Chapter 6

‘What’s your name? Can he hear? Is he listening? Hello? Hey there. Your name?’


‘Okay, great, kid. Last name? Can you tell me your last name?’

‘He’s in shock, Detective.’

‘You don’t know your last name? How about your dad’s name? Do you know your dad’s name?’


‘Good, that’s good. And your mom? You remember your mom’s name? Hello? What’s your mom’s name?’


‘Okay. Okay. That’s fine. John and Momma. It’s a start, right?’

‘I don’t see how sarcasm’s going to help either of you, Detective. Michael, honey, how old are you?’

‘Four. And a quarter.’

‘Good, kid, that’s good. We need to figure out how to get you home. Do you understand?’

‘I think we should give him some more time, Detective.’

‘Time is of the essence, ma’am. Son, do you live nearby? Do you know – Hey, kiddo, over here. Look at me.’

‘I really think I should complete my assessment before—’

‘What town are you from? Michael? Michael? Do you know the name of the town you live in?’

‘The United States of America.’
