Chapter Eight


“So what is between you and Jezebel? You seemed like slightly more than mere friends.” Ian pauses to down some of the sickeningly strong coffee Jez has provided us with. “When you saw her, I saw the first real smile I’ve seen on you.”

“Jez and I go way back. We look out for each other. I suppose she is the closest thing to an actual lover I have. She is also my only real friend. It’s complicated.” I am not sure how Ian feels about my having a female lover. With a muffled giggle that turns into more of a snort, I pull a flask out of my jacket pocket and pour a healthy dose into Ian’s coffee.

“I don’t count as your lover?” Ian snatches the flask from my hand and takes a long pull.

“I am pretty sure you are even more complicated than Jez. I mean, until yesterday, we were lovers only in dreams. You are a decent lay, though. If you knock off all your chest-pounding, male-chauvinist ways, I might consider you.”

“I never pound my chest, I’m far too dignified for such behavior.”

My eyebrows arch practically into my hairline. “I have yet to see anything dignified about your behavior, Mr. Hawkins.”

“I assure you, I was quite a dignified gentleman until you started invading my dreams.” Ian wraps a hand around my wrist and pulls me onto the seat with him.

“See, there you go dragging me around again. You are a veritable caveman, you can’t deny it.” My heart does a funny little flip when Ian’s fingers close around mine.

“Only around you, my dear. You bring out the worst in me.” Ian brushes a soft kiss across my knuckles.

“Some might argue I bring out the best. A girl can’t resist a nice guy who’s a deviant in the bedroom.” I let my head rest against the rough wool of Ian’s thick black jacket. It is nice to be sitting next to a guy and still be relaxed. Not to worry about what he wants from me or what I want from him. As pleasant as it is, however, I have no intention of letting my free will be taken from me. I don’t mind keeping Ian as a regular lover, but I will still do anything and anybody I please.

“What are you thinking about so seriously, Angel?” Ian brushes a finger lightly over the wrinkle of concentration marring my brow.

“Why did you leave the commune again?”

“My mother left with me when I was just a little child. She didn’t want my fate determined for me. I am pretty sure she wouldn’t have done that if she had known I would die without you. She would probably have a heart attack if she knew a little minx like you held half of my soul.”

“Fantastic, when do I get to meet Mom?”

“Probably never, she isn’t speaking to me right now. My decision to devote my life to the pursuit of science didn’t fit with her plan for my life.” Ian’s eyes take on a mischievous gleam as the corner of his mouth tugs into a lopsided grin, “So, you are saying you want to meet my mother? That would imply a certain amount of seriousness on your part.”

“That isn’t what I meant at all,” I protest.

“Look, your mom wanted you to have free will and that is all I want too. Surely you have to understand that. I hardly know you, though, I mean, you seem like a decent guy and all.”

“Thanks,” Ian replies dryly.

“That isn’t what I meant. Jesus, you’re sensitive.”

“What you are saying is that you would be happy to stay with me so long as I don’t mind you going out and fornicating with others?” Ian’s face is devoid of emotion, not even a hint as to how he feels about such an arrangement.

“Yes, that is what I am saying. Speaking of which, I need to be getting to Jez’s sleeping compartment. It is time to pay up. Are you going to join us? Or sit here and sulk?

“Join you? Are you implying what I think you are implying?”

“You mean am I going to fuck her? Yes I am. I would be most pleased if you joined us, but that is totally up to you.” I begin peeling off the layers of Ian’s clothing that I have tied around me, my own clothes having been pretty much a lost cause, and once I am down to my natural state, I throw the jacket around me and cinch the waist in with a belt. With a wink at Ian, I saunter off to find Jez.