Thanks for invaluable preliminary discussions go to Dr. J. M. Roberts (history) and Mr. Desmond
Morris (anthropology). I also wish to thank Dr. B. E. Juel-Jensen (pathology) and Dr. Jack Cohen (biology) for factual suggestions. Anything sound philologically is owed to Professor Thomas Shippey; his lively enthusiasm has been of great help all along.
The globe of Helliconia itself was designed and built by Dr. Peter Cattermole, from its geology to its weather. For the cosmology and astronomy, I am indebted to Dr. Iain Nicolson, whose patience over the years is a cause for particular gratitude.
Dr. Mick Kelly and Dr. Norman Myers both gave up-to-date advice on winters other than natural ones. The structure of the Great Wheel owes much to Dr. Joern Bambeck. James Lovelock kindly allowed me to employ his concept of Gaia in this fictional form. Herr Wolfgang Jeschke’s interest in this project from its early days has been vital.
My debt to the writings and friendship of Dr. J. T. Fraser is apparent.
To my wife, Margaret, loving thanks for letting Helliconia take over for so long, and for working on it with me.