Epilogue: Nessantico
Nessantico breathed a collective
sigh as the army of Firenzcia melted away like a spring ice storm,
the Hïrzg returning to Firenzcia and his throne in Brezno,
returning to his wife who was, after all, a relative of the
Kraljiki and therefore still useful.
The Hírzg's daughter Allesandra
remained behind, in palatial imprisonment in the Archigos' Temple
where she waited for the ransom to be paid for her release—she
would wait much longer than she imagined. Hïrzgin Greta would
produce a healthy son for the Hïrzg not long after his return to
Brezno; having a new heir in hand would make the Hïrzg slow to pay
the ransom.
A descendant of the ca'Ludovici line
held the Sun Throne and ruled as Kraljiki—but Justi the One-Legged
would not rule anywhere near as long as his matarh had, nor would
his reign be remembered as anything but a disaster.
Archigos Ana the First ruled in the
temple, though another claiming the title of Archigos dwelled in
Brezno. The Concénzia Faith, for the first time, was sundered, and
some gave their allegiance to Nessantico and others to Brezno. The
two branches of the Faith would drift farther and farther apart in
both belief and temperament.
In Nessantico, the Numetodo gained
acceptance and even some prominence, and those professing to be in
their ranks would eventually be among the ca'-and-cu'. There were
even rumors that the Archigos took one of them as a lover, though
she would never marry.
The other countries of the Holdings
would remember how Firenzcia had nearly thrown off the yoke of
Nessantico, and they would wonder if perhaps they could succeed
where Firenzcia had failed. None would try, however.
Not yet.
Ebb and flow . . .
Nessantico: the city, the
Once there had been no city who could
rival her. She wondered now if that would always be true. She had
escaped the rape of invaders, but the reverberations of the attack
shook the empire from her center to the far borders, and their
echoes would linger for decades.
She knew that with age and prominence
inevitably come jealousy and risk. She was no longer invulnerable,
and there were rivals in the world who wanted what she had always
There was darkness, and forces
gathered in that gloom: in the west, she saw, as well as in the
east . . .
After twilight, there would inevitably
come nightfall.
She could not hold it back