laws of physics gripped its mass hard, putting an end to its acceleration just before the vehicle crushed the frontal lobe of the minivan in its path.
Gun muzzles came out of the windows of the Lessening Society’s soccer-mom special like the bitch was a stagecoach, and bullets went ape shit, pinging the Hummer’s reinforced-steel body and ricocheting off its inch-thick Plexiglas windows.
“Second night out with my ride,” Qhuinn spat. “And these fuckers are Swiss-cheesing me? Hell, no. Hold on.”
Qhuinn threw them into reverse, jumped the SUV back fifteen feet, then punched the engine into first gear and nailed his foot to the floor. Wrenching the wheel to the left, he dodged around the Town & Country, chunks of earth clumping up and clapping against both cars.
As they bounced around like a boat in bad weather, Rhage reached into his jacket and took out a hand grenade. Opening his bulletproof window just far enough, he popped the pin with his teeth and tossed the fist-size explosive out. By the grace of God the damn thing tripped off the minivan’s roof and rolled under the vehicle.
The three lessers leaped out of that fucker like the thing was on fire.
And ten seconds later it was, its flames lighting up the night.
Fuuuuuck, if Z thought the trip through the tunnel had been bad on his leg, it was nothing compared to the bump-and-shatter act it took to get away from those slayers. By the time the Hummer burst out onto Route 9 after having clipped at least one of the lessers on its hood, Zsadist was on the verge of blacking out.
“Shit, he’s going into shock.”
Z realized with little interest that Rhage had turned around and was looking at him, not at the civilian.
“Am not,” he mumbled as his eyes rolled back in his head. “Just taking a little break.”
Rhage’s spectacular Bahama-blue stare narrowed. “Compound. Fracture. Motherfucker. You’re bleeding out as we speak.”
Z lifted his eyes to Qhuinn’s in the rearview mirror. “Sorry ‘bout the carpet.”
The male shook his head. “Not to worry. You, I will abso trash my ride for.”
Rhage put his hand on Z’s neck. “Damn it, you’re white as snow and about as warm. You’re going to have to get treated at the clinic.”
In a low voice Rhage said, “I texted Mary not to let her go, okay? Bella’s still going to be there no matter how long it takes us to get back to the mansion. She’s not leaving you before you get home.”
A whole lot of resounding quiet settled in the Hummer, like everyone was busy pretending they didn’t hear any of Rhage’s newsflash.
Z opened his mouth to argue.
But fainted dead away before he could marshal any more objections.
Bella paced around the PT room in the training center, orbiting the examination table on shaky legs. She stopped regularly to check the clock.
Where were they? What else had gone wrong? It had been over an hour…
Oh, God, please let Zsadist be alive. Please let them bring him back alive.
Pacing, more pacing. Eventually she paused at the head of the gurney and looked down its length. Putting her hand on its padded top, she found herself thinking of when she had been on the thing as a patient. Three months ago. For Nalla’s birth.
God, what a nightmare that had been.
And God, what a nightmare this was…waiting for her hellren to be rolled in injured, bleeding, in pain. And that was the best-case scenario. The worst case was a body with a sheet over it, something she couldn’t even contemplate.
To keep herself from going crazy, she thought about the birth, about that moment when both her and Z’s lives had changed forever. Like a lot of dramatic things, the big event had been anticipated, but when it arrived had nonetheless been a shock. She’d been in her ninth month out of the usual eighteen and it had been a Monday night.
Helluva way to start the workweek.
She’d had a craving for chili, and Fritz had indulged her, whipping up a batch that was spicy as a blowtorch. When the beloved butler had brought the steaming bowl to her, though, she’d abruptly been unable to stomach the smell or the sight of it. Nauseous and sweaty, she’d gone to take a cool shower, and as she’d lumbered into the bathroom, she’d wondered how in the hell she could fit another seven months of the young getting larger in her belly.
Nalla, evidently, had taken the random thought to heart. For the first time in weeks she moved strongly—and, with a sharp kick, broke her water.
Bella had lifted her robe and looked down at the wetness, wondering for a moment whether she’d lost control of her bladder. Then light had dawned. Although she’d followed Doc Jane’s advice and avoided reading the vampire version of What to Expect When You’re Expecting, she had enough background to know that once your water breaks, the bus has left the station.
Ten minutes later she’d been flat on this gurney, with Doc Jane moving quickly, but thoroughly, through an exam. The conclusion was that Bella’s body didn’t seem ready to get with the program, but Nalla had to be taken out. Pitocin, which was used frequently to induce labor in human women, was administered, and shortly thereafter Bella learned that there was a difference between pain and labor.
Pain got your attention. Labor got all your attention.
Zsadist had been out in the field, and when he’d arrived he was so frantic that what little hair was left from his skull trim was standing straight up. As soon as he got through the door, he’d ditched his weapons, the pile growing to the size of a love seat, and rushed to stand at her side.
She’d never seen him so scared. Not even when he woke up from his dreams of that sadistic Mistress he’d had. His eyes had been black, not from anger but from fear, and his lips drawn so tightly they were a pair of white slashes.
Having him there had helped her get through the pain. And she’d needed him. Doc Jane had advised against an epidural, as vampires could experience alarming decreases in blood pressure with them. So there had been no buffering at all.
And no time to move her to Havers’s clinic. Once the Pitocin had fired up her body, the labor had progressed too fast for her to be taken anywhere—although it wouldn’t have mattered because dawn was near. Which meant there was no way to get the race’s physician to the training center, either.
Bella came back to the present, smoothing her hand over the thin pillow that rested on the gurney. She could remember holding on to Z’s hand hard enough to break his bones as she’d strained until her teeth hurt and she felt as if she were getting ripped in half.
And then her vitals had crashed.
She wheeled around. Wrath was in the PT room’s doorway, the king’s huge body filling the jambs. With his hip-length black hair and his wraparound sunglasses and his black leathers, he seemed in his silent arrival like a modern-day version of the Grim Reaper.
“Oh, please, no,” she said, gripping onto the gurney. “Please—”
“No, it’s okay. He’s okay.” Wrath came forward and took her arm, holding her up. “He’s been stabilized.”
“He has a compound fracture of his lower leg and it’s caused some bleeding.”
Some being massive, no doubt. “Where is he?”
“He’s coming home from Havers’s right now. I figured you’d be worried, so I wanted to let you know.”
“Thank you. Thank you…” Even with the problems they’d been having lately, the idea of losing her hellren was catastrophic.
“Whoa, easy, there.” The king wrapped her in his huge arms and held her gently. “Let the shakes go through you. You’ll breathe more that way, believe it or not.”
She did as he suggested, loosening the rigid control she’d clamped onto her muscles. Her body shimmied from shoulder to calf and she relied on the king’s strength to keep standing. He was right, though. Even as she trembled, she was able to take a deep breath or two.
When she’d become more stable, she pulled back. As she caught sight of the gurney she frowned and had to start walking around again.
“Wrath, may I ask you something?”
She had to pace a little more before she could frame the question properly. “If Beth had a baby, would you love the child as much as you love her?”
The king looked surprised. “Ah…”
“I’m sorry,” she said, shaking her head. “That’s none of my business—”
“No, it’s not that. I’m trying to figure out the answer.” He reached up and lifted the sunglasses from his brilliant, pale green eyes. Though they were unfocused, his stare nonetheless was utterly arresting. “Here’s the thing…and I believe this is true for all bonded males. Your shellan is the beating heart in your chest. More than that, even. She’s your body and your skin and your mind…everything you ever were and ever will be. So a male can never feel more for anyone than he does his mate. It’s just not possible—and I think there’s some evolution at work. The deeper you love, the more you protect, and keeping your female alive at all costs means she can care for whatever young she has. That being said, of course you love your children. I think of Darius with Beth…I mean, he was desperate for her to be safe. And Tohr with John…and…yeah, I mean, you feel deeply for them, sure.”
It was logical, but not much of a relief, considering Zsadist wouldn’t even pick Nalla up—
The double doors of the PT room bounced open as Z was wheeled in. He was dressed in a hospital johnny, probably because his clothes had had to be cut off him at Havers’s clinic, and there was no color in his face at all. Both his hands were bandaged, and there was a cast on his lower leg.
He was out cold.
She rushed to his side and took his hand. “Zsadist? Zsadist?”
Sometimes IVs and pills weren’t always the best course of treatment for the injured. Sometimes all you needed was the touch of the one you loved and the sound of their voice and the knowledge that you were home, and that was enough to drag you back from the brink.
Z opened his eyes. The sapphire blue stare he met brought a tangle of tears to his lashes. Bella was leaning over him, her thick mahogany hair trailing off one shoulder, her classically boned face drawn in lines of worry.
“Hi,” he said, because it was the best he could do.
He’d refused any pain meds at the clinic, because the sluggish effect they had always reminded him of the way he’d been drugged at the hands of the Mistress—so he’d been fully conscious as his leg had been opened up and pinned back together by Doc Jane. Well, he’d been with it for part of the time, at any rate. He’d passed out for a while. Upshot was, he felt like death. No doubt looked like it, as well. And there was just too much to say.
“Hi.” Bella smoothed her hand over his skull trim. “Hi…”
“Hi…” Before he broke down and made an ass of himself, he glanced around her to see who else was in the PT suite. Wrath was talking to Rhage in the corner next to the whirlpool bath, and Qhuinn, John, and Blay were standing in front of the banks of steel-and-glass cabinetry.
Witnesses. Shit. He needed to pull it together.
As he blinked hard, the details of the room came into clear focus, and he thought of the last time he’d been in it.
The birth.
“Shhh…” Bella murmured, clearly mistaking the reason for his wince. “Just close your eyes and relax.”
He did as he was told, because he was back on the brink, and not because of how badly his leg and his hands were hurting.
God, that night when Nalla had been born…when he’d nearly lost his shellan…
Z squeezed his lids shut, not wanting to relive the past…or look too closely at the present. He was in danger of losing Bella. Again.
“I love you…” he whispered. “Please don’t leave me.”
“I’m right here.”
Yeah, but for how long.
The panic he felt now took him back to the night of the birth…he’d been out in the field with Vishous, investigating a civilian abduction downtown. When the call had come from Doc Jane, he’d dumped V like a bad habit and dematerialized to the mansion’s courtyard, plowing through the foyer and into the tunnel. Everyone, shellans and doggens and Wrath alike, had gotten the hell out of his way to avoid becoming bowling pins.
Down in the training center, in this very room, he’d found Bella stretched out on the gurney he now lay upon. He’d come in right in the middle of a contraction and had had to watch as Bella’s body became locked into place as if a giant hand were crushing her around the middle. When the pain eased off she’d taken a deep inhale, then looked at him and offered him a weak smile. As she reached out for him, he’d peeled his weapons off, dropping them on the linoleum.
“Hands,” Doc Jane barked. “You wash your hands before you come over here.”
He’d nodded and gone directly to the deep bucket sinks with the foot pedals. He’d worked a lather all the way up his arms until his skin glowed Barbie pink then he’d dried with a blue surgical cloth and rushed to Bella’s side.
Their palms had just made contact when the next contraction came roaring through. Bella had squeezed his hand until it was crushed in her grip, but he didn’t care. Holding her stare as she’d strained, he would have done anything to take the pain from her…and at that moment he would have cheerfully cut his own balls off. He couldn’t believe he’d put her through that kind of suffering.
It got worse. The labor was like a locomotive gathering speed, and its tracks were all over Bella’s body. Harder, longer, faster. Harder, longer, faster. He didn’t know how she could stand it. And then she couldn’t.
She’d crashed, all her vital signs dropping—heart rate, blood pressure, everything going into the shitter. He’d known how serious it was by how fast Doc Jane had moved. He remembered the drugs going into the IV, and Vishous coming forward with…shit, surgical tools and a fetal incubator.
Doc Jane snapped on a fresh pair of latex gloves, looking first at Bella, then at him. “We’re going to have to go in and get the baby, okay? She’s in distress as well.”
Nodding. He’d done some nodding at that point on both his and Bella’s parts. The Betadine had been a rusty orange as V had rubbed it all over Bella’s swollen abdomen.
“Is she going to be okay?” Bella mumbled desperately. “Is our young going to be—”
Doc Jane had leaned down. “Look at me.”
The two females had locked eyes. “I’m going to do everything I can to get both of you through this. I want you to calm yourself, that’s your job. Calm yourself and let me do what I’m best at it. Deep breath now.”
Zsadist had taken one along with his shellan…and then he’d watched as Bella’s eyelids suddenly flared and her stare focused on the ceiling with an odd fixation. Before he could ask her what she was looking at, she’d closed her eyes.
He’d had a moment of terror that he would never see them open again.
Then she’d said, “Just make sure the young is okay.”
He’d gone cold at that point, utterly cold, because it was clear Bella didn’t think she was coming out of it alive. And the only thing she cared about was the young.
“Please stay with me,” he’d groaned as the incision was made.
Bella hadn’t heard him. She’d drifted away from consciousness, sure as if she were on a boat that had left its mooring and floated off over calm waters.
Nalla had been born at six twenty-four a.m.
“Is it alive?” he’d asked.
Though it shamed him to admit it now, the only reason he’d wanted to know was because God forbid Bella had to come around and learn that her daughter had been stillborn.
While Doc Jane stitched up Bella, Vishous had worked fast with a suction balloon over the young’s mouth and nose, then he’d fired up a tiny IV and done something with the hands and feet. Fast. He’d been as fast as his shellan at that point.
“Is she alive?”
His eyes popped open and he came back to the present.
“Do you need more painkillers?” Bella asked. “You look as if you’re in agony.”
“I can’t believe she lived. She was so small.”
As the words came out of Zsadist’s mouth, Bella was confused, but only for a split second. The birth…he was thinking about the birth.
She stroked the fine, short hair on his head, trying to ease him in some small way. “Yes…yes, she was.”
His yellow eyes shifted to the other folks in the room and his voice got quiet. “Can I be honest?”
Oh, shit, she thought. “Yes, please.”
“The only reason I cared whether she was alive was because I didn’t want you to be told she wasn’t. She was the only thing you were worried about…and I couldn’t bear for you to lose her.”
Bella frowned. “You mean at the end?”
“Yes…you said you just wanted to make sure she was okay. Those were your last words.”
Bella reached out and put her palm on his cheek. “I thought I was dying and I didn’t want you to be left all alone. I…I saw the light of the Fade. It was all around me, bathing me. I was worried about you…about what would happen if I weren’t living.”
His face blanched even further, proving that there was a color paler than white on the spectrum. “I thought that’s what had been happening. Oh…God, I can’t believe how close it was.”
Doc Jane came up to the gurney. “Sorry to interrupt. I just want to do a quick check on his vitals?”
“Of course.”
As Bella watched the doctor make fast work of the examination, she thought of the way those ghostly hands had helped her daughter come into the world.
“Good,” Doc Jane said, linking her stethoscope around her neck. “This is good. He’s stabilized and should be able to get up and move around in another hour or so.”
“Thank you,” Bella murmured as Z did the same.
“My pleasure. Believe me. Now, how about the rest of us take off and let you two have some time alone.”
The crowd dispersed amid offers of help and food and anything else that might be needed. As Wrath went over to the door, he paused and looked at Bella.
Her grip tightened on Z’s shoulder as the king bowed his head a little and then shut the door.
She cleared her throat. “May I get you something to—”
“We need to talk.”
“It can wait—”
“Until you leave here?” Z shook his head. “No. It has to be now.”
Bella pulled a rolling stool over and sat down, stroking his forearm because she couldn’t hold his bandaged hands. “I’m scared. If we don’t…can’t bridge this gap…”
“Me too.”
As their words hung in the quiet of the tiled, clinical room, Bella remembered waking up from the C-section that day of the birth. Zsadist’s eyes had been the first thing she’d seen. He’d been in agony as he’d stared down at her, but slowly his pain had lifted, revealing disbelief and then hope.
“Show her the young,” Z had called out sharply. “Quickly.”
Vishous had rolled the fetal incubator over, and Bella had gotten her first look at their daughter. Dragging with her the IV line that was in her arm, she’d put her fingertips on the Plexiglas shell. The instant her touch fell upon the clear shield, the young had turned her head.
Bella had looked at Zsadist. “Can we call her Nalla?”
His eyes had watered. “Yes. Absolutely. Anything you want.”
He had kissed her and given her his vein and been everything you could want in an attentive, caring mate.
Coming back to the present she shook her head. “You seemed so happy. Right after the birth. You were rejoicing with the others. You were there for the ribboning of her crib…You went to Phury and you sang to him…”
“Because you were alive and you didn’t have to suffer the loss of your young. My worst fears hadn’t come to pass.” Zsadist lifted one of his hands as if he wanted to rub his eyes, but he frowned, clearly realizing he couldn’t because of the bandages. “I was happy for you.”
“But after you fed me, you sat by the incubator and reached out to her. You even smiled as she looked your way. There was love in your face, not just relief. What changed?” As he hesitated, she said, “I’m willing to give you more time if that’s what it takes, but I can’t be shut out of the process. What happened?”
Z stared up at the cage of medical lighting hanging above him and there was a long silence, one so long that Bella thought maybe they’d hit an insurmountable wall.
But then a single fat tear had formed at the corner of his left eye. “She’s in the dream with me.”
The words were so soft, Bella had to make sure she’d heard him right. “I’m sorry?”
“The dream I have of still being with the Mistress. Nalla…she’s in the cell. I can hear her crying as the Mistress comes for me. I strain at the shackles to get free…so I can protect her…get her out…stop what’s going to happen. But I can’t move. The Mistress is going to find the young.” His haunted eyes shifted over. “The Mistress is going to find her, and it’s my fault Nalla’s in the cell.”
“Oh…my love…oh, Z.” Bella stood up and draped herself carefully over his upper body, hugging him lightly. “Oh…God…and you’re afraid the Mistress will kill her—”
“No.” Z cleared his throat once. And again. And again. His chest started to pump up and down. “She’s going to…make Nalla watch…what they do to me. Nalla has to watch…”
Zsadist struggled to keep his emotions in, then lost the fight, weeping in the hard, powerful bursts of a male. “She’s going to have…to watch her…father get…”
All Bella could do was hold on tight and wet his hospital gown with her own tears. She’d known whatever it was was bad. But she’d had no idea how bad.
“Oh, my love,” she said, as his arms came around her and his head lifted so that his face was buried in her hair. “Oh, my darling love…”
It was about five the following afternoon when Zsadist finally woke up properly. It was good to be in his own bed. It was not so great having a cast on his lower leg.
Rolling over, he opened his eyes and looked at Bella. She was awake and staring back at him.
“How are you feeling?” she asked.
“Okay.” Physically speaking, at least. The rest of him, his mind and his emotions, were open to question.
“Would you like something to eat?”
“Yeah. In a little bit.” What he really wanted was to just lie around and stare into his shellan’s eyes for a while.
Bella eased over onto her back and looked up to the ceiling.
“I’m glad we talked,” he said. As much as he hated the past, he’d do anything to keep her from leaving, and if that meant conversation, he’d blabber on until his voice box bit it.
“Me too.”
He frowned, feeling the distance. “What’s on your mind?”
After a moment she said softly, “Do you still want me?”
He actually had to shake himself. She couldn’t possibly be asking…“Good Lord, of course I want you as my shellan. The idea of you leaving is just—”
“Sexually, I mean.”
He blinked, thinking about the hardcore arousal he’d gotten the night before—just from watching her towel off. “How could I not?”
She turned her head to him. “You don’t feed and you haven’t reached for me…well, I haven’t either, but I mean—”
“Nalla needs you most right now.”
“But you do, too…at least for my vein.” She nodded down his body. “Would your leg have broken if you’d been fed properly? Probably not.”
“I don’t know. I fell through a floor…onto glass.”
“A chandelier.”
There was a long silence, and he wondered what she wanted him to do. Was she opening the door to…?
At even the prospect of sex, his body woke up sure as if it were a gong she’d banged with one hell of an over-the-shoulder shot.
Except Bella stayed where she was. And he stayed where he was.
As silence stretched, he thought about how close to the edge of no return they were. If they didn’t take steps to reconnect…
He reached through the sheets, took her hand, and brought it forward to his body.
“I want you,” he said as he placed it on his erection. At the contact, he let out a groan and rolled his hips, pushing himself into her palm. “Oh…man…I’ve missed you.”
The fact that Bella seemed surprised shamed him and made him think about her in the bathroom with that towel. When she’d stopped and looked at herself in the mirror, she’d been inspecting her body, he realized now—looking for flaws that weren’t there. And she’d covered herself when she’d seen him not because she didn’t want to attract his attention, but because she was sure she didn’t have it anymore.
He moved her hand up and down on his shaft. “I’m desperate to touch you again. All over.”
She came closer to him, moving through the sheets. “You are?”
“How could I not be? You’re the most perfect female I’ve ever seen.”
“Even after—”
He shot forward and pressed his lips to hers. “Especially after.” He pulled back so she could read his eyes. “You are just as beautiful as the first time I saw you in the gym all those nights and days ago. You stopped my heart then—just froze it in my chest. And you stop it now.”
She blinked quickly, and he kissed her tears away. “Bella…if I had known, I would have said something…done something. I just assumed you knew that nothing had changed for me.”
“Since Nalla’s come around, everything is different. The rhythm of my nights and days. My body. You and me. So I just assumed—”
“Feel me,” he groaned, arching into her. “Feel me and know—Oh, God.”
She felt him, all right. Wrapped both her hands around him and stroked him up and down, riding his hard length.
“Is this good for you?” she whispered.
All he could do was nod and moan. With her gripping him like that, surrounding him with her palms, working him, his brain had pretty much shorted out. “Bella…” He reached for her with his bandaged hands, then stopped. “Damn gauze—”
“I’ll take it off for you.” She pressed her lips to his. “And then you can put your hands wherever you like—”
He came. Right then and there. But instead of feeling let down, Bella just laughed in the deep, throaty way of a female who knows she’s about to get sex from her male.
He recognized the sound. Loved it. Missed it. Needed to hear—
From across the room Nalla let out a warm-up wail that quickly escalated into a full-blown, carrier jet-launching, I-need-my-mahmen-NOW cry.
Bella felt Z’s erection deflate and was well aware it wasn’t because he’d just had a release. He was capable of going four or five orgasms at a clip—and that was on an average night, not after a dry spell of months and months.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, looking over her shoulder at the crib, feeling torn as to which one she tended to.
Zsadist took her face in his bandaged palms and turned her to him. “Go take care of the young. I’ll be fine.”
There was absolutely no censure in his eyes or his tone. But then, there never had been. He’d never been resentful of Nalla; if anything he’d been too self-sacrificing.
“I’ll just be—”
“Take your time.”
She got off the bed and went to the crib. Nalla reached her little hands out and calmed some—especially as she was picked up.
Right. Wet diaper and hungry.
“I won’t be long.”
“Not to worry.” Z lay back against the black satin sheets, his scarred face no longer pulled in hungry lines, his body still, not straining.
She hoped it was because the orgasm had relaxed him. Feared it was because he didn’t think she’d be back anytime soon.
Bella nipped into the nursery, executed a fast diaper swap, then went to the rocker and gave Nalla what she needed. As she held her young and rocked, she realized how true it was that having a baby changed everything.
Including the concept of time.
What she’d meant to be a quick fifteen-minute feeding turned into a two-hour fuss, throw-up, fuss, feed, throw-up, burp, cry, diaper-change, fuss, feed marathon.
When Nalla finally settled, Bella let her head fall back against the rocker in a familiar state of exhaustion and satisfaction.
The mother business was amazing, transformative, and a little addictive—and she could now understand how females got way overfocused on their offspring. You were fed by taking care of and doing right by them. You were also all-powerful as The Mother. Anything she said went when it came to Nalla.
Thing was, though, she missed being Z’s shellan. Missed waking up with him moving on top of her, hot and hungry. Missed the feel of his fangs going deep into her throat. Missed the way that scarred face of his looked after they’d made love, all flushed and soft and full of reverence and love.
The fact that he was so hard with everyone else, even his Brothers, made his sweetness with her even more special. Always had.
God, that dream of his. She wasn’t willing to say it changed everything between them, but it changed enough so that she wouldn’t leave him now. What she wasn’t sure of was what came next. Z required more help than she could provide him. He needed professional intervention, not just loving support from his mate.
Maybe there was a way Mary could step in. She had a counseling background and had been the one to teach him to read and write. There was no way he would talk to a stranger, but Mary…
Ah, hell, there was no way he’d talk to Rhage’s shellan about the ins and outs of his past. The experiences were too horrific and the pain went too deep. Plus he hated getting emotional in front of anybody.
Bella got up and put Nalla in the smaller crib in the nursery—on the off chance Zsadist was still in bed, naked and in the mood.
He wasn’t. He was in the bathroom, and going by the whirring sound and the spray of water, he was trimming his hair in the shower. On the bedside table there was a pair of scissors and the bandages that had been on his hands, and all she could think of was that she wished she had done it for him. No doubt he’d waited and waited and waited for her, and then given up, not just about the sex but about the help. He must have struggled to get the scissors to work with just the top half of his fingers showing…but given what time it was, he either stripped off the gauze himself or had no shower before he went out to fight.
Bella sat on the bed and found herself arranging the split in her robe so that when she crossed her legs they’d stay covered. This was a familiar ritual, she realized, her waiting for him outside of the bath. When Z finished showering and emerged in a towel, they would talk about nothing at all while he dressed in his closet. Then after he went down for First Meal, she would bathe and dress with equal privacy.
God, she felt small. Small compared to the problems they had and the demands of their daughter and the fact that she wanted a lover for a hellren, not a polite roommate.
The knock on the door made her jump. “Hello?”
“It’s Doc Jane.”
“Come on in.”
The doctor poked her head around the door. “Hey, is himself around? I thought I’d remove his bandages—Okay, clearly you two have covered that part.”
As the doctor jumped to the wrong conclusion, Bella kept her mouth shut. “He should be out of the bathroom soon. Can his cast come off?”
“I believe so. Why don’t you tell him to meet me down in the PT suite when he’s ready? I’m working on the medical facility expansion, so I’ll just be puttering around with my tool belt.”
“Will do.”
There was a long moment with just the buzzing razor and the shower running in the background.
Doc Jane frowned. “Are you okay, Bella?”
Forcing a smile, she put both hands up in ward-off mode. “I’m perfectly healthy. I don’t need another examination. Ever.”
“That I believe.” Jane smiled, then glanced at the bathroom’s doorway. “Listen…maybe you should go wash his back, if you know what I mean.”
“I’ll wait.”
Another silence. “May I make a suggestion that is completely intrusive?”
“Hard to imagine you can be more intrusive than you already have,” Bella said with a wink.
“I’m serious.”
“All right.”
“Keep Nalla’s main crib in the nursery and leave the door mostly closed as she sleeps in there. Get a baby monitor so you can hear her.” Doc Jane swept her eyes around. “This is the room you and your husband share…you need to be something more than mommy, and he needs you to himself for a little bit each day. Nalla will be fine and it’s important she get used to sleeping on her own.”
Bella looked at the crib. The idea of moving it out was oddly and irrationally terrifying. As if she were throwing their daughter to the wolves. Except if she wanted more than a roommate, they needed the kind of space that had nothing to do with square footage.
“That might be a good idea.”
“I’ve worked with a lot of people who have had babies. Doctors like to procreate. What can I say. After the first one comes along, there’s always an adjustment period. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with the marriage, it just means that new boundaries have to be established.”
“Thank you…really, I appreciate it.”
Doc Jane nodded. “I’m always here if you need me.”
When the door shut, Bella went over to the crib and smoothed the multicolored satin ribbons that hung from its rails. As the cool lengths slid through her fingers, she thought of the pledging ceremony and all the love that had been shared. Nalla would always be adored in this house, cared for, protected.
She had a moment of panic as she released the brakes and started rolling the infant’s bed toward the nursery—but she was going to get over that. Had to. And she would buy a baby monitor right away.
She parked the crib next to the one that was there, the one Nalla never slept as well in. Even now the young’s forehead was crinkled, and she was pinwheeling her arms and legs, a sure sign she was going to wake up soon.
“Shhh, mahmen’s got you.” Bella lifted the young up and put her down in her preferred place. The young snuffled and positively cooed as she snuggled into herself and put her little hand through the slats, grabbing onto Wrath and Beth’s red-and-black bow.
This was promising. Deep breathing and a full belly meant a nice long sleep.
At least Nalla didn’t feel as though she’d been kicked to the curb.
Bella went back into the bedroom. The bath was quiet, and as she put her head through the doorway, she saw the fine humidity left in the air from the shower and caught the lingering scent of cedar shampoo.
He was gone.
“You moved the crib?”
She turned around. Z was standing in the double doors of his closet, his boot-cut leathers on and his black shirt hanging from his hand. His chest, with its marking of the Brotherhood and its nipple rings, gleamed in the light thrown over his shoulders.
Bella glanced over to where Nalla had always slept. “Well, this is…you know, our space. And, ah, she’s fine in the other room.”
“You sure you’re going to be okay with this?”
If it meant she could be with him as his shellan? “Nalla will be fine. She’s just next door if she needs me, and she’s started to sleep through big hunks of the day so…yes, I feel all right about it.”
Bella looked up at him. “Yes. Absolutely sure—”
Z threw down his shirt, dematerialized right at her, and took her down on the bed, all but tackling her. His bonding scent went crazy as his mouth ground into hers and his hard, heavy weight pushed her down into the mattress. His hands were rough with her nightgown, ripping it as he wrenched the two sides apart. As her breasts were bared, he growled deep and low.
“Oh, yes…” she moaned, frantic as he was.
She shoved her hands between their hips and broke a nail flipping his fly open and unzipping it—
Z let out another animal sound as his erection popped out into her hand. Rearing back, he nearly shredded his leathers trying to get them down his legs and off the cast. After struggling, he left them around his knees with a “Fuck it.”
He leaped back on her, finished tearing apart her nightgown, and split her thighs wide. Except then he paused, a worried look threatening to overtake the passion in his face. He opened his mouth, clearly about to ask her if she was okay with—
“Shut up and get inside of me,” she barked, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him down to her lips.
He roared and punched into her core, the penetration a bomb that went off in her body, sparks shooting through her, igniting her blood. She gripped his ass hard as his hips jackhammered until he followed where she was, coming in a massive, full-torso contraction.
The instant it passed he threw his head back, bared his fangs, and hissed like a great cat. Arching back into the pillow, she put her face to the side, giving him her throat so that he—
As Zsadist struck hard and deep, she orgasmed again, and while he drew on her vein the sex pounded on. He was even better than she’d remembered, his muscles and bones churning on top of her, his skin so smooth, his bonding scent blanketing her in that special dark spice.
When he finished feeding and orgasmed for…God only knew how many times he’d come…his body stilled and he lapped at her throat to close the bite wound. The lingering, luscious strokes of his tongue made her want him again, and as if he read her mind, he rolled over onto his back and took her with him, keeping them joined.
“Do me,” he demanded, his wild yellow eyes locking on her full breasts.
She cupped herself where his stare was fixated and pinched her own nipples as she rode him nice and slow. His moans and the way his hands tightened on her knees made her feel more beautiful than any words he could have spoken.
“God…I’ve missed you,” he said.
“Me too.” Dropping her hands to his shoulders, she leaned into him and swung her hips more freely.
“Oh, fuck, Bella—take my vein—”
The invitation was accepted before he finished issuing it and she was no more gentle than he had been. His taste was spectacular, and more intense than it had been. Ever since the birth, when she’d fed it had been…courteous. But this was raw, a champagne cocktail of power and sex, not just nutrition.
“I love you,” he sighed as she took from him.
They made love four more times.
Once more on the bed.
Twice on the floor halfway to the bathroom.
Once again in the shower.
Afterward they wrapped themselves in thick white towels and climbed back into bed.
Zsadist tucked her into his side and kissed her forehead. “Is the whole issue as to whether I’m still attracted to you settled?”
She laughed, trailing her hand over the pads of his pecs and down onto his six-pack. She swore she could feel his muscles strengthening under her palm, his body drawing on what he’d gotten from his feeding. The fact that she was making him strong made her proud…but more than that, it made her feel connected to him.
The Scribe Virgin had been a smart one when she’d created a race that needed to feed from itself.
“Well? Has it?” Z rolled over on top of her, his scarred face breaking into an I-am-the-man smile. “Or do I need to prove it again?”
She ran her hands up his heavy arms. “No, I think we’re—Z!”
“What?” he drawled as he nestled his way in between her legs again. “I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I’m still hungry.” He put his mouth to hers as gentle as a breath. “Mmmm…”
His lips went down to her neck and he gave his bite mark a little nuzzle, as if he were saying thank-you.
“Mmm…mine,” he growled.
So slow, so soft…his mouth went down farther, to her breast. He paused at the nipple.
“Are they sensitive?” he asked, rubbing the tip of his nose over her crest, then licking her.
“Yes…” She shivered as he blew a stream of air over where his tongue had been.
“They look it. All red and pouty and pretty.” He was ever so careful with her breasts, caressing them with his hands and kissing them lightly.
When he moved down to her stomach she started to get hot and restless again, and he smiled up at her. “Have you missed my kisses, darling mate? The ones I like to give you between your thighs?”
“Yes,” she choked out while anticipation shivered through her. Given the erotic little grin on his face and the evil cast to his yellow stare, he was once again a male with plans and a wide-open schedule.
He rose up on his knees. “Open your legs for me. I like to watch you—Oh…shit…yeah.” He rubbed at his mouth like he was warming the thing up. “That’s what I’m talking about.”
His shoulders bunched up hard as he leaned down and made like a cat to a bowl of milk—while she made like an ehros, giving herself up to him and his warm wet mouth.
“I want to go slowly,” he murmured against her core as she groaned his name. “I don’t want to finish my treat too quickly.”
That wasn’t going to be a problem, she thought. For him, she was a pool with no bottom…
His tongue slipped inside of her, in a hot penetration, then went back to its sweet, dragging strokes. Looking down her body, she saw him staring up at her with glowing citrine eyes…and as if he’d waited for her gaze to meet his, he flicked the top of her sex back and forth.
Watching his pink flesh work hers threw her over the edge again.
“Zsadist…” she groaned, palming his head and pushing her hips up.
There was nothing more delicious than being between your shellan’s legs.
It wasn’t just the taste; it was the sounds and the scents and the way she looked at you with her head cocked to the side and her rosy lips open so she could breathe. It was the soft, welling center of everything that made her female against your mouth and the trust she had in letting you get this close. It was everything private and sensual and special…
And the kind of thing you could do forever.
As his shellan let out the most incredible moan and started to orgasm, Zsadist moved up her body and put himself inside so he could feel the contractions along his shaft.
He put his mouth to her ear as he came into her. “You are everything to me.”
When they rested together afterward, he stared down her full breasts to her abdomen and thought of how amazing her body was compared to his. Her curves and feminine strength had created a whole new person, had provided the protective place for the alchemy of them coming together and making life.
The two of them.
“Nalla…” he whispered. “Nalla has…”
He felt her tense up. “Has what?”
“Nalla has my eyes. Doesn’t she.”
His shellan’s voice became soft and careful, like she didn’t want to spook him. “Yes, she does.”
Z put his hand on Bella’s stomach and rubbed circles over the taut skin, as she had done so many times while pregnant. He was ashamed of himself now…ashamed that he hadn’t touched her belly once. He’d been so worried about the birth that the looming roundness had seemed like a threat to both their lives, not something to rejoice in.
“I’m sorry,” he said abruptly.
“What for?”
“You’ve had to do all this on your own, haven’t you. Not just these last three months, but before. When you were pregnant.”
“You were always there for me—”
“But not for Nalla, and she was a part of you. Is a part of you.”
Bella propped her head up. “She’s a part of you, too.”
He thought of the wide, bright yellow eyes of the young. “Sometimes I think she might look a little like me as well.”
“She looks almost identical to you. She has your chin and your eyebrows. And her hair…” Bella’s voice started to get excited, as if she had wanted to talk with him about all the ins and outs of the young’s makeup for a while. “Her hair is going to be exactly like yours and Phury’s. And have you seen her hands? Her forefingers are longer than her ring fingers, just like yours.”
“Really?” Man, what kind of father was he that he didn’t know all this.
Well, that was easy. He hadn’t been any sort of father at all.
Bella extended her hand. “Let’s shower, and then come with me. Let me introduce you to your daughter.”
Z took a deep breath. Then nodded.
“I’d like that,” he said.
As Zsadist breached the doorway of the nursery, he actually double-checked to make sure his shirt was properly tucked into his leathers.
Man, he loved the smell of the room. Lemon-scented innocence was what he called it in his mind. Sweet like a flower, but not cloying. Clean.
Bella squeezed his hand and led him over to the crib. Surrounded by satin bows that were bigger than she was, Nalla was curled up on her side, her arms and legs tucked in tight, her eyes shut hard as if she were working really, really, really diligently at being asleep.
The instant Z looked over the lip of the crib, she stirred. Made a little noise. In her sleep her hand reached out, not toward her mother, but to him.
“What does she want?” he asked like an idiot.
“She wants you to touch her.” When he didn’t move, Bella murmured, “She does this in her sleep…she seems to know who’s around and she likes a little pat.”
To his shellan’s absolute credit, she didn’t force him to do anything.
But Nalla wasn’t happy. Her little hand and arm strained for him.
Z wiped his palm on the front of his shirt, then rubbed it up and down a couple of times on his hip. As he reached forward, his fingers trembled.
Nalla made the connection. His daughter took his thumb and held it with such strength he felt a spear of pure, undiluted pride shoot through his chest.
“She’s strong,” he pronounced, his approval positively dripping off the words.
Bella made a little noise beside him.
“Nalla?” he whispered as he bent down. His daughter pursed her little lips and held on even stronger.
“I can’t believe that grip of hers.” He let his forefinger brush lightly on his daughter’s wrist. “Soft…oh, my God, she’s so soft—”
Nalla’s eyes flipped open. And as he looked into a stare the exact golden color of his own, his heart stopped. “Hi…”
Nalla blinked and waved his finger and transformed him: Everything stopped as she moved not just his hand, but his heart.
“You’re like your mahmen,” he whispered. “You make the world go away for me…”
Nalla kept wagging his hand and let out a coo.
“I can’t believe her grip…” He glanced up at Bella. “She’s so—”
Tears were streaming down Bella’s face, and her arms were locked around her chest as if she were trying not to shatter apart.
His heart moved again, but for a different reason.
“Come here, nalla,” he said, reaching out to his shellan, tucking her in against him with his free hand. “Come here to your male.”
Bella buried her face into his chest and her palm found his.
As Z stood there, with a hold on both his daughter and his mate, he felt eight thousand feet tall, and faster than his Carrera and stronger than an army.
His chest swelled with renewed purpose. They were both his, these two. His and his alone, and he had to take care of them. One was his heart and the other a piece of himself, and they completed him by filling voids he didn’t know he had.
Nalla looked up at her parents and the most adorable sound came out of her button mouth, a kind of, Well, isn’t this lovely, the way things have sorted out.
But then his daughter reached up with her other hand…and touched the slave band on his wrist.
Z stiffened. He couldn’t help it.
“She doesn’t know what they are,” Bella said softly.
He took a hard breath. “She will. Someday she will know exactly what they are.”
Before Z went down to see Doc Jane, he spent more time with his ladies. He ordered some food for Bella, and while it was being prepared he watched for the first time as his daughter was fed. Nalla zonked right out afterward, which was perfect timing, as Fritz arrived with the food. Z fed his shellan from his own hand, taking special satisfaction in choosing the very best parts of the chicken breast and the homemade rolls and the broccoli spears for her.
When the plate was clean and the wineglass empty, he wiped Bella’s mouth with a damask napkin as her lids fluttered down. Tucking her in, he kissed her, picked up the tray and his right shitkicker, and stepped out.
As he closed the door quietly and heard the knob click, a glow of contentment bathed him. His females were fed and sleeping and safe. He’d done his job well.
Job? Try mission in life.
He glanced toward the nursery door and wondered whether, as a male, you bonded with your children or not. He’d always heard it was only with your shellan…but he was starting to have some serious protective instincts over Nalla. And he hadn’t even picked her up yet. Give him two weeks of getting familiar with her? He was liable to become an H-bomb if anything threatened her.
Was that what being a father was like? He didn’t know. None of his brothers had young and there was no one else he could think of to ask.
Heading for the stairs, he limped down the hall of statues, boot, cast, boot, cast, boot, cast…and he looked at his wrists as he went along.
Downstairs he took the dishes into the kitchen and thanked Fritz, then went into the tunnel that led to the training center. If Doc Jane had given up waiting on him, he was going to cut the cast off himself.
Stepping out through the closet in the office, he heard the high whining sound of a table saw and followed the scream to the gym. On the way he was looking forward to seeing how Jane’s new clinic was coming along. The three treatment bays, which were being constructed out of one of the facility’s audience halls, were designed to function as either surgical suites or patient bays, and the equipment was going to be state of the art. Doc Jane was investing in a CAT scan, digital X-ray imaging, and ultrasound technology, along with an electronic medical records system and a host of hi-tech surgical tools. With a supply room worthy of a fully functioning emergency department, the goal was to circumvent the Brotherhood’s use of Havers’s clinic.
Which was safer for everybody. The Brotherhood’s compound was surrounded by mhis, thanks to V, but the same couldn’t be said for where Havers practiced—as had been proven when the clinic was sacked over the summer. Considering that the Brothers could be tailed at any time, it was smart to keep as many things having to do with them in-house.
Z cracked one of the gym’s metal doors open and paused. Yeah, whoa. Doc Jane evidently had some serious Extreme Home Makeover in her.
Last night, when Z had been rolled in, everything had been as it always was. Now, less than twenty-four hours later, a six-foot-by-twelve-foot hole had been busted out of the cinder-block wall across the way. The opening exposed the audience hall that was going to be converted, and right in front of the chasm, V’s mate was taking a two-by-four and feeding it into a table saw, her hands solid, the rest of her ghostly transparent.
When she caught sight of Z, she finished with the board and turned the machine off. “Hey!” she called out as the din faded. “You ready to have that cast removed?”
“Yeah. And clearly you’re good with a saw.”
“You better believe it.” She grinned and gestured toward the hole. “So, you like my interior decorating?”
“You don’t fool around.”
“Masonry hammers rock, what can I say?”
“I’m ready for the next board,” V hollered from the lecture hall.
“It’s ready.”
V came out wearing a tool belt hung with a hammer and several chisels. As he went over to his female, he said, “Hey, Z, how’s your leg?”
“Gonna be better once Doc Jane takes this deadweight off.” Z nodded across the way. “Man, you guys are going to town.”
“Yeah, we should be able to take care of the framing tonight.”
Doc Jane handed her male the board and gave him a quick kiss, her face becoming solid as contact was made. “I’ll be right back. Just going to take off his cast.”
“Don’t rush.” V nodded at Zsadist. “You look tight. I’m glad.”
“Your female’s a miracle worker.”
“That she is.”
“Okay, enough with the ego stroking, boys.” She smiled and kissed her mate again. “Come on, Z. Let’s do it.”
As she turned away, V’s eyes followed her body…which no doubt meant that as soon as Zsadist was out of their hair, the new clinic wasn’t the only thing that was going to get worked on.
When Doc Jane and Z got to the PT suite, he went over and hopped up onto the gurney. “Thought maybe you’d want to use that table saw on me.”
“Nah. You already have one person in your bloodline missing a leg. Two would be overkill.” Her smile was gentle. “Any pain?”
She rolled over a portable X-ray machine. “Put your leg up—perfect. Thanks.”
As she came back at him with a lead drape, he took it from her and settled it over himself.
“Can I ask you something?” he said.
“Yup. Let me get this done first, though.” She arranged the eye of the machine and took a picture, a short, humming burst rising up into the room. After checking a computer screen across the way, she said, “On your side, please.”
He rolled over and she moved his leg around. After another quick hum and a check of the monitor, she said, “Okay, you can sit up. Leg looks great, so I’m just going to get rid of this outstanding plaster job I did.”
She handed him a blanket and turned her back as he shucked his leathers. Then she brought over a stainless-steel saw and carefully went to work on his cast.
“So what’s your question?” she said over the buzzing as she worked.
Z rubbed the slave band on his left wrist, then extended his arm toward her. “Do you really think I could get these taken off?”
Jane paused with the saw still running, no doubt collecting her thoughts not only from a medical standpoint but a personal one. She made a noise, a little huh, and quickly finished shucking the cast.
“You want to clean your leg up?” she asked, bringing over a damp washcloth.
“Yeah. Thanks.”
After he made quick work with the tidy business, she gave him something to dry off with.
“Mind if I take a closer look at the skin?” she said, nodding to his wrist. When he shook his head, she bent over his arm.
“Laser removal of tattoos in humans is quite common. I don’t have the technology here, but with your help, I have an idea how we could give it a shot. And who could do it for you.”
He stared down at the black band and thought of his daughter’s little hand on that dense black ink.
“I think…yeah, I think I want to try.”
When Bella woke up and stretched in her mated bed, she felt like she’d been on vacation for a month. Her body was refreshed and strong…as well as sore in all the right places. And in spite of her earlier shower, Z’s scent remained all over her, and wasn’t that just perfect.
Going by the clock on the bedside table, she’d been out like a light for about two hours, so she got up, put on her robe, and brushed her teeth, thinking a check on Nalla and maybe a snack was a good thing. She was on her way into the nursery when Z came through the door.
She couldn’t help beaming at him. “Your cast is off.”
“Mmm-hmmm…come here, female.” He walked over to her, wrapped his arms around her, and bent her backward so she had to grab onto his arms to stay upright. He kissed her long and slow, rubbing his lower body and his huge erection into the juncture of her thighs.
“I missed you,” he purred against her throat.
“You just had me only two hour—”
His tongue in her mouth silenced her, as did his hands, which ended up on her butt. He carried her over to one of the windowsills, propped her up on the molding, unzipped himself, and—
“Oh…God,” she groaned with a smile.
Now this…this was the male she knew and loved. Always hungry for her. Always wanting to be close. As he started to move slowly inside of her, she remembered back in the beginning, after he’d finally opened himself up to her. She’d been surprised by how much he wanted to be cozied against her, whether it was during meals or when they were hanging with the Brothers or during the day when they slept. It was as if he’d been making up for centuries of not having warm, nurturing contact.
Bella wrapped her arms around his neck and put her cheek to his ear, the baby-soft brush of his skull trim caressing her face as he moved.
“I’m going to…need your help,” he said as he surged forward and slid back.
“Anything…just don’t stop…”
“Wouldn’t…dream…of it—” The rest of what he said was lost as the sex took control. “Oh, God…Bella!”
After they were finished, her male pulled back a little, his citrine eyes sparkling like champagne. “By the way…hi. I forgot to say that when I walked in.”
“Oh, I think you greeted me just fine, thank you very much.” She kissed his mouth. “Now…help?”
“Let’s get you tidied up,” he drawled, the light in that yellow stare of his telling her that the cleaning might well lead to more messiness.
Which it certainly did.
When they were both satiated and she’d had yet a third shower, she wrapped herself up in her robe and started toweling her hair. “Now, what do you need my help with?”
Z propped himself against the marble counter next to the sinks, rubbed his palm over his skull trim, and got dead serious.
Bella stopped what she was doing. As he stayed quiet, she backed up and sat down on the edge of the Jacuzzi to give him some space. She waited, hands clenching and releasing in her lap.
For some reason, as he sat there collecting his thoughts, she realized that they had done a lot in this bathroom. It was here that she’d found him throwing up after he’d aroused her for the very first time at that party. And then…after he’d rescued her from the lessers, he’d bathed her in this tub. And in the shower across the way she’d fed from him for the first time.
She thought of that rough period in their lives, her just out of her abduction, him struggling with his attraction to her. Glancing over to the right, she recalled finding him on the tile beneath an ice-cold spray, scrubbing at his wrists, believing himself unclean and unable to feed her.
He’d shown a lot of courage. Getting over what had been done to him enough to trust her had taken a lot of courage.
Bella’s eyes went back to him, and when she realized he was staring at his wrists, she said, “You’re going to try to get them removed, aren’t you.”
His mouth twitched into a half smile, the side distorted by the tail of his facial scar lifting. “You know me so well.”
“How will you get it done?” When he finished telling her, she nodded. “Excellent plan. And I’ll go with you.”
He looked up at her. “Good. Thank you. I don’t think I could do it without you.”
She stood up and went over to him. “You’re not going to have to worry about that.”
Dr. Thomas Wolcott Franklin III had the second-best office in the St. Francis Hospital complex.
When it came to quality administrative real estate, the pecking order was determined by your revenues, and as chief of dermatology, T.W. was behind only one other department head.
Of course, the fact that his department was such a good earner was because he’d “sold out,” as some of the academic stalwarts maintained. Under his leadership, dermatology not only handled lesions and cancers and burns in addition to chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne, but there was a whole subdivision that did only cosmetic procedures.
Face-lifts. Brow-lifts. Breast enhancements. Lipo. Botox. Restylane. A hundred other improvements. The health care model was private-practice service delivered in an academic setting, and wealthy clients loved the concept. The bulk of them came up from the Big Apple—at first making the trip for the anonymity of getting first-class treatment out of the tight-knit plastics community in Manhattan, but then, perversely, for the status. Getting “work” done in Caldwell was the chic thing to do, and, courtesy of the trend, only the chief of surgery, Manny Manello, had a better office view.
Well, Manello’s private bathroom also had marble in the shower, not just on the counters and walls, but really, who was counting.
T.W. liked his view. Liked his office. Loved his work.
Which was a good thing, as his days started at seven and ended at—he checked his watch—nearly seven.
Tonight, though, he should have already been gone by now. T.W. had a standing racquetball game every Monday night at seven p.m. at the Caldwell Country Club…so he was a little confused as to why he’d agreed to see a patient now. Somehow he’d said yes and had his secretary find a replacement for him on the courts, but he couldn’t for the life of him remember the whys or whos of it all.
He took his printed schedule out of the breast pocket of his white coat and shook his head. Right next to seven o’clock was the name B. Nalla and the words laser cosmetics. Man, he had no recollection how the appointment had been made or who it was or who’d given the referral…but nothing got onto that grid of hours without his permission.
So it must be someone important. Or the patient of someone important.
Clearly he was working too hard.
T.W. logged on to the electronic medical records system and ran a search, again, for B. Nalla. Closest match was Belinda Nalda. Typo? Could be. But his assistant had left at six, and it seemed rude to interrupt her while she was having dinner with her family with just a what-the-hell-is-this?
He stood up, checked his tie and buttoned his white coat, then picked up some work to review while he waited downstairs for B. Nalla or Nalda to show.
As he headed out of the department’s top-floor stretch of offices and treatment areas, he thought about the difference between up here and down in the private clinic. Night and day. Here the decor was done in hospital non-chic: low-napped dark carpet, cream walls, lots of plain cream doors. The prints that were hung had spare stainless-steel frames, and the plants were few and far between.
Downstairs? Top-tier spa land with concierge services delivered in the kind of luxury the very rich expected: the treatment rooms had HD flat-screen TVs, DVDs, couches, chairs, tiny Sub-Zero refrigerators with rare fruit juices, food that could be ordered from restaurants, and wireless Internet for laptops. The clinic even had a reciprocal agreement with Caldwell’s Stillwell Hotel, the five-star grande dame of lodging in all of upstate New York, so that patients could rest overnight after receiving care.
Over-the-top? Yes. And was there a surcharge? Absolutely. But the reality was, reimbursements from the federal government were down, insurers were denying medically necessary procedures left and right, and T.W. needed funds to fulfill his mission.
Catering to the rich was the way to do it.
Thing was, T.W. had two rules for his doctors and nurses. One, offer the best damn care on the planet with a compassionate hand. And two, never turn a patient away. Ever. Especially the burn victims.
No matter how expensive or how long the course of treatment for a burn was, he never said no. Especially to the children.
If he was seen as a sellout to commercial demand? Fine. No problem. He didn’t make a big deal about what he did on the free-care side of things, and if his colleagues in other cities wanted to portray him as a money-grubber, he’d take the hit.
When he got to the elevators, he reached out with his left hand, the one that was scarred, the one that was missing a pinkie and had mottled skin, and pressed the button for down.
He was going to do whatever he had to to make sure folks got the help they needed. Someone had done it for him, and it had made all the difference in his life.
Down on the first floor he hung a right and walked along a stretch of corridor until he came to the mahogany-paneled entrance of the cosmetics clinic. In discreet lettering that was frosted into the glass were his name and the names of seven of his colleagues. There was no mention of what kind of medicine was practiced inside.
Patients had told him they loved the exclusive, members-only-club vibe.
Using a pass card, he let himself in. The reception room was dim, and not because the lighting had been turned off after main business hours were through: Bright lights were not becoming on people of a certain age, either pre- or postoperatively, and besides, the calming, soothing atmosphere was part of the spa environment they were trying to create. The floor was tiled in soft sandstone, the walls were a comforting deep red, and a fountain made from cream and white and tan rocks twinkled in the center of the area.
“Marcia?” he called out, pronouncing the name MAR-see-uh, in the European fashion.
“’Allo, Dr. Franklin,” came a smooth voice from the back where the office was.
When Marcia came around the corner, T.W. put his left hand in his pocket. As usual, she looked right out of Vogue with her coiffed black hair and her tailored black suit.
“Your patient is not here yet,” she said with a serene smile. “But I have the second lasering bay set up for you.”
Marcia was a perfectly touched up forty-year-old who was married to one of the plastics guys and was, as far as T.W. knew, the only woman on the planet except for Ava Gardner who could wear bloodred lipstick and still look classy. Her wardrobe was by Chanel, and she’d been hired and was paid well to be a walking testimonial to the outstanding work performed by the staff.
And the fact that she had an aristocratic French accent was a bonus. Particularly with the nouveau riche types.
“Thanks,” T.W. said. “Hopefully the patient will be here soon and you can go.”
“So you do not need an assistant, no?”
This was the other great thing about Marcia: She was not just decorative; she was useful, a fully trained nurse who was always happy to assist.
“I appreciate the offer, but just send the patient back and I’ll take care of everything.”
“Even the registering?”
He smiled. “I’m sure you want to get home to Phillippe.”
“Ah, oui. It is our anniversary.”
He winked at her. “Heard something about that.”
Her cheeks reddened a little, which was one of the charming things about her. She might be classy but she was real, too. “My husband, he says I am to meet him at the front door. He says he has a surprise for his wife.”
“I know what it is. You’re going to love it.” But what woman wouldn’t like a pair of flashers from Harry Winston?
Marcia brought her hand up to her mouth, hiding her smile and her sudden flusters. “He is too good to me.”
T.W. felt a momentary pang, wondering when the last time was that he’d bought something frivolous and fancy for his wife. It had been…well, he’d gotten her a Volvo last year.
“You deserve it,” he said roughly, thinking for some reason about the number of nights his wife ate alone. “So please go home and celebrate.”
“I will, Doctor. Merci mille fois.” Marcia bowed and went over to the receiving desk—which was really nothing more than an antique table with a phone hidden in the side drawer and a laptop you accessed by flipping open a mahogany panel. “I shall just sign out of the system and wait to welcome your patient.”
“Have a great night.”
As T.W. turned away and left her to her glow, he took his ruined hand back out of his pocket. He always hid it from her, part of the leftover from having been a teenager with the damn thing. It was so ridiculous. He was happily married and not even attracted to Marcia, so it shouldn’t have mattered at all. Scars, though, left wounds on the inside of you, and as with skin that didn’t heal right, you still felt the rough spots from time to time.
The three lasers in the clinic’s facility were used to treat spider veins in legs, port-wine-stain birthmarks, and red dermal imperfections, as well as provide resurfacing treatments for the face, and the removal of the guiding tattoo marks of cancer patients who’d received radiation.
B. Nalla might need any one of those things done—but if he were a betting man, he would go with cosmetic resurfacing. Just seemed to fit…after hours, in the downstairs clinic, with a mysterious name. No doubt another one of the very wealthy, with a paralytic need for confidentiality.
Still, you had to respect your cash cows.
Going into the second laser suite, which he preferred for no good reason, he took a seat behind the mahogany desk and logged on to the computer, reviewing the patients who were coming in the morning and then focusing on the dermatology fellows’ reports he’d brought with him.
As the minutes ticked by, he started to get annoyed at these rich people and their demands and their self-important view of their place in the world. Sure…some of them were fine, and all of them helped support his efforts, but man, sometimes he wanted to choke the entitlement right out of them—
A six-foot-tall woman appeared in the doorway of the exam room, and he froze solid. What she was wearing was simple, just a crisp white button-down shirt tucked into a pair of ultraslim blue jeans, but she had Christian Louboutin’s red-soled stillies on her feet and Prada hanging off her shoulder.
She was exactly his kind of private clientele, and not just because she was wearing about three grand’s worth of accessories. She was…indescribably beautiful, with deep brown hair and sapphire eyes and a face that was the sort of thing other women asked to be surgically altered to resemble.
T.W. slowly stood up, shoving his left hand deep into his pocket. “Belinda? Belinda Nalda?”
Unlike a lot of women of her class, which was clearly stratospheric, she didn’t waltz in like she owned the place. She took just one step past the doorway.
“Actually, it’s Bella.” Her voice made his eyes want to roll back into his head. Deep, husky…but kind.
“I, ah…” T.W. cleared his throat. “I’m Dr. Franklin.”
He extended his good hand and she took it. As they shook he knew he was staring, and not in a professional way, but he couldn’t help himself. He’d seen a lot of beautiful women in his day, but nothing like her. It was almost as if she were from another planet.
“Please…please come and have a seat.” He indicated the silk-covered club chair next to the desk. “We’ll get your history and—”
“I’m not the one being treated. My hell—husband is.” She took a deep breath and looked over her shoulder. “Darling?”
T.W. scrambled back and hit the wall so hard the framed watercolor next to him bounced. His first thought as he looked at what walked in was that maybe he should get closer to the phone so he could call security.
The man had a scarred face and serial-killer black eyes, and as he came in, he filled the entire room: He was big enough and broad enough to classify as a heavyweight boxer, or maybe two of them put together, but Christ, that was the least of your problems as he stared at you. He was dead inside. Absolutely without affect. Which made him capable of anything.
And T.W. could have sworn the temperature of the room actually went down as the man came to stand next to his wife.
The woman spoke calmly and quietly. “We’re here to see if his tattoos can be removed.”
T.W. swallowed and told himself to get a grip. Okay, maybe this thug was just your garden-variety punk-rock star. T.W.’s own taste in music ran more toward jazz, so there was no reason he’d recognize this guy in the leathers and the black turtleneck and the gauge in his ear, but it could explain things. Including why the wife was model gorgeous. Most singers had beautiful women, didn’t they?
Yeah…the only problem with that theory was the black stare. That was no manufactured, commercially viable, hard-ass front. There was real violence in there. True depravity.
“Doctor?” the woman said. “Is there going to be a problem?”
He swallowed again, wishing he hadn’t told Marcia to go. Then again, women and children and all that. Probably safer for her not to be here.
He just kept looking at the guy—who made no move other than breathing.
Hell, if the big bastard wanted to, he could have busted up the place twelve times over by now. Instead? He was just standing there.
And standing there.
And…standing there.
Eventually, T.W. cleared his throat and decided that if there was going to be trouble, it would have happened already. “No, there’s no problem. I’m going to sit down. Now.”
He planted it in the desk’s chair and bent to the side, pulling open a refrigerated drawer that had a variety of sparkling waters in it. “May I offer you anything to drink?”
When they both said no, he cracked open a Perrier with lemon and downed half of it like it was Scotch.
“Right. I’ll need to take a medical history.”
The wife took a seat and the husband loomed over her, eyes locked on T.W. Odd, though. They were holding hands and T.W. got the impression that the wife was the husband’s tether in some way.
Calling on his training, he took out his Waterman pen and asked the usual questions. The wife did the answering: No known allergies. No surgical procedures. No health problems.
“Ah…where are the tattoos?” Please, God, let them not be below the waist.
“On his wrists and his neck.” She looked up at her husband, her eyes luminous. “Show him, darling.”
The man reached to one side and pulled up his sleeve. T.W. frowned, medical curiosity taking over. The black band was incredibly dense, and though he wasn’t an expert on tattooing by a long shot, he could safely say he’d never seen such deep coloration before.
“That is very dark,” he said, leaning in. Something told him not to touch the man unless he had to, and he followed the instinct, keeping his hands to himself. “That is very, very dark.”
They were almost like shackles, he thought.
T.W. eased back into the chair. “I’m not sure whether you’re a good candidate for laser removal. The ink appears to be so dense that at a minimum it’s going to require multiple sessions to make even a dent in the pigmentation.”
“Will you try, though?” the wife asked. “Please?”
T.W.’s eyebrows popped. Please was not a word in the vocabulary of most of the patients down here. And her tone was equally foreign to the locale, its quiet desperation more what you would find in families of patients treated upstairs—those with medical issues that affected their lives, not just their crow’s-feet and laugh lines.
“I can try,” he said, well aware that if she used that tone on him again, she could get him to eat his own legs just to please her.
He looked at the husband. “Would you remove your shirt and get up on the table?”
The wife squeezed the big hand in hers. “It’s okay.”
The husband’s hollow-cheeked, hard-jawed face turned to her, and he seemed to draw tangible strength from her eyes. After a moment he went over to the table, got his huge body up on the thing, and removed his turtleneck.
T.W. left his chair and walked around—
He froze. The man’s back was covered with scars. Scars…that looked like they had been left by whips.
In his entire medical career he had seen nothing even resembling this—and knew it must have been left by some kind of torture.
“My tats, Doc,” the husband said in a nasty tone. “You’re supposed to be eyeballing my tats, thank you very much.”
As T.W. blinked, the husband shook his head. “This isn’t going to work—”
The wife rushed forward. “No, it will. It—”
“Let’s find someone else.”
T.W. came around to face the man, blocking the way to the door. And then he deliberately took his left hand out of his pocket. That black stare dipped down and fixated on the mottled skin and the ruined pinkie.
The patient looked up in surprise; then his eyes narrowed like he was wondering how far up the burn went.
“All the way to my shoulder and down my back,” T.W. said. “House fire when I was ten. Got trapped in my room. I was conscious while I was burned…the entire time. Spent eight weeks in the hospital afterward. Have had seventeen surgeries.”
There was a beat of silence, as if the husband were running through the implications in his head: If you were conscious, you’d have smelled the flesh cook and felt every lick of pain. And the hospital time…the surgeries…
Abruptly the man’s whole body eased up, the tension flowing out of him as if a valve had been released.
T.W. had seen it happen time and time again with his burn patients. If your doctor knew what it was like to be where you were, not because they had been taught about it at medical school but because they had lived it, you felt safer with them: The two of you were members of the same exclusive hard-core club.
“So can you do anything for these things, Doc?” the man asked, laying his forearms out on his thighs.
“Is it okay to touch you?”
The man’s scarred lip lifted slightly, as if he’d just given T.W. another point in the good category. “Yup.”
T.W. deliberately used both his hands on the patient’s wrists so the guy could have plenty of time to look at the scars of his doctor and relax even more.
When he was through, he stepped back.
“Well, I’m not sure how this is going to go, but let’s give it a shot—” T.W. looked up and stopped. The man’s irises…were yellow now. Not black anymore.
“Don’t you worry ’bout my eyes, Doc.”
From out of nowhere, the idea that everything was fine with what he’d seen flooded into his brain. Right. No. Big. Deal. “Where was I…Oh, yes. Well, let’s give the laser a shot.” He turned to the wife. “Perhaps you’d like to pull up a chair and hold his hand? I think he’ll feel more comfortable that way. I’m going to start on one wrist and we’ll see how it goes.”
“Do I have to lie down?” the patient said darkly. “’Cause I don’t think…yeah, I might not be cool with that.”
“Not at all. You can stay sitting up, even when we do the neck, and for that part I’ll get you a mirror so you can watch me. At all times I’ll tell you exactly what I’m doing, what you’re likely to feel, and we can always stop. You just say the word and it’s over. This is your body. You are in control. Okay?”
There was a moment of silence as both of them stared at him. And then the wife said in a broken tone, “You, Dr. Franklin, are a total peach.”
The patient had an incredible pain tolerance, T.W. thought an hour later as he tapped the floor toggle and the laser snapped out yet another thin red beam onto the inked skin of that thick wrist. An incredible pain tolerance. Each zap was like getting hit with a rubber band, which was not a big deal if it was done only once or twice. But after a couple of minutes of those strikes, most patients needed to rest. This guy? Never flinched, not even once. So T.W. just kept going and going…
Of course, with his nipples pierced as they were and his gauge and all his scars, he’d obviously been intimately familiar with agony, both by choice and without it.
Unfortunately his tattoos were utterly resistant to the laser.
T.W. let out his breath on a curse and shook his right hand, which was getting tired.
“It’s okay, Doc,” the patient said softly. “You gave it your best shot.”
“I just don’t understand.” He whipped off his eye protection and glanced over at the machine. For a moment he wondered whether the thing was working properly. But he’d seen the laser. “There’s no change in coloration at all.”
“Doc, for real, it’s cool.” The patient took off his goggles and smiled a little. “I appreciate your taking this as seriously as you have.”
“Goddamn it.” T.W. sat back on his stool and glared at the ink.
From out of nowhere words jumped out of his mouth, even though they were arguably unprofessional. “You didn’t volunteer for those, did you.”
The wife fidgeted as if she were worried about the answer. But the husband just shook his head. “No, Doc. I didn’t.”
“Goddamn it.” He crossed his arms and refiled through his encyclopedic knowledge of the human skin. “I just don’t understand why…and I’m trying to think of other options. I don’t think a chemical removal would be any more efficacious. I mean, you took everything that laser could give you.”
The husband ran his curiously elegant fingers over his wrist. “Could we cut them out?”
The wife shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“She’s right,” T.W. murmured. He leaned forward and prodded at the dermis. “You have excellent elasticity, but then again, as you’re in your mid-twenties, that’s expected. I mean, it would have to be done in strips and the skin stitched closed. You’d get scarring. And I wouldn’t recommend it around the neck. Too many risks with the arteries.”
“What if scarring wasn’t a problem?”
He wasn’t going to touch that question. Scarring was obviously an issue, given the man’s back. “I couldn’t recommend it.”
There was a long silence while he continued to think things over and they gave him space. When he got to the end of all the options, he just stared at the two of them. The gorgeous wife was seated next to the scary-looking husband, one hand on his free arm, the other on his mutilated back, stroking.
It was obvious that his scars didn’t affect his worth in her eyes. He was whole and beautiful to her in spite of the condition of his skin.
T.W. thought of his own wife. Who was just like that.
“Out of ideas, Doc?” the husband asked.
“I am so sorry.” He shifted his eyes around, hating how helpless he felt. As a doctor he was trained to do something. As a human with a heart, he needed to do something. “I am so very sorry.”
The husband smiled that little smile of his again. “You treat a lot of people with burns, don’t you.”
“It’s my specialty. Kids, mostly. You know, because of…”
“Yeah, I know. Betcha you’re good to them.”
“How could I not be?”
The patient leaned forward and put his huge hand on T.W.’s shoulder. “We’re going to take off now, Doc. But my shellan’s going to leave the payment on the desk over there.”
T.W. glanced at the wife, who was bent over a checkbook, then shook his head. “Why don’t we just call it even. This really didn’t help you.”
“Nah, we took your time. We’ll pay.”
T.W. cursed under his breath a couple of times. Then just spat out, “Damn it.”
“Doc? Look at me now?”
T.W. glanced up at the guy. Man, that yellow stare was positively hypnotic. “Wow. You have incredible eyes.”
The patient smiled more widely, flashing teeth that were…not normal. “Thank you, Doc. Now listen up. You’re probably going to have dreams about this, and I want you to remember I left here tight, ’kay?”
T.W. frowned. “Why would I dream—”
“Just remember, I’m okay with what happened. Knowing you, that’s what’s going to bother you most.”
“I still don’t understand why I would h—”
T.W. blinked and looked around the examination room. He was sitting on the little rolling stool he used when he treated patients, and there was a chair pulled over next to the patient table, and he had his eye protection in his hand…except there was no one in the room but him.
Odd. He could have sworn he was just talking to the most amazing—
As a headache came on he rubbed his temples and became suddenly exhausted…exhausted and curiously depressed, as if he’d failed at something that had been important to him.
And worried. Worried about a m—
The headache got worse, and with a groan he stood up and went over to the desk. There was an envelope on it, a plain creamy envelope with flowing cursive script that read, In gratitude to T.W. Franklin, M.D., to be applied at his direction in favor of his department’s good works.
He turned it over, ripped open the flap, and took out a check.
His jaw hit the floor.
One hundred thousand dollars. Made out to the Department of Dermatology, St. Francis Hospital.
The name of the person listed was Fritz Perlmutter, and there was no address at the upper left, just a discreet notation: Caldwell National Bank, Private Client Group.
One hundred thousand dollars.
An image of a scarred husband and a gorgeous wife flickered in his mind, then was buried by his headache.
T.W. took the check and slipped it inside his shirt pocket, then shut down the laser machine and the computer and made his way to the back clinic exit, turning lights off as he went.
On his way home he found himself thinking of his wife, of the way she’d been when she’d first seen him after the fire all those decades ago. She’d been eleven and had come to visit him with her parents. He’d been absolutely mortified when she’d walked through the door because he’d already had a crush on her at that point, and there he’d been, stuck in a hospital bed, one side of him covered with bandages.
She’d smiled at him and taken his good hand and told him no matter what his arm looked like, she still wanted to be his friend.
She’d meant it. And then, proved it over and over again.
Even liked him as more than a friend.
Sometimes, T.W. thought, the fact that the one you cared about didn’t care how you looked was the best healing there was.
As he drove along, he passed by a jewelry store that was locked up tight for the night, and then a florist and then an antique shop that he knew his wife liked to browse in.
She’d given him three children. Nearly twenty years of marriage. And space to work this career of his.
He’d given her a lot of lonely nights. Dinners with just the kids. Vacations that were limited to a day or two tacked onto dermatology conferences.
And a Volvo.
It took T.W. twenty minutes to get to a Hannaford that was open all night, and he jogged into the supermarket even though there was no closing time to worry about.
The flower section was to the left, just as he walked in through the automatic doors. As he saw the roses and the chrysanthemums and the lilies, he thought about backing up his Lexus and filling the trunk with bouquets. And the backseat.
In the end though, he chose one single flower, and he held it carefully between his thumb and forefinger all the way home.
He parked in the garage, but didn’t go in through the kitchen. Instead he went to the front door and rang the bell.
His wife’s familiar, lovely face peeked out of the long, thin windows that framed their colonial’s entryway. She looked confused as she opened the door.
“Did you forget your—”
T.W. held the flower out in his burned hand.
It was a lowly little daisy. Exactly the kind she’d brought to him once a week in the hospital. For two months straight.
“I don’t say thank-you enough,” T.W. murmured. “Or I love you. Or that I still think you’re as beautiful as the day I married you.”
His wife’s hand trembled as she took the flower. “T.W…are you okay?”
“God…the fact that you have to ask that just because I bring you a flower…” He shook his head and hugged her into his arms, holding her tight. “I’m sorry.”
Their teenage daughter walked by them and rolled her eyes before heading up the stairs. “Get a room.”
T.W. pulled back and tucked his wife’s salt-and-pepper hair back behind her ears. “I think we should take her advice, what do you say? And by the way, we’re going somewhere for our anniversary—and not to a conference.”
His wife smiled and then outright beamed. “What has gotten into you?”
“I saw this patient and his wife tonight…” He winced and rubbed his temple. “I mean…what was I saying?”
“How about dinner?” his wife said, fitting herself into his side. “And then we’ll see about that room?”
T.W. leaned into his wife as he shut the door. As they went down the hall to the kitchen together, he kissed her. “That sounds perfect. Just perfect.”
Back at the Brotherhood’s mansion, Z stood at one of the windows in his and Bella’s bedroom and looked down over the terrace and the back gardens. His wrist burned from where the laser had been applied, but the pain wasn’t bad.
“I’m not surprised by the whole thing,” he said. “Well, other than the fact that I liked the doc.”
Bella came up behind him and put her arms around his waist. “He was a good guy, wasn’t he.”
As they stood together, there was a whole lot of what-now floating around the room. Unfortunately he didn’t have any answers. He’d kind of banked on the bands being removed, like that would somehow make everything better.
Although it wasn’t as if there weren’t still scars on his face.
From the nursery Nalla let out a burble and then a hiccup. A cry was next.
“I just fed her and changed her,” Bella said, pulling away. “I’m not sure what this is about—”
“Let me go to her,” he said in a tight voice. “Let me see if I can…”
Bella’s eyebrows lifted, but then she nodded. “Okay. I’ll stay here.”
“I won’t drop her. I promise.”
“I know you won’t. Just make sure you support her head.”
“Right. Got it.”
Z felt like he was going unarmed into a field of lessers when he walked into the nursery.
As if sensing him, Nalla let out a whiffle.
“It’s your father. Dad. Papa.” What would she call him?
He went over and peered down at his daughter. She was dressed in a Red Sox onesie, no doubt a gift from V and/or Butch, and her lower lip was quivering like it wanted to leap off the tip of her chin but was afraid of the drop.
“Why are you crying, little one?” he said softly.
When she lifted her arms up to him, he checked the doorway. Bella wasn’t in it, and he was glad. He didn’t want anyone seeing how awkward he was as he reached into the crib and…
Nalla fit between his hands perfectly, her butt in one of his palms, her head cradled in the other. As he straightened and brought her up, she was surprisingly sturdy and warm and—
She grabbed onto his turtleneck and pulled into him, demanding closeness…and obliging her seemed shockingly easy. As he held her against his chest, she settled immediately, turning herself flush into his body.
Having her in his arms was so natural. And so was heading for the rocker and sitting down and using one of his feet to make them go back and forth.
Staring at her lashes and her plump little cheeks and her death grip on his turtleneck, he realized just how much she needed him—and not just to protect her. She needed him to love her, too.
“Looks like you are getting along,” Bella said quietly from the doorway.
He glanced up. “She seems to like me.”
“How could she not?”
Looking back down at his daughter, he said after a while, “It would have been great to get them removed. The tats. But she’d still ask about my face.”
“She’s going to love you anyway. She already does.”
He ran his forefinger over Nalla’s arm, stroking her as she snuggled even deeper against his heart and played patty-cake on the back of his free hand.
From out of nowhere, he said, “You didn’t talk to me much about your abduction.”
“I…ah, I didn’t want to upset you.”
“Do you find yourself protecting me from things that might upset me a lot?”
“You sure about that?”
“Zsadist, if I do, it’s because—”
“I’m not much of a male if I can’t be there when you need me.”
“You are always there for me. And we did talk about it some.”
God, he felt like shit for all she had had to do alone, just because of his head fuck.
And yet her voice was strong and sure as she said, “When it comes to the abduction, I don’t want you to know every little thing that happened. Not because you can’t handle it, but because I don’t want to give that bastard any more influence over my life than he’s already had.” She shook her head. “I’m not going to give him the power to upset you if I can avoid it. Not going to happen—and that would be true whether or not you had been through anything traumatic.”
Z made a noise to acknowledge that she’d spoken, but he didn’t agree with her. He wanted to give her everything she needed. She deserved nothing less. And his past had impacted them. Still did. Christ, the way he’d been about Nalla had been—
“May I tell you something in confidence?” she said.
“Of course.”
“Mary wants a baby.”
Z’s eyes shot up. “She does? That’s great—”
“A biological one.”
“Yeah. She can’t have one of her own, so Rhage would have to lay with a Chosen.”
Z shook his head. “He would never do that. He won’t be with anyone but Mary.”
“That’s what she says. But if he doesn’t, she can’t hold a piece of him in her arms.”
Yeah, because IVF didn’t work on vampires. “Shit.”
“She hasn’t talked to Rhage about it yet because she’s sorting her own feelings out first. She talks to me so she can ride the peaks and valleys of her emotions without putting him through the wringer. Some days she wants a young so badly, she thinks she can handle it. Other days she simply can’t bear the idea on any level and considers adoption. My point is, you can’t work out all your stuff with your partner. And you shouldn’t. You were there for me afterward. You’re there for me now. I never question that. But that doesn’t mean I have to drag you into the nitty-gritty. Healing is a multifaceted kind of thing.”
He tried to picture himself telling Bella all the ins and outs of the abuse he’d been subjected to…No…no way would he want her to break her heart over the fucked up nightmare he’d been put through.
“Did you talk to someone?” he asked.
“Yes, at Havers’s. And I talked to Mary.” There was a pause. “And I went back…to where I’d been held.”
His eyes flipped up and bored into hers. “You did?”
She nodded. “I had to.”
“You never told me.” Fuck, she’d been back there? Without him?
“I needed to go. For me. And I needed to go alone and I didn’t want to argue. I made sure Wrath knew when I was leaving and I told him right when I got back.”
“Damn…I wish I’d known. Makes me feel like a shitty hellren.”
“You’re anything but that. Especially now that you’re holding your daughter like you are.”
There was a long silence.
“Look,” she said, “if it helps any, I’ve never felt like I couldn’t tell you something. I’ve never doubted that you would man up and support me. But just because we’re mated doesn’t mean I’m not my own person.”
“I know…” He thought for a minute. “I didn’t want to go back to where I…To that castle. If it hadn’t been for the fact that she’d imprisoned another male down in that cell…I never would have gone back.”
And he couldn’t now. The place where he’d been held in the Old Country had long ago been sold to humans, eventually ending up in England’s National Trust.
“Did you feel better?” he asked abruptly. “After you went to see where you’d been?”
“Yes, because Vishous had ashed the place. The closure was more complete that way.”
Z rubbed Nalla’s little round belly absently while staring across at his shellan. “I wonder why we haven’t talked about it before now.”
Bella smiled and nodded at the young. “We’ve had something else get our attention.”
“Can I be honest? The steakhead in me needs to believe that if you’d wanted me to go with you to that place, you know I would have done it in a heartbeat and stayed tight for you.”
“I absolutely know that. But I still wanted to go alone. I can’t explain it…it was just something I needed to do. A courage thing.”
Nalla glanced in the direction of her mother and made a squirming reach that was accompanied by a little burble of demand.
“I think she wants something only you can give her,” Z said with a smile as he got up from the rocker.
He and Bella met in the middle of the room. As they made the handoff, he kissed his shellan and lingered a bit, with both of them holding on to their daughter.
“I’m going out, okay?” he said. “I won’t be long.”
“Be safe.”
“I promise. I’ve got to take care of my girls.”
Zsadist armed himself and dematerialized out west of the city, to a stretch of forest dead in the thick of farm country.
The bald clearing was fifty feet ahead, right by a stream, but instead of seeing an empty stretch among the pines, he pictured a single-room building with a plywood exterior and a tin roof.
What was in his mind was clear as the trees around him and the stars in the night sky up above: The facility had been constructed by the Lessening Society quickly and with an eye toward the temporary. What had been done inside, though, had been the stuff of permanence.
He walked over to the clearing, the twigs of the forest floor cracking under his boots, reminding him of a quiet fire in the fireplace.
His thoughts were anything but calming and homey.
When you went through the place’s door, there had been a stall shower and a drywall bucket with a toilet seat on it. For six weeks Bella had washed in the four-by-four-foot cubicle, and he knew she hadn’t been alone. That bastard lesser had watched her. Had probably helped.
Shit, the idea of anything like that happening made him want to hunt the fucker down all over again. But Bella had taken care of the slayer’s death, hadn’t she. She’d been the one who had shot him in the head while the bastard had stood before her, captivated by his sick love for her…
Shaking himself, Z imagined he was standing once again in the main room of the place. To the left there had been a wall of shelving with tools of the torture trade laid out on flimsy wooden boards held aloft by crude brackets. Chisels, knives, handsaws…he could remember how shiny they had been.
There had been a fireproof closet as well, one that he’d ripped the doors off of.
And a stainless-steel autopsy table with fresh blood on it.
Which he’d tossed into the corner like litter.
He could totally remember busting into the facility. He’d been looking for Bella for weeks after that lesser had broken into her house and taken her. Everyone thought she was dead, but he’d refused to believe it. He’d been tortured by the need to get her free…a need he hadn’t then understood but couldn’t deny.
The break had come when a civilian vampire had escaped from this “persuasion center,” as the Lessening Society called them, and tracked his location by dematerializing out from the clearing at hundred-yard clips through the forest. From the map he’d drawn for the Brotherhood, Z had come here looking for his female.
The first thing he’d found had been a scorched circle of earth right outside the door, and he’d thought it had been Bella, left for the sun. He’d bent at the knees and put his hand to the ashed circle, and when his sight had gone blurry he hadn’t known why.
Tears. There had been tears in his eyes. And it had been so long since he’d cried, he hadn’t recognized what they were.
Coming back to the present, Z braced himself and stepped forward, his boots crossing over low-napped, weedy grass. Usually, after Vishous used his hand on a place, there was nothing left but ash and small bits of metal, and that was true here. With the forest undergrowth already grabbing hold, soon the clearing would be filled in again.
The three pipes that were set in the ground had survived, though. And would continue to exist no matter how many sapling pines sprang up.
Kneeling down, Z took out his Maglite and angled the beam into the hole Bella had been in. Pine needles and water had filled it in part of the way.
It had been December when he’d found her in the earth, and he could only imagine the cold that had surrounded her down there…the cold and the darkness and the tight squeeze of the ribbed metal.
He’d almost missed these earthbound prisons. After he’d thrown the autopsy table across the room, he’d heard a whimper, and that was what had brought him over here, to these three pipes. As he’d popped the mesh cover off the one the noise came from, he’d known he’d found her.
Except he hadn’t. When he’d pulled on the ropes that had led into the hole, a civilian male had emerged, a male who was shivering like a child.
Bella had been unconscious in the one she’d been in.
Z had gotten shot in the leg as he’d worked to get her free, thanks to a security system that Rhage had only partially disarmed. Even with the bullet tearing into his leg, though, he hadn’t felt a thing as he’d bent down and grabbed onto the ropes and slowly pulled. He’d seen his love’s mahogany-colored hair first, and the dizzying relief had been like getting blanketed by a warm cloud. But then her face had become visible.
Her eyes had been sewn shut.
Z got to his feet, his body revolting against that memory, his stomach churning, his throat getting tight. He’d nursed her afterward. Bathed her. Let her feed from him even though giving her the corroded shit in his veins had brought him to the edge of hysteria.
And he’d serviced her in her needing as well. Which was how Nalla had come to be.
In return? Bella had given him back the world.
Zsadist took a last look around, seeing not the landscape but the truth. Bella might be smaller than him and might weigh a hundred pounds less and might be untrained in the martial arts and might not know how to shoot guns…but she was stronger than he was.
She had gotten through what had been done to her.
Could the past be like this, he wondered, looking around at the empty clearing. A structure in your mind that you could burn down and get free of?
He moved his foot back and forth over the forest floor. The weeds that had poked up through the skin of the earth were like green whiskers, and they were concentrated in the area that got the most sunlight.
From the ashes came new life.
Z took out his phone and composed a text that he never thought he’d write.
It took him four tries to get it right. And when he hit send, he knew on some level he changed the course of his life.
And you could do that, couldn’t you, he thought as he put the RAZR back in his pocket. You could choose some paths and not others. Not always, of course. At times destiny just drove you to a destination and dropped your ass off and that was that.
But on occaision you were able to pick the address. And if you had half a brain, no matter how hard it was or how weird it felt, you went into the house.
And found yourself.
An hour later Zsadist was in the cellar at the Brotherhood’s mansion, sitting in front of the old coal-burning furnace in the basement. The damn thing was a relic from the 1900s, but it worked so well there was no reason to upgrade.
Plus, it took effort to keep the coal burning, and doggen loved regular duties. The more chores, the better.
The great iron furnace’s belly had a little window in the front, one made from inch-thick tempered glass, and on the other side flames rolled, lazy and hot.
He rubbed his face and didn’t turn around at the sound of the familiar female voice. On some level he couldn’t believe he was going to do what he was about to, and the urge to bolt was ripping him up.
He cleared his throat. “Hi.”
“Hi.” There was a pause, and then Mary said, “Is that empty chair next to you for me?”
Now he twisted around. Mary was standing at the bottom of the cellar stairs, dressed as she usually was, in khakis and a Polo sweater. On her left wrist was an enormous gold Rolex, and she had small pearls in each of her earlobes.
“Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, it is…thanks for coming.”
Mary walked over, her loafers making a little clipping noise on the concrete floor. When she sat down on the lawn chair, she repositioned it so it faced him and not the furnace.
He rubbed his skull trim.
As silence meandered around, a blower came on across the way…and upstairs someone turned on the dishwasher…and the phone rang in the back of the kitchen.
Eventually, because he felt like a fool for not saying anything, he held up one of his wrists. “I need to practice what I’m going to say to Nalla when she asks about these. I just…I need to have something ready to say to her. Something that…is the right thing, you know?”
Mary nodded slowly. “Yes, I do.”
He turned back to the furnace and remembered burning the Mistress’s skull in it. Abruptly he realized that was the equivalent of V’s ashing the place Bella had been hurt in, wasn’t it. You couldn’t burn a castle down…but there had been a kind of cleansing by fire nonetheless.
What he hadn’t done was the other half of the healing stuff.
After a while Mary said, “Zsadist?”
“What are those markings?”
His frowned and flicked his eyes over to her, thinking, as if she didn’t know? But then…well, she had been a human. Maybe she didn’t. “They’re slave bands. I was…a slave.”
“Did it hurt when they were put on you?”
“Did the same person who cut your face give them to you?”
“No, my owner’s hellren did that. My owner…she put the bands on me. He was the one who cut my face.”
“How long were you a slave?”
“A hundred years.”
“How did you get free?”
“Phury. Phury got me out. That’s how he lost his leg.”
“Were you hurt while you were a slave?”
Z swallowed hard. “Yes.”
“Do you still think about it?”
“Yes.” He looked down at his hands, which suddenly were in pain for some reason. Oh, right. He’d made two fists and was squeezing them so tightly his fingers were about to snap off at the knuckles.
“Does slavery still happen?”
“No. Wrath outlawed it. As a mating gift to me and Bella.”
“What kind of slave were you?”
Zsadist shut his eyes. Ah, yes, the question he didn’t want to answer.
For a while it was all he could do to force himself to stay in the chair. But then, in a falsely level voice, he said, “I was a blood slave. I was used by a female for blood.”
The quiet after he spoke bore down on him, a tangible weight.
“Zsadist? Can I put my hand on your back?”
His head did something that was evidently a nod, because Mary’s gentle palm came down lightly on his shoulder blade. She moved it in a slow, easy circle.
“Those are the right answers,” she said. “All of them.”
He had to blink fast as the fire in the furnace’s window became blurry. “You think?” he said hoarsely.
“No. I know.”
Six months later…
“And what is going on in here with all this noise, precious one?”
Bella walked into the nursery and found Nalla standing up in her crib, hands locked on the rail, little face red and bunched tight from crying. Everything had been pitched out onto the floor: the pillow, the stuffed toys, the blanket.
“Sounds like your world is ending again,” Bella said as she scooped up her wailing daughter and looked at the debris. “Was it something they said?”
Attention just made the tears come faster and harder.
“Now, now, try to breathe—it’ll give you more volume…Okay, you just ate, so I know you’re not hungry. And you’re dry.” More howling. “I have a feeling I know what this is about…”
Bella checked her watch. “Look, we can give it a try, but I don’t know if it’s time yet.”
Bending down, she picked Nalla’s favorite pink blankie off the floor, wrapped the young in it, and headed for the door. Nalla calmed a little as they left the nursery and went down the hall of statues to the grand staircase, and the trip through the tunnel to the training center was likewise relatively quiet—but when they stepped out into the office and the place was empty, the crying started up again.
“Hold on, we’ll just see if—”
Outside, in the corridor, a group of pretrans left the locker room and walked off in the direction of the center’s parking area. It was good to see them, and not just because it meant Nalla was probably going to get what she was after: following the raids on the glymera, the classes for future soldiers had been halted. Now, though, the Brotherhood was back in business with the next generation—only this time not all of them were aristocrats.
Bella entered the gym through a back door, and she flushed at what she saw. Zsadist was up ahead, working out on a punching bag, his powerful fists driving the thing back until it hung at a stiff angle. His shirtless torso was stunning under the caged lights, his muscles viciously cut, his nipple rings gleaming, his fighting form perfect even to her untrained eyes.
Off to one side, a trainee stood utterly transfixed, a sweatshirt hanging limp in his little hand. His face showed a combination of fear and awe as he watched Zsadist work out, the kid’s eyes wide, his mouth open in a little O from his jaw going loose.
The second Nalla’s cries echoed up into the vast space, Z spun around.
“Sorry to bother you,” Bella said over the wailing. “But she wants her daddy.”
Z’s face melted into an absolute glow of love, the fierce concentration draining from his eyes and being replaced with what Bella liked to call his Nalla-vision. He met them halfway across the blue mats, dropping a kiss on Bella’s mouth as he took the young into his arms.
Nalla settled instantly in her father’s hold, the young wrapping her arms around his thick neck and cuddling into his massive chest.
Z looked back across the gym to the trainee. In a deep voice, he said, “Bus is coming soon, son. You better hurry.”
When he turned around again, Bella felt her hellren’s arm come around her waist, and she was pulled tight to his side. As he kissed her on the mouth once more, he murmured, “I need a shower. You want to help?”
“Oh, yes.”
The three of them left the gym and went back to the mansion. Halfway through the trip, Nalla conked out, so when they got up to their bedroom, they went into the nursery, put her down in her crib, and enjoyed a shower that was very hot—and not just because of the temperature of the water.
When they were through, Nalla was awake again, just in time for story hour.
While Bella dried her hair with a towel, Z went in, got the young, and father and daughter settled into the big bed. Bella came out a moment later and just leaned back against the doorway and stared at the two of them. The pair were cozied up together so close they were like one person. Z had on a pair of pajama bottoms that were Black Watch plaid, and a muscle shirt. Nalla was in a pale pink onesie that read Daddy’s Girl on it in white.
“Oh, the Places You’ll Go,” Zsadist read from the book in his lap. “By Dr. Seuss.”
As Z read along, Nalla patted the pages with her palm every once in a while.
This was the new routine. At the end of every night, when Z came home from patrol or teaching, he would usually take a shower as Bella fed Nalla, and then he and his daughter got in bed together and he read to her until she fell asleep.
Whereupon he carefully took her to the nursery…and returned for mahmen-and-papa time, as he referred to it.
Both the reading and the way he’d grown comfortable holding Nalla were miracles, and Mary had had a hand in both. Z and the female met once a week in the basement by the furnace. The two of them had told Bella about the sessions and sometimes Z would talk a little about what was covered, but for the most part what got discussed stayed in the basement—although Bella was aware that some of what was shared was gruesome: She knew because, afterward, Mary would frequently go into her bedroom with Rhage and not come out for a long, long while. But it was working. Z was easing in a different way, a new way.
It showed with Nalla. When the young grabbed at his wrists he didn’t pull away, but let her pat him or kiss him on the bands. He let her crawl over his ruined back and rub her face against his, too. And he’d had his daughter’s name added to his skin, carved lovingly below Bella’s by his Brothers.
It also showed because the bad dreams had dried up. In fact, months had gone by since the last time he’d shot upright in bed in a fear-sweat.
And it also showed in his smile. Which was broader and more frequent than ever.
Abruptly, the sight of him holding his daughter got a little wavy, and as if he sensed the tears, Z’s eyes flipped up to her. He kept reading but frowned with worry.
Bella blew him a kiss, and in response he patted the mattress next to him.
“‘So…get on your way!’” he finished as Bella cuddled up close.
Nalla let out a happy coo and patted the book cover he’d closed.
“Are you okay?” he whispered in Bella’s ear.
She put her hand on his cheek and brought his mouth to hers. “Yes. Very much so.”
As they kissed, Nalla patted the book again.
“You sure you’re all right?” Z asked.
“Oh, yes.”
Nalla grabbed at the book and Z grinned, tugging it back gently. “Hey, what are you doing, little one? You want more? You are just too much…you…oh, no…not the quivering lip…oh, no.” Nalla let out a giggle. “Outrageous! You want more, and you know you’re going to get what you want because of The Lip. Jeez, you’ve got your father wrapped around your little finger, don’t you.”
Nalla cooed as her dad opened the book again and the story started to roll out of Z’s mouth once more, his voice resonant. “‘Congratulations! Today is your day…’”
Bella closed her eyes, put her head on her hellren’s shoulder, and listened to the story.
Of all the places she’d ever been, this was the best one. Right here. With the two of them.
And she knew Zsadist felt the same way. It was in all the hours he spent with Nalla and all the days he reached through the sheets for Bella when they were alone. It was in the fact that he’d started singing again, and that he’d begun to roughhouse with his Brothers, not for training, but for fun. It was in his new smile, the one she’d never seen before and couldn’t wait to see again.
It was the light in his eyes and in his heart.
He was…happy with his life. And getting happier.
As if he’d read her mind, Z took her hand in his larger one and gave her a squeeze.
Yes, he felt exactly the same. This was his favorite place, too.
Bella listened to the story and let herself drift off, just as her daughter did, safe in the knowledge that all was where it should be.
Their male had come back to them…and was here to stay.
The Brotherhood Dossiers
His Royal Highness Wrath, Son of Wrath
“Welcome to the wonderful world of jealousy. For the price of admission, you get a splitting headache, a nearly irresistible urge to commit murder, and an inferiority complex. Yippee.”
Age: 343
Joined Brotherhood: Long story on that one…
Height: 6′9″
Weight: 273 lbs.
Hair color: Black, straight, down to small of back
Eye color: Pale green
Identifying physical marks: Tattoos on both forearms detailing royal lineage; Brotherhood scar on left pectoral; name ELIZABETH carved in skin across upper back and shoulders in Old English letters.
Note: Eyesight is weak—eyes hypersensitive to light, likely due to his purebred lineage. Wears sunglasses at all times.
Weapon of choice: Hira shuriken (martial arts throwing stars)
Wrath was six feet, nine inches of pure terror dressed in leather. His hair was long and black, falling straight from a widow’s peak. Wraparound sunglasses hid eyes that no one had ever seen re vealed. Shoulders were twice the size of most males’. With a face that was both aristocratic and brutal, he looked like the king he was by birthright and the soldier he’d become by destiny.
Mated to: Elizabeth Anne Randall
Personal Qs (answered by Wrath):
Last movie watched: Meatballs (Rhage’s fault)
List book read: Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown (for Nalla)
Favorite TV show: NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams
Last TV show watched: The Office (also a fave)
Last game played: Monopoly
Greatest fear: Death
Greatest love: Beth
Favorite quote: Rule by the heart and the fist.
Boxers or briefs: Boxers, black
Watch: Braille
Car: Beth drives me in her Audi, or Fritz takes me out
What time is it while you’re filling this out: 2 p.m.
Where are you? In my study
What are you wearing? Black leathers, black Hanes T-shirt, shitkickers
What’s in your closet? More of the same, in addition to one black Brooks Brothers suit, and whites for audiences with the Scribe Virgin
What was the last thing you ate? Lamb sandwich made by Beth
Describe your last dream? None of your business
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe? Beth Randall
Kirk or Picard? Kirk
Football or baseball? Rugby
Sexiest part of a female? My shellan’s throat
What do you like most about Beth? Everything. Yeah, that covers it
First words spoken to her were: “I thought we’d try this again.”
Her response was: “Who are you?”
Last gift given to her: Canary diamond earrings from Craff to match the ring I gave her
Most romantic thing you’ve ever done for her: You’d have to ask her
Most romantic thing she’s ever done for you: The way she woke me up about an hour ago
Anything you’d change about her? Just that I would have met her a couple of centuries before I did
Best friend (excluding shellan): Lots him ’bout three years ago. ’Nuff said.
Last time you cried: None of your biz
Last time you laughed: ’Bout twenty minutes ago, because I got to watch Nalla discover her toes
J.R.’s Interview with Wrath
Here’s the thing about the king. He’ll allow himself to be interviewed, but it’s on his terms. Which is Wrath in a nutshell. He’s all about his terms, but then I guess when you’re the last purebred vampire on the earth and king of your race and…well, when you’re as big as he is and have a stare that can cut through glass like a diamond, the world is a place you dictate, not dodge around in.
Did I mention that I’m wearing waders at the moment, and I’m thigh-high in an icy Adirondack stream?
Yeah, the king’s taken up fly-fishing.
On this frosty November night, Wrath and I are standing in the midst of rolling, sluggish water that is cold. I have long underwear on, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t, as he’s not the type to be bothered by a chill. He did, however, make a concession to a set of gigantic waders, which Fritz custom-tailored for a pair of legs that are each about the size of my upper body. I’m to the side of the king; I figured if I were in front or behind I’d be in hook range, and considering I had to pester him for weeks for this audience, I don’t want to risk a trip to an ER for some kind of tackle-ectomy.
On a side note, Wrath looks worn-down. Mind you, he still outranks 99.9 percent of any of the males I’ve ever seen on the Holy Shit Hot Scale, but then, honestly, can you get sexier than a guy with hip-length black hair, a widow’s peak, and wraparound sunglasses? Not to mention the tats on his forearms and those green eyes and his…
Listen, I have never measured his backside. Ever. Not once. Or the tremendous width of his shoulders. Or his six-pack.
Oh, don’t look at me like that.
Anyway, where were we? Right, the stream. Fly-fishing.
The king and I are about a half mile from Rehvenge’s safe house in the Adirondack Mountains near Black Snake State Park. Wrath is standing about fifteen feet from me, whisking his right arm back and forth in a gentle rhythm, pulling a gossamer-thin fishing line through the stream, then letting it be taken, through the stream, then letting it be taken. The water sounds like wind chimes as it chatters past smooth brown and gray rocks, and the pine trees on either side of the banks whistle as the wind tickles through their branches. The air is cool and crisp, making me think that I’m glad I have a Macintosh apple in the backpack we brought with us—fall just goes with those tart, juicy little buggers.
Oh, and one last salient point. Wrath has a forty strapped under each arm and throwing stars in his pockets. I can see the forties. He told me about the stars.
J.R.: Can I he honest with you?
Wrath: You’d better be. ’Cause I’d smell it it’ you weren’t.
J R.: True enough. Ah…I’m surprised you have the patience tor this. The fishing, that is.
Wrath: (shrugging) It’s not a matter of patience. It’s calming. And no, I’m not taking up yoga. That’s Rhage’s deal.
J.R.: He’s still doing that?
Wrath: Yeah, he’s still namaste-ing his ass into a million different contortions. Swear that fucker’s retractable.
J.R.: Speaking of Rhage and Mary, is it true what I heard?
Wrath: The adoption thing? Yeah. When Nalla came, they both kind of sat up and were like, We want one of those.
J. R.: How long will it take? And white are they going for the young?
Wrath: You’ll hear about it when it’s done. But it’s going to be a while.
J.R.: Well, I’m happy for them. (There’s a stretch of no talking, during which Wrath reels in his line, then casts it out into another pan of the stream.) Do you want—
Wrath: No I’m still not pushing the children thing. After what Bella went through…(Shakes head.) Nope. And before you ask, Beth’s okay with that. I think she’ll want one in the future, though. Just hope it’s later rather than sooner. Although, honestly. she hasn’t even gone through her first needing, so it’s not a huge issue.
J.R.: Suppose you’d like me to change the subject?
Wrath: Up to you. You can ask anything, doesn’t mean I’ll answer. (Shoots a look over his shoulder and smiles at me.) But you know how I do—
J.R.: (laughing) Yeah. I’m familiar with the way things go. So let me ask you about the whole Chosen thing and Phury. What do you think about the changes he made?
Wrath: Man…he impressed the shit out of me. He really did. And not just about what he did with the Scribe Virgin. For a while there, I was sure we were going to lose him.
J.R.: (thinking about Phury and the heroin) You nearly did.
Wrath: Yeah. (There’s another stretch of silence, which I spend watching his arm go back and forth, back and forth. The line makes a lovely sound through the cool forest air, as if it is breathing.) Yeah. Anyhow, that’s why we’re here, at Rehv’s house. I come up with Beth every two weeks or so and meet with Phury and the Directrix and check in how things are going with the Chosen. Christ, can you imagine what the transition’s like for those females? Going from total lockdown to being able to explore a world you’ve only read about?
J.R.: I can’t, no.
Wrath: Phury’s fantastic with them It’s like overnight they’ve all become his daughters. And they love him. He is the perfect Primale, and Cormia’s now their den mother. As she’s had more time to assimilate, she’s doing a lot of transitioning diem herself. I’m really glad it’s gone down like it has.
J.R.: Talking about patent stuff, what’s life like at the mansion now that Nalla’s around?
Wrath: (laughing) Okay, for real? That kid’s a star. She’s got us all wrapped around her little finger. The other day I was working at my desk, and Bella was on walkabout with the young—she does this because lately Nalla only sleeps when she’s moving? Anyway, Bella brought her into my study and the two of them were pacing. Nalla’s head was on Bella’s shoulder and she was out like a light—by the way, the kid’s got eyelashes longer than your arm. So. Bella? She finally sinks down on the couch to take a breather, and two seconds later. I kid you not, Nalla’s eyes flip open and she starts fussing.
J.R.: Poor thing!
Wrath: Bella, right?
J.R.: Yup!
Wrath: (laughing) So I got to hold Nalla. Bella let me hold her. (This is said with no small amount of pride.) I walked the young around. I didn’t drop her.
J.R.: (hiding smile) Of course you didn’t.
Wrath: She went back to sleep. (Shoots crave stare over his shoulder.) You know, young only sleep if they trust you to keep them safe.
J.R.: (softly) Anyone would be safe with you.
Wrath: (looks away quickly) So, yeah, kid’s a gem. Z’s a little uneasy around her still, I think because he’s afraid he’s going to break her—not because he doesn’t love her. Rhage handles her like a sack of potatoes, hauling her any way he pleases, which Nalla loves. Phury’s a natural. So’s Butch.
J.R.: What about Vishous?
Wrath: Meh. I think Nalla makes him nervous. He made her a dagger, though. (laughs) Fucking hard-ass. What kind of crack bastard makes a dagger for an infant?
J.R.: Bet it’s lovely, though.
Wrath: Shit, yeah. He put all these…(The king pauses and flicks at the line as if he thinks he’s got something hooked.) He put all these diamonds on the hilt. Spent three days working on it. Says it’s for when she starts dating.
J.R.: (laughing) I’ll bet.
Wrath: Might go to waste. Zsadist says she’s never dating. Ever.
J.R.: Uh-oh.
Wrath: Yeah. Z’s little girl? You want to be the male coming to call on her? Shiiiiiiit.
J.R.: I’d pass.
Wrath: I know I would. Like my balls right where they are, thank you very much.
J.R.: (after another stretch of quiet) Can I ask about Tohr?
Wrath: Figured you would.
J.R.: (waits for him to say something) So I’m asking about him.
Wrath: (annoyed) Look, what do you want me to say? He went into the woods to die. Lassiter brought him back to people who remind him every day of his dead shellan. He needs to feed, and of course he’s refusing, and I don’t blame him for that at all. He’s weak and angry and he just wants to be dead. That’s how he’s doing.
J.R.: (knowing not to push any more) Is it weird having Lassiter around?
Wrath: (laughs tightly) That angel is a thing all right. I don’t mind him all that much, and I think he knows it. He took a bullet for me once.
J.R.: I’d heard. Do you feel like you owe him?
Wrath: Yeah.
J.R.: He and V don’t get along.
Wrath: No, they don’t. (laughs) That’s going to be fun to watch. It’s like two pit bulls in a cage whenever they’re in the same room. And before you ask, no. I don’t know all the ins and outs, and I’m not asking.
J.R.: Talking about ins and outs…about the glymera—
Wrath: Shit, why do you want to ruin a perfectly nice evening.
J.R.: Well. I was going to ask you how you felt about Rehvenge being appointed leahdyre of the Princeps Council.
Wrath: (roars with laughter) Okay, you’re so forgiven. Man, what a trip that is. Who the fuck would have thought that’ll happen? A symphath. Leading that group of insular, prejudicial bastards. And they have no idea he is one. Plus, come on, Rehv’s on my side in this growing civil unrest they’re trying to stir up after all the raids by the Lessening Society. They’ve just appointed someone who thinks the aristocrats are as nuts and as destructive as I do.
J.R.: But do you trust Rehv?
Wrath: As much as I trust anyone who’s not my brother or Beth.
J.R.: So the fact that he’s half symphath—
Wrath: Hold up. He’s a symphath. Whether his blood s half-and-half is irrelevant. You got any of that shit in you, you’re a symphath. That’s why that colony up north of here was created. They are dangerous.
J.R.: So that’s why I’m asking if you trust him. I thought they were all sociopaths.
Wrath: They are, and so is he. Here’s the thing, though…with symphath, the one thing you can take to the fucking bank is then self-interest. Rehv loves his sister. Bella’s married to a Brother. Therefore, Rehv will do nothing to hurt them or me. That math holds in all situations.
J.R.: Do you think the glymera poses a threat to you as king?
Wrath: Look, straight up? I don’t like them and never have, but shit knows I don’t want them dead. Right now they’re fragmented, out of Caldwell, and they’re scrambling. The longer that goes on, the better for me, because it gives me time to gather the reins as best I can and try to give people a vision to get through this. As long as I have a base of support among the larger group of civilians, I’m fine. And let’s face it, the glymera isn’t about inclusion, so it’s not as if your average vampire feels an allegiance to them.
J.R.: What is your vision for the future?
Wrath: Change. Phury’s absolutely right, we need to adapt if we’re going to survive, and the old rules are killing us. I’ve already outlawed slavery. I’m changing the rules about soldiers and the Brotherhood. The Chosen have been set free. And there are a hundred other things I need to recast, rethink, redo.
J.R.: About the Brotherhood. So that means Blay and Qhuinn could be Brothers?
Wrath: Assuming they get enough experience under their belts and can rise to the level. The threshold for being a Brother is going to be set very high in terms of skills. Blood’s not going to get you in anymore, how you fight will. And I’m freeing up other restrictions. You know, Qhuinn is Johns private guard, and in the past that would have disqualified him, but not anymore.
J.R.: I’m surprised that you let him and Blay into the house. Glad, actually.
Wrath: (after a moment) Well…Darius built that place, and he loved having people around. Those two boys are tight, and shit knows, Qhuinn did right by John. S’all good. Thing is, the training program is on hiatus for God only knows how long. The glymera took what sons were left with them when they went, and besides, we’ve had our hands full dealing with the war. I need soldiers, and Blay and Qhuinn are good fighters. Excellent, really. So we’re going to want them.
(Long silence.)
J.R.: Are you happy? I mean, I know things are hard right now, but are you happier than you were a couple of years ago?
The line suddenly goes taut, and Wrath focuses on bringing in what turns out to be a freshwater trout. The fish is gleaming and slippery in the king’s big hands, and he almost loses it while trying to get the hook out of its gaping mouth.
J.R.: He’s beautiful.
Wrath: Yeah, full of fight, too. (He leans down and puts the fish to the water, holding it carefully.) You ask me if I’m happy? Well…after this, we’re going back to a warm house and my shellan’s waiting for me there. We’re going to eat, assuming Layla hasn’t burned down the kitchen, and then I’m going to get into bed with Beth. I’m going to mate with her for an hour, maybe longer, then I’m going to fall asleep with her on my chest. (He releases the trout and watches it tear off through the sluggish current.) You ready to go?
J.R.: Yeah. And I appreciate your doing this.
Wrath: Not a problem. Except you think you’re going to drive down to Caldwell now to do the others?
J.R.: That’s the plan.
Wrath: (shaking head) No, you’re staying here tonight. Tomorrow you’ll leave late afternoon. It’s a long drive, and the Northway’s got deer.
J.R.: (because you do not argue with the king) All right. That’s what I’ll do.
Wrath: Good.
At this point the two of us wade over to the bank. Wrath gets out of the stream first and offers me his hand. I take it and he pulls me up. He picks up the backpack, opens it, and holds it out to me.
Wrath: You want your apple?
J.R.: Oh. I’d love it.
I reach in and take the thing. Its red-and-green skin is shiny in the moonlight, and when I bite into it, it cracks like hardwood. The juice drips down onto my palm as the two of us go through the woods together, our waders flapping against our legs.
J.R.: (as we come out of the forest and sec the glowing lights of Rehv’s rustic safe house) Wrath?
Wrath: Hm?
J.R.: Thank you.
Wrath: Its your apple.
J.R.: I’m not talking about the apple.
Wrath: (after a moment) I know. I know, cholla.
He gives me a short, tight hug that lasts for two footfalls, and then the pair of us separate, but keep walking side by side toward the warm, welcoming home.
Dark Lover
The People:
Wrath, heir to the throne of the vampires
Beth Randall, newspaper reporter
Darius, son of Marklon, son of Horusman
Tohrment, son of Hharm
Wellasandra, blooded daughter of Relix, mated of the Black Dagger warrior Tohrment
Rhage, son of Tohrture
Zsadist, son of Ahgony
Phury, son of Ahgony
The Scribe Virgin
Marissa, blooded daughter of Wallen
Havers, blooded son of Wallen
Fritz (Perlmutter), butler extraordinaire
Mr. X(avier), Fore-lesser
Billy Riddle, son of Senator William Riddle
Cherry Pie, a.k.a. Mary Mulcahy
Butch O’Neal, detective in the Caldwell Police Department, Homicide Division
José de la Cruz, detective in CPD’s Homicide Division
Dick, Beth’s editor at the Caldwell Courier Journal
Doug, the attending at the hospital
Unnamed blond male, Billy Riddle’s partner in the attempted rape of Beth
Loser (unnamed youth whom Mr. X takes out with Billy)
Abby, bartender at McGrider’s Bar
Boo, the black cat
Places of Interest (all in Caldwell, NY, unless otherwise specified):
Screamer’s on Trade Street
Offices of the Caldwell Courier Journal (CCJ) on Trade Street
Beth’s apartment—1B, 1188 Redd Avenue
Caldwell Police Department on Trade (six blocks from Caldwell Courier Journal)
Darius’s House—816 Wallace Avenue
Caldwell Martial Arts Academy (across from Dunkin’ Donuts)
Mr. X’s farm, off Route 22
Havers’s clinic—undisclosed location
McGrider’s Bar on Trade Street
ZeroSum (corner of Trade and Tenth streets)
In this, the first book of the series, Wrath, unascended king of the vampires and the last purebred vampire on earth, reluctantly assumes responsibility for seeing a half-breed female through her transition. Beth Randall is unaware of her vampire heritage and fights both her own truth and her attraction to the dark stranger who comes after her.
Opening line: Darius looked around the club, taking in the teeming, half-naked bodies on the dance floor.
Last line: “Please, if you would,” the butler said, “no throwing the linens. Peaches, anyone?”
Published: September 2005
Page length: 393
Word count: 118,833
First draft written: September-November 2004
Craft comments:
Dark Lover remains the book of which I’m most proud. In my opinion, the pacing is as good as I’ll ever get it, and it was the place where I found my voice. Of course, writing the damn thing scared the ever-loving pants off me because it was a huge stretch for me as an author. Huge. I’d never tried multiple POVs and plots before or done a series or given world building a shot. I had no clue what I was doing when it came to…well, just about everything in the story: Even though DL was the fifth book I’d written for publication, it was such a departure from the ones that came before it, I might as well have been starting from scratch again.
And I hadn’t been an expert before then by any stretch of the imagination.
My first four books were single-title contemporary romances. Published under the Jessica Bird name, they were very much a product of years of reading and loving Harlequin Presents and Silhouette Special Editions. Well, that and the fact that I was born a writer. It’s just part of my makeup, something I have to do if I’m going to be happy—and sane. But that’s another saga.
I loved writing the Jessica Bird books, but my contract wasn’t renewed…which meant I didn’t have a publisher anymore. I knew I had to change directions if I were going to still have a job, and I tried my hand in a couple of different subgenres. I pulled together a romantic-suspense proposal, but the material just wasn’t strong enough. I thought about doing women’s fiction and chick lit—except they weren’t what I read, probably because the subject matter wasn’t my bag. I also considered staying with contemporary romance and trying to find another publisher, although I knew the chance of someone else picking me up was unlikely.
It was in my darkest moment, when I had nothing particularly fresh and interesting in my brain save for an abiding realization that if I didn’t reinvent myself I was toast…that Wrath showed up. Although I had always been a horror fan, it had never dawned on me to try my hand at paranormal romance. All of a sudden, though, I had over two thousand pounds of male vampire stuck in my head, and the Brothers wanted out like they were locked in a house that was on fire.
Okay. Right. Horror meets romance meets erotica meets fantasy meets hip hop. Throw in some leather and some Miami Ink shit, stir with a baseball bat and a tire iron, sprinkle on some baby powder, and serve over a hot bed of Holy-Mary-mother-of-God this-has-to-work-or-I’m-going-to-be-a-lawyer-for-the-rest-of-my-natural-life.
No problem.
Damn it, I remember thinking, why don’t I drink? Or at least eat chocolate?
Which brings me to my first rule for writers: PR is mission critical for survival, and I’m not talking about public relations.
Persist and Reinvent. If you’re not selling, or if you’re not getting a good response to your material from agents or publishers, try something else, whether it’s a new voice or subgenre or even genre. Keep at it. Keep trying. Look for new avenues that interest you. Find a different path.
It was the only thing that saved me.
That didn’t mean P&R was fun. As I sat down to tackle Wrath’s proposal and sample chapters, I was at once singularly inspired and totally stalled. All I had was a tangle of visions in my head, a burning panic that no one would get the series, much less buy it, and the near conviction that I couldn’t possibly pull off something as complicated and interconnected as the Brotherhood’s world.
Nothing like trying to fly a plane when you can barely handle a bicycle.
Facing a whole lot of blank screen on my computer, I knew I had to tamp down my anxiety, and considering the fact that putting my skull in a vise wasn’t a viable solution, I made an agreement with myself: I would write the story that was in my head exactly as I saw it, and I would do it for me and me alone. I wouldn’t allow any you-can’t-do-thats or that’s-against-the-rules or better-play-it-safes to get in the way. Whatever I saw in my mind’s eye was going on the page.
My rule number two? Write. Out. Loud.
Take your vision and execute it to the fullest extent of your capabilities. It is always easier to pull back than to push forward in revisions, and I think that the bolder you are in your first draft, the more likely you are to be honest with what’s in your head.
So, yeah, that was the plan, and I felt pretty good about my resolution. Except right out of the box, I had a problem.
How was I going to work the plan?
With all that I was being shown, and the number of POVs and subplots, I was at a loss when it came to drafting the story. After doing the panic-and-pace thing for a little while, I ended up falling back on my legal training. In law school, you study by creating these voluminous outlines of the material presented in class. By the time you’re done putting everything in order, you’ve actually learned the material—so it’s the process, not necessarily the outcome, that is the big benefit.
Outlining extensively was, and continues to be, the single most important tool I use in my process.
Before the Brothers, I started with nothing more than a high-level summary of my story, the sole goal of which was to give my editor a clue as to where I was headed. Most of my thinking was done while I was drafting—which was totally inefficient and a little dangerous. For example, I’d take the hero and heroine into emotional places that didn’t work, or get their motivations and conflicts muddled, or lose track of the book’s momentum…or sometimes all of these at once. Sure, I’d figure my way out eventually, but I’d end up scrapping tons of pages and be too much of a burden on my editor during the revision process. Further, because of all the struggling, the choices I made were not the best ones because I was brain-dead from all the confusion and lack of clarity.
My all-important third rule is a corollary to number two and the overriding theme to everything I do as an author:
Own your own shit (or work, if we’re going to be a little more classy).
And it ain’t called shit ’cause it don’t stink.
Do not rely on your editor or your agent or your critique partner to identify and solve your plot, character, pace, context, pagination, or any one of the thousands of problems you have to work through when you write a book. Educate yourself on craft by critiquing the books you read, both the good ones and the bad ones. Ask yourself, What works? What doesn’t? Study the standard texts on writing, like Story by Robert McKee and Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass and The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler. Talk to other writers about their books and how they wrote them.
Then, when you look at your own work, approach it like you’re a drill sergeant facing off at a bunch of unruly, lazy slobs. For me, being nice to my tender little inner artist and soaking in the mother’s milk of praise is a surefire way to get soggy and fatheaded. Discipline and a clear assessment of my strengths and weaknesses as a writer are the only things that work for me. Ego is not my friend and never has been.
Back to Dark Lover and the outlining. The images in my head were so clear and demanding that it took me only two weeks to draft the outline and the rules of the world (as well as the first sixty-nine pages of the book). Of course, I barely slept or took any breaks at all. I was totally caught up in this undeniable momentum and didn’t have any interest in slowing it down.
I still don’t.
And when I was finished getting everything I saw out of my head…the outline was forty-four pages long. I was stunned. Previously? I topped out at ten pages.
My big concern was that when my agent took the proposal to market, the editors wouldn’t read the entire thing. When you’ve been published previously, generally you sell projects on spec with three sample chapters and an outline—but I felt like I was turning in…well, the whole book. Of course, that was also the good thing. I really knew where I was going and what each and every character arc was going to be. I’d done all my thinking and reordering along the way—and learned that changing around a paragraph or two in an outline is a hell of a lot easier than wiping out whole chapters and putting new ones in during drafting.
Fortunately, the proposal for the series was bought (by the most spectacular editor I’ve ever worked with), and I knew I was going to get a shot to write at least three books. Man, I was excited, but I was also terrified, because I wasn’t sure whether I could carry it off. Of course, I told myself my gorgeous, heavyweight outline was my savior. Figured that as long as I had that, I was all set. Ready to pound away on the keyboard.
The execution turned out to be far trickier than I could have imagined, for a variety of reasons.
For me, one of the big challenges of Dark Lover was learning how to handle multiple plotlines and multiple POVs (points of view). The way I see it, there are three major plotlines in the book: Wrath and Beth’s; Mr. X and Billy Riddle’s; and Butch’s. In each of them, different aspects of the world are introduced, giving the reader an insight into the vampire race, its secret war with the Lessening Society, and its under-the-radar existence with humans. Which is a lot. And to complicate things even further, these plots were presented to the reader in the voices of no fewer than eight people.
Lot to handle. Lot to keep up with.
Lot to advance from chapter to chapter.
Rule number four for me as a writer? Plotlines are like sharks: They either keep moving or they die.
With so much going on, pacing was going to be critical: To be successful, I had to make sure that everything kept progressing, and here was my new reality as a writer—while I was trying to make sure I showed Wrath and Beth inching closer both emotionally and physically, I had to keep tabs on Butch and José de la Cruz’s homicide investigation, which simultaneously brought Butch into the Brotherhood picture and kept the reader up on Mr. X’s nasty deeds. Meanwhile, the other Brothers had to be introduced, I had to give an overview of the war, and then there was rolling out the welcome mat to the Scribe Virgin and the nontemporal world.
And I had to do all this without losing cohesion between the scenes, and keeping the emotions realistic and vivid without sinking into melodrama.
As a further example, Butch was going to be in the Brotherhood, and his road in was through Beth’s connection with Wrath. Butch was also going to end up with Marissa. Fine. Dandy. Rock on. The thing was, though, how did I interweave his scenes with the ones of Beth and Wrath’s romance along with all the stuff with Mr. X and the Lessening Society…without having the book come out choppy and incomprehensible?
Also, the plots had to “peak,” in an emotional sense, in the right sequence. Beth and Wrath had to have the most dynamic ending—and going by the pictures in my head they certainly did. But Butch’s situation and that of Mr. X and Billy Riddle had to be resolved…but only in a way that didn’t drain the drama from Beth and Wrath.
Brain. Cramp.
The cure? Rule number five, which is a corollary to rule three (Own Your Own Work): Sweat. Equity.
After I finished the first draft, I went through that book over and over and over and over again. And then I’d take a week off and come at it one more time. I spent hours and hours repositioning the breaks and the chapters and trimming things and sharpening the dialogue and making sure that I showed, not told.
And even when I read through the galleys, which is the last stage of production, I still wanted to change things. The book has its strengths and weaknesses, just like they all do, but I learned a ton writing Dark Lover. And I needed those lessons for what was coming in the series like you read about.
Enough on craft, let’s talk about the King and Beth…
Wrath was the first of the Brothers to turn up in my head, and he was the one who showed me the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. The thing I like best about him is summed up in the beginning of Dark Lover:
With a face that was both aristocratic and brutal, he looked like the king he was by birthright and the soldier he’d become by destiny.
I love that combination—a blueblood who’s also a fighter—and I believe Wrath is the perfect leader for the vampires: strong, brutal when necessary, possessing both logic and passion. He just needed to wake up to the fact that he could lead.
And Beth was the one who helped him get there.
Beth was and is Wrath’s perfect match. She’s strong-minded, warm, and willing to stand up to him. Their dynamic is shown to perfection in what is one of my favorite scenes between them. The two of them are talking about his take on what happened when his parents were slaughtered in front of him. He condemns himself for not saving them, but he was a physically weak pretrans, so realistically there was nothing he could do. Beth loses it and hammers him for being too hard on himself—which is something he needed to hear, even if he clearly wasn’t receptive to what she was saying. The thing I love is that she wasn’t dissuaded from speaking her mind even with him looming over her. And Wrath, even though he doesn’t agree with her, becomes still more attracted to her. When she’s finished being frustrated with him, there’s an awkward stretch:
Ah, hell. Now she’d done it. The guy opens up to her and she throws his shame back at him. Way to encourage intimacy.
“Wrath, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—”
He cut her off. Both his voice and his face were like stone.
“No one has ever spoken to me as you just did.”
“I’m really sorry. I just can’t understand why—”
Wrath dragged her into his arms and hugged her hard, talking in that other language again. When he pulled back, he ended the monologue with something like leelan.
“Is that vampire talk for bitch?”
The thing is, Wrath is all about strength, and the fact that Beth can stick up for herself and what she believes puts them on equal footing. The gift of his respect is as significant as the gift of his love, and she’s worthy of both.
Another of my favorite scenes in the book is when Beth comes up from Wrath’s underground bedroom at Darius’s, fresh from her transition. She’s wondering how he’ll be with her in front of his Brothers and is prepared to play it cool as she comes into the dining room where the warriors are. Turns out Wrath’s just fine with PDA (public displays of affection), and he embraces her in front of a stunned Brotherhood, who had never seen him with a female before. After he explains her significance in the Old Language, he leaves to get her the two things she’s craving, chocolate and bacon, and the Brothers greet her in a special way:
There was a loud scraping noise as five chairs slid backward. The men rose as a unit. And started coming for her.
She looked to the faces of the two she knew, but their grave expressions weren’t encouraging.
And then the knives came out.
With a metallic whoosh, five black daggers were unsheathed.
She backed up frantically, hands in front of herself. She slammed into a wall and was about to scream for Wrath when the men dropped down on bended knees in a circle around her. In a single movement, as if they’d been choreographed, they buried the daggers into the floor at her feet and bowed their heads. The great whoomp of sound as steel met wood seemed both a pledge and a battle cry.
The handles of the knives vibrated.
The rap music continued to pound.
They seemed to be waiting for some kind of response from her.
“Umm. Thank you,” she said.
The men’s heads lifted. Etched into the harsh planes of their faces was total reverence. Even the scarred one had a respectful expression.
And then Wrath came in with a squeeze bottle of Hershey’s syrup.
“Bacon’s on the way.” He smiled. “Hey, they like you.”
“And thank God for that,” she murmured, looking down at the daggers.
The Brothers are greeting their new queen here, although Beth is unaware of the role she’ll play in the future, so she actually had two transitions that night: the first her becoming a vampire, and the second this welcome into Wrath and the Brotherhood’s private world as his leelan, his “dearest one.”
One of the most erotic scenes in the book? Aside from the first time they hook up, I think it’s when they’re having their date at Darius’s. The evening starts off rough (thanks to, among other things, Wrath getting into an argument with Tohr, whereupon Tohr feeds him the classic line, “Nice. Fucking. Suit”). However, the couple’s private time ends with…well, Wrath talking about how much he loves peaches. The mood goes from dark and tense to sensual with this:
Beth tilted forward in her chair, opened her mouth, and put her lips around the strawberry, taking it whole. Wrath’s nostrils flared as he watched her bite down. When some of the sweet juice escaped and dropped onto her chin, he hissed.
“I want to lick that off,” he muttered under his breath. He reached forward and took hold of her jaw. Lifted his napkin.
She put her hand on his. “Use your mouth.”
A low sound, from deep inside his chest, cut through the room.
Wrath leaned toward her, tilting his head. She caught a flash of his fangs as his lips opened and his tongue came out. He stroked the juice from her skin and then pulled away.
He stared at her. She looked back at him. The candles flickered.
“Come with me,” he said, holding out his hand.
Most touching scene? For me, it has to be the one at Havers’s clinic at the end. Wrath is still pretty wiped after having been shot in the stomach, and he’s just come out of a coma. Beth is trying to communicate with him because he’s agitated and upset, but he’s having trouble talking. She’s asked him if he needs her to get the doctor or food or drink or blood, and none of that is what he’s looking for:
His eyes fixated on their linked hands and came back to her face. Then his gaze locked on their hands and returned again.
“Me?” she whispered. “You need me?”
He squeezed and wouldn’t stop.
“Oh, Wrath…You have me. We’re together, love.”
Tears poured out of him in a mad rush, his chest quaking from the sobs, his breathing jagged and raw.
She took his face in her hands, trying to soothe him. “It’s all right.
I’m not going anywhere. I’m not going to leave you. I promise you. Oh, love…”
Eventually he relaxed a little. The tears slowed.
A croak came out of his mouth.
“What?” She leaned down.
“Wanted to…save you.”
“You did. Wrath, you did save me.”
His lips trembled. “Love. You.”
She kissed him gently on the mouth. “I love you, too.”
“You. Go. Sleep. Now.”
And then he closed his eyes from exhaustion.
Her vision went blurry as she put her hand over her mouth and started to smile. Her beautiful warrior was back. And trying to order her around from his hospital bed.
I think that pretty much says it all about them. So I’ll leave it at that.
Dark Lover was the launching pad for all the Brothers, not just for Wrath and Beth. I was very clear, even way back then, where the original seven in the Brotherhood were headed and who else was going to join the ranks. And as with all the books, the plotlines of things that wouldn’t see the light for years were started. This wasn’t because I was brilliant—but a case of scenes landing in my head that would come into play much later.
As I said, Wrath’s story is the book I’m proudest of—it was a totally fresh start that was, for the first time, truly authentic to what’s in my head. It would shock me if I ever do something like it again and pull it off to the extent I did. Wrath was a complete about-face of subject matter, tone, and voice coupled with an incredible stretch for me in terms of craft—written at a time when I was basically out of a job.
I’m really grateful Wrath came in for a landing and brought the Brothers along with him. His book is dedicated to him—with good reason.
Rhage, Son of Tohrture
a. k.a. Hal E. Wood
He wanted to give her another word to say, something like luscious or whisper or strawberry.
Hell, antidisestablishmentarianism would do it.
Age: 165
Joined Brotherhood: 1898
Height: 6′8″
Weight: 280 lbs.
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Neon blue-green
Identifying physical marks: Multicolored tattoo of clawed dragon coveting entire back; Brotherhood scar on left pectoral; name MARY MADONNA carved in skin across upper back and shoulders in Old English letters.
Note: Possesses inner dragon that comes out when he is stressed due to punishment issued by Scribe Virgin (which he has retained in order to save Mary). He is now able to exert some control over his alter ego, which has been tamed by his shellan.
Weapon of choice: His beast (martial arts throwing stars)
…As the guy walked along, there was something about him that wasn’t WASPy handsome in spite of hit amazing looks. Something…animalistic. He just didn’t carry himself as other people did.
Actually, he moved like a predator, thick shoulders rolling with his gait, head turning, scanning. She had the discomforting sense that if he wanted to, he could wipe out everyone in the place with his bare hands.
Mated to: Mary Madonna Luce
Personal Qs (answered by Rhage):
Last movie watched: La Vie en Rose (Mary’s fault—she maintained it was necessity to balance out my Bill Murray festival.)
List book read: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (to Nalla)
Favorite TV show: Flavor of Love, Rock of Line, or pretty much anything on the Food Channel—P.S. I want New York to come hack and do another season
Last TV show watched: Talk Soup
Last game played: You don’t want to know
Greatest fear: Loss of Mary
Greatest love: Mary
Favorite quote: Mangia bene!
Boxers or briefs: Anything that Mary likes taking off me!
Watch: Gold Rolex Presidential
Car: Deep Purple GTO
What time is it while you’re filling this out: 6 p.m.
Where are you? In my bed, naked.
What are you wearing? See above.
What’s in your closet? Black stuff, lighting leathers, whites to see the Scribe Virgin. And one lone Hawaiian shirt Mary is trying to get me to wear. Okay, its not a Hawaiian shirt, but it’s, like, blue, and honestly, color makes me scratch when it comes to clothes. She is, however, willing to bribe me to get me to wear it—which is always fun!
What was the last thing you ate? Buttermilk pancakes (5) with butter and maple syrup; pot of coffee; six sausages; two servings of hash browns; a box of strawberries; a cinnamon bagel with cream cheese; pink grapefruit halved (ate both halves); and three cherry Danishes. And I’m feeling a bit peckish.
Describe your last dream? Let’s just say I rolled over and acted it out about a half hour ago <VBG>.
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe? Marilyn Monroe, I guess. But it’s totally moot, and not because they’ve both passed. Mary’s it for me.
Kirk or Picard? Kirk. He was the lothario of space, man, and props for that!
Football or baseball? Football, because it’s a contact sport!
Sexiest part of a female? Depend on my mood…I guess I’m an omnivore. Which means I like to nibble—on anything and everything.
What do you like most about Mary? The sound of her voice. The way she can roll over beside me in bed and talk to me in the darkness of the day and I know that I’m safe.
First words spoken to her were: “Who are you?”
Her response was: “My name.. - my name is Mary. I’m here with a friend.”
Last gift given to her: I brought a single white rose to her last night. She was thrilled. See, she’s not a big, showy kind of female, my Mary Madonna. Like…okay, I bought her an engagement ring before our mating ceremony, because she’s a human and that’s how they do. It’s a diamond, ’cause, you know, only the best for my Mary. The thing’s seven carats. D. Flawless. Fritz got it for me in Manhattan from the Diamond District. When I gave it to her, Mary was very polite and grateful, but it’s in the drawer. What’s on her finger? A single gold band. V made one for both of us, because, like I said, Mary’s human and she wanted us to have wedding bands to wear after our mating ceremony. Funny. I didn’t understand the whole wedding ring thing until I got one. I mean, for us, for male vampires, we carve skin to show that we’re mated. But the great thing about a ring is that folks can see it even when you’re fully clothed. I keep mine on always—unless I’m out fighting.
Most romantic thing you’ve ever done for her: She seemed to really like the rose. I tell you, the way she smiled at me made me feel like I was ten feet tall.
Most romantic thing she’s ever done for you: The way she thanked me for the rose.
Anything you’d change about her? Nothing except for her taste in movies! GOD. I mean, honestly, that female will watch anything with foreign subtitles. And I try to get into the kind of ones she likes. I do…but it’s a snuggle. I understand what she means, though. After watching something she likes, I have to clear my palate with a little dose of Bruce Willis or maybe an encore screening of Superbad.
Best friend (excluding shellan): Butch/V
Last time you cried: This afternoon. I thought La Vie en Rose would never end.
Last time you laughed: While I was eating. Butch was the one who made the pancakes, and you should have seen Fritz’s expression when he saw what kind of shape the kitchen was in afterward. Butch is tight behind the stove, although not as good as V, but, man, my boy don’t know the meaning of clean-as-you-go. The place wasn’t just messy, it was like…defiled or some shit. We helped take care of the mess, me, V and Butch—along with a bunch of doggen, who, after Fritz got over his shock. had a great time tidying up. Doggen love to clean like I love to cat.
J.R.’s Interview with Rhage
The afternoon following my interview with Wrath in that stream, I left Rehvenge’s safe house around five. I was glad I’d spent the night. Wrath and Beth and Phury and Cormia, along with the Chosen, were a great group to hang out with, and after hours of chatting I’d slept like a rock—proving that as usual the king was right: My other interviews with the Brothers were going to be better because I wasn’t half-dead from travel.
The car ride down through the Adirondacks to Caldwell was lovely. The Northway is one of my favorite highways, cutting as it does through the mountains I spent my summers in while growing up. With the leaves just past their autumnal peak, the jagged ridges on either side of the two lanes I drove were still awash in red and gold and green, the colors glowing like jewels as the sun set.
While I went along in my rental car, I thought how different the Brothers were compared to three autumns ago when their stories all started. I mean…so many losses and gains. So many ups and downs. I remembered that first meeting in Dark Lover, when they were in Darius’s living room right after his death…and then pictured them coming out of the woods to reclaim Phury as their own at the end of Lover Enshrined. Lot of changes, both good and bad.
I meet Fritz in the parking lot of a Marriott in Albany. He’s there with the Mercedes, and after locking up my rented Ford Escape, I get into the S550’s backseat and the butler drives south for at least an hour. He’s very chatty, and I love the sound of his voice: slightly accented, like Marissa’s, and with the chirpy cadence of a Mozart concerto.
I know we’re getting close when he puts up the divider and we talk through the car’s voice-activated speaker system.
When we eventually pull up in front of the mansion, night is starting to fall, and I’m glad for the courtyard’s lighting so I can see everything as he puts down the divider. He parks between Beth’s Audi and Z’s iron gray 911 Carrera 4S. On the other side of the Porsche there’s a black Hummer I don’t recognize with no chrome on it whatsoever—even the hubs are black. Without Fritz telling me, I know it has to be Qhuinn’s. It is a total spank ride, and no doubt useful for the fighting, but man, what a damn shame the thing leaves a carbon footprint like a T. rex.
Fritz confirms my unspoken conclusion about who owns it, and as I pass by, I see that the SUV has a dent in its brand-new hood…a dent the size of a body. A quick sniff and I smell something sweet as baby powder. This reminds me that the “boys” are now soldiers, and I get a little nostalgic for no good reason.
Fritz lets me into the mansion, takes my coat, and reports on everyone’s whereabouts—or at least where they were when he left to pick me up: Mary is over at the Pit with V and Marissa, working on a database for Safe Place. Butch, Qhuinn, and Blay are at the pistol range in the training center. John is in Tohr’s room sitting with the Brother. Rhage is upstairs, lying flat on his back next to a twelve-pack of Alka-Seltzer.
Ah, the beast.
The butler asks who I want to see first, and I ask whether he thinks Rhage would be up for talking. Fritz nods and informs me that Hollywood’s been looking forward to the distraction—so we head upstairs.
When I get to Rhage’s door, Fritz leaves and I do my own knocking.
Rhage: (muffled) Yeah?
J.R.: Its me.
Rhage: Oh, thank God. Come in.
I open the door and the bedroom is so dark, the stretch of light that slices in from the hall is consumed by a hungry blackness. Before I step forward, though, candles flare on the bureau and a table next to the bed.
Rhage: Can’t have you tripping over things.
J.R.: Thank you…
Man, Rhage doesn’t look good. He is indeed flat on his back, and there’s a lot of Alka-Seltzer next to him. He’s naked, but there’s a sheet pulled up to his waist, and as I look at him I’m reminded that he’s the biggest of the Brothers in terms of heft. He’s positively huge, even on a bed that seems big as an Olympic pool. But he is not well. His lids are down over his Bahama blue eyes, his mouth is slightly open, his belly distended as if he’s swallowed a weather balloon.
J.R.: So die beast came out, huh.
Rhage: Yeah…last night right before dawn. (He groans as he tries to turn over.)
J.R.: Are you sure you want to Jo this right now?
Rhage: Yup. I’m dying for distraction, and I can’t watch TV. Hey, could you get me some more Alka-Seltzer? Mary hit me with six before she left about half an hour ago. but they don’t seem to last long.
J.R.: Absolutely.
I’m relieved to do something to help him, and I head over to where four boxes of the stuff are lined up next to a pitcher of water and a glass. I fill the glass, crack open three foil packets, and drop the chalky disks in.
J.R.: (watching the plop-plop, fizz-fizz go to work) Maybe you should take something stronger?
Rhage: Doc Jane tried me out on some Prilosec. Didn’t help as much.
When I turn to him, he lifts his head and I put the glass to his lips. As he drinks slowly, I feel guilty about noticing how gorgeous he is. He truly is the most beautiful male anything I’ve ever seen…you almost want to touch his face to make sure it’s real and not some artist’s rendering of the absolute standard of masculine splendor. He has Mount Everest cheekbones and a jaw that’s straight as an I beam and lips that are full and soft. His hair is blond with curls that go this way and that way on the pillow, and he smells amazing.
As I take the empty glass away from his mouth, Rhage opens his eyes. And I am reminded that his brilliant teal stare is even more of a knockout than his bone structure.
Rhage: (laughs quietly) You are blushing.
J.R.: No, I’m not.
Rhage:(singing along to the tune of na-na-na-na-na-naaaaa) You are blushing. You are blushing.
J.R.: How is it possible I want to strike you while you’re down?
Rhage: (grins) Aw, you say the sweetest things.
J.R.: (laughing because you just have to, he’s that endearing) Wait, I thought your vision was off afterward?
Rhage: It is, but your cheeks are THAT red. But really, enough about you, lets talk about me. (bats his mile-long lashes) Come on, what do you want to know? What burning questions do I get to answer?
J.R.: (laughing again) You’re the only Brother who likes to get interviewed.
Rhage: Glad to know I’ve managed to distinguish myself from that ratty bunch of fools.
J.R.: What happened? (sits down on edge of bed)
Rhage: I followed the lead on another lesser “persuasion” house, and let’s just say I found what I was looking for and then some,
J.R.: (swallowing) Were there a lot of them!
Rhage: Meh. Enough. There was some lead exchanged, and one of the bullets landed somewhere I didn’t appreciate.
J.R.: Where were you hit?
Rhage: (sweeps sheet off his legs, revealing a bandage around his thigh) Me and the beast get along much better now, and he doesn’t like me getting plugged. (laughs) But Qhuinn, John Matthew, and Blay came as backup—like they did for me and Z last week. Man…(laughs) that threesome was a little surprised at my alter ego.
J.R.: What did the boys think of the beast?
Rhage: When I came back as me, I woke up with them standing around my head, looking like they’d been victims of a hit-and-run. They were white as boxer shorts and about as solid. (laughs) Guess the beast took care of the squadron of slayers who’d been called in as reinforcements, (rubs tummy) Must have been quite a number of them.
J.R.: So you still have to recover afterward. (Rhage shoots me a well-DUH expression and rubs his stomach again.) Okay, silly question. Is it easier now for you? Dealing with the beast, that is?
Rhage: Well…yes and no. I don’t fight it anymore when it comes out, and that seems to decrease the owie time afterward. But I still have to go through this to some extent—especially if there’s been, how do we say. a snack. The good thing is, I don’t worry so much about the damn thing turning my brothers or the boys into a Happy Meal. It’s weird…ever since Mary’s come along, the beast is tuning in to people. I don’t know it that makes any sense. It’s like, when he bonded with her, it made him capable of seeing folks as friend or foe instead of everyone being food, you know?
J.R.: That’s a relief.
Rhage: Man. I used to spend all my time worrying about that shit. So yeah, it’s better on a lot of fronts. I mean, for real? I’d still be way out of it at this point, you know, doing the recovery thing hard-core. Now? I’ll be up and around in another three hours or so. Still will have the indigestion, but those god-awful body aches don’t last nearly as long. (shakes his head) Have to say, though, even if it were still anally tough to deal with…wouldn’t matter to me.
J.R.: No?
Rhage: Got me my Mary. So even if the beast split me apart to get out, as long as I could put myself back together enough to be with her, it’s fine for me.
J.R.: That’s beautiful.
Rhage: So is she.
J.R.: Speaking of couple stuff…I’ve heard that you and she…
Rhage: Have baby on the brain? (laughs) Yeah, we do. Go fig. Tiling is, it’s not clear to me how to work it. There may he an opportunity, but we’ll see. We’re still just talking about it.
J.R.: (not wanting to press) Well, I think you two would be great parents.
Rhage: You know, I do too. There are some issues that we need to work out. Between you and me…Mary is…
J.R.: What?
Rhage: (shaking head) No, it’s private. Anyway, if it happens, it would be great, and if not, I’m not missing anything because I have her. I mean, shit, look at Tohr.
J.R.: He’s re-ally not doing well, is he.
Rhage: No, he’s not. And to be honest, its fucking with all of our heads. Thing is, you can’t help but put yourself in his position, because he’s your brother and you’re feeling where he’s at and you don’t want him hurting so bad. And you can’t help but think about yourself. Me without Mary…(Eyes close, mouth narrows.) Yeah, what else were you going to ask me.
In the silence that follows, I think about what the shellans go through every night that these males of theirs go out to fight. It’s sad to realize that there is a fair turnabout. Without their mates, the Brothers are the living dead—and that has got to be equally terrifying to these strong warriors. To some degree, Rhage doesn’t have to worry about losing Mary, but it must be hard to live among guys who aren’t as fortunate as yourself.
Before I can ask some kind of fluffy nonsense thing, like whether he and V’s practical-joke war is continuing, there’s a knock on the door. Before it opens, Rhage lets out a purring sound, so I’m not surprised as Mary walks in. As always, Mary’s dressed simply in a pair of khakis and a polo shirt, but her arrival brings Rhage to life as if she were Miss America in a sparkling gown. She also flips some kind of switch inside of him. He really looks at her, focusing on her sharply. And he’s a flirt with everyone, but with her he’s serious, underscoring for me that she is the special exception and the rest of us are the rule.
Oh, and his bonding scent positively roars. Did I mention that he smells great?
Mary and I say hello, and I’m reminded that three’s a crowd when Rhage pulls himself up off the mattress and holds his arms out to her. As he envelops her with his great big arms and stays put, I make some pleasantries with Mary and turn to leave.
Rhage says my name softly, and I look over my shoulder. As he stares out over her head, he shoots me a small, sad smile. Like the reason he’s holding on to her so hard is because he’s won the lottery with his mate and doesn’t understand why he got to be the lucky one. I nod once…and leave them to themselves.
Lover Eternal
The People:
Mary Madonna Luce
John Matthew, aka Tehrror (Darius reincarnated)
Wrath and Beth
The Scribe Virgin
Mr. X, Fore-lesser
Mr. O(rmond)
Mr. E, who gets hung up in the tree
Caith, vampire female who has oral interlude with Vishous at One Eye
Dr. Susan Della Croce, Mary’s oncologist
Rhonda Knute, the Suicide Prevention Hotline’s executive director
Nan, Stuart, Lola, and Bill, workers at the hotline
Amber, the waitress at T.G.I. Friday’s
Places of Interest (all in Caldwell, NY, unless otherwise specified):
Suicide Prevention Offices on Tenth Street
One Eye, bar on the far side of Caldwell off Route 22
T.G.I. Friday’s in Lucas Square
Mary’s house, which is a converted barn on the edge of Bella’s property
Bella’s farmhouse, located on a private road off Route 22
Tohr and Wellsie’s home
John’s apartment
Brotherhood’s training center, under Darius’s (now Beth’s) mansion,
undisclosed location
Mr. X’s cabin, on the edge of Caldwell
Lessening Society persuasion center—east from Big Notch Mountain, thirty-minute drive from downtown
Rhage, the Brotherhood’s most dangerous member, falls in love with a dying human—who is the only one who can tame his beast and his heart.
Opening line: Ah, hell, V, you’re killing me.
Last line: And reveled in all the love.
Published: March 2006
Page length: 441
Word count: 125,574
First draft written: December 2004-August 2005
Craft comments:
Perfect men (males) are just not all that interesting to me. You know the ones I’m talking about, the BMOC types? The gorgeous guys with the pearly-pearlies and the big laughs and the overload of sexual confidence (like they’re packing a rocket launcher in the cup of their boxer-brief Calvins)? Well, those numbers have always left me cold.
While I was writing Dark Lover, Rhage struck me as one of these beautiful males I wouldn’t give you a plug nickel for. He was full of bravado and so self-assured and all over the place with the ladies that I wasn’t really feeling him as a hero. After all, what kind of journey could someone like that have for his story? Fabulous guy meets girl. Fabulous guy gets girl. Um…fabulous guy keeps girl, and keeps keeping girl and then she hangs on even longer because, hello, he’s the Perfect Man, and she likes having sex with the lights on.
I’d be done at, like, the second chapter. Largely due to disgust. I mean, what’s the happily-ever-after for them? She installs mirrors over their marital bed and he…well, hell, he’s already happy because he’s perfect.
The truth was, I was disappointed that Rhage was book two in the series.
I found out he was up after Wrath about three-quarters of the way through the writing of Dark Lover. It became clear to me during that scene down in Darius’s underground rooms, the one where Beth gets Rhage those Alka-Seltzers and soothes him as he tries to recover from the beast having come out again. It was while I was writing those pages that I started getting visions for Hollywood’s book: I saw Rhage and the beast and how hard it was for him to live with his curse. Saw that to him all the sex he had was hollow, simply a way to keep himself level. Saw him fall for Mary and sacrifice for her.
He was not perfect. He suffered. He struggled.
By the time I was through outlining his story, Rhage not only interested me, I loved him. He was so much more appealing for the fact that he and his life weren’t a playboy’s paradise.
Which brings me to rule number six: Conflict is king.
One of the things I think works in Lover Eternal is its conflicts. Mary and Rhage must overcome a hell of a lot to be together: They’ve got to confront her disease; deal with the fact that she’s human and he’s not; come to terms with his beast and what he must do to control it; and get through her transition into the world of the Brotherhood. Each time they made it through one of these road-blocks, they became stronger.
Take, for example, the reccurrence of Mary’s leukemia. At the end of the book, when it’s clear she doesn’t have a lot of time left, Rhage goes to the Scribe Virgin and begs her to save the woman he loves. The Scribe Virgin considers the request and presents him with a heartbreaking solution. She tells him that she will take Mary out of the continuum of her fate, thus rescuing her from death. But in return, to preserve the universal balance, Rhage must keep the curse of his beast for the rest of his life and never see Mary again. Further, Mary will not remember him or the love they’d shared:
His voice trembled. “You are taking my life from me.”
“That is the point,” she said in an impossibly gentle tone. “It is yin and yang, warrior. Your life, metaphorically, for hers, in fact. Balance must be kept, sacrifices must be made if gifts are given. If I am to save the human for you, there must be a profound pledge on your part. Yin and yang.”
That’s some serious internal conflict. He has the power to save Mary’s life, but only at great cost to himself.
Conflict is the microscope of a book. When it’s trained on a character, you see what’s underneath the narratives of physical description. You see whether someone is strong or weak, principled or apathetic, heroic or villainous.
In the Scribe Virgin/Rhage exchange over Mary’s disease, Rhage’s conflict is both external, because it’s being forced upon him by a third party—namely the Scribe Virgin, in the form of her proposal—and internal, because he must confront how badly he wants to get rid of the beast and how much he loves Mary. He proves he’s a hero because he sacrifices his own happiness for his love’s benefit—and on a broader level, it’s the culmination of his journey from the self-centered male he once was to the connected, compassionate guy he is now.
See why I ended up loving him?
Conflict is absolutely critical in every story. And I think of the ins and outs of getting through it as the chessboard across which the people in the book must move: What they do and where they go to reach resolution are just as significant as what first put them between their rock-and-a-hard-place.
Rule number seven: Credible surprise is queen to conflict’s king.
Credible surprise is the ultimate play on the chessboard for an author. Plenty of things are surprising, but without prior context to give them weight, they’re not credible. To really make a resolution sing, you need both halves—a really strong conflict and an unpredictable, but believable outcome.
Take, for example, Lover Eternal’s end result. When Rhage accepts the Scribe Virgin’s bargain to save Mary’s life, he and his shellan are done. Permanently. And yet his love comes back to him (thanks to some rock-star driving from Fritz—who knew the doggen had had a Jeff Gordon injection?) both cured of her disease and with all her memories of him and what they’ve shared intact. Great! Fabulous! Except that’s not possible according to the agreement Rhage made with the Scribe Virgin.
Hello, credible surprise. It turns out that the sacrifice for Mary’s salvation has already been made. When the Scribe Virgin goes to Mary to rescue her from her fate, she discovers that the woman has been rendered infertile as a result of her treatments for leukemia. In the Scribe Virgin’s mind, this is enough of a loss to balance the gift of ever-life. As she states:
…The joy of my creation sustains me always, and I take great sorrow that you will never hold flesh of your flesh in your arms, that you will not see your own eyes staring at you from the face of another, that you will never mix the essential nature of yourself with the male you love. What you have lost is enough of a sacrifice…
Who could have guessed that Mary’s infertility was the key to the ending that kept the heroine and the hero together? I didn’t…but then, surprise! And here’s why it’s credible. Mary’s infertility had been mentioned before (see pps. 218 and 328), and the Scribe Virgin has always been about balance. Her gifts cannot be made without cost (think of Darius’s token of faculty at the end of Dark Lover, for instance), so the reader understands that there must always be a payment, because there was precedent for that.
As I said, the resolution surprised me—and was a source of great relief. When I was outlining the book, I got to the scene with Rhage and the Scribe Virgin, when all appeared to be lost, and I wanted to bang my head into my monitor. I mean, I was writing paranormal ROMANCE. And the only way separation works at the end of a ROMANCE is if it involves ditching a nasty mother-in-law. I was in an absolute panic, as I couldn’t see how the two of them were going to get an HEA together.
Except they did, thanks to the credible surprise.
Strong conflict and resolutions that are satisfying and not obvious are the name of the game. The problem is, at least for me, I’m never sure until I’m finished getting the scenes in my head outlined whether both halves are going to present themselves. To be honest, I have no clue where my ideas come from, and I feel as if I complete each story by the skin of my teeth. The endings are always a Hail Mary for me, because I never know for certain whether the magic is going to happen. I feel lucky and grateful when it does, but do not take for granted that such boons will come again.
A couple of other things about Rhage’s book. After I got through with his outline and started writing him, I felt like something was wrong. The tone struck me as different from Wrath’s story. The vibe was just…well, more Rhage, less Wrath.
To me, this was a little alarming. I guess I thought all the books would feel the same as I wrote them, but they haven’t, and along the way I’ve learned that a series shouldn’t be about identical. Similar context, sure. Same cast of folks, absolutely. But each story is going to have its own rhythm and pace and zeitgeist. Wrath’s had a real sharp edge on it, with quick, nimble pacing and pared-down dialogue. Rhage’s struck me as softer and more romantic, funnier, too, with more sex in it. Z’s book was dark all around. Butch’s tone was closer to Wrath’s, with its edge, and there was a lot of the world in it. V’s vibe was sleek and uncluttered and a little dangerous. Phury’s was romantic and evocative and warm.
Which brings me to rule eight: Listen to your Rice Krispies.
I don’t know where my ideas come from. The pictures in my head have always been there, and they are in charge. I didn’t want Rhage as book number two, but he was. I wanted Rhage’s tone to be just like Wrath’s. It wasn’t. I didn’t know how Rhage and Mary were going to end up with each other for centuries considering he was a vampire and she was not. They did. (And P.S., I wanted Lover Eternal’s writing process to be easier, because I’d just spent nine months getting the world straight. It was just as tough, only in a different way. More on that later.)
All went well and goes well, though, because I let what’s in my head be the driver. Even when I get lost, I trust the stories…largely because I don’t have a choice. What I’m shown is always infinitely better than what I try to deliberately construct.
Here’s a minor example of how I listened to my Rice Krispies when it came to Rhage’s book. As I started to write Lover Eternal, Vishous, keeper of visions of the future, popped up and told Rhage that he ended up with a virgin. When I saw this, I was like, Er…that’s going to be kind of tough, given that Mary’s been with someone before she met Hollywood. Still, I was like, Okay, V said it, so it’s going on the page. And then, throughout the book, V kept hinting about Mary’s name having a special significance. I had no idea what the hell he was going on about, but I kept seeing him in my head, always with the name. I figured, Well…just throw it in, and when it goes nowhere, I’ll trim it out.
It wasn’t until I got to the end of the book when it all became clear. Mary and Rhage were holding each other after being reunited in his bedroom:
She lifted her head. “You know, my mother always told me I’d be saved whether I believed in God or not. She was convinced I couldn’t get away from the Grace because of what she named me. She used to say that every time someone called out for me or wrote my name or thought about me, I was protected.”
“Your name?”
“Mary. She named me after the Virgin Mary.”
I remember typing that and laughing out loud. Vishous is never wrong! Now, though, let me give you an example of when being true to what was in my head wasn’t so easy.
In the course of doing Rhage’s outline, which was fifty-eight pages long, I saw a scene that ran counter to one of the big unspoken rules of romantic convention. In the vast majority of romance novels, the hero is never with another woman after he meets and gets physically involved with the heroine. It makes sense. After all, who in their right mind could fall in love with someone who goes around bed-hopping?
Except Rhage went out and was with another woman after he and Mary had been together. The two of them had yet to make love, but the attraction was there and the bonding was in place—at least on Rhage’s part. The issue was his beast. In order to keep his curse under some measure of control, he was forced to burn off his excess energy with fighting and sex, using both as release valves. The night the “adultery” happened, he was in a tough crack. Being around Mary juiced him up because of his attraction for her, and he’d tried and failed to find a fight, so he was reaching a critical, dangerous level. He hated what he did and hated himself for his curse—and it was obvious that what happened was mandated by circumstance, never something he would have chosen. What went down was definitively not a case of a loose-moraled player just out for tail.
The scene where Rhage comes back to their room was heart-wrenching to write. I can still picture him after he’d had his shower, sitting on the edge of the bed. He had a towel around his waist and his head was hanging down and he was utterly defeated, trapped by the realities of his curse and his love for Mary. The situation was tough all around, and it did create a stunningly difficult conflict between the two of them. Together they were able to get past it, but I knew this particular part of the story was not something all readers were going to be comfortable with. And I could understand why. Accordingly, when I wrote the book, I was very careful with how I handled the whole thing.
When I started working on the Brotherhood series, I didn’t set out to be a firebrand or a convention breaker, and that is still not my goal. However I did, as I said, vow to keep true to what I see, and that remains my operating principle. The difficulty for me always is, How do I show what’s in my head without offending the genre I respect so much? It’s always a balance, and it’s the thing my editor and I spend the most time on in the revision process. Sometimes, with Rhage, I think I do a good job of walking the line. Other times…I wish I could have done better. But more on this later.
Speaking about revision…a word on Butch. Originally the story of the cop and Marissa was supposed to be in Lover Eternal. The two were going to fall in love, and he was going to be made a Brother after his transition was jump-started—and that was that. As I started drafting Rhage, I was excited to write about Butch and Marissa because I thought they had great chemistry, and there were a lot of good scenes with the two of them in my head.
Two hundred pages into the manuscript, though, I realized I had a problem. Butch and Marissa were competing for airspace against Rhage and Mary to such a degree that I was basically writing two separate books.
The cop was no subplot.
The idea of taking those scenes out terrified me, though, because I was afraid that a lot of the depth of the world would be compromised. I was also worried that I would lose the scenes forever and they were great—at that point, I wasn’t sure how many of the Brotherhood books I was going to get to do, and I totally wanted to put Marissa and Butch on the page. Finally, I just really, really, really liked what I had written. I mean, I really liked it. Removing those pages seemed like I was giving the material a demotion.
But the book wasn’t working. No matter how much I hemmed and hawed and tried to make excuses, it just wasn’t coming together right.
Let’s hear it for rule number three: Own your own work.
If you know something isn’t working, no matter how much you like it, get rid of the stuff. Don’t wait for your editor to tell you what you know in your heart is true—and make those hard choices because it’s the right thing to do for the book you’re currently working on.
I’m not saying it’s easy.
Even though I knew Rhage’s story was in danger of losing focus, I just couldn’t bring myself to make the cuts, and the I-don’t-want-tos went on for weeks. What finally tipped the scales was that the nagging conviction I was fucking the book up refused to go away—and in fact just got louder and more persistent. When I finally grew a set and decided to man up, I put my work gloves on and did some heavy lifting. I cut the hell out of that manuscript, just sliced it to pieces, and in the process scared the crap out of myself because, as always, I was under a serious deadline: I knew if I robbed the book of its texture, I wouldn’t be able to fix things and still get Rhage in on time (which would lead to all sorts of scheduling complications for my publisher).
The thing was, though, after I put Rhage’s material back together again, I read it through and knew I’d taken the correct action. The focus was where it needed to be, and the book worked better.
The point is, listen to your internal editor like you listen to your Rice Krispies. Just because you think something is brilliant, don’t let it compromise the story you’re writing. I try to keep that in mind always, because there are so many moving parts to the Brotherhood books—I’m always in jeopardy of spiraling away from the main story or stories. And balance of plotlines remains tough.
Let’s see, my favorite scene in Lover Eternal? Hard to say, but if I had to pick…I’d go with the one with the moon—that second one, after Mary has broken up with Rhage, left the Brotherhood’s mansion, and moved in with Bella. It happens right after Rhage goes to see Mary at the farmhouse and they have the official we’re-done conversation. Rhage leaves her in the bedroom upstairs and goes out the front door. He’s utterly ruined, completely at a loss. Up in the night sky there’s a big moon, and as he looks at it, he’s clearly thinking about what Mary did when they were in the park on their second date:
Instead he stopped dead in his tracks. Ahead, the moon was rising just above the tree line, and it was full, a fat, luminescent disk in the cold, cloudless night. He extended his arm toward it and squeezed one eye shut. Angling his line of sight, he positioned the lunar glow in the cradle of his palm and held the apparition with care.
Dimly, he heard a pounding noise coming from inside of Bella’s. Some kind of rhythmic beat.
Rhage glanced behind him as it got louder.
The front door flew open, and Mary shot out of the house, jumping off the porch, not even bothering with the steps to the ground. She ran over the frost-laden grass in her bare feet and threw herself at him, grabbing on to his neck with both arms. She held him so tightly his spine cracked.
She was sobbing. Bawling. Crying so hard her whole body was shaking.
He didn’t ask any questions, just wrapped himself around her.
“I’m not okay,” she said hoarsely between breaths. “Rhage…I’m not okay.”
He closed his eyes and held on tight.
I think it’s a great scene because it’s so poignant to see him echoing what she did during a happier time. And then when she comes out of the house and grabs on to him, it marks a turning point for her. She’s reaching out to Rhage, finally including someone in her life and her illness.
The most erotic scene? Er…the bed scene. You know the one…with the chains? I’ll just put this passage in to remind you. This is right before it all goes down, and Rhage is over in the Pit looking for something to keep himself on the bed:
Rhage nodded. “I only want Mary. I couldn’t even get hard for anyone else at this point.”
“Ah, shit, man,” Vishous said under his breath.
“Why’s monogamy a bad thing?” Butch asked as he sat down and popped open the can of beer. “I mean, that’s a damn fine woman you got. Mary’s good people.”
V shook his head. “Remember what you saw in that clearing, cop? How’d you like that anywhere near a female you loved?”
Butch put down the Bud without drinking from it. His eyes traveled over Rhage’s body.
“We’re going to need a shitload of steel,” the human muttered.
And this reminds me of one of my favorite lines from the book. It happens fairly early on, when V and Butch have taken cover in the Escalade while Rhage’s beast goes postal on some lessers in a field:
In short order, the clearing was empty of lessers. With another deafening roar, the beast wheeled around as if looking for more to consume. Finding no other slayers, its eyes focused on the Escalade.
“Can it get into the car?” Butch asked.
“If it really wants to. Fortunately, it can’t be very hungry.”
“Yeah, well…what if it’s got room for Jell-O,” Butch muttered.
One of the other scenes I love is when it becomes clear that the beast is a danger to everyone but Mary. The final showdown with the slayers has played out at her place, and the beast has done its thing with the lessers. After the carnage, it approaches her:
Without warning, the beast whirled around and knocked her to the ground with its tail. It leaped into the air at her house, crashing its upper body through a window.
A lesser was pulled out into the night, and the beast’s roar of outrage was cut off as it took the slayer between its jaws.
Mary tucked into a ball, shielding herself from the tail’s barbs. She covered her ears and closed her eyes, cutting off the juicy sounds and the horrible sight of the killing.
Moments later she felt her body being nudged. The beast was pushing at her with its nose.
She rolled over and looked up into its white eyes. “I’m fine. But we’re going to have to work on your table manners.”
The beast purred and stretched out on the ground next to her, resting its head between its forelegs…
Mary has captured both Rhage’s and the beast’s hearts, and the two of them are utterly devoted to her. And as she says, she loves the beast—’cuz he’s cute in a Godzilla sort of way.
In the scenes that I’ve seen of Rhage and Mary and the beast since the end of Lover Eternal, it’s been great to find that Rhage and his alter ego have become more integrated. The beast is never going to be an escort for a debutante ball (his table manners haven’t improved much at all), but he’s not as uncontrollable as he was. Rhage is happier and calmer. Mary is fulfilled and living her life. S’all good.
Which brings me to a final thought. After each of the Brothers’ books, they and their shellans continue to live their lives and keep changing and evolving as people do over the course of time. I wish I could show more of where they are and what new challenges they are facing and how their relationships have deepened. The Slices of Life (SOLs) that I post from time to time on the message board give me the opportunity to put out these new scenes, and to me, it’s comforting to see everyone continue on and keep living. Just as we all do.
So that’s Rhage…and now thoughts on my favorite Brother, Z.
Zsadist, Son of Ahgony
“I was dead until you found me, though I breathed. I was sightless, though I could see. And then you came…and I was awakened.”
Age: 230
Joined Brotherhood: 1932
Height: 6′6″
Weight: 270 to 280 lbs.
Hair color: Multicolored, skull-trimmed
Eye color: Yellow when at rest/black when angry
Identifying physical marks: Slave bands tattooed in black around neck and wrists; scar running down face from forehead to mouth that distorts the upper lip; extensive scarring on back; nipples pierced (by self); gauge in left ear lobe; Brotherhood scar on left pectoral; names BELLA and NALLA carved in skin across upper back and shoulders in Old Language.
Note: Is now literate following years of not knowing how to read. Has an identical twin, Phury.
Weapon of choice: Twin SIG forties. Used to be hands.
Zsadist knelt down over one of the lessens, his scarred face distorted with hatred, his ruined upper lip curled back, his fangs long as a tiger’s. With his skull-trimmed hair and the hollows under his cheekbones, he looked like the Grim Reaper; and like death, he was comfortable working in the cold. Wearing only a black turtleneck and loose black pants, he was more armed than dressed: The Black Dagger Brotherhood’s signature blade holster crisscrossed over his chest, and two more knives were strapped on his thighs. He also sported a gun belt with two SIG Sauers.
Not that he ever used the nine-millimeters, though. He liked to get personal when he killed. Actually, it was the only time he ever got close to anyone.
Mated to: Bella
Personal Qs (answered by Z):
Last movie watched: Meatballs (thanks, Rhage)
List book read: Oh, the Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss, to my baby girl
Favorite TV show: Don’t really have one
Last TV show watched: The Simpsons—which I do like
Last game played: Monopoly with Wrath
Greatest fear: Monopoly with Wrath
Greatest love: Bella
Boxers or briefs: [left blank]
Watch: Timex—I’m into function
Car: Porsche 911 Carrera 4S, dark gray—like I said, I’m function
What time is it while you’re filling this out: Midnight (I’m off tonight)
Where are you? Office in training center
What are you wearing? [left blank]
What’s in your closet? [left blank]
What was the last thing you ate? Granny Smith apple
Describe your last dream? [left blank]
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe? Oh, please. That’s ridiculous.
Kirk or Picard? Who?
Football or baseball? Sports bore me.
Sexiest part of a female? No one’s business but Bella’s.
First words spoken to your shellan: “Don’t know what you’re doing here, other than fucking up my workout.”
Her response was: “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
Last gift given to her: Part of me wants to front and be like it was an object or something. But I think the last and best gift I ever gave to her was manning up and starting to be a true father to Nalla.
Most attractive thing about her is: Everything. Every inch of her skin, every strand of her hair, every hope and dream in her eyes, and all the love in her beautiful heart.
Last time you laughed: When Bella tickled me about ten minutes ago.
Last time you cried: No one’s business but Bella’s.
My Interview with Zsadist
After I leave Rhage’s room, I stand for a moment in the hall and listen to the sounds of the mansion. Down below, I hear T-Pain rolling out of the billiards room, and pool balls knocking into each other. On the other side of the foyer, in the dining room, doggen are clearing the dishes after First Meal, their voices soft and supercheerful—which I take to mean there is a lot of china and silverware to clean up. Behind me, through the closed doors of Wrath’s study, the king and Beth are discussing—
Zsadist: Hey.
J.R.: (wheels around) Hi—
Z: Didn’t mean to spook you.
Zsadist makes a hell of an impression in person. He’s really big now, so very different than he was before he met Bella. If I were to put my hand on his chest? It might cover one of his pecs, but it would be a stretch. Along with his body, his face has filled out, and that scar, though very noticeable, as always, doesn’t seem as stark because his cheeks aren’t cut so sharply. Tonight he’s wearing low-slung jeans (Sevens, I believe) and a black TEAM PUNISHMENT shirt. He has shitkickers on his feet and holstered SIGs under each arm.
J.R.: Didn’t mean to jump like I did.
Z: You want to interview me?
J.R.: If it’s okay with you.
Z: (shrugs) Meh. I don’t have any real problem with it. As long as I can choose what to answer.
J.R.: Of course you can. (Looks over balcony.) We could do it in the lib—
Z: Let’s go.
When a male like Z says, Let’s go, you follow for two reasons: One, he’s not going to hurt you, and two, he’s not going to let anything hurt you. So there’s no reason not to go. Also no reason to ask about the whole where thing. Sure, he’s not going to hurt you, but do you really want to bug him? Nope.
We go down the grand staircase at a brisk pace, and when we hit the foyer, we cross over the depiction of the apple tree, heading in the direction of the vestibule. The doggen in the dining room look up, and though they are dressed in formal black-and-white butlers’ uniforms, their smiles are as easy and relaxed as a summer day. Z and I wave back at them as we pass.
Z holds both of the vestibule’s doors open for me.
Outside in the courtyard, I take a deep breath. Fall air in upstate New York is like ice-cold sparkling water. It gets into your sinuses and down to your lungs with a sizzle. I love it.
Z: (Taking out car key from his pocket.) Thought we’d take a drive.
J.R.: What a fabulous idea. (Follows him over to iron gray Porsche 911 Carrera 4S.) This car is…
Z: My only possession, really. (Opens my door and waits as I slide into the passenger seat.)
As he comes around to the driver’s side and gets in, I have a serious case of the joneses. Porsches are luxury sports cars, but their roots are in racing, and you can tell. There’s no over-the-top gadgetry cluttering things up on the dash. No flabby seating. No fussy styling. It’s all about high-level function and power.
This truly is the perfect car for him.
Z starts the engine, and the calibrated vibration that comes from the back is a loud-and-clear about the number of horses in the trunk. As he K-turns on the pebbles, working neatly around the fountain which has been drained for the winter, he works the clutch and the gearshift seamlessly.
We head out past the compound’s gates, and the trip down whatever mountain we’re on is a blur to me because of the mhis. After we get level there are turns and straightaways, and when the landscape comes into focus again for me, we’re at one of the countless intersections on Route 22. Z hangs a left and floors it. The Porsche is psyched by the demand and digs into the pavement like its tires have metal spikes and its engine is powered by jet fuel. As we blast forward, my stomach pools in the cradle of my hips and I grip the door handle, but not from fear that we’ll crash—even though Z doesn’t have the headlights on and the dashboard isn’t lit. No, in the moonless night, there is nothing but the Porsche and the smooth road, and I feel like I’m flying. My grip is an attempt to ground myself against the weightlessness.
Except then I realize, I don’t want to be tied down. I release my hand.
J.R.: This reminds me of Rhage and Mary.
Z: (without raking his eyes oft the road) How so?
J.R.: He took her for a ride in his GTO one night when they were falling in love.
Z: He did?
J.R.: Yeah.
Z: Romantic bastard, isn’t he.
We drive along the road, or it could have been the galaxy, and though I can’t see the turns and hills, I know he can. The metaphor for life is unavoidable: Each of us in the seat of our destiny, driven along a road we cannot see, by someone who can.
J.R.: You’re taking us somewhere.
Z: (laughs softly) Oh, really.
J.R.: You aren’t the type to just drive.
Z: Maybe I’ve turned over a new leaf.
J.R.: No. It’s your nature, and not something that needs fixing.
Z: (looking over at me) And where do you think I’m going?
J.R.: Doesn’t matter to me. I know you’ll get us there and back safely and that it’ll be worth the trip.
Z: Let’s hope it is.
We drive in silence, and I’m not surprised. You don’t interview Z. You sit and open up a space and maybe he fills it, maybe he doesn’t.
The next biggish city from Caldwell is a good thirty minutes from the bridges downtown but only about twelve minutes from the Brotherhood’s compound. As we roll into its fringes, Z turns on the headlights to be legal. We pass by an Exxon gas station and a Stewart’s ice-cream shop and a McDonald’s and a host of nonchains like The Choppe Shoppe hair salon and Browning’s Printing and Graphics and Luigi’s Pizzeria. The parking lots are lit like something out of an Edward Hopper painting, pools of light congealing around parked cars and ice machines and Dumpsters. I’m struck by how many wires are suspended from telephone pole to telephone pole and the way the traffic lights dangle above the intersections. It’s the neuropathways of the city’s brain, I think to myself.
The silence is not awkward. We end up at Target.
Z pulls into the parking lot and heads to a secluded space away from the six parked cars clustered around the bank of doors in the front. As we approach the spot he picks, the massive light over us goes dark—probably because he willed it off.
We get out, and while we walk to the toffee-colored building with its red bull’s-eye, Z gets closer to me than he ever has. He’s about two feet behind me on my right, and it feels, because of his size, like he’s on top of me. He’s doing his guard thing, and I take it as a gesture of kindness, not aggression. Going along, our footsteps over the cold pavement are like two different voices. Mine are Shirley Temple. His are James Earl Jones.
Inside the store, the security guard doesn’t like us. The rent-a-cop straightens up from the partition demarcating the food section and puts his hand on his pepper spray. Z ignores him. Or at least, I assume Z does. The Brother is still walking behind me, so I can’t see his face.
J.R.: Which section?
Z: Over to the left. Wait, I want a cart.
After he gets one, we head for…the baby department. When we get to the displays of onesies and tiny socks, Z steps ahead of me. He handles the clothes on the racks in the most gentle way, as if they are already on Nalla’s sturdy little body. He fills the cart. He doesn’t ask me what I think of what he’s buying, but that’s no disrespect to me. He knows what he wants. He buys little shirts and ruffled diaper pants in all kinds of colors. Tiny shoes. A pair of mittens that look like they belong on a doll. Then we go to the toy section. Blocks. Books. Soft stuffed animals.
Z: Automotive next, then music and DVDs. Also books.
He’s in charge of the cart. I follow. He buys Armor All and a bunch of chamois cloths. Then the new Flo-Rida CD. An Ina Garten cookbook. When we pass by the food section, he gets a bag of Tootsie Pops. We pause at the menswear section, and he chooses two Miami Ink baseball caps. In the stationery department he picks up some lovely thick white paper and a set of colored pencils. He takes a deep red knitted scarf from ladies’ accessories, and then pauses by a display of silver chains that have charms dangling off of them. He picks one out that has a small quartz heart hanging from the chain and is careful as he lays it out on top of his neat pile of onesies.
I thought he was being careful with the way he touched the baby clothes because of what they were, but in fact, he treats all the merchandise with the same respect. He looks like a straight-up killer, and his expression is as dark as the black in his eyes, but his hands are never rough. If he picks something up off a shelf or a rack or a display and doesn’t want it, he returns it where it was. And if he finds a sweater that’s just been crammed back into a stack or a book that’s been mis-shelved by another customer or a shirt that’s cockeyed on a hanger, he rights it.
Z has a kind soul. At heart, he’s just like Phury.
We go to check out, and the twenty-year-old guy who’s manning the cash register looks up at Z like the Brother is a god. As I watch all of the items being scanned, I realize the purpose of the trip is not just to get the things, but to send a message. These items are his interview. He’s telling me how much he loves Nalla and Bella and his Brothers. How grateful he is.
J.R.: (softly) The red scarf’s for Beth, right?
Z: (shrugs and takes out a black wallet) Yeah.
Ah…because a present for Beth is a present for Wrath. And I bet the Armor All is for the three boys to massage Qhuinn’s Hummer with. But there’s nothing for…
Z: There’s nothing to get him. There’s nothing he wants, and a gift would make him feel worse.
Tohr. God, Tohr…
After Z pays with a black AmEx, we walk past the security guard, who looks at the red-and-white bags like he has X-ray vision and there could be guns in them—even though the store doesn’t sell click-click-bang-bangs.
Outside, I help Z put his purchases in the minuscule backseat of the Porsche. They overflow, and I end up sitting with some at my feet and on my lap.
We’re silent the whole ride home, until we get to the mhis that surrounds the compound. As the landscape blurs again, I look over at Z.
J.R.: Thank you for taking me.
There’s a pause, one that lasts so long, I figure there’s going to be no response. But then he downshifts as we come up to the mansion’s gates.
Z: (glancing over and nodding once) Thank you for coming along.
Lover Awakened
The People:
John Matthew
Mr. O
Mr. X
Mr. U(stead)
Sarelle, Wellsie’s cousin
Lash, son of Ibex
Qhuinn, son of Lohstrong
Blaylock, son of Rocke
Catronia (Z’s Mistress when he was a blood slave)
Places of Interest (all in Caldwell, NY, unless otherwise noted):
The Brotherhood mansion—undisclosed location
Bella’s farmhouse—private road off Route 22
Lessening Society persuasion center—east from Big Notch Mountain, thirty-minute drive from downtown
Tohr and Wellsie’s home
Rehvenge’s family home
ZeroSum (corner of Trade and Tenth streets)
Zsadist, a former blood slave and the most feared member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, finds love as he rescues a beautiful aristocratic female from the obsessive hold of a violent lesser.
Opening line: “Goddamn it, Zsadist! Don’t jump—”
Last line: “Bella…And Nalla.”
Published: September 2006
Page length: 434
Word count: 136,807
First draft written: November 2005-March 2006
Craft comments:
I think with Z, I’ll start with something from Dark Lover. This is from the beginning of the book, when Wrath has called the Brotherhood together following Darius’s assassination by the Fore-lesser, Mr. X. Zsadist makes his arrival, so to speak, thusly:
The front door swung open, and Zsadist strode into the house.
Wrath glared. “Nice of you to show up, Z. Busy tonight with the females?”
“How about you get off my dick?” Zsadist went over to the corner, staying away from the rest.
When I first saw Zsadist walk into that house like that, I assumed he was an antagonist. Had to be. His vibe was too legitimately fuck-off for him to be a hero. And then the impression he made got even worse with this scene of Beth waking up to find him with her:
The man towering over her had black, lifeless eyes. A harsh face with a jagged scar running down it. Hair that was practically shaved it was so short. And long, white fangs that were bared…
“Pretty, aren’t I?” His cold stare was the stuff of nightmares, of dark places where no hope could be found, of hell itself.
Forget the scar, she thought. Those eyes were the scariest thing about him.
And they were fixated on her as if he were sizing her up for a shroud.
Or for some sex.
She moved her body away from him. Started looking around for something she could use as a weapon.
“What, you don’t like me?”
Beth eyed the door, and he laughed.
“Think you can run fast enough?” he said, pulling the bottom of his shirt free from the leather pants he had on. His hands moved to his fly. “I’m damn sure you can’t.”
Yeah, okay, so not a hero. The thing was, though, the voices in my head were shouting that he was getting his own book and he was going to end up with an HEA.
Oh, great. Fantastic. And not the last time in the course of writing this series when I’ve been like, You have GOT to be kidding me—I can’t pull that off.
By the end of Dark Lover, however, I was seduced…and totally driven to write Z’s story. The turning points for me were two scenes in that book. One is of Beth meeting up with Zsadist in the pantry as they get the food ready for her mating ceremony (p. 318). In this exchange, Z reveals that he has no intention of hurting Beth and that he doesn’t like to be touched. The other scene is just after the ceremony. The vows have been spoken and the carving done and the Brotherhood is serenading the couple:
But then, in a high, keening call, one voice broke out, lifting above the others, shooting higher and higher. The sound of the tenor was so clear, so pure, it brought shivers to the skin, a yearning warmth to the chest. The sweet notes blew the ceiling off with their glory, turning the chamber into a cathedral, the Brothers into a tabernacle…
The scarred one, the soulless one, had the voice of an angel.
By the end of DL, I needed to write Z so badly that for the only time yet, I dictated book order against what I saw in my head. Z was supposed to be the last in the series, the end cap of the ten books (which included Wrath, Rhage, Butch, V, Phury, Rehvenge, Payne, John Matthew, and Tohrment). But the thing was, when I sold the Brotherhood series, the first contract was for three books. At the time the deal was made, paranormals were hot, but people were already beginning to speculate when the market would hit its crest and begin to fall off in terms of popularity. I wasn’t sure I’d get to write all of them.
Call me an optimist, huh.
It was with that mindset that I approached the future, and as I finished Dark Lover and started to outline Lover Eternal, I knew if I didn’t put Zsadist on the page I would never get past it. So I bumped him forward.
Writing him was gut-wrenching, and there were times when I had to stand up and walk away from my computer. But he came out as I saw him in my head, and I love him more than any hero I’ve ever written. He was tricky, though. Z was an honest-to-God sociopath. The difficulty was presenting him in a way that was at once true to his pathology and yet sympathetic enough for readers to see what I saw in him and understand why Bella fell for him.
There were two keys. One was his reaction to Bella’s abduction, and the other was his past as a blood slave and its sexual repercussions. Gaining sympathy for Z with readers was a classic show-not-tell situation. The book opens with Z on a single-minded mission to get Bella back. Very heroic, and the altruism is justified in spite of its being contrary to his nature because it’s obvious that he sees her situation through the lens of his own captivity and abuse: He couldn’t help himself, but he sure as hell can help her. And after he gets her out, he treats her with great gentleness. Bella becomes the catalyst to his expressing something warm and protective, and his interactions with her balance out his more sadistic and masochistic scenes.
And then there is the sexual side of things. By showing Z under the Mistress’s ownership through a series of flashbacks, the reader can see for themselves that he was made into the monster he became, not born like that. Z’s sexual issues with Bella, which were introduced in Lover Eternal, are evidence that the traumas he suffered are not only with him to the present day, but they own and define him as a male. At least until Bella comes into his life.
There was real potential for Z not coming across as heroic, and I was really nervous when my editor read him for the first time, because I wasn’t sure whether I’d pulled it off. She loved him, though, and so did the readers. So do I, although I have to say that I haven’t reread him since I reviewed his galleys—and he’s the only book of mine that I haven’t cracked open when he came back to me bound.
I think it’s going to be a lot longer before I read him. And I might never.
A word on the editorial/publishing process. Lots of people, prepublished authors and readers alike, ask me how exactly the different stages of production work and how long each takes. For me, the whole thing is about nine months.
Once I finish my outline, which takes at least a month, I send it to my editor, who reads it. After we touch base, I get down to work, taking what is in the outline and fleshing it out with description, dialogue, and narration. I tend to write half of the book, then go back and read and edit my way through that block of material. This reread is critical for me. In the Brotherhood books there’s so much going on that I don’t want to risk losing track of all the plot arcs and character development. When I get to the halfway point again, I finish the book all the way through. This whole first drafting process usually takes about four months of seven-day-a-week writing.
Typically I take a week off and let the manuscript sit while I work on other things. This break is really important so that when I go back I have fresh eyes—and if I don’t get the downtime, I really don’t think the draft finishes as well as it should. When I return to the book, it usually takes me another six weeks to do the heavy lifting associated with getting scene order correct and chapter breaks at the right point and the proper intensity of emotion. Then it’s another couple weeks to smooth, smooth, smooth.
At this point I’m blurry eyed and dizzy, because the closer to the end I get, the longer my days are—usually the two weeks before I turn anything in, I’m working fourteen to sixteen hours a day. When it comes to whatever Thursday night is the deadline for mailing (it’s always Thursday so the manuscripts drop on Friday), I print the whole book out, get into my car in a zombie state and a pair of wilted sweats, and drive across town to Kinko’s, where I FedEx the thing overnight to my editor.
Usually the manuscript boxes weigh about eight pounds and cost a hundred dollars to send off.
After my editor reads the material, she and I go over what we think comes through well and what could be even stronger. We also touch base on whatever might go a little far for the market either sexually or in terms of violence. What I love most about my editor is that she lets me be true to what I see and doesn’t dictate. It’s a collaboration focused on making sure that what’s in my head gets onto the page with the best impact possible—and any changes or additions are my choice and my choice alone.
After that editorial meeting, I go back and rework the manuscript, tightening it, getting the words more precise, amplifying where necessary. By this time the chapters are set, the scene order is solid, the peaks and valleys in emotion and action are really humming along, so it’s pretty much just tweaking. That and line editing. I am incredibly anal about words and dialogue and flow, and I go over every single word in the manuscripts over and over again. Nothing ever feels good enough.
For this phase of the process I typically take six weeks, and the manuscript will grow in page length with each succeeding pass I make. A first draft for me is about five hundred pages, double-spaced Times New Roman twelve point. (I can’t write in Courier for some reason, although a lot of authors do—that font screws with my voice.) By the time I finish the revised draft, the manuscript is usually around the six-hundred-page mark.
When I’m finished with the revisions, it’s another trip to Kinko’s on a Thursday evening, pulling a Night of the Living Dead in sweats again. Usually my editor and I do only one revision cycle, not because I’m a miracle worker or a genius, but because I’m really critical about my own work and beat the hell out of the material before she gets to see it.
Next up are copyedits. After my editor reads the book through again and approves it for publication, the manuscript goes to a copy editor, who checks it for dropped words, grammatical issues, trademark spellings, continuity glitches between scenes, and time line stuff. She also puts in the typesetting notations—which are like a Morse code of dots and dashes made in red pencil.
I should probably confess that I don’t think I’m a joy to copyedit. In my books I use a lot of vernacular. Personally, I think so-called “common language” is more interesting and apropos than “proper English”; it’s passionate and powerful in ways that “wherefore art thou ass and thy elbow” just isn’t. I’m very grateful to the copy editor we tend to use because she doesn’t try to beat me over the head with The Chicago Manual of Style (the reference bible for grammatical propriety).
When the copy edits come back, I go through the manuscript, answer any queries on the margins, stet or accept any word additions or subtractions (stet is the word you use to reject what the copy editor has done), and address any issues that my editor and I have come up with on the revisions. Usually my manuscripts are pretty clean, but I still manage to find things that bug me. When I read my writing, it’s like running my hand down a cloth that should be seamless. Things that aren’t smooth irritate the ever living hell out of me, and I have to work and rework the words until I don’t feel rough spots anymore.
After I send the copyedited manuscript back, the next step is galleys. Galleys are an eight-and-a-half-by-eleven printout of exactly what will be in the bound book—think of opening a book up to any page split, and the galleys are the left and right sides reproduced. I go through the whole thing in this form, and I always want to fuss over and change too much. I’m truly never satisfied.
So that’s my process, and I’ve got to say it was complicated by Zsadist, because some of the scenes in him I didn’t want to write, much less edit. Even for this compendium, when I’ve pored through all the other books picking out passages for the dossiers…I can’t do that with Z.
Which is kind of weird, because out of all the males and men I’ve ever written about, he’s my favorite. Bar none. But there’s a lot in his story that’s really upsetting.
What scenes got to me? They’re still in my head so vividly I don’t need to open Lover Awakened to remember them. One of the hardest for me to write was the sequence where Z is led down into what was going to be his cell for the next hundred years by the private guard he used to serve ale to when he was a kitchen boy. He’s just been raped by the Mistress for the first time and is so innocent and hurt and terrified. None of the males will look at him or touch him or take pity on him. They think of him as unclean even though he is a victim. As he walks along, crying, with the remnants of what the Mistress had used on him still on his body, my heart absolutely broke.
It’s just awful.
Another scene that absolutely killed me was when Bella finds Z on the floor of his shower, scrubbing at himself, trying to get clean enough for her to feed from him. He’s rubbing his skin raw, but no matter how much soap and friction he uses, he still feels absolutely filthy.
Then there was the scene where Z forced her to hurt him so that he could finish sexually.
But there are also sections I don’t want to read over again that aren’t about Z.
I knew going into the book that Wellsie’s death was going to be hard on readers. It was hard on me. I cried when I wrote the scene where Tohr is down in the training center’s office with John Matthew and is calling home, hoping that Well-sie will pick up, praying that she’s okay. Just as he dials their number once again, the Brotherhood shows up at the office’s door. Wellsie’s voice comes out of the speakerphone as the call flips into voice mail and Tohr is told she’s been killed.
I’ve had some readers and other authors say that I was courageous for killing a main character off. I’ve had others be really disappointed at my creative choice. Although I totally respect both perspectives, the thing is, to me it wasn’t courage or a choice at all. It was just what happened. I knew all along that Wellsie would be killed; the only thing that surprised me was that it happened as early as it did in terms of the series. I thought it would be farther along in the books, but the thing is, the scenes I see don’t always come chronologically, so I don’t always know the when.
As a side note, I will say that those who had problems with her death had less trouble when I explained that it wasn’t a melodramatic calculation on my part and that it basically crippled me. I think if you work with characters whom readers feel a close connection with, and bad things happen, as long as you show that you are far from indifferent, that in fact you are heartbroken and worried and sad, then readers are less likely to feel capriciously manipulated.
Some other thoughts on Z…
Bella should have gotten more airtime.
In the Brotherhood books, my heroines don’t always get enough attention or page space, and I know why. One of my weaknesses as a writer, and it comes out in the series, is that I get so far into the heads and the lives of my heroes that the female leads are in danger of being eclipsed.
See, the good thing about the Brothers is that I see them with such clarity.
The bad thing about the Brothers is that I see them with such clarity.
Choosing what to put in and where to filter is hard for me, and not only in terms of the Brothers’ lives. The series as a whole is always progressing in my head: changes in the war are happening; Wrath is at greater and greater odds with the glymera; challenges are coming into the previous Brothers’ relationships and being surmounted. Nothing is static in the world, and I don’t always know what to put to the side.
Back to Bella as a case in point. I wish I’d spent more time showing how her experience being held at the hands of Mr. O affected her emotionally and psychologically. There was some mention of the aftermath, but there could have been more. Sure, she gets the (dubious) satisfaction of killing her captor at the end, but I think I might have shown more of her processing her abduction in front of the readers so they knew where she was and how she was coming along.
As for the romance? Bella was perfect for Zsadist—pretty much the only female I could picture getting through to him (and he’s really the only male strong enough for her to respect—I mean, hello, Rehvenge is her brother!).
They’re just a great pair…I’m reminded of the very first time they meet in Lover Eternal. Z’s punching that bag down in the gym, and Bella stumbles upon his workout. She’s instantly attracted to him as she watches him from behind, and even after he turns around and she sees his scarred face and gets a load of his nasty attitude, she’s still drawn to him (p. 70).
The beginnings of their mutual connection came through toward the end of that book. At the party Rhage throws for his Mary at the Brotherhood’s mansion, Bella reaches up and touches Phury’s hair out of curiosity. Z is watching from the shadows and comes over to her:
In a burning rush, she imagined him looking down at her while their bodies were merged, his face inches from her own. The fantasy had her lifting her arm. She wanted to run her fingertip down that scar until it got to his mouth. Just to know the feel of him.
With a quick jerk to the side, Zsadist dodged the contact, eyes flaring as if she’d shocked him. The expression was buried fast.
In a flat, cold voice he said, “Careful there, female. I bite.”
“Will you ever say my name?”
Phury comes over and separates them. Taking Bella aside, he makes a statement that was so very true before she comes into Z’s life:
“My twin’s not broken. He’s ruined. Do you understand the difference? With broken maybe you can fix him. Ruined? All you can do is wait to bury him.”
Later in the evening, Bella ends up following Z to his bedroom. The visit doesn’t end as she hopes, with them together in bed. Instead she learns something about this hard-core warrior she’s so attracted to. This is from after he nearly takes her, when he stops and rolls off her onto the tiled floor:
Jesus, his body was in rough shape. His stomach was hollow. His hip bones jutted out of his skin. He must indeed only drink from humans, she thought. And not eat much at all.
She focused on the tattooed bands covering his wrist and neck. And the scars.
Ruined. Not broken.
Although she was ashamed to admit it now, the darkness in him had been the largest part of his allure. It was such an anomaly, a contrast to what she’d known from life. It had made him dangerous. Exciting. Sexy. But that was a fantasy. This was real.
He suffered. And there was nothing sexy or thrilling about that.
As I said before, Bella’s abduction was part of the reason they ended up together, because it opened Z emotionally to her in a way that wouldn’t have happened otherwise. But I think Bella still would have gotten to him, because she’s a great combination of strength and compassion. She’s a realist, though, and does pull out of the relationship toward the end of their book, when Z pushes her away. Their parting, along with other forces in his life, are what prompt Z to make some important changes.
I have to say that, to me, the way Lover Awakened ended with its epilogue was so great. Z’s back working out in the gym where Bella first saw him, but as she comes in and brings little Nalla to her daddy, you get a sense of how far they’ve come. I swear, when Z turns back and winks at the trainee while he has Nalla in his arms?
But here’s the thing: As I’ve said, the reality for me in this series is that these people’s lives don’t stop just because their book is finished. And that is what the novella in this compendium was all about. It’s logical that Z would have trouble bonding with his daughter, and I really value the opportunity of getting to show that part of his development as a male and a hellren and a father.
And speaking of family…Phury. You can’t talk about Z without mentioning Phury. Phury has fascinated me ever since that scene in Lover Eternal when he comes back from having beaten Z at Z’s request. Phury’s hollow eyes as he emerges from the training center’s tunnel were what stuck with me, and I was dying to see where he ended up and how he fell in love. And then, in Lover Awakened, he goes even farther for his twin. I think the scene when Phury scars his own face really gets to the core of the trouble he’s in, both psychologically and emotionally. All his life he has been consumed by his twin’s abduction and slavery, and his rescue of Z doesn’t save either one of them from their suffering. When Phury shaves his head and puts a dagger to his own face in order to take his twin’s place at the hands of the lesser who abducted Bella, he becomes the physical embodiment of Zsadist.
More on Phury later, but he was almost too heroic, overbalancing Z’s anti-hero with a personality that was self-sacrificing to a detrimental degree.
One last thing…Rehvenge…oh, Rehv. Getting a chance to show him off was one of the great joys of this book. He was and is just so flat-out hot and such total and complete bad news that I was jonesing to write his book even back then.
And Rehv was significant for another reason.
He was, in Lover Awakened, the first time I’d ever tried to deliberately obscure a character’s identity. The Reverend, club owner and drug dealer, and Rehvenge, aristocratic, overbearing brother of Bella, were the same person, but I didn’t want the reader to know it until the end, when Z and Bella go to her mother’s house. The way I managed the sleight of hand was that I showed Rehv mostly through other people’s points of view, and if there was anything in his POV, I was careful there were no revelations on his part that left the reader making the connection. It was, as Butch would say, wicked tricky. I literally went through every single word in the Rehv sections to make sure that there were no tip-offs and that the presentations made him believable in both roles.
Okay, I guess I’ve gone on long enough about Zsadist and his book. Butch is, as always, wanting some attention, and then there’re still Vishous and Phury to go through.
I think I’ll close with the fact that I’m still in love with Z and always will be.
And that just about says it all.
Dhestroyer, Descended of Wrath, Son of Wrath
a. k.a. Butch O’Neal
“You’ve got some of me in you, cop.” Wrath’s smile stuck around as he slid his glasses back on. “Course, I always knew you were a royal. Just didn’t think it went past the pain-in-the-ass part, is all.”
Age: 38
Joined Brotherhood: 2007
Height: 6′7″
Weight: 260 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Identifying physical marks: Black tattoo at base of spine in the form of grouped lines; Brotherhood scar on left pectoral; name MARISSA caned in skin across upper back and shoulders in Old English letters; pinkie on right hand is slightly deformed following transition; scar on abdomen.
Note: Is the fulfillment of die Lessening Society’s Destroyer Prophecy. Following his abduction by the Society, and the Omega’s tampering with him, he is able to consume lessers by inhalation—which, contrary to stabbing, circumvents the slayers’ return to their master and thereby threatens the Omega’s very existence.
Weapon of choice: Dry, scintillating wit. (When pressed, he indicated it was a forty-millimeter Glock.)
Butch look a turn in front of a full-length mirror, feeling like a pansy, but unable to help himself. The black pinstripe fit him well. The bright white, open-collared shirt made his tan come out And the sweet pair of Ferragamo loafers he’d found in a box were just the right amount of flash.
He was almost handsome, he thought. As long as she didn’t look too closely at his bloodshot eyes.
The four hours of sleep and all that Scotch showed.
Looking deeply into his hazel eyes, she stroked back his thick, dark hair. Then traced his eyebrows with her thumbs. Ran a fingertip down his bumpy, broken-too-many-times nose. Tapped lightly on his chipped tooth.
“Kind of battle-worn, aren’t I?” he said. “But you know, with some plastic surgery and a couple caps I could be a high-flier just like Rhage.”
Marissa glanced back at the figurine and thought about her life. And Butch’s.
She shook her head slowly and leaned hi to kiss him. “I wouldn’t change a thing about you. Not one single thing.”
Mated to: Marissa, blooded daughter of Wallen
Personal Qs (answered by Butch):
Last movie watched: Scrooged with Rill Murray, excellent Christmas flick.
List book read: Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, to Nalla.
Favorite TV show: Old episodes of Columbo or anything on ESPN
Last TV show watched: “Murder by the Book” from Columbo’s first season—the episode was directed by Steven Spielberg. Fantastic shit right there. I know the lines, I’ve watched it so many times.
Last game played: Foosball with V
Greatest fear: Not being who Marissa believes me to be.
Greatest love: Marissa.
Favorite quote: “Bad deeds, like beauty, are in the eye of the beholder.”
Boxers or briefs: Emporio Armani boxer briefs.
Watch: I have a lot of them—forty-nine at last count. I’m all about Haute Horlogerie. Right now I’m wearing Corum’s Golden Tourbillon Panoramique.
Car: Escalade, black. Started as V’s, now it’s both of ours.
What time is it while you’re filling this out: 2 a.m.
Where are you? In the Pit on one of the leather sofas. SportsCenter is on. So is Ludacris. V is looking over my shoulder. He doesn’t seem to believe me when I tell the cribbing bastard that my answers won’t help him pass his test—Ow.
What are you wearing? Diesel jeans, white button-down by Vuitton, black Bruneilo Cucinelli cashmere sweater, and Acqua di Parma cologne. Oh, and Gucci loafers. The belt is Martin Dingman.
What’s in your closet? That would be closets. I have a clothes addiction—more fun than the Scotch thing I had going on, and I look better—but, slut, it’s expensive. I have formal stuff from Tom Ford, Gucci, Vuitton, Hermes, Zegna, Marc Jacobs, Prada, Isaia, Canali—all the regulars. Casual and sport shit’s from a variety of designers like Pal Zileri, Etro, Diesel, Nike, Ralph Lauren. Affliction—I’m not a snob. For knits it’s Lochcarron of Scotland. Phury and I compare notes a lot—and compete. Fritz helps us get things. The doggen’ll head down to Manhattan and pick up a moving van’s worth of threads in our sizes—stuff we order or things he thinks we’ll like. He does our tailoring. For hand-sewn shirts and suits and slacks we have relationships with a couple of shops and have given them models to work off of. Look, if having nice clothes makes me a metrosexual? Fine, I’ll take the hit—but I still have my chipped front tooth, and every night I go out and kick ass. So there you go.
What was the last thing you ate? Buttermilk pancakes with butter and maple syrup and a cup of coffee. With Rhage. He always makes me feel like a light-weight around food, but then, the brother could eat a pack of wolves under the table—and go back for seconds.
Describe your last dream? It involved a long, dark tunnel and a train going into it. Over and over again. Do the math.
Coke or Pepsi? Lagavulin. What? That’s liquid in a bottle, what do you want from me? Fine—Coke.
Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe? I vastly prefer class to flash. Audrey all the way. P.S. Marissa is even more elegant than AH, and that is saying something.
Kirk or Picard? Kirk. Abso.
Football or baseball? Member of the Red Sox Nation. ’Nuff said.
Sexiest part of a female? Would be indiscreet to spell it out. But use your damn brain.
What do you like most about Marissa? I love her skin and her hair and the way she crosses her legs at the knee and folds her hands together. I love her accent and her pale blue eyes and die way she’s the most proper lady you’ve ever seen but still makes me—Er, anyway. She has perfect style and exquisite taste and she wakes up smelling good. More than that…she’s always loved me for who I am, never wanted me to be different. Which makes her an angel.
First words spoken to her were: “No…don’t go back there…I’m not going to hurt you.”
Her response was: “How do I know that?”
Last gift given to her: A desk chair. Two days ago. The one she had before squeaked when you turned in it and didn’t have any lumbar support. So I took her to Office Depot and had her try out a bunch and bought her the one she liked best.
Most romantic thing you’ve ever done for her: Dunno. I don’t think I’m good at the romantic shit. Jesus…I have no idea.
Most romantic thing she’s ever done for you: Waking me up every day with a smile. I’ve got expensive tastes, but one small smile from her is priceless.
Anything you’d change about her? Sometimes I wish she didn’t work so hard. Not in terms of hours, more like the pressure she puts on herself to save every single person who comes to Safe Place. It reminds me of when I was in Homicide. Not all outcomes are what you hope. I do my best to be there for her and talk things through with her. She asks me a lot of questions about the murder cases I worked on and how I dealt with the families. What she does now and what I did then—there’s a lot of parallels. It brings us closer.
Best friend (excluding shellan): Vishous, then Rhage. And Phury, too.
Last time you cried: I don’t cry. Ever.
Last time you laughed: Little while ago, when V changed Nalla’s diaper. I’m going to get hit tor that, but shit it was—Ow.
My Interview with Butch
After Zsadist and I get home from Target, I help carry the bags into the mansion. We are just finishing the fetch-and-carry routine when Butch comes out of the door under the stairs. He’s dressed in a black Izod sweater with a white shirt underneath and a pair of superbly cut black trousers. His shoes are Tod’s. Black with no socks. He’s got a duffel bag on his shoulder and a monster grin on his face.
Butch: My turn!
Z: (bending over a bag and taking out one of the Miami Ink hats) For you.
Butch: Okay, that’s hot. (Takes it and puts it on.) Thanks, man.
Z: Got one for your boy. too.
Butch: Which is actually another gift to me, because we won’t have to fight over this one. (Turning to me.) You ready?
J.R.: Absolutely. Where are—
Butch: Out the back. (Sweeps arm toward library.) This way.
I smile a good-bye to Z and he returns my expression, his ruined lip twitching up briefly and his eyes flashing yellow. I think for a moment how lucky Bella and Nalla are; then I follow Butch out of the foyer and into one of my favorite rooms in the house. The library is walled with books, the only breaks coming for the windows and the bank of doors and the fireplace. Oil paintings of landscapes are hung over the tomes here and there, giving an English-manor-house feel to the space.
Butch: (over his shoulder) Betcha can’t guess where we’re going.
J.R.: It’s not just die library.
Butch: (goes to one of the French doors and opens it) Right you are. And out you go!
J.R.: What’s in the duffel?
Butch: (shooting me his trademark smile, the one that totally eclipses his busted nose and the chip in his front tooth, the one that turns him into the most attractive man on the planet) It’s not a potato launcher.
J.R.: Why does that not reassure me? (stepping out and stopping short)
Butch: (with pride) I’d like you to meet Edna.
J.R.: I…didn’t know you could do that to a golf cart.
Edna is your standard-issue links transport—except she’s had a makeover right out of the Robb Report. She’s got a Cadillac hood ornament and a grille modeled after the Escalade’s. Painted black, her rims are twenty-fours, her bumpers are chromed, her seating leather, and it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to discover that she’s turbo-charged. Hell, if you could nitro an electric engine, I’d be looking for the injector button on the console.
Butch: Isn’t she spank? (puts duffel in the back and gets behind the chrome wheel) I was going for an updated Elvis vibe.
J.R.: Mission accomplished. (Gets in beside him. Am surprised when my butt tingles.) Seat warmers, too?
Butch: Shit, yeah. Wait’ll you hear the sound system.
Kanye West blares out over the gardens and we take off across the rolling lawn, passing by flower beds that are battened down for the coming winter. As we go, I grab onto the lip of the top and start to laugh. Rolling bat-out-of-hell in a golf cart guarantees a trigger of your inner six-year-old, and I can’t help but get a case of the tickle-giggles as we bounce along. The fact that we are being accompanied by Kanye singing about the good life is just about perfect.
Butch: (yelling over the righteous bass) You know what’s great about using this thing at night?!
J.R.: (yelling back) What?
Butch: (points to teeth) No bugs!
Deer scamper out of the way at a dead run, their tails flipping up with white undersides flashing. Like Z, Butch doesn’t have the headlights on, but given how loud Kanye is, I don’t think there’s any chance of catching one of those lovely animals frozen in our path.
Eventually, Butch slows Edna down right in front of the forest edge. Kanye quiets and the night’s silence rushes forward as if it’s a good host and we’ve just arrived at its party. Butch grabs the duffel and together we walk about twenty feet, heading in the direction of the mansion, which is in the far distance.
Butch puts the duffel on the ground, unzips it, and wades around inside. What comes out is a series of thin metal sections, which he begins to fit together.
J.R.: Can I help you? (Even though I don’t have any idea what he’s doing.)
Butch: Two secs.
When he’s finished, he’s built an odd kind of platform. The base is a foot off the ground, and it supports a metal rod that’s about two feet high.
Butch: (going hack to duffel) The critical thing is trajectory. (Returns to platform and measures with leveler. Makes adjustment.) We’ll start small. (Again goes over to duffel and this time takes out…)
J.R.: Oh, my God, that is fantastic!
Butch: (beaming) I made it myself. (brings rocket over to me)
The model rocket is about two feet in length from pointed tip to flared bottom, and it has three sections. White, with a Red Sox logo painted on the side, its top is fluorescent, no doubt to track its path and increase the chances of recovering it in the dark.
J.R.: I didn’t know you were into this.
Butch: I used to make models when i was a kid. Airplanes and cars, too. The thing is, some people like to read, but I’m slightly dyslexic, so that was never relaxing—too much work to get the letters to come out right. But models? It’s a way to get my brain to shut off when I’m awake. (Shoots me a sly grin.) Plus I get to do something with my hands, and you know how much I feel that. (Takes rocket over to launching pad and slides it down vertical shaft. Makes more adjustments.) Can you bring me the ignition wires? They’re the two bundles tied with twists?
J.R.: (goes to bag) Holy…crap. You have, like, three more in here.
Butch: I’ve been keeping busy. And here, take the flashlight, you’ll probably need it. I told V to shut off the motion-sensitive security lights in this section of the acreage.
J.R.: (catches penlight he throws over and finds wire bundles) You want this box with the switch, too?
Butch: Yes, but leave it there. We’re going to want to be a distance away when we fire them off.
J.R.: (brings over wires and, as he reaches up to take them, I notice his bent pinkie on his right hand) May I ask you something?
Butch: Hell, yeah. That’s the point of interviews, ain’t it?
J.R.: Do you miss any part of your old life?
Butch: (hesitates briefly in unrolling the wires) My knee-jerk answer is no. I mean, that’s the first thing that comes to mind, (resumes unrolling, then takes rocket off of launcher and attaches wires at bottom) And the core truth is that I’m happier where I am now. But that doesn’t mean I don’t wish I could do some of the things I used to. Red Sox game on a Saturday afternoon? With the sun on your face and a cold beer against your palm? That was pretty cool.
J.R.: What about your family?
Butch: (voice gets tight) I don’t know. I suppose I miss the next generation…like, I wouldn’t mind finding out what Joyce’s kids look like and where they end up. The others’ as well. I wish I could go hack to see my mom every once in a while—but I don’t want to add to her dementia, and I think my visit didn’t help, (slides rocket hack onto base) I do go to Janie’s grave still.
J.R.: Really?
Butch: Yup.
J.R.: (I give him some space to speak. He doesn’t.) Were you surprised you ended up here? With the Brothers, I mean.
Butch: Let’s get some distance between us and flyboy, shall we? (As we walk back toward the duffel, he strings the wires across the short grass.) Was I surprised? Yes and no. I was surprised at a lot of shit in my life before I ever met the Brothers. The fact that I ended up a vampire? Fighting the undead? In a way, how’s that any more shocking than the fact that I managed to live through all the self-destructive crap I did to myself before I met any of them.
J.R.: I can understand that. (Pauses.) What about—
Butch: By the oh-god-how-do-I-ask-this-question in your voice, I’m assuming you mean the Omega and his little implant surgery?
J.R.: Well, yes.
Butch: (repositioning Miami Ink hat) This is going to come out wrong…but in some ways, to me, it’s like I have cancer they can’t operate on. I can still feel what he put in me. I know exactly where it is in my body, and it’s wrong, it’s bad. (Puts hand on stomach.) I want it out, but I know if it’s removed, assuming that’s even possible. I can’t do what I do. So…I deal.
J.R.: Has the aftermath gotten any easier? After you inhale a—
Butch: (shaking head) No.
J.R.: So…aside from that…(shifting the subject, because clearly he’s uncomfortable) what’s been the thing that’s surprised you most since coming into their lives?
Butch: (kneeling down next to ignition box) You ask such serious damn questions, woman. (Looks up at me and smiles.) Thought this was going to be more fun.
J.R.: I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make you—
Butch: It’s okay. How about we shoot off a rocket or two and then get back to the inquisition stuff. I’ll let you push the butttttttttton…
I’m pretty sure at this point he’s waggling his eyebrows at me, but I can’t see under the brim of the Miami Ink hat. I smile anyway because…well, some things you can’t help but do.
Butch: Come on, you know you wanna.
J.R.: (kneeling down) What do I do?
Butch: The way this works is this…(Holds up blue box.) Inside here are four double-A batteries. I turn the ignition key and this light (points to glowing yellow spot) tells us we’re ready. We pull out the key (pulls it out), and when you hit this (points to red button), the wires take the charge to the rocket’s igniter, and we’re talking a whole lot of zoom-zoom-zoom. Which is why we have over sixteen feet of cord between us and it. You ready? Okay. Let’s count this shit down. Three…
J.R.: (when he doesn’t go further) What? Is there something wrong?
Butch: You’re supposed to say two.
J.R.: Oh, sorry! Two.
Butch: No, we have to start over. Three…
J.R.: Two…
Butch: One…Fire in the hole!
I press the butttttttttton, and a moment later there’s a spark and a flash and a whizzing fizzle that’s like a hundred Alka-Seltzers in a glass. The rocket shoots up to the autumn sky, an arcing trail of light and smoke streaming behind the glowing point at its tip. The angle is perfect, taking it precisely toward the center of the mansion. Its descent is just as smooth, and about three hundred feet from the ground the parachute unfurls. We watch the rocket as it slowly eases down, wagging from side to side like a lazy dog’s tail. In the lights from the library I see that it lands in a rose bed.
Butch: (quietly) V.
J.R.: I’m sorry?
Butch: You ask what’s surprised me most, and it’s him. (Takes another rocket out of the duffel. Tins one is much larger and has the Lagavulin label repro’d on the side.) Now, this bad boy’s got some extra payload in him. He’ll go almost twice as high as the first, which is why I brought these. (takes out binocs) My eyesight and night vision are so much better than when I was a human, but I’m nowhere near where the Brothers are, so I need these. I like to watch the parachutes come out.
J.R.: (desperate to ask him to explain about V, but respecting his distance) How long does it take you to build them?
Butch: ’Bout a week. Phury paints the exteriors. (Goes over to launching platform and sets up rocket. When he returns, he nods at the ignition box.) Ladies should do die honors, don’t you think?
We count it down, and this time we’re coordinated. As we rise to our feet and watch the rocket shoot to the heavens, I can feel that he’s about to say something.
Butch: I am in love with Marissa. But without V I’d be dead, and not just because of the whole healing thing.
J.R.: (glancing over) And that’s what surprises you most?
Butch: (trains binocs on rocket) Here’s the thing, that relationship with V? It doesn’t fit into any neat buckets, and it doesn’t have to…although sometimes I wish it did. I feel like it would be smaller and less important if it was just best friends or brothers or some shit. It’s hard enough to be wicked vulnerable to one person, like your wife. But to have this other guy out there in the world, banging and crashing into lessers…See, I worry about losing them both, and I hate that. V’ll go out on his own sometimes and I can’t be with him, and I check my phone constantly until he gets home safe. There have been nights when Jane and I have sat side by side on my sofa in the Pit and just stared straight ahead. (Pauses.) It’s a pain in the ass, to tell the truth. But I need them both to be happy.
Butch goes back, gets another rocket, and explains to me the ins and outs of its construction. This one is about the same size as the Lag and is painted black with silver bands. We go about shooting it off, and he’s funny and charming and irreverent, and you’d be hard-pressed to imagine that just minutes before he’d shared something so deeply personal. I assume the serious conversating is done for the night, yet when we launch number three, he returns to the subject of Vishous—as if the rocket’s flaring rise and parachuted fall creates a special zone for talk.
Butch: It’s not a creepy incest thing, by the way.
J R.: (eyes bulge) Excuse me?
Butch: V and I being tight. I mean, we were tight like that way before the Omega…you know, did that shit to me. Sure, Vishous is the Scribe Virgin’s son and I’m…what I am thanks to Her brother, but there’s nothing sleazy about it.
J.R.: I never thought that.
Butch: Good. And P.S., I like Doc Jane a lot. She’s a real ass-kicker, that one. Man…(laughs in a bark), she’ll hand him his head on a plate if she has to. Damn fun to watch—although he behaves himself most of the time around her, which is disappointing.
J.R.: And Marissa? How’s she dealing with another roommate?
Butch: She and Jane get along like a house afire, and Jane’s been a real help. She does the checkups at Safe Place now. It’s much better to have a woman physician doing the exams. The nurses Havers sent over were nice enough…but it’s easier with Jane, and she has more medical training.
J.R.: Have Marissa and Havers had much contact?
Butch: No reason to. He’s just another physician. (looks over at me) Family is what you make it, not who you were raised with. (turns back to duffel)
Butch sets up our last rocket, and this is my favorite of all of them. It’s the biggest and has David Ortiz’s Sox uniform and the words Big Papi painted on the side. We do our countdown and I press the button…and there’s the whiz and fizzle as what Butch built goes barreling up to the sky. As I watch the glow at the tip rise, I see that this one is going really high. At its apex, it becomes the only star in the cloudy night sky.
Butch: (softly) Pretty, isn’t it.
J.R.: Lovely.
Butch: You know why I build them?
J.R.: Why?
Butch: I like to watch them fly.
We stand side by side as the parachute comes out and the rocket drifts back to earth and into the rose garden. As it floats down, swinging gently from side to side, the glow at its tip tells us its location relative to the house…and abruptly I know without asking the reason why he likes to aim them toward the mansion. With all the security lights, he could easily find them anywhere on the grounds. But Butch likes home…and he wants to send these models he spends hours working on back to where he loves and needs to be. After having been without a family or a place in the world for so long, now he has his parachute, his slow, easy ride after a blistering meteoric rise…and it’s the people in that mansion.
Butch: (grinning at me) Damn, wish we had another, don’t you?
J.R.: (wanting to hug him) Absolutely, Butch. I absolutely do.
Lover Revealed
The People:
Butch O’Neal
The Scribe Virgin
The Omega
Mr. X
Van Dean
Wrath and Beth
John Matthew
Ibex, Lash’s father and the glymera’s Leahdyre
José de la Cruz
Mother and child
Joyce (O’Neal) and Mike Rafferty
Odell O’Neal
Places of Interest (all in Caldwell, NY, unless otherwise specified):
The Brotherhood mansion, undisclosed location
The Tomb, on the mansion property
Havers’s clinic, undisclosed location
Brotherhood training center, on the mansion property
ZeroSum (corner of Trade and Tenth streets)
The Commodore, luxury high rise
Blaylock’s bedroom
Ibex/Lash’s home
Safe Place, undisclosed location
Butch O’Neal finds his true destiny as a vampire and a Brother while falling in love with Marissa, a beautiful aristocrat.
Opening line: “What if I told you I had a fantasy?”
Last line: The very staff of life.
Published: March 2007
Page length: 455
Word count: 144,321
First draft written: March 2006-September 2006
Craft comments:
Butch O’Neal had me from the moment I first saw him in Dark Lover, when he’s investigating Darius’s bomb scene. This description of him is from Beth’s point of view, and what I liked so much about him was how he tackled his gum:
“So, Randall, what’s doing?” He popped a piece of gum in his mouth, wadding up the foil into a tight little ball. His jaw went to work like he was frustrated, not so much chewing as grinding.
Butch’s aggression was palpable, and in my opinion that’s hot. And my attraction to him only deepened when he arrested Billy Riddle, the young guy who attacked Beth on her way home from work. Here, Billy, who maintained Beth “wanted it,” is facedown on the floor in his hospital room, and Butch is reading the kid his Miranda rights while cuffing him:
“Do you have any idea who my father is?” Billy yelled, as if he’d gotten a second wind. “He’s going to have your badge!”
“If you can’t afford [an attorney], one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights as I’ve stated them?”
“Fuck you!”
Butch palmed the back of the guy’s head and pressed that busted nose into the linoleum. “Do you understand these rights as I’ve stated them?”
Billy moaned and nodded, leaving a smear of fresh blood on the floor.
“Good. Now let’s get your paperwork done. I’d hate not to follow proper police procedure.”
Butch O’Neal was absolutely my kind of guy—a hard-ass renegade who, although he didn’t always follow the rules, had his own code of honor.
Plus he’s a Red Sox fan, too, so there you go.
The heroes in the Brotherhood books are not perfect, not by a long shot: For example, Wrath almost kills Butch in Dark Lover, and Rhage had a sex addiction, and Zsadist was a misogynistic sociopath before he met Bella, and Phury’s got a drug problem. The thing is, however, they have heroic qualities in addition to these faults, and that’s what makes them attractive.
I write alpha males. Always have. The Brothers, though, are ALPHA males, if that makes sense. Maybe part of it is me getting in touch with rule two (Write Out Loud) such that everything in the BDB books is pushed as far as it can go, including the heroes and their actions. But most of it is golden rule eight (Listen to Your Rice Krispies). The Brothers in my head are just over-the-top, hyperaggressive, and, in my opinion, utterly compelling.
Butch fits right in with the other heroes in the series: He’s got a god-awful past that has shaped who he is, as well as a complex interweave of faults and virtues. With respect to his early years, some of the details of it come out in the scene when he finally tells Marissa a little about his background (LR, pp. 322–326.) It’s been clear all along that he’s driven to self-destruction by his sister’s abduction and murder and that he’s a cop with a razor edge because of what he sees as his culpability in that crime. As he tells Marissa about his drug use and the violence in his life and the fact that he’s always felt alienated from everyone around him, it brings into focus how critical the Brothers and their world are to him as a person—the mansion is the only place he’s ever felt comfortable in, and he doesn’t want to be on the fringes of the Brotherhood’s world as an outsider. (When you think of John and Beth, Butch is very similar to them in this regard. All three have always sensed that there is something that separates them from the humans around them, but they are unaware of the why of it all.)
From a character standpoint, I was aware that for Butch the need to belong and be true to an inner self he could only guess at were key aspects of his makeup. And from a story perspective, I knew two things about him: He was going to end up with Marissa and his and V’s destinies were inextricably intertwined. In my mind, Marissa was the perfect heroine for him, refined, ladylike, incredibly beautiful—someone he can put on a pedestal and revere and worship. As for him and V…well, more on that later.
As I mentioned before, Butch and Marissa’s love story was originally going to be a major subplot in Lover Eternal, but they demanded so much attention that I cut out their scenes and put them aside. When I got to the end of drafting Lover Awakened, my editor and I touched base about what book was next. I wanted to do Butch, but she felt it was better to stick with the Brothers that were vampires, and I agreed—which meant the next in line was Vishous (because at that point Tohr was gone, John Matthew hadn’t been through his transition, and Phury couldn’t have his book come after Bella had given birth).
Trouble was, when I started to outline V, I realized something that I had known since Dark Lover: There was no way you could do Vishous’s book before Butch’s. V’s relationship with the cop, and the emotions he felt for the human, were what opened him up emotionally so that he could fall in love. Additionally, in order for him to be vulnerable to someone else, he needed to come to terms with his feelings for Butch and I couldn’t see all that happening in one book for a couple of reasons. First, I try to show as much as I can (as opposed to telling)—so V’s book would have been full of scenes between him and Butch, especially in the beginning—which would be dangerous, because that kind of plotting runs the risk of being seriously misbalanced (i.e., a ton of scenes of Butch/V, V/Butch, Vishous and Butch…then suddenly switching to scenes of female/V, Vishous/ female, Vishous and female). Further, with Butch unattached romantically, Vishous wouldn’t be able to let him go sufficiently to find love with someone else—to really get V bonded with his heroine, Butch needed to be happy and committed with Marissa.
I tried to do V, though. Gave it my best shot.
The outline didn’t work.
After a couple of weeks of banging my head, I followed rule eight (Rice Krispies) and called up my editor in classic Houston-we-have-a-problem style. When I explained to her what the issues were, she understood and agreed. Which is only one of the billion reasons I worship her: She gets how it is with me and the Brothers.
So Butch was up next. And, boy, talk about your corkscrews.
When I started to outline him, I had no clue about the Destroyer Prophecy or the transformative role the cop was going to play in the war with the Lessening Society. I thought that the thrust of the book was going to be about the ancestor regression and Butch having the change jump-started on him.
After I took the scenes I had already written concerning him and Marissa falling in love, and sketched out the other things I saw in my head, it was clear something was missing. The book just wasn’t as big as I sensed it was.
I stewed about it. Worried. Stewed some more…and then I got the image of the Omega cutting off his finger and putting it into Butch’s abdomen.
Actually, I got both the image and the sound of the carrot crack when the Omega did the knife action on himself.
Once I tuned in to that, all these scenes came hammering down on my head. As I followed the story, it was fascinating to see how the original scenes of the book morphed. For instance, I’d known that Butch was going to get abducted by the lessers, and had seen him and Marissa reuniting in the clinic, but suddenly he was under quarantine and the consequences were much, much more dire. So there weren’t huge shifts in content, per se, but more in implication and scope within the world.
The big theme for the book is transformation, and with respect to Butch, I love the parallel tracks of his story. Both good and evil transform him—first when the Omega has at him, and then when the change is brought on him and his vampire nature comes out. It’s as if the Lessening Society and the Brotherhood are both fighting for control of his destiny and his soul, and it’s not immediately clear who wins. For a while after Butch leaves quarantine, neither he nor the Brothers are sure whether or not he’s been turned into a lesser or what exactly he’s doing when he inhales a slayer.
The thing I like most about where Butch ends up in terms of the world is that he’s a significant player in the war, arguably turning the tables on the Omega because he puts the evil directly at risk. The Brothers have been picking off lessers for centuries, but Butch is actually degrading the Omega’s finite being each time he takes care of business. I think this is a great ending for the cop. It gives him a place where, although he’s not purely of the Brotherhood bloodlines, he’s an equal participant in the fight to protect the species.
And Butch isn’t the only one who changes. Marissa, too, is transformed from a cloistered female of the glymera into someone who has her own life.
I think, of all the females, Marissa’s probably the one who resonates with me most personally, because I, too, am from a conservative, establishment background and have had to break a few molds and expectations to be who I really am. Her scene in the beginning of Lover Revealed (the one that starts on page seven), with her having a panic attack in the bathroom during that party at her brother’s, shows clearly the toll of her having lived her life in the glymera. She’s sublimated so much of herself and borne burdens for which she didn’t volunteer for so long, that she’s nearing her breaking point.
I get asked a lot whether there are parts of me in the books and whether I take people I know and put them in. Both are a no. I’m very private, and I strictly separate my personal life from my writing life, and additionally, I would hate to think any of my friends or family would feel used. That being said, there are definitely things that happen in the books that I’ve had personal experience with. For example, as someone who’s had panic attacks, Marissa’s interlude in that bathroom really resonated with me. I didn’t put the scene in because I was revealing something of myself, but I did empathize with my heroine in the way you would when you talk to someone else who’s been through what you have.
For Marissa, the real turning point for her as an individual comes when she burns all of her dresses in the backyard. I thought this was a great way to symbolically mark her break with tradition:
It took her a good twenty minutes to drag each one of her gowns out into the backyard. And she was careful to include the corsets and the shawls in the pile as well. When she was finished, her clothes were ghostly in the moonlight, muted shadows of a life she would never go back to, a life of privilege…restriction…and gilded degradations.
She pulled out a sash from the tangle and went back into the garage with the pale pink strip of satin. Picking up the gas can, she grabbed the box of matches and didn’t hesitate. She walked out to the priceless swirl of satins and silks, doused them with that clear, sweet accelerant, and positioned herself upwind as she took out a match.
She lit the sash. Then threw it.
The explosion was more than she’d expected, knocking her back, scorching her face, flaring into a great fireball.
As orange flames and black smoke rose, she screamed at the inferno.
I had such a clear image of that fire, with her running around those burning dresses, screaming—it was such a temporal representation of the internal shift she was going through, a wiping clean of the past in preparation for her moving forward.
And man, does she get her act together. One of my favorite scenes in the whole series is when Marissa slaps down her brother and the whole Princeps Council during its vote on mandatory sehclusion for unmated females of the aristocracy (which starts on p. 419). Rising to her feet, she asserts her status as head of her bloodline, because she is older than Havers, and votes no, putting an end to the discussion and the restriction. It was a total reversal for her from where she was in that bathroom, no longer under the glymera’s control, but asserting control over them.
I also like where she ended up. She’s perfectly suited for running Safe Place and is making a real contribution to the race that way. Plus it’s nice that after years of strife, she and Wrath get to work together—because it gives him a chance to prove to her over and over again that he truly does respect her.
On a side note, when it comes to the females in the series, it’s significant that at the end of Lover Revealed, the shellans all come together in Marissa’s office, and Beth gives out the little statues of the owls. It shows a side of the shellans that I hadn’t been able to work into a book yet—namely that they are, like the Brothers, bonded to one another in a special way.
Back to Butch. At the end of the book, when he’s being inducted into the Brotherhood, it’s clear that he isn’t complete, even with the new role he has in the world:
Wrath cleared his throat, but still, the king’s voice was slightly hoarse. “You are the first inductee in seventy-five years. And you…you are worthy of the blood you and I share, Butch of mine blooded line.”
Butch let his head fall loose on his shoulders and he wept openly…though not out of happiness, as they must have assumed.
He wept at the hollowness he felt.
Because however wonderful this all was, it seemed empty to him.
Without his mate to share his life with, he was but a screen for events and circumstance to pass through. He was not even empty, for he was no vessel to hold even the thinnest of air.
He lived, though was not truly alive.
Without Marissa he is less than zero, and that is true for all the Brothers. Once they bond they are completed, and severing that relationship leads to a breakdown that is irreparable (I’m thinking of Tohr now). Fortunately for Butch, Marissa and he work everything out and are reunited at the end.
Speaking of unions…let’s talk about sex. Butch made me blush. A lot.
Maybe it was because, of all the Brothers, he tended to talk the most when he was making love. Or maybe it was the way he handled Marissa and her virginity. Or maybe it was just that, quite frankly, I think he’s monster hot. Whatever the reason, of all the series so far, I think his book is the hottest of the bunch.
So it makes sense I’d cover the whole sex thing when discussing him.
I get asked in interviews every now and again how I feel about writing “hot” books, and whether I do it to meet the market demands for more and more erotic content. Certainly, over the past five years or so, romance novels have been getting more and more sexual, and the erotic market has grown substantially. Back when I started writing the Brothers, a lot of the now-popular e-pubs were starting to gain momentum, and soon thereafter a number of New York houses developed hotter lines as well. The marketplace was in transition—which was lucky for me.
From the get-go, I knew the Brothers were going to be more sexually explicit than my previous contemporary romances. And I was aware that the series was going to take readers in directions that my other books hadn’t (i.e., Rhage’s sex addiction, Z’s sexual dysfunctions, V’s predilections). That being said, I didn’t specifically target the erotic market. The Brothers are just very sexual, and the scenes I see of them with their females are hot. In keeping with rule eight (yes, it’s the Rice Krispies again), I write what I see in my head. Do I sometimes think, OMG, I can’t believe I just typed that? Yes! But the thing is, the sex scenes always advance an emotional imperative, and that’s why, however graphic they become, I don’t feel they are gratuitous.
Take, for example, Rhage being chained down to his bed…or when Z services Bella in her needing…or Butch and Marissa in the back of the Escalade when she finally feeds from him. All of these scenes are highly erotic, but the dynamic within the relationships changes afterward, either for the worse or the better. I think maybe that’s one difference between romance and strict erotica. With romance, sex affects the emotional bonds of the characters and propels those connections forward. With strict erotica, the sexual act or sexual exploration itself is the focus.
Do I think the market will stay as hot as it is? It wouldn’t surprise me if it did. Predicting is a dangerous sport, but there seems to be a sustained appetite for books with heat in them. I’m quite certain that subgenres will continue to rise and fall in relative popularity, and that some new ones will come along that we can’t begin to guess at. But I think the overall trend of sexuality will probably remain where it is.
And speaking of sexuality…now a word on Butch and V.
Where to start.
The first inclination I had that there was going to be a sexual component to their relationship was in Dark Lover, when the two of them spent the day together in Darius’s guest room. There was something so intimate about the pair of them lying in those beds, drunk, talking. And then they moved into the Pit with each other and became inseparable. To be honest, I was clear from the beginning what V felt toward Butch, and I was also aware that Butch was clueless about it—but I sat on the dynamic, keeping it to myself. I wasn’t sure how to handle it. Or how readers would feel about it.
I do that sometimes. I have whole plotlines that happen in the world that I don’t put in the books, and I leave them out for a variety of reasons. Most of the time it has to do with story-focus and book-length issues. For instance, the short story in this compendium about Z and Bella and Nalla has been in my mind for about eighteen months now, but there was nowhere I could put it in any of the books.
Sometimes, though, I leave plotlines out because I’m not sure how to deal with them. As I wrote the first three books, there were all these scenes between Butch and V, both on the page and in my head, and they fascinated me. The whole time, I was like…Okay, when’s Butch going to tweak to what’s doing with his roommate, and what’s his reaction going to be to the way V feels about him?
As I kept banging away at the keyboard, the question in my mind was, Do I bring the dynamic out on the page? And if so, when? Eventually I decided to make the leap. The way I saw it, I had already tiptoed into some tricky waters over the course of the first three books, and it went okay—but more important, the story deserved that kind of honesty.
Lover Revealed was the logical choice for it in terms of timing.
When Butch was abducted at the beginning of his book, the single-minded focus with which V approached the rescue is reminiscent of the way Z went after Bella in Lover Awakened. The thing was, though, the obsession could have been explained by him and the cop being best friends. I knew I had to make it clear that things were beyond friends on V’s side, and the scene where he comes to see Butch to heal him in quarantine, and catches Butch and Marissa together, was when I exposed the feelings to the reader in V’s POV:
Butch shifted and rolled Marissa over, making a move to mount her. As he did, the hospital johnny broke open, the ties ripping free and revealing his strong back and powerful lower body. The tattoo at the base of his spine flexed as he pushed his hips through her skirts, trying to find home. And as he worked what was no doubt a rock-hard erection against her, her long, elegant hands snaked around and bit into his bare ass. As she scored him with her nails, Butch’s head lifted, no doubt to let out a moan.
Jesus, V could just hear the sound…Yeah…he could hear it. And from out of nowhere an odd yearning feeling flickered through him. Shit. What exactly in this scenario did he want?
It was pretty clear what (or who) he wanted by the description—and it wasn’t Marissa. I have to admit I was a little trepidatious. I’d previously hinted at V’s “unconventional interests,” but I had always led with the BDSM stuff, not the fact that he’d also been with males. And here he was, a primary hero in the series…who’s attracted to another primary hero.
Butch is not bisexual. He’s never been into men. He is, if I were pushed to define him, a V-sexual, as it were. There’s something about his relationship with Vishous that crosses the line on both sides, and to the cop’s credit, he doesn’t bolt or get freaked out. He’s with Marissa, and he’s committed to her, and the V thing hasn’t made anyone uncomfortable because boundaries are respected.
I have to say, I think the scene of Butch’s induction into the Brotherhood, when V bites him, is off-the-chain erotic:
Without thinking, Butch tilted his chin up, aware that he was offering himself, aware that he…oh, fuck. He stopped his thoughts, completely weirded out by the vibe that had sprung up from God only knew where.
In slow motion Vishous’s dark head dropped down, and there was a silken brush as his goatee moved against Butch’s throat. With delicious precision, V’s fangs pressed against the vein that ran up from Butch’s heart, then slowly, inexorably, punched through skin. Their chests merged.
Butch closed his eyes and absorbed the feel of it all, the warmth of their bodies so close, the way V’s hair felt soft on his jaw, the slide of a powerful male arm as it slipped around his waist. On their own accord, Butch’s hands left the pegs and came to rest on V’s hips, squeezing that hard flesh, bringing them together from head to foot. A tremor went through one of them. Or maybe…shit, it was like they both shuddered.
And then it was done. Over with. Never to happen again.
As I’ve said, I wasn’t sure how readers were going to take the whole V/Butch thing, and after the book came out I was surprised. Overwhelmingly, folks wanted more of the two of them! The fact that the readership was so incredibly supportive is a testament to their open-mindedness and I’m very grateful for it. I’m also thankful for trailblazers such as Suzanne Brockmann, who, with her Jules Cassidy character, paved the way so that males like Blay can get their happily-ever-afters, too, and Brothers like V are accepted for just who they are.
And now a couple of random thoughts about Lover Revealed…
Butch didn’t just make me blush; I had my first case of writer’s block with him.
It wasn’t because he was getting naked all the time, though.
With each succeeding title the books were getting longer, and I was becoming concerned. If the trend kept going? I’d be turning in tomes. The issue appeared to be that the world had started developing its own plot—something that was particularly true with Butch’s story—so the events weren’t just about the heroes and heroines anymore.
For me as the author, the fact that I have the freedom to explore the ins and outs of the Omega and the Scribe Virgin and the war with the Lessening Society is part of what I like about the series. Bigger, however, is not necessarily better. During the revision process, my editor and I always check the pacing just to make sure there’s no fat on the page. It’s rewarding when we don’t find any—but also daunting when you see those little numbers in the upper corners getting higher and higher.
Anyway, when I started drafting Lover Revealed, I decided I was going to be “smart,” given the complexity of all the plotting. I decided that I was going to consolidate a bunch of the up-front scenes to save page space.
Sure, this made sense practically, but the Brothers didn’t like it at all. As I tried to retrofit the beginning scenes, cramming them in together, the voices in my head dried up. It was the eeriest thing. Everything went dead quiet, and I confronted what I’ve always feared the most: Because I have no clue where my ideas come from or how I do what I do or why certain things happen in the world, I’m always afraid the Brothers will pack up their leathers and their daggers and leave me with nothing.
Four days. The dead zone lasted for four days. And because I can be dense, it wasn’t immediately clear to me what the problem was. Finally, after I was going half-psychotic from the silence, it dawned on me…Huh, you don’t suppose I’m trying to jockey these scenes around too much just to save on page count?
As soon as I stopped worrying about length, everything flowed again and the Brothers came back. Takeaway? Good old rule number eight trumps just about every other concern I might have. Every story demands different things, whether it’s pacing or description or dialogue…or page count. The best thing you can do is remain true to what you see. I’m not saying you should be inflexible during revisions. Not at all. But be brutally honest in that first draft—then you can worry about editing things out later.
On another subject…a lot of people ask me what the deal with Butch’s father is. Specifically, they want to know if he’ll play a role later in the series. The answer is, I don’t know. I can see a pathway where there could be some very interesting family ties, but it’s a wait and see situation. I am quite sure of one thing, though: Butch’s father had to be a half-breed. The male had to either have gone through the transition, but been able to endure sunlight as Beth can, or the change didn’t hit him and he functioned in the world as an aggressive human.
The other question that I often get about Butch’s background has to do with the rest of his family and whether he ever reunites with them. That answer I do know, and it’s no. He’s said his good-bye to his mother, and his brothers and sisters have been shutting him out for years. The one person from his old life he does miss is José de la Cruz—although something tells me the two of them aren’t done yet.
Finally, of all the books, male readers tend to like Butch’s best, and that doesn’t really surprise me. It’s got a lot of good fight scenes, and the world building is more extensive than in some of the other stories, where the romance might take up more space. And some of the guys have commented that they love the idea that there is a great force inside of them, one that rocks the world and puts them in a position of power, and with the Omega’s tinkering, Butch certainly has that.
Plus, they think Marissa is hot.
So that’s my take on Butch. Now…for V.
Vishous, Son of the Bloodletter
“Vishous, could you stop grinning like that? You’re beginning to freak me out.”
Age: 304
Joined Brotherhood: 1739
Height: 6′6″
Weight: 260 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: White with navy blue rims
Identifying physical marks: Scar of the Brotherhood on left pec; tattoo on right temple; tattoos on groin area and thighs; JANE carved across shoulders in Old English. Partially castrated. Wears black glove on right hand always. Goateed.
Note: Is born son of the Scribe Virgin and carries her glow in his right hand—which is a powerful energy force capable of vast destruction. Sees visions of the future. Possesses healing capabilities.
Weapon of choice: His right hand.
After having talked with V At the party, [Bella] liked him tremendously. He had the kind of smarts that usually sucked the social skills right out of a vampire, but with (hat warrior, you had the whole package. He was sexy, all-knowing, powerful, the kind of male that made you think of having babies just to keep his DNA in the gene pool.
She wondered why he wore that black leather glove. And what the tattoos on the side of his face were about. Maybe she’d ask him about those, if it seemed okay.
Mated to: Dr. Jane Whitcomb
Personal Qs (answered by V):
Last movie watched: Flicka with Dakota Fanning
List book read: The Secret of the Old Clock by Carolyn Keene
Favorite TV show: The Golden Girls
Last TV show watched: The Young and the Restless
Last game played: “This little piggy goes to market…”
Greatest fear: Being by myself in the dark
Greatest love: Knitting
Favorite quote: “The plane! The plane!”
Boxers or briefs: Panties
Watch: Ladies’ Seiko
Car: Don’t have a car—I ride a Vespa
What time is it while you’re filling this out: 1:16 a.m.
Where are you? In the bath
What are you wearing? Suds that smell like coconut and vanilla
What’s in your closet? Floral prints, no stripes (because I’m a bit “hippy”), pumps in size 16, and a dresser full of Spanx
What was the last thing you ate? An entire bag of Lindt dark chocolate truffles. I think I’m about to go into my needing soon. I always get cravings right before it hits.
Describe your last dream? I was in a field of wildflowers, running about—nay, frolicking—with a unicorn who had a pink mane and tail. I had gossamer wings and a wand, and everywhere I went I left clouds of fairy dust.
Coke or Pepsi? Orangeade
Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe? Audrey, because I want to BE her
Kirk or Picard? Riker. Goatees are SO attractive
Football or baseball? I’m not really interested in sports. All I can think about is how much laundry will need to be done at the end—all those yucky grass stains and ground-in dirt. I mean, honestly.
Sexiest part of a female? Her underwear drawer
What do you like most about Jane? The way she polishes my nails
Best friend (excluding shellan): Rhage. Definitely Rhage. He is the strongest, smartest vampire I’ve ever met. I worship him. In fact, I’m starting a religion based on him, because everyone needs to know how perfect he is.
Last time you cried: Yesterday. That meanie Butch took my knitting needles and hid them. I curled up into a little ball on my bed and wept tor HOURS.
Last time you laughed: Yesterday, when—
*At this point, the answer is scribbled out and below is written:
Actually, it was ten minutes ago, when I beat the ever-living shit out of Rhage for macking my interview, thank you very much. What a freak. Here’s my real answers-oh, and BTW, Dakota Fanning isn’t in Flicka-and I know it because I looked the DVD up NOT because I saw the damn movie.
Last movie watched: Stripes (great flick, Rhage is a fidiot, but he knows his films)
List book read: Richard Scarry’s Lowly Worm Storybook to Nalla
Favorite TV show: CSI (LV, of course) or House if you’re talking, like, fiction shit. Otherwise, SportsCenter.
Last TV show watched: Some fakakta episode of Columbo with Butch (actually it was good, just don’t tell him that)
Last game played: Pin the tail on the ass—guess who was the donkey?
Greatest fear: Don’t have one anymore. Lived through the worst thing that could happen to me, and now I don’t need to worry about it.
Greatest love: Duh
Favorite quote: “Rhage is a fucktwit.”
Boxers or briefs: Commando
Watch: Nike Sport in black
Car: Escalade, black, I share with the cop
What time is it while you’re filling this out: 9:42 a.m.
Where are you? The Pit in front of my Four Toys.
What are you wearing? Leather mask, ball gag, restraining harness, latex uni, handcuffs, and some metal clips, the strategic placement of which I’ll detail only if you ask nicely. Kidding. Black muscle shirt and nylon sweats.
What’s in your closet? Leathers, shirts, shitkickers, and weapons.
What was the last thing you ate? I bit Rhage’s head off just now. Does that count?
Describe your last dream? It was about Rehvenge. So it’s none of your biz, true?
Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe? Neither.
Kirk or Picard? Both.
Football or baseball? Baseball.
Sexiest part of a female? I’ll tell you what the sexiest part of Jane is: her grip.
What do you like most about Jane? Her mind.
First words spoken to her were: “Are you going to kill me?”
Her response was: “No.”
Last gift given to her: Was nothing special.
Most romantic thing you’ve ever done for her: I don’t do romance. It’s schmaltzy.
Most romantic thing she’s ever done for you: I don’t know. Like, I said, I’m not into romance. Shit…well, I guess it’s what she did with that thing I made her, even though it was nothing special. It’s just a necklace made of these gold links…see, she likes my name for some reason. The way it’s spelled. So I took the characters from the Old Language and turned them into links for a necklace down in my forge. I wanted the chain to be delicate enough so she wouldn’t feel like she had a noose around her throat, but still readable…man, it took for-fucking-ever to get the weight right and the design correct. I ended up having to spell out my name twice, and there still wasn’t enough length on the thing. So I added her name in the Old Language in the middle—so she’s surrounded by me. Anyway. She never takes it off. Whatever.
Anything you’d change about her? Yes, but it’s private.
Best friend (excluding shellan): Butch, then that asshole Rhage. Plus I get along okay with Wrath when we don’t want to kill each other.
Last time you cried: Yeah right I’m answering that.
Last time you laughed: I dunno, cracking Rhage was kind of fun—put a smile on my piehole just fine, true?
My Interview with Vishous:
Out on the compound’s lawn, Butch and I pack up the duffel and take Edna back to the mansion, where we spend about fifteen minutes weeding through the rose garden picking up the rockets. After we find all four and detach their parachutes, we go into the library and Butch gives me a hug. He smells good.
Butch: Himself is waiting for you in the basement.
J.R.: I’m not looking forward to this.
Butch: (smiles a little) Neither is he. But look at it this way, it could be worse. You could have to write another book on him.
J.R.: (laughs) Roger that.
I head off, crossing the foyer and going into the dining room, which has been cleaned up. On the other side of the flap door into the kitchen, Fritz, butler extraordinaire, is polishing silver with two other doggen. I chat with them and end up trying to fend off offers of food and drink. I fail. As I go down into the basement, I have a mug of coffee and a homemade raisin scone wrapped in a damask napkin. The scone is delicious and the coffee is just the way I like it: superhot with a little sugar.
At the bottom of the basement stairs I look left and right. The cellar is huge, with great stretches of open space broken up by storage rooms and HVAC piping. I have no idea where V could be, and I listen, hoping for direction. At first all I hear is the sound of the ancient coal furnace that is up ahead, but then I catch a beat.
It’s not rap. It’s a rhythmic, metal-on-metal clanging.
I follow the sound all the way down to the far end of the basement. It takes me a good five minutes of walking to get to where V is, and along the way I finish the scone and the coffee. As I go, I try to think what the hell I’m going to ask him. He and I don’t really mix all that well, so I figure this is going to be short and not-so-sweet.
As I come around the last corner I stop. V is seated on a stout wooden stool wearing heavy leather chaps and a muscle shirt. In front of him is an anvil on which is a deep red dagger blade that he’s holding with a pair of calipers. He has a blunt hammer with a special grip in his glowing hand and is pounding the tip of the weapon. Between his lips is a hand-rolled, and my nose registers the woody smell of Turkish tobacco, the sharp acid of hot metal and dark spices.
Vishous: (without looking up) Welcome to my workshop.
J.R.: So this is where you make the daggers…
The ovenlike room is about twenty by twenty and has whitewashed concrete walls like the rest of the basement. Black candles are lit all around, and next to the anvil is an ancient brass pot full of sparkling sand. Behind V is a sturdy oak table on which are a variety of daggers in various stages of creation, some just the blades, others with handles.
V turns and thrusts the still-red metal slice into the sand, and I’m struck by how strong he is. His shoulders are roped with muscle, and so are his forearms.
As he waits, he releases a stream of smoke from his lips and taps the hand-rolled on the edge of a black ashtray.
I am uneasy around him. I always have been. It makes me sad.
V: (without looking at me) So you survived the rocket-man routine with the cop, huh.
J.R.: Yes.
I stare at him as he takes the blade from the sand and wipes it with a thick cloth. The metal stretch is irregular in shape and consistency, clearly in the process of being birthed. He examines it, tilting it around, and as he frowns the tattoos on his temple move closer to his eye. Putting the hammer down, he brings his glowing hand back to the blade and clasps it. Light flares, pulling sharp shadows out of the softer candlelight, and a hissing sound sizzles into the air.
When he removes his hand the blade is brilliant orange, and he lays it down on the anvil. Picking up the hammer, he strikes the hot metal over and over again, the clanging sound ringing in my ears.
J.R.: (as he pauses to look at the blade) Who are you making that for?
V: Tohr. I want to have his daggers ready.
J.R.: He’s going to fight again?
V: Yup. Doesn’t know it yet, but he is.
J.R.: You must be glad he’s back.
V: Yup.
Vishous hits the nascent blade with his glowing hand again and then repeats the banging. After a while he thrusts the metal slice back into the sand and finishes his cigarette.
While he stabs out the hand-rolled, I feel as though I’m intruding and also not getting the job I came to do done. As the silence continues, I think of all the questions I could ask him, like…how does he feel about Jane being a ghost? Is he worried that he can’t have children? How are things with his mother? What’s it like for him to be committed to one person in particular? Does he miss his BDSM lifestyle? Or is he still practicing it with Jane? And what about Butch? Has their relationship changed?
Only thing is, I know that the answers would not be forthcoming, and the silences that follow each inquiry would be deeper and deeper.
I watch him work the blade, alternating the heat and the pounding, until he’s evidently satisfied and puts the dagger on the oak table. I wonder for a moment if now isn’t when the interview will really start…except he just stands up and goes to some smaller lengths of metal rodding that are in the corner. He’s going to start another blade, I realize.
J.R.: Guess I better go.
V: Yup.
J.R.: (blinking quickly) Take care of yourself.
V: Yup. You too.
I leave his workshop to the sound of the hiss as his hand comes into contact with metal. I go more slowly than I came, maybe because I’m hoping he’ll have a change of heart and come after me and at least…well, what would he do? Nothing really. A union between the two of us is my aspiration, not his inclination.
As I meander along, the empty mug and wrinkled napkin in my hand, I find myself truly and honestly depressed. Relationships require effort, sure. But you need to have one in the first place in order to work on them. V and I have never clicked, and I’m beginning to realize we never will. And it’s not that I don’t like him. Far from it.
To me, V is like diamond. You can be impressed and captivated by him and want to stare at him for hours, but he will never reach out and welcome you. As with him, a diamond exists not to be shiny and sparkly or because of who bought it to put on someone’s hand—those functions are simply by-products of the results of the incredible pressure inflicted upon its molecules. All that brilliance comes from its—and his—hardness.
And both will also be around long after all of us are gone.
Lover Unbound
The People:
Dr. Jane Whitcomb
John Matthew
Wrath and Beth
Butch and Marissa
Zsadist and Bella
The Directrix
Amalya (who becomes the new Directrix of the Chosen)
Dr. Manny Manello
The Scribe Virgin
The Bloodletter
Grodht, solider in the war camp
Places of Interest (all in Caldwell, NY, unless otherwise specified):
St. Francis Hospital
Brotherhood mansion, undisclosed location
The Tomb
ZeroSum (corner of Trade and Tenth streets)
Jane’s condo
The Commodore
The Other Side (the Chosen’s Sanctuary)
Vishous, son of the Scribe Virgin, falls in love with Dr. Jane Whitcomb, the human surgeon who saves his life after he is shot by a lesser.
Opening line: “I am so nor feeling all this cowhide.”
Last line: Without another word he dematerialized back to the life he’d been given, the life he was leading…the life he now, and for the first time, was grateful he’d been born into.
Published: September 2007
Page length: 502
Word count: 159,404
First draft written: July 2006-April 2007
Craft comments:
God, where to start.
Vishous was, hands down, the single worst writing experience of my life. Getting his story on paper was a miserable exercise in torture and was the first and thus far only time I have ever thought to myself, I don’t want to go to work.
The whys are complicated, and I’ll share three of them.
First of all, each of the Brothers is a separate entity in my head, and they’ve all had their own way of expressing themselves and their story: Wrath is very dictatorial, very blunt, and I have to race to keep up with him. Rhage is always a cutup—even when the serious parts come rolling through, there’s a goofy sidebar going on. Zsadist is reserved and suspicious and chilly, but we’ve always gotten along. Butch is a total party—with a lot of sex talk thrown in.
V? Vishous is and has always been—and excuse me for being blunt—a prick. A self-contained, defensive prick who doesn’t like me.
Putting his story on the page was a nightmare. Every single word was a struggle, particularly when it came to his first draft—most of the time I felt as if I were having to pry the sentences from bedrock using a kiddie hammer and a salad fork.
See, for me, drafting is really a two-part enterprise. The pictures that I have in my head guide the story, but I also need to hear and smell and sense what’s going on while I’m doing the writing. What this usually means is that I step into the shitkickers of the Brothers or the stillies of their shellans and go through the scenes as if I were living the events through whoever’s POV I’m in. To do this, I play the scenes backward and forward, like you would a DVD, and just record, record, record on the page until I feel as though I’ve captured as much as I can.
Vishous gave me next to nothing to work with, because I couldn’t get behind his eyes at all. The scenes that were in POVs other than his were fine, but his? Nothing doing. I could watch, but only from afar—and as a lot of the book is from his perspective, I felt like banging my head against the keyboard.
Look…yes, this is fiction. Yes, it’s all in my mind. Except, believe it or not, if I can’t get into a POV deeply, I feel like I’m making stuff up—and that isn’t a happy place. Honestly, I’m not that bright—I’m not going to get it right if I just guess. I have to be inside a person to do things right, and having the V-door slammed in my face was the root of most of my misery.
Things did break eventually, though. More on that in a little bit.
The second reason Lover Unbound was a hard book to write was that there was content in it that made me nervous, because I wasn’t sure whether the market would bear it. Two things in particular worried me: Bisexuality and BDSM (bondage, dominance, sadomasochism) are topics that not everyone is comfortable with even in terms of subplots, much less when they involve the hero of a book. But that wasn’t the full extent of it. In addition, V had been partially castrated and had forcibly taken a male after he’d won his first fight in the war camp.
The thing was, V’s complex sexual nature colored a lot of his life—including his relationships with Butch and Jane. In order to show him properly, I felt like I had to present all sides of him.
In the first draft of Lover Unbound, I played things so conservatively that the book was flat. I went very light on the bondage scene with him and Jane right before he lets her go, and I didn’t put anything about him and Butch in at all.
In the process, I totally violated my own rule number two (Write Out Loud). And, big surprise, the result was something that was about as appealing as a dead sunfish on a summer dock—nothing moved and it stank. I stewed and hemmed and hawed for a week or so, just tinkering with scenes involving John Matthew and Phury. In my heart I knew I had to jump off the cliff and stretch some boundaries, but I was exhausted and uninspired from the effort of trying unsuccessfully to drag V’s POV out of him.
Talking to my editor was what got me off my ass and back in the game. She and I discussed the things that were weighing on me, and she was like, “Go for it—just get it all in there and let’s see how it plays out on the page.”
She was, as usual, right. In fact, the message she gave me that day was the message she’s always given me since way back in the Dark Lover era: “Push it all the way, go as far as you can, and we can evaluate later.”
When I went back into the manuscript, I was one hundred percent committed to balls-to-the-walling it—and was surprised that there were really only three scenes that I markedly changed. Two were with Butch and V, with the newer content beginning on pages 209 and 369 respectively, and then I added the scene with V in the war camp that starts on page 287.
The rest of the alterations or additions were relatively minor, but changed the tone of the Butch/V interactions entirely—proving that a little goes a long way. Take, for example, the opening pages of chapter thirteen (p. 135). Butch and V are in bed together, and V is healing Butch after the cop did his business with a lesser. If you read through the second, third, fourth, and fifth paragraphs of my first draft, you’ll note that V is admitting to himself he needs soothing in the form of another warm body next to his. It’s not Butch’s body specifically, however, and there is no mention of anything sexual. It’s purely a comfort thing:
…With the visit from his mother and the shooting, he craved the closeness of another, needed to feel arms that returned his embrace. He had to have the beat of a heart against his own.
He spent so much time keeping his hand away from others, keeping himself apart from others. To let down his guard with the one person he truly trusted made his eyes sting.
What I added in the second draft were these two paragraphs:
As Butch stretched out on Vishous’s bed, V was ashamed to admit it, but he’d spent a lot of days wondering what this would be like. Feel like. Smell like. Now that it was reality, he was glad he had to concentrate on healing Butch. Otherwise he had a feeling it would be too intense and he’d have to pull away. [p. 135]
Butch shifted, his legs brushing against V’s through the blankets. With a stab of guilt, V recalled the times he’d imagined himself with Butch, imagined the two of them lying as they were now, imagined them…well, healing wasn’t the half of it. [p. 136]
Much more honest about what was really going on. Much better. Could have gone even farther, but it was enough—so much so that it required me to add the few sentences that followed, to clarify for the reader that Jane was the object of V’s desire now.
That’s the thing with writing. Books to me are like ships on oceanic courses. Small, incremental changes can have huge effects in their ultimate trajectory and destination. And the only way to get it right is to constantly reread and double-check and make sure that what’s on the page takes the reader where they have to go. Once I made those changes (there were a number of other places where I did a little tinkering—including, for example, the dagger scene in the beginning of the book where Butch lifts V’s chin up with the weapon Vishous just made for him), the writing in V’s POV got much easier.
Bottom line? I look at the whole mess as yet another example of rule number eight at work: Once I was more true to what was in my head, the writing block was lifted.
As for the scene from the war camp where V loses his virginity by taking another male? Man, I just wasn’t sure how people would view him after that one. The thing was, he wasn’t given a choice, and it was the standard of the camp: In hand-to-hand combat practice, losers were sexually dominated by winners. The key, I decided, was to show as much context as possible—and to depict V’s internal commitment after it was over that he would never do it again.
After my editor read the new material, I was relieved when she said that it worked for her, but I remained concerned what the overall reader reaction was going to be. For me as an author, reader response is something that weighs on me, but in a curious way. It’s in my mind because unless people buy the books I write, I’m out of a job. But the thing is, I can’t write to please readers, because I truly don’t have much control over my stories. The best I can do, as I’ve said, is always be mindful and respectful and thoughtful with the challenging content. I suppose I kind of live by the motto, It’s not what you do, but how you do it.
Funny, though. Little did I know that the negative reaction about V’s book would concern something else entirely.
Which brings us to Jane.
The third reason the book was so agonizing to write was because I got Jane wrong on the first pass. I’ll admit, I was so concerned with V that although I had plenty of scenes with Jane in the initial draft, the dynamic between the two of them was relatively lifeless. The problem was, I interpreted Jane as a cold scientist. What happened, then, was that there were two chilly, reserved people interacting, and that is about as much fun to write/read about as an ingredient list on a soup can.
My editor figured it out, though. Jane was a healer, not a white lab coat. She was a warm, caring, compassionate woman who was more than just a repository for medical knowledge and know-how. On the second trip through the park with the manuscript, I tapped into Jane’s core, and the relationship between her and V started to sing, reflecting more what was in my head.
On a side note, one of the first scenes that I saw for V and Jane hit me way back when I was writing Lover Awakened in 2005. I was running at the time, and this vision of V standing in front of a stove, stirring hot chocolate, suddenly came to me. I watched as he poured what was in the pan into a mug and handed it to a woman who knew he was going to leave her. Then I saw her standing at the window of her kitchen, looking out at V, who was outside in the shadows cast by a street lamp.
That, of course, became the good-bye that starts on page 322 of their book.
When the scenes from the Brothers come to me, they do not arrive in chronological order. For instance, visuals of Tohr and where he ultimately ends up hit me before Wellsie even died on the page. So, in the case of the hot-chocolate exchange for Lover Unbound, I was stuck wondering how in the hell Jane and V were going to end up together. The thing was, I knew she was a human, and I wanted for them what the others had, namely a good seven or eight centuries of mating. But with Jane not being a vampire, I had no clue how that was going to happen—plus I knew she got shot, because I’d seen V’s visions and knew what they meant, even if he didn’t…
When I outlined Lover Unbound, I just kept wondering how the two of them were going to have an HEA, and I was really worried. What if there wasn’t one at all? But then I got to the end…and saw Jane standing in V’s doorway as a ghost.
I was actually relieved and thrilled. I was like, Oh, this is great! They get the long time frame!
Unfortunately, some readers didn’t see it that way, and part of that I blame on myself.
Usually when I get to the end of a book, I feel that although I wish I could refine the line-by-line writing even more (I’m never satisfied), I’m confident that the scenes themselves and the way the plotlines flow is rock-solid. I’m also fairly certain that I’ve given sufficient context and grounding for the reader so that they can see where things started, what happened, and how everything ended up.
For me, I was so relieved about Jane and V’s future (with her life-span issue being resolved), that I took for granted readers would feel the same way. My mistake was that I underestimated the challenge to romantic convention with her being a ghost, and I was unaware that it would be a problem to the extent it was for some. I’ve been over and over the disconnect in my mind (the one between the market and my internal radar screen) and have decided that part of it is my background in reading horror and fantasy—because the resolution worked within the world and provided the hero and heroine with a solution, I just assumed it was okay.
Except here’s the thing: Even if I had realized it was going to be a problem for certain folks, I wouldn’t have changed the ending, because anything else would have been a copout and a lie. I don’t write to the market and never have—the stories in my head are in charge, and even I don’t get to see what I want to happen in the world occur. That being said, if I were writing the book again, I’d put in another ten pages or so at the end with V and Jane interacting to show the happiness they both felt—so readers were superclear that in the couple’s minds things ended up just fine.
The way I view it? This series has pushed a lot of boundaries, pushed them hard, but I’ve always been careful about the hows and the whys. I truly try to be respectful of the genre that gave me my start and has long been my book of choice—and romance is and will continue to be the basis of each of the Brotherhood books.
On that note…V and Jane as a couple. Man, they were hot. I didn’t blush as much at the computer as I did with Butch, although whether that was because the cop brought me to a new level or I just expected that kind of stuff from V, I’m not sure.
The scene where V’s in his bed and Jane is giving him a sponge bath was really erotic, and I saw everything about it so clearly. Especially this part where she’s, ah, attending to a certain place:
…but then he moaned low in his throat and his head kicked back, his blue-black hair feathering over the black pillow. As his hips flexed upward, his stomach muscles tightened in a sequential rush, the tattoos at his groin stretching and returning to position.
“Faster, Jane. You’re going to do it faster for me now.”
For V, before Jane came along, sex and emotions were not linked at all. In fact, except for Butch, and to some extent the Brotherhood, emotions were just not a part of his life, and that makes sense. Growing up in the war camp left him with an attachment disorder that persisted into adulthood and colored his relationships. The question is, then, what made Jane—and for that matter Butch—different?
I think Jane and Butch are a lot alike—for one thing, they’ve both got the smart-ass thing down. Take for instance this little volley between V and Jane, which is one of my favorite exchanges in all the books:
“Don’t want you near that hand of mine. Even if it’s gloved.”
“Why is—”
“I’m not talking about it. So don’t even ask.”
Okaaaay. “It nearly killed one of my nurses, you know.”
“I’m not surprised.” He glared at the glove. “I’d cut it off if I had the chance.”
“I wouldn’t advise that.”
“Of course you wouldn’t. You don’t know what it’s like to live with this nightmare on the end of your arm—”
“No, I meant I’d have someone else do the cutting if I were you. You’re more likely to get the job done that way.”
There was a beat of silence; then the patient barked out a laugh. “Smart-ass.”
I also think V’s into Jane because she’s no weak and floundering woman. The scene of her abduction from the hospital shows that, especially here when Rhage has her over his shoulder, and Phury is trying to calm her using his mind control tricks:
“You gotta knock her cold, my brother,” Rhage said, then grunted. “I don’t want to hurt her, and V said she had to come with us.”
“This was not supposed to be a kidnap operation.”
“Too fucking late. Now knock her out, would ya?” Rhage grunted again and switched his grip, his hand leaving her mouth to catch one of her flailing arms.
Her voice came through loud and clear. “So help me, God, I’m going to—”
Phury took her chin in his hand and forced her head up. “Relax,” he said softly. “Just ease up.”
He locked his stare on hers and began to will her into calmness…will her into calmness…will her into—
“Fuck you!” she spat. “I’m not letting you kill my patient!”
At that moment, Jane reminds of me of Butch back in Dark Lover, after he brings Beth to Darius’s mansion and faces off at the Brothers. Even outnumbered, he’s still a fighter. And so is Jane.
I also believe that both Jane and Butch are driven to do good in the world. Between her being a surgeon and Butch being a cop, the two of them are cut in the hero mold—so V has a lot of respect for them.
Finally I suspect, as appears to be true for all the Brothers, there is a pheromone thing happening. The Brothers, and indeed all the males I’ve seen thus far, seem to bond instantaneously and irrevocably when they get into the vicinity of their mate. So I can only assume there’s some kind of instinctual component at work.
But back to V and Jane. From my perspective, one of the strongest emotional exchanges in the book comes when V allows Jane to Dom him at his penthouse, right before he lets her go. For him to put himself at the mercy of someone sexually, considering what had been done to him the night of his transition when he was held down and partially castrated, is the biggest commitment he can make to another person. The scene, which starts on page 315, really shows him for the first time in his life choosing to be defenseless. Back in the war camp, as a pretrans, he was vulnerable by circumstance and physical design, and he’s spent the rest of his life making sure he’s never at the mercy of anyone. With Jane, however, he is willingly giving himself over to someone else. It’s a declaration of love that goes farther than words.
And again, that’s my point about sex scenes. Yes, that stuff between them was hot, but it’s manifestly significant to their character development.
Now for a word about the Scribe Virgin and V.
Talk about mother issues, huh? When V first sauntered onstage in Dark Lover, I knew that hand of his was significant, but I had no idea just how important it was or what its larger implications were. In fact, during the writing of the first two books, even I didn’t have a clue that Vishous was the son of the Scribe Virgin. It’s kind of like Boo or the coffins: When I see something really vividly, I put it in, in spite of the fact that I might not know what it has to do with anything.
It wasn’t until Lover Awakened-ish that it clicked: white light equals Scribe Virgin. V has white light. Therefore V equals Scribe Virgin. I thought it was a great twist, and I was so good about not blabbing about it on the message boards or at signings when my leaf (the one that keeps secrets inside) dropped. Frankly, once I tweaked to V’s lineage, I was surprised that no one else really caught the connection. (I think there might have been one or two speculations on the boards that got close, but I deflected them with lawyerly nonanswers.)
In Lover Unbound, V and his mom had a hard time relating, which, given what she’d kept from him and what she’d been complicit in subjecting him to, is understandable. But things worked out, and for a lot of people, their favorite scene in the book is the one at the end, where Vishous goes to see his mother:
“What have you brought?” [the Directrix] whispered.
“Little present. Nothing much.” He walked over to the white tree with the white blossoms and opened his hands. The parakeet leaped free and took to a branch as if it knew that was its home now.
The brilliant yellow bird shuffled up and down the pale arm of the tree, its little feet gripping and releasing, gripping and releasing. It pecked at a blossom, let out a trill…brought a foot up and pedaled its neck.
V put his hands on his hips and measured how much space there was between all the blossoms on all the branches. He was going to have to bring over a shitload of birds.
The Chosen’s voice was rife with emotion. “She gave them up for you.”
“Yeah. And I’m bringing her new ones.”
“But the sacrifice—”
“Has been made. What’s going on this tree is a gift.” He looked over his shoulder. “I’m going to fill it up whether she likes it or not. It’s her choice what she does with them.”
The Chosen’s eyes gleamed with gratitude. “She will keep them.
And they will keep her from her solitude.”
V took a deep breath. “Yeah. Good. Because…”
He let the word drift, and the Chosen said gently, “You don’t have to say it.”
He cleared his throat. “So you’ll tell her they’re from me?”
“I won’t have to. Who else but her son would do such a kindness?”
Vishous glanced back at the lone yellow bird in the midst of the white tree. He pictured the branches filled once again.
“True,” he said.
The Scribe Virgin is not one of the most popular forces in the series. Personally, I respect her, and to see her giving up her one personal attachment (her birds) to balance the gift she gives her son (in the form of Jane coming back) really got to me. I’ve had people ask why she can’t just fix everything, i.e., with respect to Wellsie and Tohr (even John Matthew broaches this issue, too), but the thing is, she’s not a total free agent in the world she created. Absolute destiny is always at work—and is the purview of her father, I suspect.
V and his mother are reconciled to some degree at the end of Lover Unbound. But what remains to be seen is what happens when V’s twin, Payne, comes forward. Somehow I don’t think V is going to take that well to the way his sister’s been treated—or the fact that his mother has never mentioned Payne to him previously.
So that’s Lover Unbound.
They say that every author in the course of a career has a couple of books that are just grueling, and Vishous’s was definitely that way for me. Each one of the Brotherhood books has been a unique challenge, and getting them out is WORK. I struggle at the computer every day, but there’s always some small reward, whether it’s a dialogue exchange that really sings, or a great description, or a really good chapter ending. With V, the rewards were delayed, to be sure. It wasn’t until the final product was done that I sat back and was like, Okay, this works. This is all right.
I’m proud of LU, and I think it is a good book…I’m just really grateful that the Brother who came next was true to his nature—a total gentleman.
Because if it had been another like V?
I don’t know that I could have gone through that kind of struggle again right away.
Phury, Son of Ahgony
“I am the strength of the race. I am the Primale. And so shall I rule!”
Age: 230
Joined Brotherhood: 132
Height: 6′6″
Weight: 275–285 lbs.
Hair color: Multicolored
Eye color: Yellow
Identifying physical marks: Star-shaped scar of the Brotherhood on left pec; missing lower half of right leg; name CORMIA carved across shoulders in the Old Language.
Weapon of choice: Dagger.
Phury dragged a hand through his outrageous hair. The stuff fell down past his shoulders, all blond and red and brown waves. He was a handsome Joe without it; with that mane, he was…okay, fine, the Brother was beautiful. Not that Butch went that way, but the guy was better looking than a lot of women. Dressed better than most of the ladies, too, when he wasn’t m his ass-kicking clothes.
Man, it was a good thing he fought like a nasty bastard or he might have been taken for a nancy.
…Phury knew damn well he was stuck m an endless loop, going around arid around like the head of a drill, digging further and further underground. With each new level that he sank to, he tapped into deeper and richer veins of poisonous ore, ones that spidered up through the bedrock of his life and enticed him down even farther. He was heading for the source, for the consummation with hell that was fits ultimate destination, and each lower plateau was his malignant encouragement.
Mated to: The Chosen Cormia
Personal Qs (answered by Phury):
Last movie watched: What About Bob? with Bill Murray
List book read: Horton Hears a Who! by Dr. Seuss (to Nalla)
Favorite TV show: Can’t really think of a favorite—I’m not big into TV, to be honest.
Last TV show watched: Unwrapped on the Food Channel—with the Chosen—they love to see how things are made. I think it was on potatoes?
Last game played: Gin rummy with Layla and Selena.
Greatest fear: Letting down the people whom I love.
Greatest love: Cormia
Favorite quote: “Heroes are made, not born.”
Boxers or briefs: Depends on the cut of the trousers.
Watch: Cartier men’s Tank in gold.
Car: BMW M5 dark gray/silver.
What time is it while you’re filling this out: 10 p.m.
Where are you? Rehvenge’s Great Camp in the Adirondacks.
What are you wearing? Canali dress slacks, in cream, bright white button-down from Pink with citrine studs as cuff links (present from my shellan), black Hermes belt, black Hermes loafers (no logo because of the one on the belt), no socks.
What’s in your closet? How much time do you have? I like Italian designers, for the most part. I wear a lot of Gucci. Have some Prada, of course, and the old standbys Armani and Valentino for men. Zegna and Canali. But I also have I said, who’s a real up-and-comer, although the ordering process is complicated, and Tom Ford, who, thank God, got back in the game. I go through English moods as well and get out my Dunhill and Aquascutum. Not a lot of French, I’m afraid. No, wait…I’m getting some Dior later tins week. The artist in me loves beautiful clothing. I like how it hangs off your body and die silhouettes it creates. And there’s no need to be uncivilized if you have the choice. By the way, it’s hard to believe Butch and I have the same taste. We actually bond over it.
What was the last thing you ate? Cranberry scone with clotted cream.
Describe your last dream? I was shopping. And not tor clothes. I was in this supermarket with a cart full of laundry detergent and fabric softener, going up and down the aisles looking tor the way to check out. It was truly bizarre. Weirder still when I woke up, because Layla said she wanted to learn how to use the washing machine. (The lesson didn’t go well, unfortunately. I love that female, but the domestic arts? Not her thing. She does, however, have a spectacular skill of which we’re all in awe.)
Coke or Pepsi? Neither. I don’t like sodas.
Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe? Audrey. Hands down.
Kirk or Picard? Picard.
Football or baseball? Neither. I’m not a huge sports guy. Better to ask me Leonardo or Michelangelo. And it would be Michelangelo.
Sexiest part of a female? I’m going to pass on this one. I’m just not comfortable answering that kind of thing.
What do you like most about Cormia? The way she looks at me.
Most romantic thing you’ve ever done for her: You’d have to ask Cormia. But I make certain that every day I do a little something that is just for her. Whether it’s making sure that she has enough of the toothpaste she likes, or taking her for a driving lesson, or finding a perfect hawk feather out in the woods and bringing it back to her, or surprising her with a flat stone I found in a riverbed. The small things matter—especially as she’s just getting used to the idea of having property that is hers and hers alone. And, you know…my shellan doesn’t favor fancy jewelry or clothes. She likes to dress in my shirts and doesn’t fuss over herself, so I guess I’m the girl in this mating. You know…to her credit, she has a true affinity for the simple things…like that feather. She was enthralled. It was from a red-tailed hawk, and I found it when I came back from NA one night and was out for a walk by myself. I brought it home and disinfected the tip and gave it to her. She loves things with color.
Most romantic thing she’s ever done for you: Funny that you should ask that. The hawk feather? She took it to Fritz and with his help made a quill pen out of it for me. Tile nib is sterling silver and gold. The pen sits in a stand on my desk. I use it to sign things for my brokerage accounts and whatnot, and also to draw her, it’s probably the best thing anyone’s ever given me.
Anything you’d change about her? No. Nothing.
Best friend (excluding shellan): My twin, Z.
Last time you cried: I’ll keep that private, if I may.
Last time you laughed: Not long ago. With Cormia. But the context is private.
J.R.’s Interview with Phury:
After my noninterview with V, I head up to the kitchen and hand over my mug and napkin, along with my compliments, to Fritz and his staff. I’m informed that Phury has arrived and is waiting for me in the library, and I head there.
Breaching the room’s majestic entrance, I find Z’s twin facing the stacks. He’s got on a spectacular pin-striped black suit, and the contrast of his wavy, multicolored hair with the precisely tailored dark wool is arresting. He turns as I arrive. His shirt is blush pink with white collar and cuffs, and his tie is one of those Ferragamo small prints in red and pink…birds, I believe the pattern is birds.
Phury: (frowning) What’s wrong?
J.R.: Oh, nothing. (Looking around deliberately to avoid his yellow eyes.) God, I love this room. All the books…
Phury: What’s happened?
At this point I head for one of the silk couches and sit down facing the fire. The cushions curl up around me, and the crackling of the cedar logs makes me think of winter things, like snow falling and canopy beds that are heavy with comforters and pillows.
Phury joins me on the sofa, jogging his trousers up at the thigh before sitting down. When he crosses his legs it’s in the European fashion, knee over knee, not ankle to knee. His hands link in his lap, his massive diamond pinkie ring flashing…and making me think of V.
Phury: Let me guess…the interview with tall, dark, and icy didn’t go very well.
J.R.: I’m not surprised, though. (trying to shake self out of it) So tell me, how are the Chosen liking this side?
Phury: (eyes narrowing) If you don’t want to talk about him, we won’t.
J.R.: I appreciate the kindness, but honestly, that’s just the way it is. I’ll be fine.
Phury: (after a long pause) Okay…the Chosen are doing surprisingly well. All but five have come for a visit on this side, and what they do here varies based on their personality and predilections. The way it works, we usually have anywhere between six and ten in the house up north and…You’re not tracking.
J.R.: Between six and ten. Personality. Predilections.
Phury: (standing up) Come on.
J.R.: Where?
Phury: (holds out hand) Trust me.
Like Z—and all the Brothers for that matter—Phury is someone you can put your faith in, so I lay my palm in his and he pulls me to my feet. I hope we’re not going to see V, and am relieved when, instead of heading back to the kitchen, we go up the grand stairs. I’m surprised when he takes me into his old bedroom, and the first thing I think of is that it smells of red smoke, all coffee and chocolate together.
Phury: (stops in the doorway, frowning) Actually…lets go to the guest room next door.
Clearly he’s noticed the scent too, and I’m happy to help him avoid what is no doubt a trigger for him. We step out into the balconied hall and go into the room Cormia stayed in when she was at the mansion. It’s grand and lovely, just like his, just like all of theirs. Darius had spectacular taste, I think to myself as I look at the lush silk drapery and the museum-quality Chippendale dressers and the glowing landscapes. The bed isn’t so much a place to sleep, but a sanctuary to be absorbed in—with its canopied top and acres of red satin bedding, it is exactly what was in my mind when we were downstairs by the fire.
Phury: (taking off his suit jacket) Sit here. (points to floor)
J.R.: (planting it, cross-legged) What are we—
Phury: (mirroring me on the floor and putting palms out) Give me your hands and close your eyes.
J.R.: (doing what he asks) Where are—
The sensation that comes next is something like submerging your body in a warm bath—except then I realize that in fact I’ve become liquid; I am the water and I’m flowing somewhere. I panic and start to—
Phury: (voice coming from far distance) Don’t open your eyes. Not yet.
A century later I feel like I’m condensing again, becoming whole…and there’s a new smell, something like flowers and sunshine. My closed lids diffuse a sudden light source, and my weight is absorbed by a soft pad as opposed to the short-napped Oriental I’d first seated myself on.
Phury: (taking his hands away) Okay, you can open now.
I do…and am overwhelmed. I blink not from disorientation, but from too much orientation.
When I was little I spent my summers on a lake in the Adirondacks. My mother and I would move up there at the end of June and stay straight through until Labor Day—and my father would come on the weekends and for a block of two weeks at the end of July and the beginning of August. Those summers were the happiest times in my life, although part of that, I’m realizing as I get older, is the glow of nostalgia and the simplicity of youth. Still, for whatever cause, colors were brighter back then and watermelon on a hot day was wetter and sweeter and sleep was deeper and easier to come and no one ever died and nothing ever changed.
I have been far away from that special place for many years now—distanced in a way that a trip up the Northway can no longer cure. Except…I am there now. I am sitting in a meadow of long grass and clover and there are monarch butterflies drunkenly skipping from milkweed to milkweed. A red-winged blackbird is letting out its call as it heads for a row of shagbark hickory trees. And up ahead…there is a red barn with a flagpole and a massive stand of purple lilacs in front of it. A dark green Volvo from the eighties is parked to one side, and woven wicker lawn furniture marks the pale stone terrace. The window boxes are the ones my mother planted every year with white petunias (to match the white trim on the barn), and the porch pots have red geraniums and blue lobelia in them.
I can see the lake on the other side of the house. It’s deep blue and sparkling in the sunshine. Farther out in its midst is Odell Island, the place where I’d take my boat and my friends and my dog for picnics and swimming. If I turn my head, I see the mountain that rises up from the meadow, the one on which my family going back for generations is buried. And if I look behind me, I see across the meadow my great-uncle’s white house and then my best friends’ house and then my cousin’s Victorian manse.
J.R.: How did you know about this?
Phury: I didn’t. It’s just what’s in your mind.
J.R.: (looking back to the barn) God, it feels like my mother’s in there getting dinner ready, and my dad’ll be here soon. I mean, it really…is my dog still alive?
Phury: Yes. That’s the beauty of memories. They don’t change and they’re never lost. And even if you can’t recall all of them anymore, the pathways they created in your brain are always with you. They’re the infinity for mortals.
J.R.: (after a while) I’m supposed to ask you a lot of questions.
Phury: (shrugging) Yeah, but I thought you’d appreciate this answer.
J.R.: (smiling sadly) Which is?
Phury: (puts hand on my shoulder) Yes, it’s still all here. And you can come back anytime you like. Always.
I stare out over the landscape of my childhood and think…well, shit. Isn’t this just like Phury. I’ve been totally sniped by his kindness and thoughtfulness.
Bastard. Lovely, lovely bastard.
But this is the essence of him. He knows what you need more than you do, and he delivers. And he’s also flipped the interview on its head, making it about me, not him. Which is also his way.
J.R.: I’ll bet you give fantastic birthday presents, don’t you. The really freaky-thoughtful kind.
Phury: (laughing) I think I do all right.
J.R.: You wrap well, too, don’t you.
Phury: Actually, Z’s the best bow man you ever want to see.
J.R.: Who in your life would do something like this (sweeps arm around) for you?
Phury: Lots of people. Cormia. My Brothers. The Chosen. And also…myself. Like the whole recovery thing? (Pauses.) This is going to come out way wrong, just totally nancy, but the whole stop-using thing? That’s my gift to me. For instance, right now, you’re glad you’re here, but it’s hard too, right? (I nod.) Well, recovery hurts like hell sometimes, and it gets lonely and sad too, but even at its most difficult moments, I’m grateful tor it and I’m glad I’m in it. (Smiles a little.) For Cormia, it’s the same. Making the transition out of the strict traditions of the Chosen has been a real challenge tor her. Its not easy to completely restructure everything about your life. She and I…we kind of bond over that. I’m redoing the way I’ve lived, you know, as an addict for the last two hundred years, and I’m discovering who I really am. She’s doing a lot of the same work. We flounder and triumph together.
J.R.: Is it true Cormia’s going to design Rehvenge’s new club?
Phury: Yup. and she’s finished. They’re starting construction on it as we speak. And Wrath’s commissioned a new Safe Place facility from her as well. She’s thrilled. I bought her a CAD program and taught her how to use it…but she likes to do everything on paper. She has an office in Rehv’s Great House with an architect’s desk—no chair, she stands up when she’s drafting. I’ve bought her every book on architecture I can think of, and she’s devoured them.
J.R.: Do you think the other Chosen will find mates?
Phury: (frowning) Yes…although any males who come sniffing around are going to have to get through me first.
J.R.: (laughing) You’re going to be as bad as Z with Nalla, huh?
Phury: They’re my females. Every one of them. Cormia is my mate, and I love her in a deeper, very different way, but I am still responsible for the futures of the others.
J.R.: Something tells me you’re going to do an outstanding job taking care of them.
Phury: We’ll see. I hope so. I can tell you one thing, when it comes to their hellrens, I’m going to choose character over bloodline every time.
There’s a long silence that’s companionable, and after a while I let myself fall back in the grass and stare at the sky. The blue positively glows, and the white of the cotton-puff clouds is brilliant and a little blinding. The pair together remind me of fresh laundry for some reason, maybe because it’s all so sparkling clean and the sun is warm on me and everything smells so good…
Yes, I think to myself, these are the colors I remember…the ones from childhood, their vividness enhanced by the wonder and the excitement of just taking them in.
J.R.: Thank you for bringing me here.
Phury: I didn’t do anything. This is just where you wanted to go. And it’s a lovely trip, by the way.
J.R.: I couldn’t agree more.
The other questions I might have asked him drift out of my mind and into the fair skies above. When I hear a rustle of grass beside me, I realize he, too, has lain down. Together we stretch out on the grass, hands behind our heads, legs crossed at the ankles.
Eventually we return to the mansion and the bedroom we’d been in, and we talk about nothing special. I know that Phury’s giving me a chance to reorientate and I appreciate his thoughtfulness.
When it’s finally time for me to leave, he and I go down the hall to the study. I say good-bye to Wrath and Beth, and Phury stays there to have a meeting with the king and queen. As I put the grand staircase to use, I hear the voices of the doggen once again coming from the dining room. They’re setting up for Last Meal, laying out the place settings for the Brothers and the shellans.
Fritz comes forward, opens the vestibule’s door, and leads me back out to the Mercedes. Before I get into the sedan, I glance up at the mansion’s dour gray facade. Lights glow in almost every single window, evidence that in spite of the grim, bulwark-like exterior, there is great life and joy inside.
I slide into the backseat of the car, and as Fritz shuts the door I see that there’s a small black leather pouch on the place where I should be sitting. After the butler gets behind the wheel, I ask him what it is, and he says that it’s a present for me. When I start to thank him, he shakes his head and tells me it is not from him.
As the partition rises between me and Fritz, I take the satchel, pick apart the tie at the top, and spill its contents out into my palm.
It’s a small black-bladed dagger, still warm from the forge. The workmanship is breathtaking…Every detail, from the hilt to the razor-sharp tip, is perfectly wrought, and the miniature weapon gleams. It took its maker a long time to create it…and he cared about the outcome, cared greatly.
I curl my palm around the gift just as the Mercedes eases forward and we descend from the mountain, heading back for the “real world.”
Lover Enshrined
The People:
The Wizard
Zsadist and Bella
John Matthew
Wrath and Beth
Butch O’Neal
Doc Jane
The Scribe Virgin
The Omega
Lohstrong (Qhuinn’s father)
Mr. D
Amalya, Directrix of the Chosen
The Princess
Low (the biker)
Diego RIP (gang member in the jail)
Skinhead (unnamed man in the jail)
Eagle Jacket (the human drug dealer)
Stephanie (the manager at Abercrombie & Fitch)
Places of Interest (all in Caldwell, NY, unless otherwise specified):
The Brotherhood mansion, undisclosed location
The Other Side (the Chosen Sanctuary)
Havers’s clinic, undisclosed location
ZeroSum (corner of Trade and Tenth streets)
The Caldwell Galleria
Cabin in the woods, Black Snake State Park, Adirondacks
Rehvenge’s Great Camp, Adirondacks
The farmhouse (Lash’s birthplace), Bass Pond Lane
Lash’s parents’ house
Blaylock’s parents’ home
The Caldwell Police Department
Phury finds love and conquers both his addictions and his race’s restrictive social and spiritual constructs.
Opening line: Time was not, in fact, a draining loss into the infinite.
Last line: I love you forever didn’t always need to be spoken to be understood.
Published: June 2008
Page length: 534
Word count: 162,403
First draft written: December 2007-March 2008
Craft comments:
I love Phury. He was a dream to write, he truly was. And as I said, boy, did I need the break.
On that note, some thoughts about my daily working patterns.
My writing schedule is pretty much set in stone. I write seven days a week, no excuses, no compromises: sick days, holidays, travel days—my butt is in the chair. I’ve kept this up for about ten years now, and I think I’ve missed three days in that decade—due to extremely extenuating circumstances. I’ve gotten up at four-thirty in the morning in Manhattan in hotel rooms to write. Sat down after root canals. Stayed inside when it’s sunny. My point is—writing is a priority, and I make it clear to everyone around me that writing time is nonnegotiable. It’s not that I’m a superhero. I’m just very disciplined, for one thing, and for another, I need to write. If I don’t, it’s like not exercising. I just get antsy to do it.
Were all these days stellar examples of drafting at its finest? Absolutely not. I can write crap just like everyone else does sometimes. But I keep after it and rework it and just hammer away until the words feel right. Often, it’s slow going, and tedious. When I’m laying down a first draft, I can do only about six to ten pages a day. When I revise those pages, the first trip through is usually no more than ten pages a day. Then it’s fifteen. Then it’s twenty. After my editor reads the manuscript, I’ll go through it again and again, doing no more than twenty-five pages a day. If I’m hitting copy edits, maybe I’ll do forty. For galleys? It’s hard for me to do more than fifty or seventy-five.
The thing is, I don’t write fast, I write long—which means I just put the hours in.
My normal day starts when I get to the computer upstairs around eight. I write for two hours. Take a break to make more coffee (during which I sometimes check e-mail downstairs), then go back up for another two hours. After that I run and come back and spend the rest of the day editing and dealing with business-related stuff. This all changes, however, if I’m under deadline—which means nothing except a run takes me away from the computer.
I do not have Internet access on either computer I write on, and I strongly urge folks, if they can afford the luxury, to draw that line and keep Web and e-mail distraction far, far, far away from their writing machines. See, for me, the writing uses a very specific part of my brain. If I stop working to deal with other issues, it can be a struggle to get back to the zone I was in before I put on my business head.
No one goes up into my working space except my dog (who’s always welcome) and my husband (who’s usually welcome). I don’t describe it anywhere, and there are no pictures of it. I will say that it is extremely uncluttered and has a tremendous amount of light. I think part of the reason I’m so territorial about the physical space is that keeping the real world out helps me to focus on what’s in my head. I’m also by nature, as I said, rather private, and the writing is very personal to me—so I’m quite protective of it.
In addition to my agent and my editor (and all the spectacular folks at my publisher’s who are incredible), I work with a lot of absolutely amazing people. My personal assistant makes sure everything runs smoothly and keeps me in line by being thoroughly unimpressed by any of the J. R. Ward stuff and liking me for me (well, most of the time it’s about our friendship—sometimes I drive her insane and she stays only because she loves my dog). My research assistant is a walking, talking Brotherhood encyclopedia who can find obscure pieces of knowledge and know-how with amazing alacrity—he’s also endlessly patient with me and one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. I also have a six-foot-ten-inch consigliere with a metal fetish—because everyone who writes about vampires needs one of those—and a woman who, even when six months pregnant, is willing to hump bags around hotel lobbies and go to conferences and make sure the trains run on time (we call her the APA).
My critique partner, Jessica Andersen (who writes fabulous paranormals), and I met like eight years ago, and we’ve been through a lot of ups and downs (the downs are what we call roadkill periods). She writes plot-driven stories and I’m into character sketches, so we don’t have a thing in common when it comes to material—which is one of the reasons I think we work so well together. I call her my CP, but because I don’t really share my content much, she’s more like a brain trust. I run a lot of business as well as writing issues by her, and she never fails to give me good advice.
My two assistants run the J. R. Ward message boards and the BDB Yahoo! Group and work with a tremendous team of volunteer moderators, most of whom have been with the Brothers from the very beginning. Our mods are amazing, and I’m so grateful for what they do just because they like the books.
Everything’s a team effort. And I couldn’t get the time and space to write like I do without the help of these folks.
Usually my days end around nine at night, when my husband and I get to spend a little time together before we pass out and get up and do it all over again. The truth is, I’m actually kind of boring. I’m mostly in my head all of the time—writing consumes my life, and the solitary existence nourishes me as nothing else could or has: I’m happiest at the computer by myself with my dog at my feet and it’s been that way since day one.
I kind of believe writers are born, not made—but that’s not specific to writing. I think it’s true of athletes and mathematicians and musicians and artists and engineers and the hundred million other endeavors that humans pursue. And in all my life, I believe the single best thing that’s ever happened to me, aside from having the mother I do, is that I found my niche and have been able to make a living out of doing what I love (my husband has had a huge hand in this whole publishing thing, so I thank him for that).
Now, before I nancy out completely and get all mushy with gratitude, let’s talk about Phury.
I have always seen Phury as a hero. From day one. I’d also been aware all along that his book was going to be about addiction—which was going to be tricky. To be honest, I was very concerned about the heroin thing. I remember, when I got the image of Phury passed out next to the toilet in that bathroom, going, Oh, God, no…I can’t write that. How are people going to be able to see him as a hero if he shoots up and ODs? And my problems weren’t just about him doing it, either.
The thing is, heroes are not always right, but they are always strong. Even if they tear up or break down, the context that brings them to that state is so overwhelming that we excuse them for their brief unraveling. With Phury abusing red smoke and exhibiting an addict’s need to protect his habit (with all the lying that implies), I was really concerned that if I didn’t portray him correctly, readers would view him as weak, instead of tortured.
Tortured is okay for heroes. Weak, in terms of constitution, is really not.
I think it’s understandable that Phury has some serious problems getting through the day. Considering all the stuff with Zsadist, and the complex interweave of guilt and sadness and panic that Phury’s had to live with all these years, the red smoke was a way of self-medicating his feelings. The first step to depicting him sympathetically was bringing the Wizard out before the readers so they had an idea of what Phury was trying to shut up with all the blunt rolling and lighting. Once again, like V’s actions at the war camp, it was all about context.
The Wizard is the voice that drives Phury’s addiction, and it lives in Phury’s head:
In his mind’s eye, the wizard appeared in the form of a Ring-wraith standing in the midst of a vast gray wasteland of skulls and bones. In its proper British accent, the bastard made sure that Phury never forgot his failures, the pounding litany causing him to light up again and again just so he didn’t go into his gun closet and eat the muzzle of a forty.
You didn’t save him. You didn’t save them. The curse was brought upon them all by you. The fault is yours…the fault is yours…
The next thing that needed to be shown was Phury beginning to realize that he is an addict. For him to be a hero, he had to conquer his drug use, and the first step of recovery is recognizing you have a problem. The initial inkling for him comes when he and a lesser are looking for some privacy to fight downtown and they interrupt a drug sale. When it looks as if the transaction won’t go through, the desperate buyer ends up attacking the dealer, killing him and cleaning him out before taking off:
The rank joy on the addict’s face was a total head nailer. The guy was clearly on the express train to one hell of a bender, and the fact that it was a free fix was only a small part of the buzz. The real boon was the lush ecstasy of super-surplus.
Phury knew that orgasmic rush. He got it every time he locked himself in his bedroom with a big fat pouch of red smoke and a fresh pack of rolling papers.
Identifying with another addict was the start for Phury. But things had to get worse before they got better:
“Am I still a Brother?”
The king just stared at the dagger—which gave Phury the three-word answer: in name only.
Phury’s getting the boot from the Brotherhood was not just about his addiction, but also about his other method for dealing with his emotions—torturing lessers before he kills them.
This was, originally, something I thought Zsadist was doing. I even alluded to it on the message board. Except I was wrong. It was Phury who was cutting up slayers before stabbing them—which is pretty hard-core. Funny, when I saw the scenes, I just thought that Phury, the nice one, the kind one, wouldn’t do something as base and cruel as torture. But here’s the thing—and I think to some degree it’s one of the points of Phury’s book: Even people who dress well, come from titularly good backgrounds, and look put-together can be totally unhinged on the inside.
Speaking of backgrounds, a word on Cormia. The parallels between her and Marissa are obvious. Both are high-stationed females suffering under the load of social expectations they were born into—and both transform themselves, becoming agents not only of their own liberation, but of others’ as well (the vote at the Council meeting and her work at Safe Place for Marissa; helping Phury to transform the Chosen for Cormia).
As a couple, I think Phury and Cormia work on a lot of levels, and in this passage I think she sums up her side of the connection well:
…But that wasn’t what really compelled her. He was the epitome of all that she knew to be of worth: He was focused always on others, never on himself. At the dinner table, he was the one who inquired after each and every person, following up about injuries and stomach upsets and anxieties large and small. He never demanded any attention for himself. Never drew the conversation to something of his. Was endlessly supportive.
If there was a hard job, he volunteered for it. If there was an errand, he wanted to run it. If Fritz staggered under the weight of a platter, the Primale was the first out of his chair to help. From all that she’d overheard at the table, he was a fighter for the race and a teacher of the trainees and a good, good friend to everyone.
He truly was the proper example of the selfless virtues of the Chosen, the perfect Primale. And somewhere in the seconds and hours and days and months of her stay here, she had veered from the path of duty into the messy forest of choice. She now wanted to be with him. There was no had to, must do, need to.
Of course, this puts her in direct conflict with her role as First Mate—who under the traditions of the Chosen must share the Primale with her sisters. This clash between Cormia’s upbringing and who she is and what she truly wants is the core of what she struggles with, not only romantically but individually.
On Phury’s side, I think that in addition to the instinctual bonding thing he has going on, Cormia really sticks by him. She is incredibly steadfast and accepting, and the two of them go through a lot. She is also instrumental in his recovery—more on this later.
Phury’s decent into the dark hell of his addiction truly bottoms out after he’s with Cormia sexually. The scene where he takes Cormia’s virginity was a hard one to write, because I knew I had to be very careful with what I saw, and I didn’t want there to be any confusion: Cormia absolutely wanted what happened to go down, but Phury, in his haste, truly believed he had hurt her.
There is nothing sexy about rape. Period.
Phury’s misconception about his actions drives him right into the Wizard’s playground. He’d had a near miss with heroin already (in Lover Awakened), and I suppose his doing H was inevitable, given his addiction and his emotional instability. It did break my heart, however:
This shit was definitely not red smoke. There was no mellow easing, no polite knock on the door before the drug stepped into his brain. This was an all-guns-blazing assault with a battering ram, and as he threw up, he reminded himself that what he’d gotten was what he’d wanted.
Dimly, in the far background of his consciousness, he heard the wizard start laughing…heard his addiction’s cackling satisfaction get rolling even as the heroin took over the rest of his mind and body.
As he passed out while throwing up, he realized he’d been cheated. Instead of killing the wizard, he was left only with the wasteland and its master.
Good job, mate…excellent job.
It was a wonder Phury lived through it, and I shudder to think what would have happened if Blay hadn’t come to stay at the mansion and he and Qhuinn and John hadn’t walked into that spare bedroom.
So that was Phury’s bottom, and to his credit he didn’t stay there. The first significant step he took in his recovery was the choice he made the following day. He goes to complete the Primale ceremony with Layla, but instead of laying with her, he sits on the steps in the vestibule of the Primale Temple and makes a personal resolve to stop drugging:
As the wizard started to get pissed and Phury’s body milk-shaked it something fierce, he stretched out his legs, lay down on the vestibule’s cool marble floor, and got ready for a whole lot of going-nowhere.
“Shit,” he said as he gave himself over to the withdrawal. “This is going to suck.”
This in turn led to what was for me the most significant scene between Cormia and Phury as a couple—the one where she helps him through his detox hallucinations. By taking him around his parents’ overgrown garden and directing him to clean it up (the scenes start on page 468), Cormia is a hero in her own right, being strong when her male can’t be and providing him with leadership when he needs to be led.
The symbolic nature of the ivy, when Phury’s either remembering how it covered the statues in his parents’ garden or using it to do away with one of his drawings, is obvious. The past has been choking him all along, and I loved the fact that during those hallucinations, not only does he free the statues, but he frees himself—and gets to see his parents in a happier place.
As a result of the detox, Phury then has the lucidity and the gumption to re-haul the whole construct of the Chosen—which was about fricking time. I love this part when he becomes resolved:
After a lifetime of watching history unfold in a bowl of water, Cormia realized as she measured the medallion being held aloft that for the first time she was seeing history made right in front of her, in live time.
Nothing was ever going to be the same after this.
With that emblem of his exalted station waving back and forth under his fisted grip, Phury proclaimed in a hard, deep voice, “I am the strength of the race. I am the Primale. And so shall I rule!”
That is Phury’s inner heroic nature being truly realized—and man, does he go to town with it when he goes to see the Scribe Virgin.
About that confrontation. During his conversation with the Scribe Virgin, I think he hits on what is her essential failing when it comes to the race she created and loves. She’s too overprotective and has to, as Phury says, have faith in her creation. The traditions of the vampire race are hindering their survival as much as the war with the Lessening Society is, and things must change: The pool of candidates for the Brotherhood must be opened up so that more warriors can be brought on, and the Chosen need and deserve to be liberated.
A note on all the social and religious restrictions within the vampire race. There were those at the beginning of the series who criticized the books for being too male-dominated and chauvinistic. But that was the point.
Rule four: Plotlines Are Like Sharks. They must move or die.
The series needed to start at a place where there were things to be fixed, otherwise there would be no struggles, no conflict, no evolution and resolution. And even with the improvements made in Lover Enshrined, the world remains ripe with strictures that need changing or areas where conflict is going to breed—Rehvenge’s Lover Avenged is going to have a lot of that.
A symphath working with the Brotherhood? Pow.der.keg.
The thing is, plotlines must advance across a credible playing field of people. Always. For example, to me, the most powerful scene in Phury’s book comes when he leaves the Scribe Virgin’s private quarters after having freed the Chosen. Here, he returns to Chosen’s sanctuary:
He froze as he threw open the door.
The grass was green.
The grass was green and the sky was blue…and the daffodils were yellow and the roses were a Crayola rainbow of colors…and the buildings were red and cream and dark blue…
Down below, the Chosen were spilling out of their living quarters, holding their now colorful robes and looking around in excitement and wonder.
Cormia emerged from the Primale temple, her lovely face stunned as she looked around. When she saw him, her hands clamped to her mouth and her eyes started to blink fast.
With a cry, she gathered her gorgeous pale lavender robe and ran toward him, tears streaming down her cheeks.
He caught her as she leaped up to him and held her warm body to his.
“I love you,” she choked out. “I love you, I love you…I love you.”
In that moment, with the world that was his in transformation, and his shellan safely in his arms, he felt something he never would have imagined.
He finally felt like the hero he had always wanted to be.
I’ll be honest: I bawled like a baby right there. It was just the most perfect moment for Phury—and it couldn’t have happened if there hadn’t been something huge to fix in the world.
And speaking of things that needed to be fixed, a word on Phury and Z. The relationship between the twins had to be addressed in the course of the book, and there was some serious stuff to deal with. Phury had a lot of pent-up frustration and anger, and it eventually came out (I’m thinking of that scene in front of the mansion that starts on page 277, where the two of them go at it). I will say that I think Z’s lack of gratitude was more about the current suffering he was dealing with—namely the concern about Bella and her pregnancy—than a fundamental resentment over the fact that he had been saved. After all, it’s hard sometimes to be grateful that you’re walking the planet when the very foundation of your life is unstable.
Phury needed the acknowledgment from his twin, and needed the thank-you, though. Hands down for me, one of the most moving scenes in the series—and the one I absolutely wept at when I wrote it—was the reunion of the twins following the birth of Nalla. By this point, Phury’s on the road to recovery and has redefined his role as the Primale—and Bella and Nalla have lived through the birth, so Z’s in a much better place as well. The twins, however, remain estranged. At least until Zsadist comes up to Rehv’s house in the Adirondacks and approaches his brother while singing Puccini:
Phury got to his feet as if his twin’s voice, not his own legs, had lifted him from the chair. This was the thanks that had not been spoken. This was the gratitude for the rescue and the appreciation for the life that was lived. This was the wide-open throat of an astounded father, who was lacking the words to express what he felt to his brother and needed the music to show something of all he wished he could say.
“Ah, hell…Z,” Phury whispered in the midst of the glory.
If you look throughout the book, you’ll see that here and there I put in a line about things not needing to be said to be understood. We’re talking about scenes between John and Cormia, Phury and Wrath, Phury and Cormia. I wanted it all to lead up to this moment, when Z’s emotions are too complex and overwhelming for him to explain, so he must sing to get his point across. And his message is received in exactly the manner it is given: The grand thank-you voiced in song is lovingly embraced by the one being thanked. Perfect.
The theme of silent communication also comes into play in the last line of the book. Here Phury is holding Cormia close to his heart after suggesting they get mated back at the Brotherhood mansion:
The hooting and hollering and backslapping of the Brotherhood cut off the rest of what he was going to say. But Cormia got the gist. He’d never seen any female smile as beautifully and broadly as she did then while looking up at him.
So she must have known what he meant.
I love you forever didn’t always need to be spoken to be understood.
And that just about sums up Phury and Cormia.
Some thoughts about John Matthew and Lash.
One of the great things about John Matthew (who is Darius reincarnated) is that in the earlier books I could introduce parts of the world to the reader through his eyes. As he is unfamiliar on all levels with the vampire thing, what was new to the reader was new to him. John has also lent great continuity from book to book: On balance, the POVs change with each story, and thus far, once I’ve done a hero and heroine, except for in Slices of Life outside the books, I do not return to them (although I think in Rehv’s story that might change—I can see where Wrath might come back in a huge way). John, however, has been a constant—as well as constantly evolving as he goes through his life.
As I begin to prepare for John’s book (which might well be coming after Rehvenge, I’m not sure), I wanted to show readers how the whole time thing works with respect to the Omega and the Scribe Virgin—as a way of anticipating the Darius reincarnation issue. To this end, Lash as the Evil’s son, which I knew about much earlier, was the perfect way to do this. At the end of Lover Revealed, when the Omega says to Butch: “Lo, how you inspire me, my son. And may I say you would be wise to search for your blood. Families should congregate.” (p. 427), the Omega is making a reference to his defensive reaction to Butch’s changing the dynamic of the war. Having “spawned” Butch, in a sense, and being at the cop’s mercy, the Omega realizes that he needs to do something to counteract the threat to his survival. What he does is this. After Lover Revealed, the Omega went back in time, impregnated a female vampire, and created Lash. Lash was not in existence prior to the time between Lover Revealed and Lover Enshrined (the lapse of a matter of months reflected the Evil’s failed attempts at procreation, which were not detailed), but was created when the Omega went back to the early eighties at the start of Phury’s book.
This, of course, created a problem. For me as the author, bringing in a major character like Lash and having to explain why all of a sudden everyone knew him was just not going to work—it would have involved way too much exposition. So I had to work off of absolute time—which is different from the fungible time the Scribe Virgin and the Omega can manipulate at will. Absolute time is the absolute destiny that is the sole province of the Scribe Virgin and the Omega’s father. This absolute truth and time in the vampire world reflects the culmination of all the choices ever made by all actors in that universe, and the books have to run on that absolute—otherwise it’s a mess (or, more accurately, a boring stretch of explaining and flashbacks).
Lash is therefore shown from the day John Matthew first meets him on the bus. Which is, in absolute time, exactly what happens.
It’s on this same absolute time that the John Matthew and Darius thing went down. When Darius is killed in Dark Lover, and he goes to the Scribe Virgin in the Fade, John Matthew does not exist. But after the Scribe Virgin and Darius strike a deal, the Scribe Virgin steps back in time and plants John Matthew/ Darius in that bathroom in the bus station as an infant. John Matthew then develops over the course of those years independently of the vampire world—until his destiny brings him in contact with Bella through Mary in Lover Eternal (after Darius is dead). Technically, therefore, John Matthew and Darius coexist for a period of years, but there is no contact between them.
A mind-bender for sure. But kind of cool.
Anyway…I could keep going on and on, but I might as well end here. Get me started on the Brothers and their world and I’m a windup toy with no end of enthusiasm.
So that’s Lover Enshrined…and the series so far.
On some level, I can’t believe I’ve actually written the first six books already. It’s been a blur, a strange, fascinating, terrifying ride that’s taken me to places, both in terms of writing and on a personal level, that I couldn’t possibly have predicted.
I’m grateful for all of it. Even the really hard parts (and there have been some).
Next up is Rehvenge.
And if you thought the first six were humdingers…wait’ll you get a load of him.
For Writers
Advice and FAQs
As this section is for writers, I think I’ll start by listing my eight writing rules up front in a nice little group:
Writing is hard stuff, and publishing is a difficult business to break into and survive, much less thrive, in. But here’s the thing. I don’t really know much in life that isn’t hard. Being a mother is difficult, and so is being a teacher or an accountant or an athlete or a student. My point is, I’m not sure whether writing is any more scary and heartbreaking and exhilarating than anything else. I do know that the eight rules above have taken me this far—and I hope they’ll continue to see me through the ups and downs of my endeavors.
I’ve had a lot of writers, both prepubbed and published, come to me for advice. I’m always flattered, but also a bit at a loss in describing how I do what I do or why it’s worked thus far (and I never take for granted that it’s going to keep working). Routinely, however, I make a couple of recommendations for each of the various stages of the process, which follow below. I would like to note, however—and this is important—this advice is for people who are trying to get published. You DO NOT have to write solely to get published. I wrote for years just for myself and was perfectly happy doing so. What is laid out hereafter is for folks who are doing something that is quite specific—and it must be said that a published book is a very distinct animal and NOT THE BE-ALL AND END-ALL.
I’ll try to get off my soapbox now. But I just think it’s important for folks to know that if you write, you are an author. Period. You don’t need a publisher or consumers to validate what you are doing. Getting a book on the retail shelves is just one avenue some people choose to explore—but not the only one. Collecting the oral history of your family for the next generation or writing in journals to record your thoughts for yourself or jotting down descriptions of a thunder-storm for no other reason than you like how the lightning travels across the black sky—that all counts and it all matters.
Right, advice for those who want to get published:
1. Finish a book. Even if you don’t like it, or you don’t think it’s good enough, see one of your projects through to the end. Discipline is mission critical to publication, and no matter how enticing the other ideas in your head may be, get to the final page on at least one of your WIPs (works in progress). If you find yourself getting distracted by the buzz of new characters or concepts, write them down in a notebook or Word document to save for later. But teach yourself to finish what you start. Writing can be a drag. It can be nothing more than a series of tiny, incremental steps that drive you nuts. In every single Brotherhood book, particularly while revising, I’ve wanted to scream from frustration because I’m convinced that what I was working on was the longest book in history and it was NEVER going to be finished. That’s just part of the process.
2. Find other writers. I joined the Romance Writers of America (www.rwanational.org) after I’d finished my first marketable project, and I’ve met all my writer friends through RWA. There are local chapter meetings across the country, e-mail loops you can participate in, contests you can enter your writing in, regional conferences, and a magazine that comes every month with tons of information in it. Additionally, every year there’s a big national convention, which is great for networking with other writers and which offers opportunities for appointments with editors and agents, as well as classes taught by experts. RWA also has on its Web site incredible resources on craft and business—essentially everything that has to do with romance writing. If you want to get published, I strongly recommend joining, but RWA isn’t the only group available. And if you want to get published in another genre, there are other nonprofits that likewise encourage content-specific networking (like mystery or horror or sci-fi).
3. Don’t write to the market, but be strategic. In terms of subgenres (like paranormals or romantic suspense or historicals), if there’s something that’s hot that publishers are buying, it never hurts to put your hat in the ring if what’s being bought is something you’ve legitimately got in you to write. The Brothers and I are an example of this. By the same token, if there’s something that you want to write but isn’t selling very well, if your goal is to get picked up by a publisher, you might consider exploring some of your other ideas and seeing if they’re in a subgenre that’s moving a little bit more. HOWEVER, that all being said, if you write what you’re passionate about, your enthusiasm is going to come through on the page and make for a better reading experience—and things change. What’s hot now may be replaced with something else in another year. Hold on to your rejected manuscripts—you never know when you might resubmit to someone else or in another form in the future.
4. Write your book for you, then see who it fits with. It’s a good idea to know what individual publishers/editors are buying, and it does make sense, once you’re finished with a project, to send it to the right place: For example, you wouldn’t want to get a medieval romance to an editor who’s looking for paranormals (more on how to find out who’s buying what in a little bit). The great thing about having a good agent is that they’ll know on whose desk to place your work. Some editors like to work with dark stuff, others like comedy, and personality matches are always a plus in the editor/author relationship. If you haven’t found an agent yet and are submitting without one, ask other authors whose material is similar to yours who they’re working with (but, again, more on agent/editor searches in a little bit).
5. Category or single title is a personal choice. There are a couple of different avenues to explore when it comes to getting published in romance, and I’m not talking in terms of subgenre. The two big ones for print books are categories versus single titles. Categories, such as Silhouette Special Editions or Harlequin Intrigues, are shorter stories that fit into clear guidelines laid out by the publisher in terms of content and page count. Single titles are the longer, stand-alone books. There are pluses and minuses to doing both: You don’t need an agent to approach category editors, whereas for the most part, if you want to sell a single title, you’re going to need representation. Categories, therefore, can be a really good place to break into (and a TON of supersuccessful authors like Elizabeth Lowell, Suzanne Brockmann, Lisa Gardner, and Jayne Ann Krentz got their start with them). Also, categories can help you find your niche in the marketplace a little quicker, because the guidelines for submission are so clear—there are lines that feature suspense, paranormal, humor, you name it. I tell folks to check out www.eharlequin.com for the list of category lines and their submission guidelines. EHarl, as we call it, also has terrific resources on craft.
In my career, I kind of started out bass-ackwards, doing single titles first, then going to category when I wanted to keep doing contemporary romances while the Brothers were getting started. I love writing my categories (Silhouette Special Editions under the Jessica Bird name), and they’re a great break from the Brotherhood books—lighter and quicker, they clean my palate. I will say, though, that I do not find them appreciably easier to write just because they’re shorter—good work is hard no matter what the page count is.
As for the single-title market, compared to getting picked up in category, it can be more competitive, and as I said, there is most often the rate-limiting step of needing an agent. However, you do have more freedom in single title in terms of page length, content, and subplots, as well as the potential for earning more money—although there is more risk, too. If you don’t sell, there is a perception out there that you will get dropped more quickly than in category.
The choice depends on where you are in your writing and the kind of stories you want to write. And it’s not a one-or-the-other kind of thing. You can try a single title or start out in category, it’s really just what appeals and what you think your material is best suited for.
6. A note on e-pubs. I don’t have a ton of knowledge on e-pubs, so I usually refer folks to friends of mine who have been brought out by them and have firsthand knowledge of which ones are the best in terms of author support and business ethics. I think e-pubs can provide a really good opportunity for professional editing and are a great avenue to bringing your name forward to the market much more quickly than would otherwise be possible. I also think they can be groundbreaking in terms of what kind of content they’ll publish and can be an outstanding place to see through a project that might otherwise be deemed too racy or too controversial. I do think authors should be careful—going with those companies that are more established and getting an independent read on contracts before you sign is only smart (as well as apropos in ANY business endeavor).
7. Agents are desirable. From what I understand from the editors whom I know, their slush piles have grown geometrically over the past few years. I’m not exactly sure why—maybe it’s the advent of computers, who knows. But this phenomenon, in addition to the squeeze publishing is currently under, means that editors are understandably even more overloaded and cautious than ever before.
This is where agents come in. The editors I know use agents as a kind of gateway for screening projects, and they rely on recommendations from them when it comes to choosing which material to review and perhaps bid on. A good agent has relationships with editors in every house at every level and knows where to place proposals. In addition, they can vouch for your project with their reputation, giving you even more credibility.
A good agent doesn’t have to be your friend and they shouldn’t be. They should tell you the things you don’t want to hear and be honest about where you are in your career and where you’re going. Each one is different, just like each author is different. Some want to have a say in content, others stress promotion; some are hand-holders, others are bulldogs. The key thing is to find a connection that works for you. And remember it’s a relationship like any other. Be professional and honest and expect the same, and never, ever shoot the messenger. If your agent is doing their job right, you’re going to hear things you don’t like or wish were different. The key thing is working together to solve problems and getting your work out to as many people as possible.
8. How do I find an agent or a publisher? The best advice I can offer here is go out and get the most recent version of Writer’s Market. This yearly reference volume is a great guide to what agents and publishers are looking to buy. The listings are grouped by agent (or agency) and by publisher as well, and give names, addresses, and statements as to who is looking to represent or acquire what. RWA also does a yearly report on agents and publishers that is specifically geared toward romance (another great boon that comes with membership). Further, if you know published authors, it also helps to ask around and find out who they are represented and published by, how they like their agent and editor(s), and what kind of experiences they’ve had. Sometimes you can even get someone to pass your work on to their representative, which can be very helpful—although this is something you should wait to have offered to you, not something you should pressure another author for.
It may take several tries to get represented or picked up by a publisher, but it’s a case of persist and reinvent until it works. And when it comes to agents, if you can’t find one to take you on, that doesn’t necessarily mean you are out of luck, because again, some publishers don’t require them.
9. Multiple submissions require full disclosure. Certainly sending out the same project to a couple of different agents (or publishers, if you are unrepresented) at a time can potentially reduce the duration of the process, but it can also land you in hot water if more than one of the folks wants to represent or publish you. If you do choose to multiple-submit, disclose the fact right up front—and be sure you do not send it to agents or editors who refuse multiple submissions.
10. Be professional. And this is about everything. Make sure your submissions are spell-checked and properly paginated with appropriate type-face and margins (Times New Roman 12 or Courier 10, double-spaced, one-inch margins all around)—as well as bound with a rubber band. When talking to folks, be polite and concise. If you’re going to an editor or agent appointment at a conference, dress appropriately. Be on time—if you tell someone you’ll get something to them by a certain date, leave yourself wiggle room for emergencies and have the material drop on the day you committed to. Write thank-you notes. Speak well of others or shut your piehole. Sure, a lot of this is no-shit-Sherlock, but it matters. God willing you’re going to have a career in this business, so you might as well start building your reputation and good name from day one.
11. Do not submit too early. This one was HUGE for me. What I’m talking about is your material. There is a tremendous temptation to finish whatever you’re working on and get it out to an agent/editor as quickly as possible—or at least there was for me. The thing is, though, you can make a first impression only once, and you’d be surprised at the kind of faults you can find in your work if you go back one more time with fresh eyes. My rule of thumb was (and is) to FORCE myself to sit on whatever project I was working on until I could give it one final read-through. It was brutal, because of course I was curious about what the editor or agent was going to say and whether I would get bought. But the thing was, I was never sorry I waited.
Here’s a perfect example. My first published book, Leaping Hearts, was not the one I got my first agent with. I wrote it during the process of trying to find representation. By the time I was picked up, I knew LH was much stronger than what I’d sent out, so I told my agent at the time to wait until I could get the new material to her. I actually delayed what went to market by a couple months in order to get LH right. But it was the correct thing to do, and my agent agreed with me. Leaping Hearts was a much stronger book and it was sold quickly.
The thing is, it’s in my nature to want to beat deadlines, but rushing compromises the work. I’m not saying that you should get caught up in analysis paralysis, where you go over the material so many times you crush it by overediting. But there is a ripening period for the writing that has to occur, and over time you’ll figure out what that is for you and how many revisions you need.
12. Promotion. Once you’re sold to a publishing house and have gone through all of the editorial and production steps that culminate in your book being bound within a cover, you’re going to want to consider the various options for promotion.
I’ve talked to a ton of authors and agents and editors about promotion because, like everyone else, I’m still trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. And you know what the consensus appears to be? (And this is after convos with hugely successful authors and very powerful publishing houses, mind you.)
No. One. Has. A. Clue.
There seems to be no quantifiable link between any one author-driven promotional activity and book sales. That being said, however, there are things that authors can do to help support what their publisher does for them.
a. Brand yourself, and build your promotions around that brand. Ask yourself what kind of books you write and create a definition. For example, dark erotic paranormals are J. R. Ward, and everything I’ve done for promo has the dark erotic paranormal vibe.
b. Definitely establish a Web presence. Get a Web site that reflects your brand, and get an e-mail address where readers can reach you and you can respond to them.
c. Consider an interactive forum. Whether it’s a message board for your readers or a Yahoo! Group or a blog (either by yourself or with others), be active and engaging and enthusiastic about your work on the Net.
d. Offer a newsletter. I’m a little behind the boat on this, only just now having developed one, but at least I had my message boards and Yahoo! Group to get word out about my releases and appearances beforehand. For better or worse, the initial two weeks of a single-title release are a make-it-or-break-it time, and the more folks who know you have something new on the shelves, the more likely they are to buy during those critical first fourteen days.
e. Do guest days at other blogs/message boards/Yahoo! Groups. Network with your friends and see who will host you for a day around your release time. Conduct a contest to generate traffic, or talk about an interesting subject concerning either your books or yourself.
f. Signings and conferences. Attend them and be outgoing.
g. Merchandising and promo items. Bookmarks and pens and other give-aways can help keep you in readers’ or booksellers’ minds.
All of the above can certainly help—but all of it is also a time suck. For me, the writing must come first, and I’ve had to take the guilt out of all the other things I could be doing on the promotion front. The bottom line is, you need to write the best book you can…then worry about how to promote it. There are a lot of times when I’ve had to make choices about what not to do because I’ve needed to write. It’s hard, though, and I know a lot of authors who struggle with this issue. You have to do well in the marketplace if you’re going to stay published—but there’s a lot that we as authors don’t have control over, and promo sometimes feels as if it is the only thing we can do to increase sales.
And now…for the single most important piece of advice I’ve ever been given.
The Golden Rule: Do the best you can for where you are. This deceptively simple concept transformed me, and it was a gift that came at just the right time: If you check out the acknowledgments in my books, you’ll see that I always thank “the incomparable Suzanne Brockmann.” There’s a good goddamn reason for it.
Let me paint a picture. Way back in July of 2006, I went to the RWA National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. At that point, Dark Lover had come out in September of 2005 and, against all odds and expectations, had hit the New York Times extended list three weeks after its release. Which made NO sense on a lot of levels. Then Lover Eternal was released in March 2006 and it did even better, staying on the extended list even longer and selling spectacularly well. Readers were starting to get a head of steam up about the Brothers, and my publisher was really excited and my agent was totally thrilled and Dark Lover was up for the RITA for best paranormal…
And I was…about to have a nervous breakdown.
See, one year prior to all this, I’d assumed I was never going to be published again.
When I went to Atlanta, I was losing it. I had no clue why the Brothers appeared to be working in the marketplace, I had no control over whether they would continue to do well, and it was incredibly difficult to go from being myself (grotty little writer in her boxers and her slippers) to being J. R. Ward (this, like, wunderkind thing).
Now, I’d had the good fortune of meeting Suz Brockmann through the New England chapter of RWA a couple of years before, and was, like most people I knew, in awe of her and her success. I was also a total fangirl over her work, having read it for years.
Plus, she was (and is), as they say, wicked nice.
By some stroke of luck, Suz agreed to see me for a quick one-on-one at that RWA in Atlanta, and my mom and I met her in a quiet hidey-hole in the hotel’s massive lobby. As we all sat down, I wanted to make a good impression and try to not show how clueless and terrified I was. And I was terrified. Good news is in some ways harder for me to deal with than bad news because I trust it less…and at the moment I truly was at the end of my rope from self-doubt and fear and disorientation.
So Suz and I are talking and she’s giving me all this great business advice and everything…and in the back of my mind I’m thinking, Don’t lose it, don’t embarrass yourself…
I almost made it. Until she sniped me with kindness.
Toward the end of the meeting, Suz puts her hand in this little cloth bag she’d brought with her and takes out this book. Leaning forward, she says, all casual no-big-dealy, “Hey, I brought you an ARC of my new book.”
I looked down at what she was holding out to me. To this day, I remember precisely what the cover of it looked like: shiny white with a little red pattern, the title in bold with her name underneath.
I reached forward and carefully took the book.
The thing is, I’ve read Suz for years. She’s like Elizabeth Lowell to me. She’s the author I curled up with at night and read until my eyes went double from exhaustion…and I still kept going. She’s the one who I can remember seeing at a conference with a hundred people standing in line just to meet her—for two hours straight. She’s the gold standard for being kind and nice to readers. And she’s the one who wrote the book that I read and then walked around my condo for hours in tears over because I was convinced I would never be as good as her on her worst day.
I fucking lost it. Took that damn ARC to my chest, curled around it, and cried all over myself.
In. Front. Of. Suz. Brockmann.
And my mother.
On the third floor of the lobby of that hotel in Atlanta…so it was in public.
I still cringe.
Suz, of course, handled it graciously, and listened as I blubbed on about the fact that I was fricking losing it and I didn’t know if I could keep the quality of my writing up and I wasn’t sure whether I would be able to meet the deadlines and I was worried about not doing the very best job that any author now or in the past or in the future could do with the opportunities I’d been given.
Suz let me go on and on, and when I’d worn myself out like a hamster on a spinning wheel, she looked at me and said she knew exactly what all that was like. She knew precisely how it was to want to be perfect and do a perfect job and somehow earn the success you’d been gifted with. The thing was, she said, as time passed she learned that if you shoot for absolute perfection, you’re going to fail by definition—and that “perfect” simply cannot be the standard, because you will burn yourself out.
Doing the very best you can with where you’re at is what matters.
When I was younger, particularly when I was doing the lawyer/corporate America thing, I nearly killed myself trying to be perfect, and I was on the same path back then with the writing. But Suz opened my eyes—and I figured what worked for her was good enough for me.
(Note: I asked her to read this part before this book went to print to make sure she was comfortable with being mentioned—and she said that the advice she gave me was a “pay it forward kind of thing”—it was first given to her by a wonderful Harlequin writer, Pat White, who got it from a book called The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Now I’m passing it along. Kind of cool, huh.)
So, look, on the publishing journey…don’t beat yourself up. Do the best you can. Inevitably, real life is going to get in the way of the quality or the quantity of your writing…or your enthusiasm or your faith in your dream…or your success. Know this going in, and find yourself some good support, whether it’s friends or other writers or your family or your dog—and remember that there are only guidelines, no hard-and-fast rules for anything, whether it’s craft or business or success. I always temper whatever advice I give with the caveat that what’s worked for me may not be right for someone else, and that everything is just an educated guess. And that’s okay.
Because miracles happen.
Every day.
The thing is, if you don’t put yourself out there, it makes it a lot harder for them to find you. So, please, take a chance and see where it leads. And be kind to yourself along the way. At the end of the day, all we can do is believe in ourselves and work hard…the rest is left to fate.
Oh, and be grateful.
I know I am.
The Black Dagger Brotherhood Proposal
A lot of writers who are starting out on their journey to get published ask me questions about query letters (which are the correspondence you send out introducing you and your project to agents and/or editors) and proposals. Writer’s Market has some good examples of query letters. Bottom line is keep it on one page, detail your project succinctly, but with enthusiasm, and list your writing credentials (such as any publishing credits you have, contests you’ve won, and professional memberships [like RWA]). Include also any relevant personal information that pertains to the particular material (i.e., you’re a pediatric nurse who’s writing about a heroine who’s a pediatric nurse).
Proposals are generally the outline of your book, which is all about telling, not showing, and the first three chapters of the manuscript. What follows is the exact proposal I sent out for the Brotherhood through my agent (you can read the first three chapters in the book if you like). Right off the bat, I’m going to tell you it’s way too long—so if you follow this example, I encourage you to do one full version for yourself, then pare it down for agents/editors. I made up the format myself—I’d never seen anyone else’s proposals at that point and just focused on what I would want to know about the series if I were an editor. I will say that I think the layout works especially well with paranormals—you’ll note I include the rules of the world as well as an overview of every major character and their role not only in the book, but in vampire society.
For me, it’s cool to go back and read it through and see the changes in content. The vast, vast majority of the discrepancies that show up are because I misinterpreted what I saw, or because I saw more later which changed the implications of these original scenes. In a few cases, however, the differences came about because there were holes in what I was shown and I filled them in with stuff I made up. For example, when I first saw Phury and Z, I didn’t know they were twins, didn’t know much about them at all. Rather than leave the slate blank, I developed some background for them both that I thought was suitably dramatic. The truth came out though as I actually drafted the full manuscript.
And the same was true for the way Dark Lover ended. While I was outlining, the scenes stopped coming to me at the point that Wrath was in the clinic after he got shot. That just didn’t seem like the right way to end the book, however, although it was all I had. I tried to come up with more—and I put in some things—except I sensed that wasn’t what really happened. Fortunately the rest of the scenes downloaded during the writing, and the Brotherhood ended up together, still in Caldwell, at Darius’s compound.
You will see that I made no mention of the Omega—that was because he wasn’t clear to me. At least not until the drafting! Then I knew more than enough.
You’ll also note, particularly in the introductory section, that I talk about my having “given” Wrath a critical weakness or “constructed” a situation to bring a woman into his life. This was, of course, not how things went down at all—but I was understandably wary of telling editors that these vampires were in my head, telling me what to do! I figured it was a good idea to present the story as though I was at least nominally in control of the material. Even if the truth was anything but that.
And I never did use uta-shellan in the series. I just went with shellan.
Oh, and the anticipated word count? Waaaaaaaaaaaaay off on that one!
Last word: I’ve reproduced the file below right off my computer and it’s not going to be copyedited as part of the editorial process of this insider’s guide—what you see is exactly what went out to market, mistakes and all. The purpose is to show that I did my very best to make sure there were no errors, but there are and though that’s not desirable, it still sold. This is not to encourage laziness—but part and parcel of the whole no-one’s-perfect thing.
Dark Lover By J.R. Ward Single Title, approx. 100,000 words
A well-constructed world of vampires can amplify the very best elements of romance: hot sex, high stakes, and soaring emotion can come together in a unique, contemporary setting. For this kind of book to work properly, the Rules of the World have to be firm and unyielding and these laws must be constructed to encourage acts of heroism and sacrifice for love. Contrasts are critical and have to play strongly through out the plot: strength vs. weakness; righteousness vs. evil; loyalty vs. betrayal; love vs. hatred; loss vs. communion; these essential forces must all be represented. The heroes need to be supermen facing foes of worthy stature. And the heroines need to have strong backbones and sharp intelligence.
And did I mention there has to be lots of fantastic sex over the course of steamy nights? Yeah, I guess that comes under the hot sex part.
In planning this book, I started with a warrior hero who needs to be healed by love. Wrath is a four hundred year old vampire, the last of his line, the only pure bred of his race left on earth. He has incredible physical strength, he’s menacing and sexy, and he’s blind. With respect to his disability, I thought it would be important to give him a critical weakness. His lack of sight forces him to rely on others and provides a good contrast to his otherwise physical invincibility. His poor vision does not hinder his ability to fight, however.
Wrath has been at war with members of a dark arts society of vampire hunters since he went through his transition. Vampires in this series are born without their race’s characteristic features: fangs, super strength, longevity, photophobia, and the need for blood don’t come to them until some time around their twenty-fifth birthday when they undergo an agonizing physical transformation. To survive, they don’t drink from humans, they need a vampire of the opposite sex.
Prior to his transition, Wrath was scrawny, prone to sickness, weak. As a result of his poor health and eyesight, he was unable to save his parents when they were attacked by the vampire hunters. This contrast between Wrath’s earlier feebleness and his current status of super-strength is at the crux of his internal conflict. His inability to protect those he loved is a failure he has never forgiven himself for. His vengeance and self-hatred have consumed his soul and shut out all avenues of love and caring.
Wrath is a menace to be sure, but he’s worthy of being liberated from his emotionally barren world. The trouble is, in order for his salvation to occur, he’s got to learn that he can take care of someone and that he is worthy of love. Because he avoids personal relationships, I had to construct a situation whereby he was forced to have a woman come into his life.
Beth Randall, the heroine, is resilient, super-smart, physically beautiful and the half-human daughter of one of Wrath’s band of warrior brothers. When her father is killed by their enemies, Wrath is forced to accept Beth as a responsibility and help her through her transition. Through being with Beth, and supporting her, Wrath is compelled to relive his own transition and the deaths of his parents. Beth helps him process the events more accurately and he is able see how his perceived failure to protect those he loved from death was not in fact the result of a lack of honor or internal weakness of his. This helps to free him of his burden of self-hatred and heals his emotional scars, leaving him able to love her with passion and commitment.
As for Beth, when we meet her at the beginning of the book, her life is as lonely and emotionally barren as Wrath’s. Having grown up in the foster care system, she has no idea who her parents were and she has no familial support system whatsoever. She’s stuck in a nowhere job. She longs for a relationship but can’t seem to make the right connections with men. She also has no clue that she’s half-vampire. When Wrath enters her life, she’s swept up into a new world that gives her the opportunity to love and be loved as well as to find a family. And through Wrath, she finally gets that critical link to a parent she’s always wanted. She also gets a good dose of excitement and passion.
The secondary romance features Wrath’s shellan, or titular wife, Marissa and a hardened homicide detective. Marissa has loved Wrath for centuries but he’s always been out of her reach emotionally and physically. She’s a gentle soul who’s lonely and she longs for the day when Wrath finally sees all she has to offer. Marissa’s a tricky character to portray. She can’t come across as a doormat because that’s boring. But she needs to be a foil to Wrath’s dark menace and their incompatibility has to be believable.
In the course of the book, Marissa realizes Wrath will never love her and this frees her to find her heart’s other half in Detective Butch O’Neal. Butch is a good man who, not unlike Wrath, can tread the edge of madness when he lets his anger out. His daily life is a bleak stretch of death and red tape and he’s been slowly losing his soul, figuratively speaking, for years. He meets Marissa and her inner purity refreshes him and gives him an optimism about life and love that he’s lost. He also finds the vampire culture to be more compatible with his temperament. The complications inherent in him being a human and Marissa a vampire will only be partially solved by the end of the book. Their future will not be clear.
A note on Wrath’s foes. In large measure, the average vampire in this series (apart from the heroes) simply wants to live in peace and co-exist with humans without being discovered. Vampires have been hunted systematically since the Middle Ages out of intolerance and a lack of understanding over their race’s need to drink blood. Terrible acts of violence have been perpetrated by members of the so-called Lessening Society and vampires have been driven nearly to extinction. A select corps of vampire warriors are the defenders of the race and Wrath is the strongest arm among this band of brothers.
The band of brothers offers avenues for development of a series. Each one of the six of them have a crucial weakness. They have lost family, been betrayed by friends and lovers, suffered and endured great pain. They fight for their race, facing their enemies with courage and skill, but at the end of the night, all but one go home alone. The manner in which love tames a savage beast of man, revealing his caring, nurturing core, is a universal tenet of romance. Each of these men are in need of salvation and deserving of the love they require in order to be healed.
This story is set in a large town in upstate New York that is located on the Hudson River. It’s the beginning of July and the weather is hot with thunderstorms sweeping through the area regularly and marking the nights with lightening flashes and the deep rumbling of thunder. In the book, the interior settings are urban and in large measure gritty: dance clubs; apartments; the police station; a diner; a martial arts academy. The contrast is where Wrath stays. The chamber he uses is housed in a lavish mansion. The exteriors are likewise mostly stark: dark streets; back allies; parking lots; a stretch under a suspension bridge. I believe the sober tone of the book’s scenery sets off the contrast of love’s warmth, comfort and light to its best advantage.
Again, I’m convinced that vampire love stories have the perfect blend of fantasy and romance. The format is elastic enough so that magic and ritual can be present in contemporary settings but the themes are universal and enduring. I am thrilled to be working on this project and excited by the characters and their lives.
And did I mention that the vampires are just plain sexy hot?
Thank you for your consideration.
Beth Randall
Beth Randall is turning twenty-five and unhappy in her life. She was raised in the foster care system and she’s been unable to find any information on either of her parents. The only thing she knows is that her mother died in childbirth. This lack of knowledge has been difficult bear and she feels groundless, wondering if she’ll ever really know who she is. Or where she belongs.
Her job as a reporter is an outlet for her frustrated searching and she takes satisfaction in finding the answers to other people’s lives. She covers the police blotter for the Caldwell Courier Journal and she spends a lot of time down at the station with the cops. A couple of them have asked her out but she’s never been too interested. On the whole, men find her extraordinarily attractive but ultimately they leave her cold. She wonders sometimes if she isn’t a lesbian because she just doesn’t seem too interested in having sex with men. Then again, she isn’t attracted to women, either.
When she looks ahead ten years, she can’t picture anything changing. She sees herself going to work day after day, getting nowhere fast at the paper, and going home to her cat. She longs for family, for love, for connections to people, but she just can’t seem to relate to the men and women around her.
Lately, Beth hasn’t been sleeping well. She’s also been hungry all the time and eating constantly but at least she’s not putting on any weight. She can’t shake the feeling that something bad is about to happen to her and the fact that she has no one who she can really talk to makes her ever present feelings of loneliness all the more acute.
Wrath was born in the 17th century to a pair of adoring parents. His father was the chief of their race and a respected leader. His mother was a kind, compassionate female. Wrath’s birth was celebrated throughout their world as vampires rarely conceive and many of their infants are still born. The race took relief in knowing that their traditions would survive after his father’s death and they intertwined their hopes and dreams with Wrath’s future as chief.
But Wrath was sickly as a child, scrawny as a teenager, and there was concern he wouldn’t survive until his middle twenties when his transition would finally strengthen his body. His eyes were of particular concern as his sight was poor even before he matured. His parents and their servants watched over him constantly and he grew up believing that the world was a safe, orderly place in spite of his health problems.
On the night of the slaughter, no one was prepared for the attack. Vampires had coexisted with humans with few problems up until the late Middle Ages in Europe. With human society fragmented and warring, and communication being limited by geography and language barriers, vampires were able to successfully evade notice. This peaceful era changed with the religious and intellectual developments of the 17th century in human culture. At that time, a secret society was established to hunt vampires down.
Wrath’s parents were tortured and killed in front of him. He survived only because his father forced him into a crawl space and locked him inside just before the attackers came in. Wrath watched the slaughter with horror, and when he was released by the servants the next day, he buried his parents according to custom and vowed revenge. It was a pathetic covenant. With his under-developed body he knew he was no warrior. During the mourning period, as his people came by to pay homage to him as the last surviving member of a pure bloodline and the new chief of their race, he despised himself and his weakness even more.
Wrath set off alone and traveled Europe for three years, trying to find out more about the men who killed his family. He had no money, having left all his worldly goods behind, and with his pitiful body, he had no way to earn from his labor. He was attacked and beaten, mugged, threatened, and left for dead by humans a number of times. Somehow he managed to scrounge by, eating scraps and fetid animal carcasses until he finally found work as a servant.
When his transition hit, it caught him unaware because his parents had sheltered him and not told him what to expect. After drinking from a female vampire who materializes before him, he grows six inches, his muscles develop into rugged flesh, and he finally has the physical force necessary to exercise his vengeance.
Wrath spends the next four hundred years hunting members of the society and being hunted by them. He despises humans both for their cruelty to him before his change and for the fact that their race has spawned the society of vampire hunters. He lives a warrior’s life with few possessions other than his weapons and no ties except to his band of brothers.
Marissa, the female vampire who came to him on the night of his change, was chosen by his parents to be his mate but he has no love in him to give her. He never sees her unless one of them must feed and he knows their relationship is slowly killing her. He’s asked her to find someone else but she’s refused and her loyalty makes him uncomfortable because he knows he hasn’t earned it.
His band of brothers are six other vampires he’s met through the centuries. They fight mostly alone but they share information and coordinate strategy when they need to. He’s aware that the others look to him as their leader because of his bloodline and his strength as a fighter but it’s a position and an adoration he doesn’t want. He prefers the sting of hatred to any warmth and he sees himself not as a hero for defending his race but as someone who’s just marking time until death puts him out of his misery.
Marissa is Wrath’s shellan, or wife, but her gentle nature makes her wholly unsuited for him. As Wrath and her do not share the kind of relationship that most vampires have with their mates, she lives with her brother. She is utterly devoted to Wrath and hopes that someday he will stop fighting and find that he loves her. She’s a virgin, has never even been kissed, and she’s socially isolated. Other males will not approach her out of deference to Wrath and the females pity her. She feels as though she exists in the shadows, watching other people’s lives unfold while her days and nights are stagnated by her paralyzing hope.
Brian “Butch” O’Neal
Butch is a homicide detective who’s strong sense of justice and passion for victim’s rights can at times take his temper over the edge. He’s tough on perps, protective of the innocent, and no one’s fool. He’s a good man but he’s living a hard existence and he’s lost his faith in humanity. His life revolves around his work, he’s never been married, nor has he ever had a meaningful relationship with a woman. He’s very lonely and sometimes he thinks that if he gets killed in the line of duty that’s alright.
Marissa’s brother, Havers, is a vampire physician, a dedicated healer. As Havers and Marissa’s siblings have died of a disease specific to vampires years ago, and their parents are likewise dead, Havers has always looked after her. A year ago, he lost his shellan when she died trying to give birth to their stillborn son. Now, he feels as if his sister is all he has left. He’s compassionate by nature and the pain that Marissa suffers in her relationship with Wrath really upsets him. He wishes that she could find a mate who truly cared for her.
The Band of Brothers
Darius, Tohrment, Rhage, Vishous, Zsadist and Phury are a band of warriors who revere Wrath. They are a deadly group who have sworn their lives to protect their race and they are revered and somewhat feared by other vampires. Darius had an affair with a human woman twenty-five years ago and the woman died in childbirth. He’s lost two sons to his enemies and he’s worried that his half-human daughter, Beth, won’t survive her transition. Tohrment is the only one with a living uta-shellan, or first and only wife, and he worries about the safety of his family. Zsadist has a scar running down his face from having been tortured after his own brother betrayed him. Rhage is fiery in his personality, capable of flying off the handle at any moment, and he loves women. Vishous is the strategist of the group, possessing a frighteningly powerful mind but being haunted by dark visions which often come true. Phury had his children and uta-shellan killed by his enemies fifty years ago and has an artificial leg as a result of a battle injury.
A note on the names. The English words such as rage, fury, vicious, sadist, torment and wrath are derived from the traditional vampire warrior names which came first.
The Lessening Society
The Lessening Society is a totally self-contained, self-supported group of vampire hunters that operates outside of the law. Members of the society, called lessers, are humans who have traded their souls in return for a hundred years of sanctioned killing. They are vicious sociopaths, soulless killers with violent backgrounds or psychiatric pathologies who hunt for pleasure and like to torture. They have a high death rate so there is a constant demand for new society members. These recruits are drawn from a number of arenas, typically self-defense- or sports-related because the society favors the physically strong. In this book, a martial arts academy provides a fertile training and proving ground for new recruits.
Lessers can move around freely during the day. On occasion, they fight with each other over territory. They are physically stronger after their indoctrination and live to be a hundred while showing no signs of aging. They are also impotent and smell a little like baby powder.
Joe Xavier, a.k.a. Mr. X
Mr. X is an up and coming leader in the Lessening Society. He started training in the martial arts when he was in his teens, and when he was indoctrinated as a lesser, he went through a spec ops military program and then returned to the Society. He’s brought a new level of technology and violence to the society’s endeavors.
—Vampires are a completely different species from humans
—They live much longer lives than humans but are not immortal
—At around age 25, they ‘turn’, meaning they must feed from a vampire of the opposite sex to survive
—They will feed from humans but the strength they take from a man or woman doesn’t last long
—After their transition, they are sensitive to light and blinded and burned by the sun
—Vampires can dematerialize at will but only if they are at the height of their strength
—When they dematerialize, they may not take others with them
—Vampires can read emotions in others
—Vampires are able to sense the geographic location of their mate
—Vampires heal quickly but maybe killed by a catastrophic injury
—They reproduce very infrequently and sometimes with humans
—Half-breeds, if they survive the transition, are subject to all of the above
Darius, one of the band of brothers, asks Wrath to meet him out at a Goth bar in downtown called Screamer’s. He knows that Wrath’s unlikely to help his half-human daughter through her transition to a vampire. But Darius is desperate. He loves his daughter and she has a better chance of surviving the transition if she can be with Wrath because his blood is pure. Darius waits for Wrath to arrive, thinking of how much he hopes she’s spared agony of the change and the life of a vampire.
At the same moment, his daughter, Beth Randall, walks home from her job at the local paper down Trade Street. She walks by the bar her father is in. While she’s thinking about the lonely evening ahead, she’s followed by two college boys. At first, she’s not afraid when they approach and start to harass her. But then one of them grabs her and drags her into an alley. She fights but ultimately they pin her against a building behind a dumpster. While one holds her arms, the other rips her shirt off and starts to fondle her. Even though she’s terrified, she forces herself to pretend that she’s willing to have sex with the primary attacker. When he lets his guard down, she strikes him where it hurts most and then knees him in the nose as he doubles over. His friend is so surprised that he doesn’t stop her escape. She runs home.
Back at Screamer’s, Wrath finally appears. As he makes his way to Darius, humans trip over themselves to get out of his way. He takes a seat with Darius and waits for the other vampire to speak. When he hears what Darius wants, he flat out says no. He hates himself for turning his warrior brother down, but he wants no part in the transition of a half breed. That would require a compassion that he just doesn’t have.
Wrath leaves the bar because he has to meet Marissa, his shellan, or female mate. Unlike most vampires, he does not have a sexual relationship with her, they merely feed off each other as they need to. Because he’s consumed with hunting his enemies, there’s no room in his life for. Her brother, Havers, with whom she lives, disapproves of the relationship which was established by Wrath’s parents four centuries ago. So Marissa won’t have to deal with her brother, Wrath frequently meets her in a room in Darius’s mansion.
Wrath is headed for a dark alley to dematerialize to Darius’s when he senses he’s been tracked. It’s a member of the Lessening Society, a group of humans who have sold their souls to become vampire killers. He draws the lesser into the shadows, slits its throat with a martial arts throwing star, and takes its wallet and cell phone. Wrath stabs the lesser through the heart, causing it to disintegrate. Wrath then dematerializes to Darius’s guest chamber. Marissa comes to him and feeds. In their scene, the dynamics of their relationship are very clear. Marissa is very attached to him, hoping that someday he will turn to her and realize that her love is what is missing from his cold, warrior existence. He’s strained by her devotion and loyalty and loathes himself for all he cannot give her. Before he can take her back to her brother’s house, there’s a knock on the chamber door. It’s Darius’s butler. Darius has been killed by a car bomb outside of Screamer’s. Wrath tames his rage so that he can get details and asks Fritz to call the band of brothers together. Before the butler leaves, he gives Wrath an envelope from Darius. When Wrath is alone, he lets out his vengeance, causing a black whirlwind of anger to swirl around him.
When Beth gets home, she takes a forty-five minute shower and finds that though her nerves are shot, her body is recovering. She’s starving. After she eats, she’s sitting with her cat, thinking that she should file a report with the cops, when the phone rings. It’s Jose De La Cruz, one of the policemen who’s taken her under his wing. He tells her about a car bomb that’s just exploded outside a bar downtown. He urges her to be careful when she shows up on the scene because Hard Ass, a.k.a., Homicide Detective Butch O’Neal, is on the case. Though she tries, Beth finds herself unable to talk about what happened for fear of breaking down. She tells Jose she can’t go to the crime scene tonight and has to reassure him that she’s fine when he gets worried about her. After she hangs up, she decides she must make a report after all and heads out, taking pepper spray with her.
The band of brothers show up at Darius’s. Wrath must give the wallet and the cell phone to someone else because he can’t see well enough to go through them. The wallet yields a driver’s license and the cell phone has a call log that one of the brothers says he’ll investigate. The brothers are looking to Wrath for leadership and for once this doesn’t annoy him. He tells them that they are going to go raiding in retaliation. Typically, large scale battles with lessers are to be avoided because the carnage attracts the notice of human police. But Darius’s death can not go un-avenged. The immediate quest for the brothers therefore is to find the nearest Lessening Society training and recruiting facility and take it out. These facilities move often and typically take the form of some kind of legitimate business in the human world as a shield.
When the brothers leave, Wrath takes out Darius’s envelope and opens it. Inside is a sheet of paper and a picture of what appears to be a dark-haired female. Wrath calls Fritz in to read the note to him. Darius has left his mansion, Fritz and his half-breed daughter in Wrath’s care. Wrath curses.
Downtown, Beth arrives at the bomb scene, looking for Jose. She’s not there as a reporter, she’s come to file a report on her attacker so that he can’t hurt some other woman. Jose’s not around but Butch O’Neal comes over, annoyed that she’s arrived on the scene. When he sees her split lip, he pulls her into a quiet corner and demands to know what the hell happened to her face. She prevaricates and asks to talk with Jose. She doesn’t want to relive the trauma of the attack with someone like Hard Ass O’Neal. Butch pressures her and doesn’t back off until she threatens to do an expose on his heavy handed interrogation techniques. He leaves her and she goes back to her apartment in a cab.
An hour or so later, Beth is getting ready for bed when her cat starts acting oddly. He’s pacing in front of the sliding glass door which opens out to the cruddy little courtyard behind her place. A knock on her front door gets her attention. She looks through the peephole and groans. It’s Butch O’Neal. She opens the door and he barges in, looking around and taking a seat. Earlier in the night, Butch responded to a report of a guy down and bleeding in an alley off Trade Street. Putting it all together, he’s deduced that Beth was attacked on her way home and he’s come to try and help.
Outside, in the courtyard, Wrath is in the shadows watching. When Beth opens the sliding door to let some air in, he catches her scent and is enthralled. He also recognizes that the change, her transition, is coming on fast. He overhears her and the cop talking.
When Beth finishes recounting her attack, Butch leaves her place and goes to the local emergency department. He finds her assailant, who’s dressed exactly as she described, and does a hard number on young Billy Riddle. At the end of the meeting, Butch has Billy pinned on the floor of the hospital room and is rubbing the kid’s nose into the linoleum. He arrests Billy.
After the cop leaves Beth’s apartment, Wrath comes into her home. He terrifies her so badly, he’s forced to erase the memory of him from her mind so he can try again. Early in the morning, she wakes up from what she assumes is an awful nightmare, grateful that the horrible night is finally over.
Wrath goes back to Darius’s house and down into the guest chamber. He showers and shaves and then takes out a black marble slab. After pouring pebble-sized, rough cut diamonds onto the platform, he knees on the rocks naked, prepared to observe the death ritual in honor of Darius. He will sit in the position unmoving for the whole day and reflect on the proud warrior who’s now gone. Before Wrath goes into his trance, he thinks of Beth and vows that not only will he protect her, he will help her through her transition.
After Butch books Billy Riddle into holding, he leaves his office, headed for his squalid apartment. On the way out, he meets up with a prostitute named Cherry Pie who’s a regular overnight guest in the women’s holding cell. They talk and go their separate ways. On impulse, Butch heads back to the Screamer’s neighborhood and pulls up in front of another bar. A woman comes out and they drive over to the river, parking underneath the bridge over the Hudson River. While the woman is having sex with him, Butch looks out at the river, thinking how beautiful the sunlight on the water is. When she asks him if he loves her, he says, yeah, sure. He knows she doesn’t care that he’s lying and he feels the desperation of his life intensely.
The next scene features the lesser who set up the bomb under Darius’s car. Mr. X is a martial arts instructor working out of an academy in town. He’s decided that to win the war against the vampires, spec ops techniques should be used and he posts the details of his bombing on a secured Lessening Society website. His good mood lasts all day long. When his four o’clock Kung Fu class arrives, he’s still smiling. He’s about to start his students sparing when one comes in late. It’s Billy Riddle. His nose is bandaged and he has to sit out the session. Mr. X lets Billy lead the class’s warm-up.
Towards the end of the day, Beth goes to the police station. Butch tells her that her attacker’s been sprung on bail. Butch has discovered that Billy has a juvenile record and is the son of a powerful businessman. Beth tells him that she will take the stand and testify if the plea bargaining negotiations fall through. When Butch asks her how she’s doing, she deflects his concern by asking about the bombing. He counters by asking her whether she’s had dinner. She tells him she’s not eating with him but he dangles a detail about the bombing in front of her and walks out of the office. She ends up following him.
Across town in Darius’s mansion, Wrath is getting ready to go out when Marissa materializes in his chamber. She’s sensed his pain over his loss and has come to try and ease his suffering. Caught up in his drive to avenge Darius, and his need to get to Beth to talk to her about her transition, Wrath tells Marissa to go home. He goes to Beth’s apartment, and while he waits in the shadows for her, he reflects on his own transition. This flashback is important to establish one of his essential internal conflicts. Prior to his transition, he was a weakling, incapable of protecting his parents when they were slaughtered by lessers in front of him. After the deaths of his mother and father, he struck out on his own, unable to bare the reverence with which he was held by other vampires solely by the accident of his birth and his pure blood. When he emerged from the change, his body having mutated into a tower of strength, he was on his way to becoming a warrior. But it would be a cold, hard path.
Beth comes home having found dinner with Butch to be surprisingly relaxing. She changes for bed and gets annoyed with her cat who’s back to pacing and purring at the sliding door. She’s about to get in bed when Wrath comes into her home. This time, he’s smoking a drug which has relaxing properties, and as he exhales into the air, Beth finds that she can’t run from him. Her body won’t move. And then she discovers she’s not all that interested in bolting. As he comes up to her, she’s overwhelmed with lust for him. They end up making love and it’s explosive. An important note: the drug Wrath uses has no aphrodisiac properties, it’s just a relaxant and the reader knows this. I thought it would be very unattractive of him to seduce her with some kind of sex drug and take advantage of her.
Across town, Mr. X heads out into the night. He approaches Cherry Pie and they strike up a deal for sex. In a dark alley, she starts to come on to him and he cuts her throat. His plan is to capture a vampire, using her blood as bait. Sure enough one of them, not a solider but a civilian, approaches. Mr. X shoots him with a tranquilizer gun but it has no affect and the vampire turns on him. Mr. X uses a throwing star in the course of their combat. He prevails against the vampire but is disappointed that his plan failed.
Meanwhile, in the basement laboratory under another mansion in town, Marissa’s brother Havers looks up from his work on vampire blood typing. The grandfather clock in the corner has started to chime. It’s time for a meal and Havers goes to his sister’s room. He finds her staring off into the night and her sorrow cuts at his heart. Marissa is incredibly precious to him, especially since his shellan died. He feels as if, because of his sister’s gentle nature, she needs to be with a civilian male who will care for her, not just use her for her blood. He asks her to come down to eat but she declines. He senses that she’s been to see Wrath, even though she just fed the night before. He asks her why she puts herself through this. She tells him it’s fine. Havers counters that Wrath shows her no respect, no doubt forces her to feed in some back alley. That’s not true, she protests. She tells him that they meet at Darius’s a lot of the time because Wrath stays there. You don’t have to do this to yourself, he says. She doesn’t answer him and he leaves her, feeling his own brand of loneliness as he goes down to a sumptuous table and finds himself having another meal by himself.
In her apartment, Beth stirs when she feels something soft on her face. It’s Wrath. He’s running his fingertips over her features, desperately wishing he could see her. He tells her she’s beautiful and for once the comment doesn’t turn her off. Wrath’s cell phone goes off and he leaves the bed. It’s one of the brothers. There’s a number of businesses in the call log of the phone Wrath lifted off the lesser he’d killed the night before. They’re going to go check them out and want Wrath to come in the event they find a facility and all hell breaks loose.
Wrath starts to dress. Beth watches him and is surprised when her cat, Boo, leaps up into his arm and purrs. A low sound comes out of this menacing man as he purrs back. Beth asks what his name is. He tells her and recites his cell phone number, making her repeat it until she remembers it. He tells her he has to go and may not be able to get back to her tonight but she should call him if she gets followed or if she feels afraid at any time. Wrath drops Boo and straps on a shoulder holster. That’s when it hits her. Obviously, Wrath’s been sent by the boys at the police station to protect her. She asks him if Butch sent him. Wrath comes over and sits next to her. He debates telling her it was her father but he has to meet his brothers and doesn’t want to open that issue without having the time to really talk to her. Wrath kisses her and asks her to come to him in the day. He gives her Darius’s address and she agrees to drop by in the morning. He figures that they’ll be able to talk in the chamber and there’ll be time to answer all of her questions then.
After he leaves, she falls asleep, totally sated. She wakes up in the morning, and when she steps out into the sunlight, her eyes ache. She figures it’s a hangover from whatever he was smoking around her. She goes to her office because it’s too early to go see Wrath. She gets a call from Jose. A prostitute was killed in an alley over night. When Beth arrives at the police station, Butch is there and he tells her that there was a throwing star found in the alley, similar to one found around the car bomb. There’s probably some kind of turf war going on between the pimps, he says. They talk a little more and he asks her out to dinner again. She tells him no but thanks him for sending his friend to her. Butch asks what the hell she’s talking about.
Beth leaves, disturbed by the ramifications of what she did the night before. She’s had sex with a total stranger. Who looks like a trained killer. It felt somehow different if Butch or one of the cops was involved and suddenly the idea of going to some address to meet that man strikes her as foolhardy. Just as night is falling, she calls up Butch and asks him if he still wants to have dinner with her. She doesn’t want to be alone and eating with him is better than being jumpy at home.
At Darius’s house, Wrath’s been prowling around his chamber all day long, waiting for Beth to arrive. And his temper was on a short leash before she blew him off. The night before he and his brothers had cased several places including a monastery, a prep school, a martial arts academy, and a meat packing plant. It wasn’t clear that anything suspicious was going on in any of them. They also went through the dead lesser’s apartment, learning nothing.
The moment the sun goes down, Wrath leaves the mansion and goes on the hunt for Beth through the city. He’s aware as he moves around that he feels fatigued but he shrugs off the sensation, consumed with the need to find her. He ends up waiting for her behind her apartment. When Butch pulls up to the front of the building with her, Wrath senses her presence and approaches the car. Butch leans over to kiss Beth just as Wrath looks inside. Even with his poor eyesight, he recognizes what’s happening. His first instinct is to rip the door off, drag the human male out, and bite him. But he controls himself with discipline and sticks to the shadows. Jealousy and possessiveness are two emotions he’s not real familiar with and he’s surprised at the depth of his feelings.
Beth is not attracted to Butch and tells him so. She gets out of the car and walks across the street to the front door of her building. Butch waits to make sure she gets inside safely, but just before he takes off, he sees a giant of a man heading around to the back courtyard. Butch gets out of the car and follows.
When Beth walks in her apartment, Wrath is at her back door. He’s about to enter when Butch cocks his gun and tells him to freeze. Wrath turns and confronts Butch just as Beth opens the door and runs outside. Butch demands that Wrath put his hands on the building and spread his legs. Wrath toys with the idea of killing the cop but he doesn’t want to terrify Beth. Besides, not even Wrath can survive a bullet to the head fired at point blank range. With Beth looking on, Butch pats Wrath down and starts peeling weapons off him. Daggers, blades, and throwing stars get spread out on the picnic table. Butch tries to get Beth to go inside but she won’t leave. He asks what the hell Wrath was doing casing the building. Wrath says he was just out for a walk. Butch presses Wrath into the wall, drags his arms behind him, and puts cuffs on him. Wrath asks what he’s being arrested for and Butch says concealed weapons, trespassing, stalking, and maybe murder. He tells Wrath that throwing stars like his have been found at two murder sites.
As Butch starts to lead Wrath off, Beth wonders if Wrath killed that prostitute after he left her apartment the night before. She just can’t understand how a man can have such different sides. He was so gentle with her when he held her after they’d made love. She jumps in front of the men and demands a chance to talk with Wrath. Butch tells her to go inside and lock her doors. He drags Wrath off with Beth jogging along side. She asks Wrath why he’s come to her. Wrath looks over at her and tells her that her father sent him. She stops, stunned.
Butch puts Wrath in the back of the car and drives him down to the station. Butch keeps an eye on him in the rear view mirror because something tells him that even handcuffed the man is deadly dangerous. They pull up to the back of the station. As Butch gets him out, Wrath steps back into the shadows. Butch is trying to pull him forward when Wrath breaks free of the cuffs like they’re made of twine. Wrath grabs Butch, lifts him off the ground, and holds him against the building. For the first time in his adult life, Butch is sure he’s about to be killed. And how ironic that he can see the window of his office while it’s happening.
Wrath is tempted to end the man’s life but there’s something intriguing about the guy. He’s not terrified as most human males would be. He’s resigned, like he’s looking forward to death, and Wrath sees a little of himself in Butch. Wrath tells Butch that he’s not going to harm Beth. On the contrary, he’s come to save her. At that moment, Beth leaps out of a cab and runs over to them. She tells Wrath to put Butch down. Butch is dropped to the ground, dazed.
Beth is determined to find out about her father and urges Wrath away from the station before Butch regains his wits. She hails a cab and Wrath tells the driver to take them to Darius’s mansion’s neighborhood. He has them dropped off a block or two away and they walk to Darius’s. Fritz, the butler, greets them at the door.
Wrath leads Beth into the drawing room and down to the guest chamber. She’s frightened but determined to learn about her father. Wrath’s bedroom is a foreign place with its spooky black walls and candles but she doesn’t feel as if he presents a danger to her.
Before she can demand that he talk, he starts asking her a bunch of weird questions. Has she been more hungry than usual? Has she been eating a lot but not putting on weight? Are her eyes more sensitive to light? Does she feel achy? Are her front teeth sore? She thinks he’s crazy and asks what any of that has to do with her father.
Wrath takes off his jacket and tosses it on the bed. He paces around before taking her hand and sitting her down on the sofa. He tells her that her father’s name was Darius and that he has recently died. She says that she was told her father died before she was born. Wrath shakes his head and explains that Darius and he have fought together for many years and that her father’s love for her was very strong. She asks why, if her father care for her so much, he never bothered to introduce himself. Wrath doesn’t answer but smoothes back her hair. You’re going to get sick soon, he says softly. You’re going to get sick and you’re going to need me.
Beth loses track of what he’s saying. He’s going on about how he’s going to help her through some kind of illness but she’s only interested in her father. Who was he, she demands. He was as I am, Wrath says. He takes her face in his hands. And slowly opens his mouth.
Beth takes one look at his fangs and pushes him away, horrified. She leaps from the sofa and runs for the stairs. He lets her go, dematerializing to the front of the house just as she bolts out of the door. She takes his appearance in with utter disbelief and veers away wildly. Wrath lets her run her fear out, keeping close behind. When she finally exhausts herself, he picks her up from the ground and holds her as she starts to cry. She just keeps saying, over and over again, that she doesn’t believe him. She just can’t believe him.
Back at the police station, Butch drags himself inside and immediately puts out an APB for Wrath and for Beth. He goes to Beth’s apartment but she’s not around. He goes trolling downtown, but when he can’t find her, he goes back to her apartment.
Wrath carries Beth back to the mansion. Down in the chamber, he draws her against him and holds her. She’s numb but eventually her mind clears enough so that she turns and looks at him. He drops a kiss on her mouth, thinking only that he will soothe her but the flame between them leaps to life. Driven by the insanity of what he’s told her, Beth unleashes her frustration on his body and they make love with an all consuming passion. As Wrath is entering her, he bares his fangs and nearly sinks them into her neck. He comes dangerously close to feeding from her, something that he shouldn’t do because she hasn’t gone through her transition. Feeling his desperation for Beth’s blood and his increasing fatigue, he knows that he’ll have to call on Marissa soon.
The next morning, Butch goes back to the station and is called into the captain’s office. He’s told that he’s being placed on administrative leave for what he did to Billy Riddle. Butch tells his captain that the kid deserved worse. He leaves his badge and his gun and heads out, determined to keep looking for Beth. He calls Jose at home and tells him what happened. He asks if Jose has found anything out about the stars that were picked up at the two crime scenes. Jose tells him he thinks at least one of the weapons was purchased at the local martial arts academy. Butch decides to go over and check the place out.
Back at the mansion, Beth wakes up in Wrath’s arms. He’s been awake and holding her for hours. She asks softly what her father was like. Wrath tells her that Darius was brave and strong, everything a warrior should be. She asks him what it is that he and Darius are fighting against. He tells her about the Lessening Society and its history of hunting vampires. He tells her that her half-brothers were slaughtered by lessers. She asks him who he’s lost and he shares with her the horrible deaths of his parents. She strokes his face and says she’s sorry. His anguish is utterly apparent and so is his self-hatred. When he tells her he blames himself, she helps him see how powerless he was, given his physical stature and the fact that he was locked in by his father. She tells him that no one in that situation could have stopped the deaths. No one.
There’s a knock on the door. Wrath pulls on a robe, puts his sunglasses back on, and answers it. Boo, her cat, bounds through the room and throws himself into her arms. She laughs and hugs him. While she’d been asleep, Wrath had asked the butler to go and get Boo from her apartment.
Wrath thanks the butler and catches sight of her father’s door. When they’re alone, he tells her he wants to show her something and draws her from the bed. He takes her across the hall to Darius’s bedroom. She walks in and is awed by the sight of dozens of photographs of her at various ages. They’re everywhere in beautiful frames. (She finds out later that Fritz the butler had taken them.) She also finds a picture of her mother. Wrath waits by the door as she explores her father’s room. As he watches her, he realizes that he wants to take her as his uta-shellan, his one and only mate. His wife. The thought then occurs to him that she may not survive her transition. He’s filled with a cold dread.
Beth is incredibly touched at both her father’s obvious adoration of her as well as Wrath’s quiet support as she goes through the room. He answers her questions thoughtfully and each bit of information he shares is a precious gift to her. When she finds a diary, she asks him to come over. She can’t read the writing because it’s in a language she doesn’t know. As she holds the journal out to him, she realizes that he’s not even looking at it. She puts the book down and reaches to his face. She slowly takes off his sunglasses. Whenever he’s been without his glasses previously, it’s been dark. Here, in the light from a lamp, she sees that his irises are a pale, milky green, the pupils tiny, unfocused pinpoints. You’re blind, she says softly. Wrath feels an instinctive shame at his disability and tries to push her hands away. He worries that she’ll think he can’t protect her and tells her that he can still take care of her. Somehow, I don’t doubt that at all, she whispers while kissing him.
Out in town, Butch arrives at the martial arts academy and sees Billy Riddle leave. Butch goes inside and talks to one of the instructors, a guy named Joe Xavier. Butch can’t put his finger on it but there’s something not right about the man. Xavier answers his questions about throwing stars and then casually asks Butch who he’s looking for. No one in particular, Butch replies. He asks if Mr. Xavier would mind if he bought one of the stars. They’re not for sale, the man says, but I’ll give you one. Butch takes the star and puts it in his pocket. He leaves and drives over to the newspaper to see if Beth’s come in. No one’s seen her.
Beth leaves the mansion later that day, thinking she should go to work. She stops by her apartment, changes, and heads downtown. When she gets to the paper, her editor demands to know where she’s been. She’s missed two deadlines and he threatens to fire her. She sits down and writes two columns but her mind is really on Wrath. As fantastically unbelievable the story he’s told may be, it somehow makes sense. It explains why she’s always felt so different from the people around her. And how for some reason she’s always felt as if someone was looking over her.
As the sun sets, Wrath calls for Marissa. She arrives in the chamber, pleased that he’s reached out for her because he’s obviously disturbed. On Wrath’s side, his mind is consumed by Beth. He’s worried that she’s out in the city without him, he can’t get the memories of making love to her out of his mind, and he’s petrified of her coming transition. Marissa offers him her wrist but, as Wrath closes his eyes, he sees Beth. In a surge of remembered passion, he goes for Marissa’s neck.
Marissa feels him take her in her artery and she’s shocked. His body is fully aroused as he drags her against him. This is what she’s always waited for and she grabs onto his shoulders, reaching into his mind with hers. She gets a vivid image of the female he’s thinking of and her heart breaks. She finally lets her hope go. She knows that he will never, ever feel this way about her. A tear slips from her eye as he drinks.
Across town, Mr. X sets out in search of another prostitute to use as bait to catch a vampire. This time, he’s brought a net with him that’s strung with silver cording. He kills another woman in an alley, leaving her to bleed out. When a vampire comes by, he traps the male in the net. Mr. X walks over and shoot several darts into the male. When the vampire loses consciousness, Mr. X drags him over to his car and drives him out into the country where Mr. X lives.
Beth walks back to her apartment to pick up some clothes and checks her messages. Butch has called her several times and she’d also heard at work that he’d been trying to find her. She gets him on his cell phone. He tells her to say put because he’s coming over. She’s waiting for him when her stomach starts feeling nauseous. She pops a couple of TUMS but the feeling just gets worse.
Wrath finishes with Marissa, and when he pulls back, she tells him that she’s releasing him of their covenant. He takes her hands in his and tells her he’s sorry. She murmurs that they were a bad match from the beginning. He vows to always protect her but she tells him that she’ll find someone else to do that. She dematerializes.
Wrath goes upstairs and the warrior brothers come to him. While Wrath was with Beth the night before, they were watching the martial arts academy. They noticed a steady stream of lessers going in and out at three a.m. and believe that it is the center.
Meanwhile, Butch arrives at Beth’s apartment and buzzes the intercom. When she doesn’t answer, he goes around to the back. Through the glass door, he sees her laying face down on the floor, curled in a ball. He breaks the glass of a window with the butt of his gun and goes inside. She’s writhing in pain. He starts to call 911 when she stops him. She gives him an address and begs him to take her there. He tells her he’s not taking her anywhere but an emergency room. She grips his arm and drags his face close to hers. She tells him if he wants her to live, he has to take her to Wrath. It all becomes clear to Butch. Wrath has gotten Beth hooked on heroin and she’s in withdrawal. If he takes her to an ER, she could die if she can’t get the drug. He picks her up in his arms and carries her to his car. Driving like a bat out of hell, he goes to Darius’s house.
Wrath and the brothers are in the drawing room when they hear a pounding on the door. Drawing their weapons, they go over in a group. Wrath opens the door. Butch barges inside with Beth in his arms. Wrath takes her from him as the brothers watch in astonishment. He carries her as if she is utterly precious and disappears into the drawing room.
Across town, Marissa has returned to her room and crawls into her bed. When her brother comes up later, in hopes of bringing her out to a party, he looks in horror at the fresh wounds on her neck and the bruising of her pale skin. Havers is consumed with rage at Wrath. He goes into his laboratory, convinced he has to do something.
Back at Darius’s, Wrath lays Beth gently on the bed in the chamber. She’s suffering and his hand shakes as he takes out his dagger. He makes a move toward his wrist but stops because he wants to hold her close when she drinks. He makes a small cut in his neck and picks her up, cradling her. As she drinks from him, he rocks her back and forth, ancient prayers he thought he’d forgotten falling out of his lips.
Upstairs, the brothers circle Butch. Butch is distraught about Beth, tired of dealing with drug pushers and their carnage, disillusioned about his job. When one of the brothers pauses in front of him, Butch lets his rage out, taking the larger man down to the floor. In a matter of moments, Butch is flat on his back, totally pinned, with an elbow crushing his wind pipe. The guy sitting on his chest is smiling tightly and commenting to the others that he kind of likes Butch. Just as Butch is about to pass out, one of them comes forward and pulls the man off him.
Butch looks up at his savior while he gasps for breath. The man staring down at him has a scar running over his cheek and the deadliest eyes Butch has ever seen. This is really it, Butch thinks. This time he’s finally going to die. But instead of killing Butch, the man pronounces that they will wait for Wrath before deciding what to do. At that moment, a butler dressed in black livery bustles in with some hors d’oeuvres. Butch can’t believe his eyes. The guy passes a silver tray around and then tells the men that if they’re going to do any killing, would they please be so kind as take their business out into the backyard?
Down in the chamber, Beth finishes drinking and Wrath holds her through the pain. At one point, he’s convinced she’s dying but she pulls through. Two hours before dawn, the agony finally relents and she falls asleep.
Upstairs, Butch is stripped of his jacket and his captors go through his pockets and find the throwing star. You have a background in martial arts, one of them asks. Butch tells him no. So what are you doing with this is, comes the next question. It’s a friend’s, Butch replies. They ask him some questions about the marital arts academy in town. For some crazy reason, he almost thinks that they’re all after the same thing: the man who set the car bomb and might be killing prostitutes. The butler interrupts with an announcement that dinner is served. While the other men start to head out of the room, the one with the scar hangs back and tells Butch that he’s welcome to try and escape. The front door’s unlocked. But if Butch leaves, the man’s going to hunt him down like a dog and kill him in the street. When Butch is alone in the drawing room, he considers his options. He’s worried about Beth and decides, Scar Face’s threat not withstanding, he will not leave.
In her bedroom across town, Marissa rolls over fitfully. She feels weird and it takes her a while to realize she’s mad. No, she’s beyond mad. She’s way into fury. She throws the sheets back and dematerializes. She figures that Wrath will be coming back home soon so she reappears in Darius’s drawing room. She’s tired of hiding herself away with Wrath and hopes his warriors are with him when he returns. She wants to tell him off in front of an audience.
Butch is walking around the drawing room, pausing to look at the antiques and thinking that drug dealers end up with way too much money, when suddenly, there’s a woman in front of him. He feels his breath catch. She’s so ethereally beautiful, he almost forgets how to breathe. She has a delicate face, bright green eyes, and cascades of blond waves falling her back. She’s dressed in some kind of flowing white gown or robe. With a knee jerk protective instinct, Butch looks out in the hall, thinking he should take her away. He can’t imagine what a delicate beauty like her would be doing with a group of rough neck thugs like that. She’s so pure, he thinks. She’s so utterly pure.
Marissa is surprised at what’s in front of her. It’s a human. In Wrath’s house. And the man is staring at her as if he’s seen a ghost. He clears his throat and sticks out his hand. Then he withdraws it and wipes his palm vigorously on the seat of his jeans. He puts the hand out again and introduces himself as Butch O’Neal. She considers the palm he’s offered her but takes a step back. He drops his hand and just keeps staring at her. What are you looking at, she asks, bringing the lapels of her gown closer. She wonders if maybe he senses she’s a vampire and is disgusted by her. A flush hits his cheeks and he laughs awkwardly. He apologizes and says she’s probably sick of men laying eyes on her. She shakes her head. No males ever look at me, she murmurs. To herself, she thinks that this was one of the hardest parts of being Wrath’s shellan. No males and few females would even meet her in the eye for fear of what Wrath might do. God, if they’d all only known how little she’d been wanted.
The human takes a step closer. I can’t imagine the men don’t stare, he says. He smiles at her and his eyes, they’re so warm, she thinks. She’s heard so many stories about humans. How they hate her race, would burn her kind at the stake if they could. This one doesn’t seem violent, though, at least not towards her. What’s your name, he asks. She tells him and then he wants to know if she lives in the house. She shakes her head.
Butch cannot take his eyes away from her. He knows he’s behaving like a perfect ass but he really wants to reach out and touch her, just to make sure she’s real. Would you mind—he shuts his mouth. What, she prompts. May I touch your hair, he whispers. She seems shocked and then a look of determination crosses her face. She takes a step towards him and he loves the way she smells. Like clean air. She tilts her head down and one long lock of her hair falls forward. Butch takes the silken strands between his fingers. Soft, he thinks. So soft.
Marissa closes her eyes as his hand grows a little bolder. She feels the touch of his fingertips on her cheek and instinctively she turns her face into his palm. Her body starts to feel warm and time seems to slow. She’s confused by the change in herself, a little frightened of the attention of this male. But she likes it. She likes the way he’s looking at her.
Back at his home, Havers has spent the night pacing in the garden. He knows how to take Wrath out of his sister’s life but the method goes against his principles and his commitment to his race as a healer. Unsure, he goes up to her bedroom. When he finds she’s gone again, he makes up his mind. He dematerializes and projects himself to a retched part of the city. Dressed in his expensive clothes, he looks totally out of place among the leather and chain set downtown. He begins to pace the streets and alleys.
With Beth sleeping soundly, Wrath leaves her to go talk with the brothers. When he pushes open the painting and steps into the drawing room, he sees Butch and Marissa standing close together. Wrath is astounded at the attraction he senses between them. It’s on both sides. Before he can say anything, Rhage comes in from the dining room, a dagger in his hand. He’s heading for Butch, having obviously seen the same thing Wrath has and believing that Marissa is still Wrath’s shellan. Wrath’s commanding voice pulls Rhage, Butch and Marissa up short. Wrath notes with approval the way Butch instinctively protects Marissa with his body. Rhage smiles and tosses the dagger over to Wrath, obviously assuming Wrath wants to kill the human. Relax, Rhage, Wrath mutters. And leave us.
Butch looks up at the bigger man, thinking about Beth and now also worried about the blonde woman behind him. He feels a movement and realizes that Marissa is actually putting herself between him and the drug dealer. As if she could protect him. Butch starts to protest when Marissa speaks sharply in a language he doesn’t recognize. She and the dealer talk for a moment and then the dealer actually smiles. He walks over and kisses Marissa on the cheek. And then with a quick movement, the dealer reaches around her body and grabs Butch around the neck. From behind his sunglasses, the man’s shooting a glare right into the back of Butch’s skull. Marissa starts to push at the dealer’s chest but she gets nowhere. The dealer then smiles tightly and whispers in Butch’s ear, she’s intrigued by you. I don’t disapprove. But hurt her and I’ll- Butch cuts the man off, tired of having people vow to kill him. Yeah, yeah, I know, he mutters. You’ll bite my head off and leave me in the street to die. The dealer’s lips open as he grins and Butch frowns. There’s something wrong with the guy’s teeth, he thinks.
Beth stirs, feeling stiff. She reaches out for Wrath, and when he’s not there, she opens her eyes. Her sight is still with her. She gets up, looks down at her body. It feels the same. She does a little jig. Works the same, too. She dresses in a black robe which smells like Wrath and goes upstairs. She notices on the way up that she’s not breathless at all from the exertion. Which is a bonus, she thinks. Maybe there are benefits to the whole vampire thing.
When she gets to the top of the stairs, it takes her a minute to figure out how to push the secret door open. And then she steps into the drawing room. Butch is there with a gorgeous blonde woman. The two of them are sitting on the couch and both look up. Butch comes over to Beth and gives her a hug. Beth can feel the blonde watching her closely, as if the woman’s measuring every inch of her. There’s no hostility in the blonde’s eyes, though. Just curiosity and something oddly close to awe. Butch introduces the two of them, and when Beth asks where Wrath is, he tells her he’s in the dining room.
Beth walks across the hall and her feet slow when she sees a group of deadly looking men sitting around a table with china on it. The scene is totally incongruous. All these hard ass guys in leather eating with silver. Then she sees Wrath. He’s sitting at the head of the table. The moment he sees her in the doorway, he rushes over to her. He takes her into his arms and gently kisses her. Beth is dimly aware that all conversation in the room has ceased and that the other men are staring at her. Wrath asks her softly how she’s feeling and it takes her a little time to reassure him. He asks if she’s hungry and she says she has the oddest craving for chocolate and bacon. He smiles and tells her he’ll bring her some of both from the kitchen. He pulls back and then seems to realize he needs to introduce her. Wrath points at the men around the table, telling her their names and then introducing her. After saying her name, he uses a word she doesn’t recognize and then heads for the kitchen.
Beth watches him go and then there’s a rush of sound in the room as the men push their chairs back and stand up in a group. Daggers appear in their hands and they start for her, moving with purpose. She panics and backs into a corner. Just as she’s about to yell for Wrath, the men drop to one knee in a circle around her, bow their heads to her, and thrust their daggers into the floorboards at her feet. The handles wobble from the force, the blades flashing in the candlelight. Umm, nice to meet you, too, she says lamely. The men look up at the sound of her voice. Their harsh faces are reverent, their eyes shining with adoration.
In the bad part of town, Havers is sensing the coming dawn and worried that he’ll lose his resolve when a lesser finally starts to track him. Just as the lesser is about to attack, Havers stops him by offering information on a great vampire warrior. The lesser pauses. Havers points out reasonably that he’s small potatoes. If the lesser wants to take down a real vampire, he should get reinforcements and go across town. Havers gives the address of Darius’s home, where he knows Marissa has been meeting Wrath.
Meanwhile, back in the drawing room, Butch and Marissa are talking when she says that she has to go. Why, he asks. And where? When can I see you again? She says she doesn’t know. Can they have lunch? Dinner? What are you doing tomorrow night, he asks. Marissa smiles a little. It feels kind of funny to be pursued. She likes it. She considers the options for places to meet and finds, oddly enough, that seeing the human at Darius’s house feels right. She tells Butch that she’ll meet him the following night. He then offers to give her a ride home. She says that she’ll take herself home. She stands up, and forgetting that he’s a human, dematerializes in front of him.
Butch leaps up from the sofa. He looks around. Rushes forward to feel the air where she’d stood. He puts his head in his hands and decides he’s losing his mind. At that moment, Wrath and Beth appear in the doorway. Butch wheels around, stuttering. Beth smiles at him and steps forward, taking his hand. Butch, I’ve got some things to tell you, she says.
As the sun rises, Mr. X opens up the martial arts academy. He’s still not where he wants to be with the capturing of vampires. The one he caught last night died too fast. Mr. X signs on to the internet and there’s a posting for him. It’s from a Mr. C. Mr. X calls the other lesser, and when he hangs up the phone, he’s grinning. At that moment, Billy Riddle walks into his office. Billy tells him that he’s considered his offer and he wants to come on board. Mr. X gets up and puts his arm around the boy. Perfect timing, he says. I could use some help with a new job. Billy asks if they’ll go out tonight. Mr. X shakes his head. Tonight, we’re going to have to initiate you, son. Then you can go hunting.
That afternoon, Beth wakes up in Wrath’s arms to find him staring down at her with a grave face. What’s wrong, she asks. He kisses her softly. He tells her he loves her. He wants to be her protector. Her warrior. He wants to be with her for the rest of their lives. She wraps her arms around him and tells him that’s exactly what she has in mind. He grins and says that they will have the ceremony as soon as the sun falls. We’re getting married, she asks. He nods and tells her he’ll have Tohrment’s shellan Wellsie bring a dress for her. Beth tells him she loves him and they make love.
That night, the brothers assemble at the mansion. Beth meets Wellsie, a gorgeous red head, and likes her immediately. Marissa shows up and Beth is amused at how Hard Ass seems to have a bad case of love at first sight for the delicate blonde. Wrath decides to have the ceremony down in his chamber and the men work to clear the room of furniture. Beth and Wellsie help Fritz get the food ready and Beth marvels at how natural everything feels to her. She feels as though she belongs with these people, even if their ways are a little strange. She’s carrying a roast beef out to the dining room table when she sees Fritz pouring a big bag of Morton’s salt into a silver dish. She’s about to ask him what it’s for when Wellsie says it’s time to get changed. The men are ready downstairs.
Beth changes into a long white dress and follows Wellsie down the stairs into the earth. When she walks into the chamber, she sees Wrath dressed in a black satin robe and pants. The men are lined up in a row, wearing similar clothes with nasty looking daggers hanging off jeweled belts. Butch and Marissa are also there as is Fritz, the butler. Wrath smiles at her from behind his sunglasses. Tohrment approaches her. We’re going to do as much of this in English as we can so you’ll understand. She nods. He calls Wrath forward and addresses her. This male asks that you accept him as your hellren, Tohrment says. Would you have him as your own if he is worthy? Yes, she says, smiling at Wrath. Tohrment addresses Wrath. This female will consider you’re proposal. Will you prove yourself for her? I will, Wrath says. Will you sacrifice yourself for her? I will, Wrath repeats. Will you defend her against those who would hurt her? I will, Wrath repeats. Tohrment steps back, smiling. Wrath takes her into his arms and kisses her. Beth wraps her arms around him and feels as if she’s come home.
But then Wrath steps back. He undoes the sash of his robe and takes it off, revealing his bare torso. Wellsie comes up behind Beth and holds her hand. It’s going to be okay, Wellsie whispers. Just breathe with me and don’t worry. Beth looks around in alarm as Wrath removes his sunglasses and kneels in front of his men. Fritz brings forward a small table with a pitcher and the silver bowl she saw him filling upstairs.
Tohrment stands before Wrath. What is the name of your shellan? She is called Elizabeth, Wrath says. Tohrment unsheathes his dagger and bends over Wrath’s bare back. Beth gasps and lunges forward but Wellsie holds her in place. You’re marrying a warrior, Wellsie whispers. This is how they do things. But it’s wrong, Beth exclaims. I don’t want him to- Wellsie cuts her off. Let him have his honor in front of his brothers, she says urgently. He’s giving his body to you. It’s yours now. Beth struggles, repeating that he doesn’t need to do this to prove himself to her. But this is who he is, Wellsie says. Do you love him? Yes, Beth says, closing her eyes. Then you have to accept his ways, Wellsie replies.
One by one, Wrath’s men step forward and ask him the same question before unsheathing their dagger and bending over his back. When they are finished, Tohrment takes the bowl of salt and pours it into the pitcher. He rinses Wrath’s back off and then dries his skin with a pristine white cloth. Tohrment takes the cloth, rolls it up, and puts it into an ornate box. He stands over Wrath. Rise, my lord, he commands. Wrath stands up and Beth sees a pattern on his back, running across his shoulders. Tohrment gives Wrath the box and says, take this to your shellan as a symbol of your strength and your bravery, so she will know that you are worthy of her and that your body is now hers to command.
Wrath turns and crosses the room. Beth anxiously scans his face. He seems perfectly fine. In fact, he’s positively glowing with love, his pale, blind eyes sparkling. He drops to his knees, bows his head, and holds up the box. Will you take me as your own, he asks. Hands shaking, she accepts the box and is relieved when he stands up and puts his arms around her. She holds onto him tightly as the others break into cheers and applause. Can we not do that again, she whispers. He laughs and says she better brace herself if they have children.
The celebrations last throughout the night and Butch and Marissa spend time talking. As dawn approaches, they are upstairs in the house, looking around. Marissa turns and says she must go. She’s grown more relaxed with the human and she thinks he is very attractive. Butch approaches her slowly. He seems terribly serious. All night long she’s had the sense that he’s working hard to make her feel comfortable. The shift in him intrigues her. What’s the matter, she asks. I want to kiss you, he says in a low voice. She senses both his desire and his restraint. Anxious but not scared, she steps forward and feels his hands land softly on her shoulders. His lips are soft and gentle as they brush against hers. She closes her eyes and leans into him. A sound, something like a growl of satisfaction, rumbles through his chest. He deepens the kiss, his tongue sliding inside her mouth and stroking hers. His hands are warm on her waist, his heart a steady, surging beat against hers, his body stirring wildly but held firmly in check. He pulls back, eyes scanning her face as if he’s afraid he’s come on too strong. Was that alright, he asks softly. She smiles. It was beautiful, she says. A female couldn’t ask for a better first kiss. Butch’s eyes flare in surprise. Marissa puts her hands on his face. Let’s do it again, she says, drawing him down to her.
Beth and Wrath spending the following day sleeping after their furniture is put back in order. After the sun goes down that evening, Wrath and the brothers talk with Butch who tells them what he knows about the martial arts academy which isn’t much. The decision is made that the brothers will go out in a group, infiltrate the place, and go on the offensive. At Wrath’s request, Butch agrees to stay home with Beth and guard her. Wrath tells Beth that he’s just going out to take care of some business. He doesn’t want to worry her but she’s no fool. As the men arm themselves, she tries to keep Wrath home. What can be so important, she demands. It’s about your father’s death, he says. We need to find out who did it. Your father deserves to be avenged. Beth finally lets him go, feeling uneasy.
Out in the suburbs, Mr. X and Billy, who’s now known as Mr. R, leave Mr. X’s farmhouse. Mr. C doesn’t show because he’s been killed by another lesser in a fight over territory. Their plan is to stake out Darius’s house and wait for the legendary warrior vampire who’s taken up residence there to return at dawn. Mr. X has brought the net and the darts. He finds it ironic that the house of the warrior he blew up is where he’s going. He’d assumed that because the vampire who’d owned it had been killed, no other vampire would stay there because the place is hot. When they arrive, they scope out the mansion. They sense that the warrior vampires have left but there appears to be at least one female in there.
Inside, Marissa arrives and she and Butch sit with Beth. Beth feels like a third wheel and begs them to go upstairs. She’ll be fine. Butch thinks it over, and after checking the windows and doors and activating the security system, he allows as how he and Marissa will go into the living room across the hall. That’s as far as he’s willing to compromise. Beth curls up on the couch in the drawing room.
Mr. R trains his binoculars on the house and sees Beth. I’m going to really take that bitch down this time, he says to Mr. X. I want to beat her until she bleeds. Mr. X considers him thoughtfully and suggests a change in plan. How would you like to get her right now, he asks Mr. R.
Beth hears something hit the window. She goes over and looks out. There’s no one there. A moment later, an explosion racks the mansion. She’s thrown against the wall. As Butch runs into the room, two men come through the hole where the window used to be. One of them calmly shoots Butch. And the other is Billy Riddle.
Wrath and the brothers are battling with lessers inside the martial arts academy when he gets a terrible feeling in the center of the chest. He pulls out of the battle as soon as he can and flashes to the mansion. He finds chaos. Butch is down, the security system is going off, Marissa is hysterical, and Beth is gone.
Mr. X and Mr. R arrive at the farmhouse with Beth, having tied her hands and legs together. Mr. X is happy about the unexpected direction things have taken. Given that she’s a female, she offers certain new avenues for torture. Besides, the warrior will come after her. She’s obviously either his wife or his girlfriend or his sister. So it’s a win/win. Two for one. They take her inside.
Because Beth has fed from him, Wrath is able to sense where she is and he materializes in front of the farmhouse. Breaking through the door, he takes both lessers on in a ferocious fight. Beth works herself free of her holds, and with a physical strength she’s never had before, she attacks Billy Riddle. She slams him down and when Wrath throws a dagger at her, she stabs Billy and he disintegrates. Although Wrath prevails with Mr. X, Wrath is critically wounded. Beth rushes to his side. Using Wrath’s phone, she frantically calls Butch’s cell phone, hoping someone will answer it.
Marissa picks up. When she hears what’s happened to Wrath, Marissa, who’s already called upon her brother to help treat Butch’s wound, demands that Havers go to Wrath. As her brother refuses to meet her eyes, she has a terrible suspicion that he had something to do with the attack. Filled with rage, she confronts him and demands that he help Wrath. Havers, who’s been conflicted all along with his course of action, admits his culpability and flashes out to the farmhouse. It’s clear that Wrath is close to death and the only hope is for him to feed. Havers begins to role up his sleeve when Beth pushes him out of the way. Use your wrist, Havers tells her. Wrath eventually takes Beth’s blood and stabilizes enough for them to get into a car. They have to drive him because he’s unable to project himself. Darius’s place is too dangerous to stay in and dawn is coming. They decide to go Havers’s house. It takes both of them to carry Wrath down to the laboratory.
After a long day of anxious waiting, Wrath comes around. As Beth holds him and cries, he hates his life as a warrior for the first time. With Beth now being his wife, he doesn’t want her exposed to the violence. They hold each other until Havers comes into the lab with Marissa. Havers looks agonized and he admits to Wrath what he did. He volunteers to let Wrath take his revenge in a ritual that will result in Havers’s death. Wrath tells him, no. They’re even now, for what Wrath did to Marissa all those years.
When the brothers show up at Havers’s, Wrath and Beth accept an invitation to go to Tohrment and Wellsie’s while Wrath finishes recovering. Wrath is still too weak to dematerialize himself so Beth, Butch and Marissa decide to drive him west. As they get on the highway, Beth smiles at her vampire husband, thinking that she asked for an adventure. And boy did she ever get one.
A month later, at Tohrment and Wellsie’s ranch in Colorado, the brothers are in the war room getting ready to go out hunting. Wrath has taken up the role as leader of the brothers and he’s accepted his position as the Chief of his race. Vampires have started coming to him, asking him to resolve disputes and bless their children, traditional duties of the Chief that have been missing since the death of Wrath’s father. Beth is adjusting to her role as the chief’s uta-shellan. Butch and Marissa are happy but struggling with the implications of his mortality.
As the brothers ready themselves to go out, Wrath frowns as he sees Beth strap on a dagger. What are you doing, he asks. I’m coming with you, she says. Why, he demands. To fight, she replies. Oh, no, you’re not, Wrath counters, because I forbid you from warring. Beth kicks up her chin. Excuse me? You forbid me, she says. As the two of them square off, the brothers quickly file out of the room.
On the other side of the door, the brothers listen to muffled, angry voices. So who do you think’s going to win this one, Tohrment asks. The brothers make their wagers. The door opens. Wrath walks out looking fierce, pulling his leather jacket on. A moment later, Beth appears, wearing two guns and a dagger. She’s smiling. As the brothers laugh, Wrath puts his arm around Beth and kisses her. None of you look too surprised, he says to his brothers. Yeah, Tohrment replies. We all bet on her.
Together, Wrath and Beth disappear into the night.
Deleted Scenes
The vast majority of things I see in my head get used in the books—which is why the Brotherhood novels are so long! And most of the time, if I do take something out, I use it elsewhere. However, there are some scenes that I have set aside, and I’ve included some below with commentary.
I trimmed this out of the beginning of Lover Awakened, due to length issues. I really like the scene and wish I could have taken it further, as it was the beginning of an entire subplot involving the trainees. Reading it again, I’m reminded of how far John has come—at this point in the series, he was just starting to meet all the Brothers and had a lot to learn about his new world.
Standing in the training center’s gym, waiting shoulder-to-shoulder with the other trainees for the next jujitsu position command, John was beat. His brain was blank-slate exhausted, his body aching. He felt like he’d been picked clean and left for dead.
Okay, so that was a little melodramatic. But not by much.
Class had started as usual at four in the afternoon, but they’d had to make up for the time they’d lost the night before. So instead of ending at ten o’clock, it was now two a.m. and they were still being put through their paces.
The othe