Narthang Bulletin

No.4 October 1992



NB is the only Buddist monthly on the territory of the former USSR. It is published by the Russian branch of the Narthang Publications, belonging to the Department of Information and International Relations of H.H. the Dalai Lama.

Any communications (up to 100 words) of Buddhist groups and organizations subscribed to the Bulletin are published by NB free. The same applies to information on new publications on Buddhism sent to the Bulletin. Full responsibility for the accuracy of information rests with its authors.

Buddhist groups of all denominations are welcome to inform about themselves, their achievements and problems.

Editor-in-chief Dr.A.A.Terentyev, Managing editor Dr.A.A.Diuranov. Address: Dr.A.A.Diuranov, P.O. Box 627, St-Petersburg, Russia, 190000; Tel: (812)-312-04-71, Fax: (812)-272-79-68 (A.A.Terentyev.) (c) Narthang publications. Price $ 2 for oversea subscribers includes air mail. Subscription applications for 1993 are accepted.

I. H.H. the Dalai Lama

As you know already from NB No.3, H.H. was in Russia from 13 up to 26 September. We reported on the Kalmyk part of his visit. He left Kalmykia on September 18 and on the same day left for Kyzyl (Tuva). The President of Tuva and the Chairman of Parliament met Him at the airport. The people were kneeling along the entire way from the airport to the residence. Around 50000 came to greet the Dalai Lama at the central square of the capital. During the ceremony H.H. consecrated the new Tuvinian flag. At the same day He had official meeting with President and Chairman of Parliament.

Next day H.H. gave Teaching at the central square whereby dozen of thousands of believers (including policemen and security) kneeled to take the laymen vows and to give birth to Bodhichitta. Next day President reported that there were no serious crimes in the city (what is quite unusual for Kyzyl).

On 21. of September H.H. flied by helicopter to Shagonar and to Chadan, where He gave a teaching to maybe 50000 people and visited the impressive ruins of the main Tuvinian Buddhist temple (the other 30 monasteries left no traces after their destruction).

On the 22. the Tibetan-Tuvinian documents on collaboration in the sphere of culture, religion and health were signed and H.H. left for Buryatia.

At the airport of Ulan-Ude H.H. was greated by the president of the republic, by the Indian ambassador in Mongolia Ven.Kushok Bakula Rinpoche and others. Next morning He visited Ivolginsky Datsan and The Institute of Buddhism recently organized by the Central Buddhist Board of Russia (i.e. Buryatia). On the 24 H.H. visited by helicopter the birthplace of Ngawan Dorjiev and repeated His intention to erect a big stupa at that place. On the same day H.H. attended the lunch given in His honour by the Parliament and gave a lecture at Buryat branch of Novosibirsk University. There, as in Kalmykia He was presented with a diploma of honorary professor. After the university H.H. met the people of Ulan-Ude in the building of Drama theater.

On September 25th H.H. left for Moscow and before departure by Air India on 26th He met local Buddhists in the hall of Moscow University and also had a brief meeting with businessmen.

II. Visits.

On October 7, 1992 St.Petersburg was visited by representatives of international Buddhist organization "Fo Kuang" ("Buddha's Light") Ven. monk Hui-ch'un and solicitor Ts'ao Yungshan ("Fo Kuang" Chief Executive) both from Taiwan. The purpose of their visit was the acquaintance with the Buddhist movement of St.Petersburg and the situation with Buddhist studies here because of establishing of the St.Petersburg Fo Kuang Society and the preparatory work for its registration. The establishers of this Society are members of the Far Eastern Mahayana Buddhism Philosophy & Psychology Research Center (St.Petersburg University), members of Ch'an (Zen) Buddhist community "Torch of Dharma" and representatives of "Andreyev & Sons" publishers.

"Fo Kuang" Society was firstly established in Taiwan (at the beginning of 60-ies) by Buddhist Master Ven.Shih Hsing-yun for Buddhist educational, scholarly, social and other beneficial activities. Later "Fo Kuang" Society were also established in another 52 countries. In spring of 1992 these local societies were unified into "Buddha's Light International Society" (BLIS), the center of which is in Los-Angeles, U.S.A.

In St.-Petersburg Ven. Hui-ch'un and Mr.Ts'ao Yungshan visited the Department of Philosophy of University, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Russia (St.Petersburg branch) and St.Petersburg Buddhist temple. At the conference hall of the Central Bookstore "Dom Knigi" there did take place their meeting with the organizers of St.Petersburg "Fo Kuang" Society and with members of the community "Torch of Dharma". The subjects of discussion were organizational questions connected with registration of the society and its entering the BLIS. Some instructions in Dharma were also given.


III. News from Communities.

1. The Buddhist Institute and Russian Monks.

The higher Buddhist school is opened in Buryatia by the Central Buddhist Board. It has around 120 students and teachers. The teaching is carried out in Buryat language, but there is a group of 17 Russian-speaking students who are taught separately in Russian. There is a faculty of Tibetan medicine within the School where 40 students are educated.

The education is free and students receive small scholarship from the Buddhist Board or their own communities. The teaching program is not finalized yet, but it is decided that all students shall be ordained. The first group of 15 students took monk vows this July. 4 Russian-speaking persons were in that group: two from Ukraine, one from Uzbekistan and one from Vladivostok city.

The fact that there were ordained into Tibetan Buddhist Tradition people, not belonging to such classic Buddhist nations as Buryat, Kalmyk or Tuvinians, seems to be very important, marks the new stage of development of Buddhism on Russia. Before we had only two nontraditional monks from Baltics: the legendary Karl-August Tennison ordained in Transbaikalia at the end of XIX century and his pupil Fridrich Lustig.


2. Photo: The building of Great Stupa in Kizhinga today.

3. On the 24th of September 1992 Drikung Kagyu Dharma Chakra Center was registered in Riga. The Head of the Tradition is H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche - the 37th Head of the School. The Center's spiritual leader is Nuba Konchok Tenzin Rinpoche. The founder of the Center Ven.Lamchen Gyalno Rinpoche, having headquarters at Taiwan.

The principal direction of the spiritual activities is the practice of Tibetan Buddhism. The Center will publish books, collaborate with Buddhist organizations, make charitable work.

Address: Riga, Valdekyu 53-187.

4. Tibet Information Center in St.Petersburg.

On the 9th of October the second meeting of the society of Friends of Tibet was held at the conference Hall of the Public Library named after Saltykov-Shchedrin. The main event on the agenda was a demonstration of the documentary "Compassion in Exile" about His Holiness the Dalai Lama by the American producer Mickey Lemke. The Dalai Lama's Representative in Russia Dr. Nawang Rabgyal was present at the meeting and answered numerous questions, having come to the city on this specific purpose. Dr. Rabgyal has also visited the Buddhist House, the St.Petersburg Buddhist Temple and the memorial flat of the Russian traveller P.K.Kozlov, where the Tibet Information Center is set up by the Society of Friends of Tibet. Its address is: Smolny pr., 6, apt. 32, tel.110-03-50. Various books, albums, printed, audio and video materials about Tibet, its history, geography, spiritual culture and contemporary status are collected here. The materials are still being gathered, and any help in this matter will be accepted with sincere gratitude. The Center is open for everyone interested in Tibet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 A.M. till 4 P.M. Also several books about Tibet and Tibetan Buddhist culture in Russian are on sale here, in particular, the autobiography of His Holiness Dalai Lama "Freedom in Exile". Here in the Center we will be glad to answer your questions on Tibet and, if necessary, to help you establish contacts with the Tibetans and the cabinet of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, or with support groups for Tibet in other countries.


IV. International Information.

1. The Berlin Congress of European Buddhist Union.

23-27 of September 1992 the session of the European Buddhist Union took place in Berlin. The members from many countries including Russia attended and had lots of fruitful discussion and meetings with Buddhist Masters of different Buddhist traditions. The materials of the Congress must be available at EBU.

2. The Dalai Lama. Message. (May 25, 1992).

My experience of the oppression suffered by Buddhists in Tibet brings me in close communion with the sufferings of Buddhists in Vietnam, and in particular with the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam.

The world today is on the brink of a new era of dialogue, understanding and cooperation, heralding the message of compassion and tolerance preached by the Buddha over 2536 years ago. I pray that the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam will follow the world's evolution by ending all violations of human rights, and restoring the religious freedom to Buddhists in Vietnam.

Just as the boat must have a helmsman, so the Buddhist community must have its leaders. I am saddened to see that five important leaders of the Unified Buddhist Church in Vietnam are in prison or under house arrest. This means they are not free to bring their followers the spiritual and moral guidance so badly need.

I wholly support the efforts of the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights on behalf of these eminent monks, namely Thich HUYEN QUANG, Thich QUANG DO, Thich DUC NHUAN, Thich TUESY and Thich TRISIEU (Le Manh That).

I appeal to the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to release these five monks without delay. Through this gesture, the Government will lay the foundations for coexistence in harmony and concord.

V. Literature (in Russian).

1. In September the publishing house Narthang has issued the autobiography of H.H. the XIVth Dalai Lama "Freedom in Exile". For the first time this book was published at the end of 1990 and since was translated into scores of languages. (price $4).

2. We distribute the Russian translation of "The Buddhism of Tibet" by H.H. (price $2).

3. Also we distribute the book by A.Berzin "The Tibetan Buddhism: History and Prospects". (price $1).

4. In November we intend to publish the course of lectures by the same author under the title "Outlines of Buddhist Practice" (price $2).

5. We can send to our subscribers the illustrated publication "The Story of Buddha" (for children) by H.Saddhatissa, the late President of "Mahabodhi" Society and Head of London Buddhist Vihara. Russian translation by A.Diuranov. (Price $2).

6. A translation from English into Tuvanian and Russian of a small book by the Dalai Lama "Individuality and compassion" has been printed in Tuva under the title "The Goal of Life". In this small booklet His Holiness explains with utter clarity and reasoning why compassion is so inseparable from our human nature and how at any moment we can tap into and develop this birthright.

7. The International Institute of Tibeto-Mongolian Medicine and the National Library of Buryat Republic have prepared in Ulan-Ude the Buddhist series "The Mirror of Human Wisdom" (10 releases). There already have appeared: release No.0 - "Mahamudra" by B.D.Dandaron, and release No.2 - "The Foundations of Tibetan medicine" by V.N.Pupishev. You may subscribe by applying to the address: 670042, Ulan-Ude, Sahyanovoi st., 6, IITMM.