The Wind of Love
I saw the trees waving outside and knew that a wind was rising. On impulse I stepped out the door, wanting to feel the soft air on my face, to enjoy the oncoming coolness of the evening. I had been working indoors all day, and even a brief change would do me good.
There was just a touch of moisture in the air, not quite a promise of rain. I walked down the street, letting the tensions of the day be blown away in the wind. There was something about an evening like this that made me want to become part of the elements; to drift over the ground like a dry leaf, coming to rest wherever I might.
I saw her standing beside an oak, windblown, smiling gently, holding out a small hand as though to feel the rain. She was not beautiful, but she seemed to be made for this scene; somehow she blended with the mood of the outdoors. I was attracted to her immediately.
"It won't rain," I said, coming to stand beside her. "It usually just spits a little and stops."
She turned to me with a quick smile that brought an unexpected thrill. "I know it," she murmured, and her voice was low and sweet. "I noticed the wind, and I came out to enjoy it.
There's something about it that makes me feel so—so elemental. It makes me want to sail up into the sky, like a kite, following the breeze. I'm being silly, I know."
I took her hand on impulse. "I feel the same way. It's such a refreshing change."
We stood there, hand in hand, though we had never met before. We shared the wind.
"Do you wonder," she said, turning her deep brown eyes upon me, "do you wonder what happens to a little gust of wind like this? I mean, it blows across us, loves us, now, then it goes on, divides, joins other winds, changes—do you think it remembers us?"
"We remember it," I said, acutely aware of her, so close. "That's what really matters."
Dear Jonathan,
This is better, but you still don't understand about titles. "The Wind of Love" is not a phrase to compel our reader's attention or seduce her imagination. However, we can take care of that editorially. You must also concentrate on plotting. There should be more opposition; the man must overcome some genuine hurdle before he achieves contact with the girl. Only then is the reward worthwhile and satisfying to our readers. Also, there should be some solid sin in it. Take care of these details, and give your characters names, and we should have a suitable story. Be sure to enclose your affidavit for the new title.